Chicken Marsala

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hey everyone is Gina I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make chicken marsala here's what you will need you will need thinly sliced chicken breast you will need mushrooms chicken broth sweet marsala cooking wine black pepper salt parsley flakes optional for the lemon you will need one small onion sliced thinly and make sure make sure that your chicken breast is sliced then for sure now over here on the stove I have some oil into my frying pan and I just have just enough to coat the pan all right but now I've put 2 tablespoons of butter and we want to melt this nicely once our butter melts we'll throw our chicken breast in and we'll start the process alright first thing that's so we'll let this I have this on a medium-high but let's go ahead come back over to our chicken just like so and let's get this well seasoned up you want to put some black pepper on there you want to put some salt and parsley if you all know me you know I love the color of parsley I put parsley on almost anything I make because it makes it beautiful there's that and not too much salt just enough but not too much because we're gonna season both sides ok so kind of pay attention to how much salt you use all right let's flip these over just like this and we're gonna season the other side salt pepper parsley flakes I'm not going to use you know how I usually use garlic powder but I'm not gonna use garlic powder in my marsala because I don't think that the garlic pairs up well with the marsala and chicken broth so I like to do salt pepper and parsley that's just enough cuz we're gonna have so much flavor this is the salt then I'm doing the other side with beautiful pepper I got my oil and butter starting and getting nice and hot over here in the pan beautiful and this is a very quick recipe very easy recipe everything that I make in this kitchen you all is so easy and yet so tasty you hear me all right here's this now let me show you what the oil and the butter is doing let's come over this way and you can see how we have a nice sizzle just like that that's what you're looking for okay and like I said that's on a medium-high go ahead and throw your breasts in right be careful so that you don't splatter oil on yourself and we're gonna aim to get a nice sear on these it's where they get a nice beautiful golden brown all right I'm just gonna put those in there I'm not gonna put too many in the pan at once and the reason why if you put too many in what will happen as you'll meet your meat excuse me your meat will actually start to steam if you put too many in so I have four pour in right now we'll zoom in so you can get a good picture beautiful once they start to get nice and brown on the other side I'll be right back okay everyone let's zoom in on our chicken breasts and you can see what it's doing so what should happen here you should have a nice you hear how it's sizzling okay and I should get a nice beautiful brown color it's not quite ready yet all right and you're not actually aiming to cook things you're just wanting to get that nice beautiful sear on there the golden brown color and then we're going to take it out and put it on the plate because we're going to re-cook just again we're going to cook it in a salt and my time we get done cooking it in the sauce it'll be completely done just perfectly okay so don't worry if the inside of your chicken is not done when we take it out okay like I said you're just looking for a nice beautiful golden brown feel all right once it gets nice and brown I'll be right back okay everyone now it's time to go ahead and flip our chicken beautiful that's exactly what we're one a few minutes we'll take this out and that's what you'll get with this recipe absolutely alright let's let that go for just a few minutes and I'll be right back okay everyone our chicken breast is ready to be taken out I'm gonna take it out you set it right on this plate back here and I'm gonna put our other see that I don't know if you can see all right give these other ones in and I'll be right back okay everyone this is my second set of chicken breasts that I have already turned these are almost done and I'll show you how to make our beautiful song you write that okay everyone all of our beautiful chicken breast is nicely sear has a nice beautiful golden-brown color now let's come over here to our pan all right we still have some oil and butter left in there and what we're gonna do I'm gonna turn my heat down just a little and now it's time to cook our mushrooms all right and I'm also going to put our thinly sliced onions in as well and what you want to do you always want to season every layer of your dish any time you're cooking so what we're gonna do I'm gonna put some salt and what this salt will do this salt and that's just a little bit what the salt will do is give it flavor and it will also droll out the moisture of the mushrooms and once that happens the moisture will come out and then you're gonna get a beautiful golden brown color also on these mushrooms after the liquid comes out and I'll show you that here in just a little bit okay let's pepper it and we're also gonna put parsley flakes on this as well all right and you're just going to let it cook okay I think I'm going to use a little bit just a tad bit of butter about a tablespoon let's how about two tablespoons okay that will help get these two seer or salt say I must say I'm gonna do a Mustang at the end of this video and if you don't know a Mustang is where at the end of the video you get to see me used to dip so that's what my plans are for the end of this video so make sure you stay tuned so I could let you