Vegetable Patties w/ Green Salad

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you know i was looking hard for an english rendition as beautiful as that and all i could come up with was vegetable patties but regardless of the name they are delicious patties made out of all of these vegetables let's begin with the potatoes let's fry some potatoes you best rice potatoes when they're nice and warm you know potatoes if you mix them too much they get very glutinous and very um sticky so you don't you don't want to do that this leaves them nice and airy and it's great kids love to do this i used to do this all the time when i was a little girl especially when we made gnocchi so this is done we'll put a little bit of salt potatoes are still warm they'll take in the salt and the next vegetables are the zucchini and you just shred it zucchinis are always full of water and these are patties so you want them on the dry side to fry well and i'm just gonna squeeze the water right out of this so get a a thin kitchen towel that is not too heavy and you just twist it get a little exercise in here so dee see they're nice and dry now and to bind this eggs are always the thing whisk them a little bit this way it's nice and homogenized put it right in the mixture here i have some lemon zest a little bit of lemon or orange zest would really refresh the flavor a little bit of chopped scallion breadcrumbs salt grated cheese that makes everything good and the cheese also you know it's a binder and let me shred some basil what other vegetables you can put shredded carrots in there you can put parsley and now i need to make the patties let's go right in there and you can see how these are great just with the salad like i will serve it also grate a snack great as side dish you put a big platter of these they'll disappear in no time so i will make the patties you can make them into a meatball but if you make the patties they fry better and you don't have to fry them as long this is a great job great job for the whole family get them involved get the kids involved there's a great feeling about tashi food it's comforting and you write to me all the time on my emails i said lydia we love the way you touch your food so you do it at home so here i made about half the batch i'll get somebody else to help me out i need a grandma's helper here so it's good you know the faster you get them done the easier it is a nice white pan i like olive oil i think you can mix olive oil and vegetable oil could you mix olive oil and butter you could butter has a lower temperature and you'd have to cook it a little longer when you put things to fry like that leave it don't move it right away around let it form that crust that's when things break up your panicky you're moving it relax let it form its crust and then we'll flip them over this is a slotted fish spatula but i love it for all fried things pressure it down so it gets a little bit more heat you get a little bit more crusty surface patience patience in the kitchen is very important i'm going to wait for these to fry finish making another batch and since no helper came i'm going to have to get back into it and we'll finish frying them and then i'll show you how to enjoy them italian cooking at its base is using the best ingredients you can find in the season using as few ingredients that you would need for a delicious dish and elaborating as little as possible it's about cooking well and then dressing the food well when it's at the table i'm finishing up the last batch of the patties now keep in mind they are crispy on the outside and when they cool off a little bit they get even crispier but inside is still nice and moist just a little bit of salt here while they're still hot and let's make the salad now i get asked all the time about dressings and dressings could be so varied so let's see what am i gonna have here vinegar some sort of acidity uh i like red wine vinegar of course good olive oil the ratio about one-third acidity two-thirds of the olive oil in this case i'm gonna emulsify a little bit with mustard and i like the flavor of mustard so you put that in if you add more mustard or even if you add little mayonnaise or whatever it will render it more and more creamy you can put here some blue cheese and you got blue cheese dressing i mean you know it's as simple as that let me put a little bit of salt here i have all very tender greens and you know you have to respect the texture of the salad you know you can't overdress it you can't uh put a real heavy dressing like on this tender salad i don't know if i'd put a chunky blue cheese dressing you know it would just kind of press it right down so you know again common sense in your kitchen you have it uh little chives so you can put the herbs in the dressing i'll put it right in here there we go let's toss it right in the salad and i think i have just the right amount of sometimes i even toss the salad back in there collect everything and what am i missing i know what i'm a single fresh pepper and that you put the last minute you know that's why you have peppermills on your table pepper has a lot of tannins and if you cook it it gives out bitterness but when it's like that the last minute it gives you what you want it gives you that peppery uh flavor and taste that pecan so pepper always remember add it on the last minute it is best okay so the salad is done so let's okay some are larger some are smaller we've salted them before so you don't need to salt them and these come to the table i wouldn't pile them any higher i would make another one or a bigger one i think this is enough and you know you want to make the presentation as inviting as the flavor so pay attention to that and i think i'm going to make a little lunch for me [Music] a little salad just like that that looks [Music] i wouldn't want to put them on top let's squash the salad let's put them on the side just like that i think that looks good if you're generous you can put two on the other side but i think for me this is perfect this looks like a great dish easy to make yes we love them the kids will love them delicious mellow velvety full of flavor full of flavor in the hat it has the crunch it really is delicious great balance so to go back to the beginning to my roots yourself
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 43,884
Rating: 4.9456153 out of 5
Id: _T6kOt5NTyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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