Homemade Pizza from Scratch by Pasquale Sciarappa

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hello everybody today i want to show the make all make a pizza dough and i got all the ingredients in the front of me over here now for start i got this bowl over here and the first thing we do for the east the easter the water what i need for two cup and i have a flower i need one cup uh one cup of water and the water gotta be a little warm now i put a little water over here like this and i got the east the east i got one tablespoon east and we put right over here in the water and we literally stay the time because we put everything on this ball now i got the two cup and a half of flour i got over here one teaspoon salt 2 tablespoon oil and now we gotta make as an east a little bit with the water can you say hello to everyone hello hello everybody hello everybody good okay make a pizza with me okay now we put this right over here okay now what i want to do let me wash my hand before we start gargle mix by hand all right put everything in and over here this is the sauce i keep over here okay now i got the water and we start the mix now when you mix the water you put a little bit at a time because it's a maybe too much water you know use all but i use one cup and we say whatever before you start mixing can you show the yeast you have what are we using it's in a cabinet no no it's not on the left side now okay so mix here okay the east one we mix this i'll show what kind of the yeast we use now let's start to mix this somebody said they like jeremy's vid show cooking good thank you yeah thank you give a good nice reporter for my son jeremy ah it cooked good yes really good okay we mix this like that and now like i say the water okay and we mix no wine no no wine it's too early can you say hello to adi hello adi allo adi okay a little bit more water now this mix the pizza dough you got a raise you put on the cover on the top you can put a towel or something it gotta grow for one uh one hour let me wash my hands a little bit okay all right now i want to use a little flour yeah i want to put it right over here and i want to make this much a better and the board over here can you say hello to gianna and gemma hello john yeah like little girls they watching you a gema right okay you clean your finger okay all the pizzas you gotta go out okay if you gotta use fresh yeast how many you gotta use well the fresh yeast it's the same thing maybe a tablespoon you always need to dry uh can you say hello to john dean hello janine hello hello everybody paulie make your lasagna roll up absolutely fantastic thank you thank you for lasagna it's really really good everybody like everybody was a make okay now this let me take one of the dish yeah i put a little flour and a bottle put the pizza down tap a little flour not too much on the top like this and now i want the cover you can do it mixer if you like to yes you can do with the mix but i'll do like this gotta need a little extra size okay now this like i said you gotta stay one hour okay now we take everything out with me i'll take this out okay i'll keep the sauce over here get the water out yeah i want to wash my handle again well the oil container con we bought in france so it's like it was not available here all right now what i want to do i put a little flour over here hey i want to show that everybody after one hour the pizza dough stay and i want to show what it look like so beautiful okay now we put it right over here and we i got the oven and it's i put a 540 degree this is for one or two pizza well i make one but this is a two cup and a half the flour i make one kinda like the pizza the little bit thick but so you wanna make two you can do like this you put a three cup of flour and you put one tablespoon a little bit more the yeast and you can make it mean two by no camera like a big baking media pizza two million pizza for three cup of flour but i want to do this i like a little bit more take the pizza it's it's 107 afternoon somebody said can you toast it pizza dough toast like toast not toast oh how is the thing the toast like this yeah that's enough thank you look up beautiful look all right now if this it's the you put the pizza right over here on the top over here yeah i gotta use a little semolina and a bottle over here yeah the stone is in the oven already yes okay now i got my hair what it's already over here it's okay i want to put a little oil over here yeah i want to wet a little bit with the oil all the way around and make it across the more nice okay [Music] good now we got the tomato sauce this is my tomato sauce i also homemade tomato gaga over here somebody asked why you put semolina it no stick make it across the beautiful you make a nice crust and a barrel my grandkids love your bread thank you limoncello big heat perfect now i don't use too much sauce you want more sauce you can use more sauce now this is all make oregano i use and you spray all over the place like this but so you want you can mix some sauce but apple like that now i got the mozzarella can you say happy anniversary paul and rosanna 28 years unaware cersei uh paul erosana 28 yeah happy 28th they say you know put nothing on around more like all that no this is the crust you gotta come nice cow one well you can use sauce how many you like some it's all okay depends i put like a little cheese somebody said can you cut in the head and put in the freezer like this yeah the dough yes yeah and i put a little drop of oil the sauce is it's not cooked sauce it's a not