know what it tastes like all right we'll just kind of let this go keep it on the medium-high and let it go and right now I can see where the the liquid is being pulled from the mushrooms and then I will also show you how we're going to get that nice sear after the liquid comes out okay be right back everybody okay everyone I'm back let me show you this beautiful color that we have on our mushrooms and onions they're not done yet but almost see that color that's what you're wanting you don't want you don't want them to be sometimes mushrooms if you steam them and you don't have your heat up high they won't get that beautiful color okay so make sure you have your heat up on high not high but a medium high all right so these are almost done and then I'm gonna show you how to deglaze our pan all right this is very simple few more minutes let's get a little bit more Brown almost mushrooms okay everyone let's look at our beautiful mushrooms and onions that's what I'm looking for see that right there that's what I'm looking for let me show you up close okay there's that brown color that nice sear that I was looking for all right and take the time to salsa let the water come out and then they'll get that nice sear on there all right so I'm gonna kind of scrape the pan just a little so those bits can come up a little bit then we're gonna deglaze our pan i when they keep all that goodness in the pan so I'm gonna scrape it off of there just like that all right now in with our chicken broth guys when you make chicken marsala you have to have chicken broth it gives it such a great flavor trust me when I tell you this okay now I've seen and I've heard that people make it without chicken broth and I understand that I totally understand that but when I make mine I like to use the chicken broth all right now what we're gonna do is we're going to scrape those beautiful bits those bits have so much flavor you hear me because you got the flavor from the chicken you got the flavor from the mushrooms and onions that butter and oil salt and pepper from the meat salt and pepper from the vegetables all right now here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna put a tiny bit more chicken broth just a little bit I'm gonna turn our heat up a little higher okay and with our marsala a half a cup of sweet Marsala never use dry marsala all right now what we're looking for we want this to reduce and what reduces is we're like if you have a cup it will reduce down to a half a cup okay so that's what we're looking for and once it reduces we're gonna put some butter in there and make it nice and thick okay I'm gonna go in with a little bit of parsley a little bit of pepper and I'm going to put my chicken breasts in okay and I can see where it's starting to come to a boil because you can see the bubbles okay keep it up wanna medium high and Nestle these right down in there all right just like that mm-hmm in this you don't have to bother it just let it reduce down meanwhile it's gonna make this chicken breast so tender and juicy and flavorful the flavor that is in this dish you are oh my goodness it's too absolutely die for now this little bit of juice that came from my chicken breast hey I'm throwing it right in there get right in there okay once this starts to come to a boil and reduce and everything like that I'll be right back and I'll show you okay everyone let me show you our sauce has started to reduce while I have the video on false all right and it's getting a little nice and thick and now here's what you want to do you want to put some butter in here put your some butter in there and that butter will give this sauce a very glossy look and it'll help to thicken it a little bit all right here's this and what I like to do now you can leave this part out if you want I like to put a little bit of lemon juice oh I just say so that it tastes so good whoa I like to put a little bit of lemon juice everyone in there that's enough not too much okay just enough to taste just a hint of it I'm gonna let this cook for a good maybe five more minutes we'll get this plated up and I'm gonna let you know what this tastes like check it out guys let me let me get in there so you can see look at this chicken marsala 101 if you've never tasted this make you some guys it's so simple all right five more minutes I'll be right back and I have some mashed potatoes on the side that I'm gonna pour this over all right see that and you can almost tell how thick look how thick this is you see that almost looks like a gravy well it is a gravy see how nice and thick beautiful and that butter that butter will do the trick you make sure you put that butter in there all right Nestle all your chicken breasts down in there turn it down now you can turn it down to low that's just parsley everyone I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back and you can see see how much is reduced how much the sauces went down all right let's go ahead and plate this up and I am going to let you all know what this tastes like put my mashed potatoes on my plate okay one second let's come over here to the plate my hands are impeccably clean I want to put those potatoes smack-dab in the middle of my plate because I want to put the sauce and my chicken right over top of that you hear me mm-hmm and make kind of like a little well right there in the middle telling you I'm really cooking in this kitchen I am really cooking in this kitchen you all all right let's get now my husband when I had the video on Paul's he came in here and took his plate and he ran out of here so fast so he's got his plate already all right let me go ahead i'ma get this one this one right here looks good to me mm-hmm all right put that