Lemon Roasted Chicken

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roasted chicken you know i always tell you it's about the products so make sure you get a nice plump rosy chicken that's been free range you know uh get all the good parts of a chicken uh a nice big chicken you know to roast you you want to have a three three and a half pounders four pounders is fine and you check it out let's clean it up a little bit it looks pretty good pat it dry let's put the wings right underneath you just fold it and and put it underneath like that salt inside out okay i like some lemon zest underneath the skin let's just make a little bit of room and you can go in just with your fingers and make a little bit of room and let's spread the zest right in there the onions inside [Music] let's fill it with the lemon that will let the aroma come out okay so that looks pretty stuffed to me let me put in a rosemary now we're cooking so we want to trust the bird well you can tie the legs just like that but otherwise you can make just a little hole right here underneath where the tendons are and then you just push the other okay so that looks ready to go the important things give it the flavor trust it nice and tight and then let's go to the baking part of it the roasting part of it dress the vegetables with the oil and let's dress the bird with the oil [Music] to salt the vegetables some wine [Music] it will steam permeate the chicken and then ultimately it will be our juices okay so this looks good before i put it in the oven i love when you come to my social media and you ask lydia questions and there are two questions here one is from theodora appling and one is from lisa vespaya from rhode island cranston rhode island so lisa wants to know is it better to rub the chicken with olive oil or butter before roasting lisa either one works butter will brown quicker oil will last longer i just like to cook with oil but yeah maybe towards the end even brushing it a little bit with butter would be good question from theodora is how long do you let the chicken rest once you pull it out well about 10 to 20 minutes you let it rest while you get all the vegetables in the sauce and it's done put it in a 375 degree hot oven and the chicken will take about an hour and a half with a meat thermometer in the thai it should measure 165. so if it measures 165 degrees that means that the thai the thicker part it is cooked so let's put it in the oven master class the perfect roast chicken always start with a good product a firm chicken free range is best stick with simple but good flavors don't forget to trust the bird to hold its shape use a heavy roasting pan and a bed of aromatics baste once or twice during roasting and remember to add liquid to the pan to make the sauce keep it moist and keep it from burning the chicken has rested for about 15 minutes it's ready to go we're ready to plate a little string beans something green with the chicken is always good let's make a little nest of the beans right here just like that okay take the chicken all the juices out and let's rest it right like this the onions look great you see cutting the onions in in big chunks like that that looks like a real vegetable mmm juicy good okay just like that and that's our sauce the sauce is made a little bit of rosemary just to bring back that aroma you want to make sure that you guests see it just like that that's beautiful you want to show it to them bring it to the table and everybody's going to clap brava and then we come back and we actually cut up the chicken let's cut the leg right down and you kind of just pull it off it's falling off the bone that's exactly how you want it um now let's cut the wings up and cut the tip off just like that and then we have the breast the skin of course right on and the way i like to cut the breast is you you kind of pry it open and just follow the bone underneath with the tip of your knife and slowly pry it open like that okay that's one breast [Music] so let's begin to plate it the wings grandma loves the wings maybe just a little bit of rosemary right here i want to taste it before i bring it to the table okay so the sauce is reduced and you can see there's not too much fat on it uh i would put just a drizzle of sauce not much the rest in a little bowl and serve it at the table okay here's a little piece that nobody will miss oh string beans but i do want a little bit of sauce delicious so let's taste a little bit of meat let me taste that first [Music] delicious perfectly cooked the aroma it's so simple the onions and the lime but the lemon comes from underneath the aroma of the zest and the juice the little acidity just kind of breaks into the sauce fantastico a little rose reforescore jose because i don't is it's full-bodied and yet it's light and fresh with the chicken it goes beautiful so i am ready to bring this to the table and i'm sure the table is ready to accept it and everybody to eat it so let's go
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 153,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wS9rWHz2NPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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