Grilled Shrimp with Arugula Sauce

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[Music] so we're ready to sear the shrimps uh in the shells by the way in their shells i love shrimps in their shells they have more flavor they keep moisture for you so you get buy your shrimps headless with the shell you take a serrated knife and you just cut right to the to the middle of the shrimp don't cut all the way through you open it up and you clean the digestive vein right here and you open it up a little bit and here it is you're gonna say do i need to wash it you really don't because if you wash it you remove a lot of the flavorings of the shrimp you know wash it in the shell before but then once you begin to open it up i am not so keen on washing it just make sure that you remove the digestive tract in its totality we need to flavor the shrimps because we're only going to sear it so let's crack some garlic cloves garlic is always good you can slice it but i crack it and just put it in like this okay take just a little bit of salt a little bit of pepperoncino i like it a little spicy if you don't then you omit and let's put in some thyme branches the essence of herbs is an oil and it lodges in the leaves so if you crush up those leaves you'll get more of the flavors out okay so how does that look smells good looks good toss in some oil [Music] let's make sure all the shrimps have [Music] some oil are coated with oil with a little bit of the pepperoncino the salt i'll put it in the refrigerator for about an hour so that the flavor really permeates the shrimps and let's go to the pesto the pesto is to pasta something in italian in this case it's some garlic arugula nice and peppery arugula so a little bit of salt in here and we'll keep the oil right here and let's okay so i think this looks just great like this just you know i don't like it too thin or too uh smooth but not too chunky either let's taste it a little bit mmm really good really peppery from the arugula enough salt and we're ready to go so let's get the shrimp [Music] their flavors really came out and we are ready to sear the shrimps we open them up just a little bit like this so they're ready to put in the pan we want the meat to be seared and then we'll flip them over [Music] while that's cooking you know a lot of you contact me on my social media ask lydia and i love it you know i love to share information so i love your questions because i want to answer them and here i have violet johnson from south carolina and she wants to know what is the best size shrimp to purchase ah violet i have an answer for you because shrimps come in many sizes and when you go to fishmonger you know the bigger the shrimp the more expensive it is and it is measured by its size so if you have under eight shrimps you ate that means that you have under eight shrimps to a pound these are those kind of shrimps can you imagine how nice and big and juicy but they're expensive these i would say are u15s maybe u12s to u15s again big shrimp and expensive these are you 20s to you 30s that's what we are cooking and that means that you get anywhere from 25 to 30 to a pound which is great and these are the tiny ones which are you know the least expensive but they're great they're great for salads they're great for pasta sauces so different size different price and just to ask for the number the size that you'd like so you want to flip them over and turn them you see the inside you want just a little bit of color now we want to do the the shells and the one thing you do not want to do to shrimp is overcook them so when do you know when they're cooked well first of all the shell is all nice and pink it turns pink the chances are that it is cooked uh when the meat inside if you're looking at it it's kind of a an opaque white if it's glossy and a kind of a grayish white that means they're not cooked but if they're an opaque white like that that means that it is cooked i think here we we are done and so as i said this is a great presentation to put on the table if you have a buffet you know just just this like this you put it in the center with a little bit of oil a little bit of salt and you put it on your table a little parsley and they can pick them with their hands and eat away but i want to do a little flavoring as i told you that's why i made the pesto so take the shrimp put it in the bowl take some of the pasta now i won't put all of the pesto in there you know you'll always have time to end whenever you're dressing anything there's always time to add so start lightly taste it and then you can continue okay okay there we go they look delicious so what i would say is that you put that on the table and what that will do as they're eating as they're peeling their shrimps they can dunk it in and get some more of the dressing a nice platter like that and yes you could be lining them up there you know this way in that way but i think you know food does not need to be manipulated shouldn't be over manipulated i think it looks great what do you think i think it looks great just as it is don't worry if it's not super hot i mean keep them warm warm are good this is one of those dishes that you don't need to have it super hot [Music] this looks very good what do you think could you make this of course you could would your family love it of course they would so you'll make it right okay so i don't know i'm ready should i taste one of course i will so this way i can tell you because you always tell me you know in your emails and i read them lydia we love it when you taste that you tell us exactly what the story is where it's at so let me take this beautiful shrimp right here and i'm gonna take it right out of the shell and you know this you have to eat with your hand so uh i would suggest that you put wet towels on the table and i think i'll take a little more of the sauce what do you think now let me taste it really delicious crunchy you have kind of you know you you like your salad sometimes with grilled things well here you seem to be having it all in one bite and it is delicious [Music]
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 63,882
Rating: 4.9018407 out of 5
Id: RBhstS2JcNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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