right there mm-hmm now here's where the love happens mmm-hmm oh yeah all right let me get in that camera oh yeah all right make it some mushrooms and some onions I have a nice amount of sauce on there oh yeah look at this this right here this recipe right here is gonna blow your mind give it a taste guys oh I'm so excited okay I am all excited now let me get my vegetable right here put my vegetable right there on the side I don't care that the sauce gets on it that's fine with me we're gonna go to this table and I'm gonna let you know what it tastes like all right there's one dinner roll for me I'm looking at it again I wanted just a little bit more sauce Oh see that drizzle that drizzle does it for me guys that drizzle right there whoa hey that will probably be my picture for my video all right I'm gonna go to the table and then we're gonna get busy be right back ok everyone I'm back let me give you all one more look at this marsala look at that look at that look look look look look right there mm-hmm all right let's go god bless this meal thank you for feeding me another meal amen all right first thing I want to do let me get a taste of my potatoes these potatoes are calling my name and let me get a mushroom mmm so good whoo that's good mm-hmm I get a little bit of that sauce everyone and don't think ooh it's so good don't think for one second that this tastes like wine because it doesn't it doesn't taste like alcohol because the alcohol actually burns off but it gives it such a subtle flavor so tasty all right let's go I don't know if I told you all earlier in the video that a really good cook a friend of mine asked me have you did chicken marsala and I said no when he said you better do you a video for one and I said okay okay what good recipe thank you for that recipe well not the recipe thank you for the idea because this is such a great dinner mmm it's Wednesday night this is the perfect meal it was so quick didn't take me any time ooh you all this is so good and a few guys mmm if you like lemons squeeze you a little bit of lemon on there it's so good it takes it to another level you hear me mmm now the chicken breasts let's talk about this chicken breast this chicken breast is so tender mmm mmm this chicken breast is so tender your grandmom with no teeth can't eat this mmm she can't and it's so tender and how it gets tender is you get that nice sear on there and then you turn around and you let it cook in that sauce and the chicken broth and that marsala and you let it simmer oh it makes it so tender so good it's funny because when my husband came and got his plate literally like eight minutes later he was bringing his planer here he was done and it looked like seriously it looked like he licked the plate and look like he licked the plate hey hey if he did I totally understand cuz it's so good all right let's get I want to get the chicken and the potatoes look at that hmm bonus delicious okay I'm gonna give you guys a bite let me get some gravy on there some chicken right here guys take that bite right there right there right there bite right there mm-hmm mouth-watering mmm I'm so glad I made this so glad I made this recipe this is something that I've always known how to make I'm 80 years ago when I was a teenager but and I absolutely love it I don't know why it's never came to my mind to make this like this is one dish that I'll definitely keep you know like in my library for a quick meal that has a lot of taste mmm this is that sweet roll it's like a sweet Hawaiian roll you all know what I'm talking about I'm gonna show you this chicken ooh a little gravy and potatoes on there look at that guy's look right there chicken marsala 101 mmm get a little bit of my drink here oh that's good I've had that in the refrigerator mmm after I eat I want to turn on some music I'm gonna get ready for work tomorrow hmm I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my night mmm I'm gonna message the rest of you back everybody this message me today come on trying to best my best to message every person back that's my goal for every evening here's another piece of chicken look at that in that beautiful mmm mmm this is so good I almost forgot about my corn guys I love corn on a cob and I never forgetting about corn on the cob the chicken is so good all right guys let's dig in mmm I asked my son to take the silk off of the corn for me it doesn't look like he did a good job did it mmm that's what you get when you ax other people to do something for you right if you want it done right you gotta do it yourself mm mm hmm I love corn on a cob guys hmm if I wasn't on camera these kernels would be gone and only take me a minute to get through this cob taste my chicken again if you all enjoyed this recipe make sure you give me a thumbs up make sure you like share and subscribe mmm tell your family and friends about this channel if they like a good recipe or if they just like to eat give them my channel information so they can check it out mmm I love the mushrooms and onions so delicious whoo-wee mmm I don't understand how some people sorry guys I'm doing a video guys my husband is so loud why does he do that when he knows I'm making the video that's when he's on the phone yeah that's when he's always on the phone and he's so loud I accept his apology though he's awesome he's just loud it's okay I'm live in this kitchen no we're really living in here mm-hmm all right guys I want you all to have a good evening have a blessed night and God bless good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 19,138
Rating: 4.9098287 out of 5
Id: 7frGV-8MsVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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