Chicken Cacciatore - Chef Pasquale

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What kind of hot peppers does he use and are they dried?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/leeches 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2012 🗫︎ replies
tonight I'll make a homemade chicken cacciatore first thing what do you got to do with the chicken you got to wash really really good if you wash your little drain but before I start the put in my pot so they put me over I use take it out I want to make a show the chicken is nice dry hey you put another piece on the top and a try really good open up yeah put it back over here this it's really easy to make when I use a black pepper little salt illegal oil yeah I put a little oil on the pots on the bottle now washing my hands already I can talk to my chicken you make it's really good I put my that's over here I make it with the legs wings it ties okay now this up or my oven in the chicken cacciatore be ready one hour and a half it be ready for everything I put the chicken the other after shoulder the negative sauce for the cacciatore now this you go right straight in the oven the only got to be 400 degree okay now I started the sauce this is part the parts for the ketchup Dora I use a garlic yeah use of the onion a Mac at your total annual likely to be nice 10 a big piece okay not this where everything in the parts over here is my oil now we put them under stove and we start full-on give a little turn now they're on you fry you're like I like hot stuff a lot of people you know like a hot pepper you can use only black pepper I like the hot pepper yeah put inside like this oh yeah baby I use plum tomato now before you put the flowmeter man inside I like squeeze a little bit the plum this tomato now what you cook you got to use your hands and the light use blogs blobs it's more from me one time you wash everything this is so good okay look a nice another color God ever take yeah you know got a bit bored give it a little turn now we wait DC got a boil fair foul after this support of F our I got it I got a put the green pepper red pepper mushroom I like use the black hours a you use a little parsley okay now we look at the chicken let's see the chicken okay got a nice start there a nice color it before it's so cold the chicken the sauce boil it was a buffer maybe 25 minutes now what I do I got a color the pepper and emotional hey I put inside of the sauce we started with a pepper this is among the pepper what I do accordin I have ad got like this the red now we do the green one time at the pepper it's annoy cook we start the shrink a little bit okay now we put this to the pepper ketchup or sauce we mix a little update little boys by maybe 10 minutes of the pepper Jaeger prepare now the motion now before I put the mushroom I like the poor the black hours inside all right good okay now the pepperball for the mushroom and the mushroom make it cook more fast the pepper I pour the mushroom last I'd give a liver I give a little torn and borscht Rome and now we take the chicken out the oven okay now before I put this in the chicken like a charm little password all right now with they get a chicken out good in the sauce all right we pull back in the other by a foul you'd be ready now we check it by chicken cacciatore oh look a nice pretty beautiful okay now my chicken is ready we can eat the chicken only like this but we wouldn't make pasta we make orecchiette you can make any kind of the past that you like you make you use this sauce okay the pastas ready don't do it yet then and now we use the sauce put on the top okay mix would be the cheese okay two three okay let's test see if your dinner is good hmm you never was eating like this not test my chicken that's pretty good mmm chickens good job now let me test my oh yeah baby hmm ha but good
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 331,266
Rating: 4.8568854 out of 5
Keywords: orsara, puglia, di, Meat, Sauce, cooking, how to prepare cacciatore, chef, italian chef, cacciatore, how to cook chicken cacciatore, recipes, Recipes Cooking, how to make chicken cacciatore, easy chicken cacciatore, pasquale, chicken recipe, chicken cacciatore recipe, Cooking Show, how to make cacciatore, chicken, italian, sciarappa
Id: dwShc9sUTnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2012
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