Chicken and Rice - One Pot Meal - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making my version of my mom's chicken and rice this recipe has been handed down for several generations and we all adapt it just a little bit to suit our tastes and we're to start with a little bit of butter and I'm gonna go ahead and put that in my skillet and turn it on medium and get it preheated okay I'm only using about a tablespoon and we may have to add a little bit more as a chicken cooks but probably that will do it okay now when my mom made this she used whole bone-in chicken breasts and she fried it when my grandmother made it she boiled her chicken and used a whole chicken I don't use the whole bone-in chicken for a few reasons my family just prefers the chicken tenders and it's much faster to do the chicken tenders but they're also not as fatty and and greasy the skin on chicken has a way more fat in it it tends to make your rice oily if you're not real careful and because we're frying this chicken our rice is still gonna have plenty of flavor in it so the chicken tenders work out just fine and we are cooking this all in one pot by the way so if you're a fan of one-pot meals this is a good meal for you I have a little over a pound of chicken tenders here I think there's about seven and you want to do two to three chicken tenders for everybody you're feeding I'm gonna season it with a little lemon juice and a little honey and if you've watched my other videos you know I always put lemon juice and honey on my chicken I just think it adds a lot of flavor chicken without a little seasoning on it just does not have much flavor at all and the honey and the lemon really makes chicken taste good and it doesn't matter how you're cooking it and you're gonna need some onion I have it's a medium chopped onion probably about half a cup of onion there and I have a cup of long grain rice and two cups of water so I'm gonna fry my chicken and brown it with my onions before I add my water and my rice so let's take this chicken over to the stove you also have to have salt and pepper and that's just a taste okay my skillet isn't almost hot now you do not want to put chicken in a cold skillet you want to preheat your skillet and get your butter hot before you add your chicken to it okay my skillets hot now my butter is bubbling and I can add my chicken to it you want to make sure you get that chicken coated pretty good with your honey in your lemon and then I'm going to pour the rest of this here that's on my plate in my pan I also you want to make sure that you put your chicken in your pan before you put your onion in your pan because if your onions on the bottom your own you'll actually start to burn before your chicken starts to brown and that's not good okay add a little salt and pepper and now we're just going to put a lid on this and we're going to let it sit here and cook on medium until the chicken starts to brown the onions will start to get really opaque and once this side of the chicken Browns then we're going to turn it over and brown the other side just a little bit and then we'll add our water and let it simmer for a little while and then add our rice we'll be back in just few minutes and we'll check on our chicken when it starts to brown our chicken has been cooking for almost thirty minutes now and you can see our onions are kind of starting to turn a little bit Brown and I'm hoping that means that our chicken starting to brown just a little bit but not much you do want to get it just a little browner than this thank Brett really won't eat it unless I get it a little bit browner than that now that piece there don't look too bad but most of it definitely needs more browning on that side I'm going to turn it over here it's not going to take long from this point you want to get your onions and your chicken and everything Brown but you don't want to burn it and it will burn pretty quick at this point if you're not careful when my kids were growing up I had to make this in a Dutch oven that was the only pot that I had that was big enough to cook enough in because they loved it so much this was probably their favorite dinner and I'm actually making this video for my second daughter Jackie this was her favorite meal and she has not had this since she left home about six years ago and her birthday is in a couple of days so hopefully we're gonna get this video editing and up in time for her birthday and Jackie I just want you to know that no matter what your daddy and I both love you and so does God and we always will happy birthday Susie I really hope you enjoy some chicken this year now the onions are really starting to caramelize my chicken is browning nice and when I started this video I said that my mom always used whole bone-in chicken breasts when she did it and it really is just a matter of what you prefer taste wise but this recipe is a prime example of what I talked about a lot of videos of adapting recipes to suit your specific tastes we don't like all the grease that's in the skin of the whole chicken breast I do sometimes use whole boneless chicken breasts when I make this but everybody just seems to prefer the little chicken tenders better and if you have a small piece of chicken it's really easier to get the meat flavored because like I said to chicken without any seasoning on it just is not it's not a tasty meat on its own it has to have something to season it with the salt and pepper and the honey and the lemon and the onion or what I use but whatever you use you get more flavor in your chicken when it's a small piece of chicken and this is gonna have plenty of flavor you don't need all of that in the skin the onions are gonna make the broth on it if they're gonna give it a lot of flavor they're gonna give it a lot of color and the chicken will - for my taste this just has plenty of flavor and it's not as greasy and I prefer that also where I've