this sauce when i make a sauce it's already cooked four hours this sits on a jar after i put on the basement and what i need i use it's the this is the jar i use look it's the sauce i made and you put in the jar and you keep it for one i got some sauce on the basement for three four years okay now this you gotta go good make a sugar when you put it inside the oven make sure that this is the semolina it's what you do you keep lose the pizza so you know for a knot the pizza sticker and wood good okay now it's a time let me take this out no it's just mozzarella and pecorino cheese mozzarella pepperino cheese now we gotta wait cut this be ready and we can take everything out i want to show that beautiful pizza come over here okay now let me clean this table no he's not in france no why you think i'm a friend yeah no no no no i'm over here america america america over here okay we get in the william sonoma store the pizza stone yes how long you will be cooking the pizza no no you gotta cook a guy i want to show with everybody no i got around 440 degree let's see yeah 540 540 degree and let's see what it look like look how beautiful close cooking i wanna close again i don't wanna you know why somebody asked me oh what is the east daylight it should be unless all on the top no it's in the past no this is t it's in the bottom should be okay but i got it like that or maybe it's here in this cabinet or he he made by himself this wood all right you have okay what's there it's the east i use okay okay very pretty okay good now we gotta see okay now i need the one this should he made by himself this wooden board it's a really good one i'm making good i was ascended down nice everything it's so good nice i like it but it's so heavy really heavy you know why i got into this slice of pizza i don't gotta go no place we make everybody all right i got over here what do you look like it looks good yeah okay i got a little wine started to change color or nothing well i cannot see really like that no i don't know beautiful is in look he looks so big and i am really good yeah this you can call it maybe cecilia pie but it's okay like no it's regular flour yes regular flour when you mix make a sugar mix nice everything in case you see a lot of that this is going to stay like i say one hour one hour this it be done yeah after we will have some limoncello with my pie apple pie i got a limoncello yeah we make a little limoncello [Music] well i'm sorry but you gotta wait a little bit the guy on the shoulder please wait i want to show what it looked like at the pizza i hope somebody started to make a pizza with the kids the kids in love with the pizza you know how many kids he showed to me the mega pizza you send it to me the video a little video it's a pasqual i make a pizza with the glass juice or something he said chinchin i said look at this really nice show the kids that make it the pizza after see you and i got too much the pizza dough what you do roll and make a breadstick in the kitchen love bread the steak it's really really good we bought this in a restaurant depot what the all the product yes i buy a lot of stuff over the restaurant you can freeze the dough also yes before cooking yes hello hello hello ooh beautiful okay you know what i want to do i want to take a little i wanna turn a little bit okay let's show it i wanna turn a little bit on the other pizza it's almost done looks good it's really good it looks good okay a mega pizza and shoulder to me the way i did it in the way all the the yeast the salt and the oil put it like i did cake come out really really good salute the chinchin you want to make a pizza you can cut it with a knife and i got this tools over here you can cut a like professional let me see i don't wanna burn in there oh it's enough huh it's good yeah beautiful okay let's take it out okay good one two and three all right we go over here i want to show let me see what it looks like too hot no yeah but i want to show okay this pizza it's not like it go right like this look underneath you can see yep it's beautiful well he's selling those apron on his website you can go and buy it if you like it two tablespoons oh look how beautiful huh erena she asked are you leaving something for her outside wash one it's too hot it's really hot let me do like this you know why let me take it let me take a fork boy it's so hot hot pepper and anchovies and really really good jeremy so he's standing up yes he's tending up look hey it's a standing upper pizza i want to say thank you very much the way everybody was awake the pizza be done thank you i want to say saluted everybody make this pizza and make it together with the kids because the kids are not i want to see somebody that sent it to me nice little video with the kids hey make a pizza i want to say everybody saluted and we see next time and thank you very much for the start thank you our fresh basil here you are all the fresh basil look i got over here yeah i was supported i forgot look at this oh i like this i go to the bay i put over there but i have tagarpura salud um okay thank you very much and again salute hey again thank you very much for the stuff you have thank you
Channel: More Pasquale Sciarappa
Views: 12,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef pasquale, italian recipe, pizza recipe, homemade pizza, pizza, orsara recipes, pasquale sciarappa, cooking show, pizza dough recipe, recipes cooking, italian recipes
Id: 4Itva7sE6xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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