been cooking this about 30 minutes if you are using a whole chicken breast you would have to cook it at least an hour to get it to this point and you can see here I've got quite a bit of brown stuff in the bottom of my pan and that's nothing to worry about it that's going to give us some color for our rice and it will add a lot of flavor to the rice but at this point I'm going to add my water and I want to cover this and let this simmer another 10 minutes maybe before I add my rice and what that's going to do is that's going to kind of make the chicken a little more tender and it's also going to get all that flavor out of the bottom of the pan and it's gonna absorb the onions a little more to give it a little more flavor you don't have to let it simmer a real long time but I do like to let it simmer you know about ten minutes or so and you also want to add a little salt at this point just for your rice it just depends on what you like anywhere between 1/2 teaspoon and a teaspoon of salt I wouldn't get too carried away because you can always serve a little salt on the side and people can add it to suit their specific tastes on the table and I want to add a little bit more pepper to season the rice and if you like you can add a little bit more butter but what I've got here actually looks pretty good I can see some fat on top of my water that's from the butter that I added and there is a little bit of fat even in the boneless skinless chicken breast so I don't think I'm going to add any butter to this but I'm going to serve a little butter on the table so people can add a little butter on top of the rice when they eat it so just cover it leave it on medium and let it simmer like I said for about 10 minutes and then we'll come back and add our rice my chickens been simmering for about 10 minutes now and you can see here this is an absolutely beautiful brown color that means my rice is really gonna have a lot of flavor in it so we're gonna go ahead and add our rice and you'll see here how some of my rice is on top of my chicken you really cannot leave it like that you've got a stirred up and you've got to get the rice or I'm sorry you got to get the chicken on top of the rice because what will happen if you don't if you have rice sitting on top of your chicken and the chicken under the rice is as the rice cooks it will lift the chicken up out of the water and if there's pieces of rice on top of the chicken they will be dried out and won't get cooked and you'll have little crunchy pieces of rice mixed in your chicken and rice and it'll really ruin the whole dish in just a few pieces and they'll be so hard you can even bust a tooth on them if you're not careful so make sure you get the rice all off top of the chicken and the chicken will kind of float on top of the rice that looks pretty good there and at this point are you gonna do this put your lid back on you want to turn it down a little because you don't want it to boil over and it will want to add the rice and you're gonna set your kitchen timer for 20 minutes because this is long grain rice and it has to cook for 20 minutes and you just let it sit there with a lid on it 20 minutes and then we'll come back and check on it now when the timer goes off if all your water is not completely absorbed you just turn the heat off and let it sit there and it will continue to absorb the water but you don't want to take the lid off of this or anything while that rice is cooking because if you do the rice won't get done okay my timer has gone off and I can see through my lid that my water is all absorbed and my rice certainly looks done give it a little stir here to make sure it's all absorbed and it is you also want to stir it up because you can see there's still some Brown stuff left there on the bottom of the pan and I want to mix that up in all the rice not just the stuff on the bottom and all my onions are on the top I want to get those mix in with all my rice not just what's on top it certainly smells good and it takes right at an hour to cook this with the chicken tenders and like I said if you want to use the whole chicken breast like my mom did you certainly can do that you could even use a whole chicken I do like the fried far better than the boil the taste is much better but it's just kind of up to you how you want to cook it and this is a prime example with a recipe that has been modified to suit the tastes of the people who are eating it so modify it six your taste that looks really really good and I said this will feed three maybe four people it actually probably should feed four people but it will not feed four members of my family because they really like it so much this would probably do three people and I always serve this with some steamed vegetables the flavor in the scene steamed vegetables really complements the flavor the rice and the flavor of the chicken and the rice is really tender a lot of people have trouble with long grain rice but if you set the timer and you keep the lid on it okay and you time it for 20 minutes it usually comes out for me I usually don't have any problem with all getting it to come out but will really appreciate y'all joining us in the hillbilly kitchen don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and we'll see you next time
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 58,226
Rating: 4.9134078 out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, chicken and rice, chicken & rice, how to make chicken and rice, chicken and rice recipe, baking, fried chicken and rice, frying, Recipe, Cooking, chicken dish, rice dish, Chicken Meat (Food), Rice (Food), chicken breast recipe, fried rice, chicken fried rice, stove top chicken and rice casserole, chicken and rice casserole, comfort food, stove top casserole, easy recipe, one pot meal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2015
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