Intermediate Chess Lesson: Counter-Play and Calculation

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this is um i i recommend that like this if you're  just shutting down e4 is the simplest approach   this is technically not correct but it's it's you  know if you plug it into the computer what it's   going to tell you is that white's best moves are  like this so it's just going to say that white's   best plan is to play into the stonewall dutch so  if that's the best that white can do you're fine   don't worry shutting down e4 is the most important  thing now if you do this they can play e4 now   you're not going to be able to get your dutch  because this is like this is the last thing that   you want to allow yeah because you can't develop  your knight and you can't put your bishop here   um what sexy diagonals right i mean why this game  is important to look at us because you actually   you played not into your stonewall dutch you  messed up your opening a little bit when you   played knight f6 like the better thing to do here  just go here and then f5 easy okay so f5 night out   and then you have your stonewall dutch this is not  a very scary setup but whatever you played this   bishop f5 this is like your reverse opening right  you usually play this with white yeah so i don't   know what this is uh oh i guess you were trying  to castle queenside so you developed like this   but here nothing complicated just go for a short  castle yeah i just i didn't obviously i i don't   know see i don't understand how much things like  worked but like i didn't know if it was worth him   sacrificing his uh the reason that's not the  reason i don't understand this because i was   afraid of him going on the f7 pawn and i was like  do i stop him from doing that so i still have the   opportunity to castle so if you think that  this was like some master plan from this   point when i brought that queen out there i'm  gonna break your heart because i was just like   i don't know if i wanted to do that you know  well i i like this i like that you recaptured   with your epon that's that's that's exactly how  you're supposed to do this you had another game   where you took with the c pawn so it's better  when they take you to take with the e pawn   with black and the stonewall you keep this kind  of like dragon scale of pawns and then you open   up the e file when you make that trade so uh but  then in this position you didn't take the knight   so maybe it wasn't the master plan maybe you just  didn't want to allow the queen to be attacking you   yeah because what you did is very logical  you were like my bishop isn't out yet so   i'm gonna develop it but you have a lot of  games where early on you can you can punish   the opponent because they just do stupid stuff  um but solid okay what does that move attack   it attacks this pawn right so we just want to  shut down these one move mistakes like if you   can minimize your one move errors you'll  be unbeatable in pogchamps because that's   you know ninety percent of games will be decided  like that's i don't know i don't know if that like   well i i know so just trust me okay so well i  hear i heard you're saying that to 200 people   this week watching your stream yeah well hey  the same advice goes to all of you man um   but if everyone does it though well then it's  going to be good it's just going to make for   good like good games um you know like the the  most famous clip is obviously the six move win   um which is like everywhere from the last  pogchamps but like we don't like we don't   want that like even if if coaches like as you said  are going to prepare each other for the opening   we're not going to prepare you know traps where  you're supposed to win in like seven moves   because that of course not if anything that'll  just discourage people so you know what i mean   like it's uh it's easy to sacrifice like one  person like that but um okay but here here here is   why this game uh is so brilliant um you lose two  pawns the guy just like starts you know jumping   in on the queen side um and then here you played  a really nice idea so you you got triple forked   and you remember this this wasn't happy about what  was going on here i'm not gonna lie i feel like i   took ages to eventually find a move i don't know  if you can see the timing but i think there was   like yes i usually move in like a few seconds  and i feel like i took ages to like eventually   because my queen gets like almost trapped at some  point if i remember this game yeah yeah well uh he   you know he he jumped in with the knights the  reason why i like this game a lot is because   it's this this game is literally exactly like  a good game of of chess or or sport or anything   like that like you you screw up you give up a  you know point or two and you start fighting   back like technically the best move here for him  is to change his approach and to take this rook   because he but but he you know he sees his queen  is under attack he misses it so he takes on a7 you   find that you can take this knight and then you  recapture b3 you brought your queen down to attack   his bishop which is great now here um there's a  tactic hidden in this position that i wanted to   show you uh use your puzzle solving skills checks  captures attacks what do you play here with black   how do i play with black chex captures  attacks uh i can't check him right now without   putting my queen on the line  which doesn't seem to make sense um i don't know the only like  maybe bringing my bishop to the tree but like i think he just moves at  one place well careful careful wait a second   oh yeah sorry my queen's under attack sorry  excuse me um so it has to be a queen move yeah there's only one queen move in the entire  position which attacks the piece directly and and once you see this you  will see this pattern forever i mean like the same position that i was going  to go with the bishop attacks is but it's like   it doesn't he just moves it you know well no  it's not even it's not even an attack right it's   just that you see the rook but you're not really  threatening to capture it yeah how about this rook how am i how can i not notice it because  it's very subtle because the queen   oh cause i just come back one piece yeah and  he's actually got no way to save this guy   because yeah and it's it's a weird position  because he's got two bishops in the way   like normally you know he just moves a bishop and  it's guarded but he can't do that so lost in all   this is that this move literally wins you a full  rook like not for anything just a full well his   best move would probably be to go here actually  just give away the bishop and then defend but you   win a bishop that's like right yeah so but this  kind of rook trap in the corner you will see this   like this does happen with bishops like rooks just  randomly get cut off like that but here is where   like i said the thumbnail the thumbnail this is  this plan that you made was absolutely genius   that's what i said when i was looking  through your games i was like holy   hell this is like this i also do it on purpose  and i hope when you ask me what i've done   so in this position uh first things first  how do you evaluate what's going on here   like who has a better position or like can  you not even tell who has a better position   what like well i feel like my pieces are better  developed than my pieces yes like you're down   you're down material but as you just  said you got a lot more pieces playing   yeah you are also not going to win this game on  this side of the board there is nothing to be won   there he's just gonna march his pawns yeah so you  like you might not think that you put all all your   you know all your thoughts together here but you  played a like you played a brilliant idea as far   as i'm concerned you played h5 like if you plug it  into the computer it's going to be like well you   know that's not the most accurate move actually  the best move is to go here which attacks this   pawn also puts like but this is great because  you're focusing where you're stronger i don't   know why the computer's an angry british person  but um h5 is a is a fantastic move and now the guy   plays bishop a4 because he he doesn't really see  that you know this plan is doing anything this is   not under attack and you just continue chugging  along trying to weaken his light squares now he   could have stopped you from coming forward at this  point i would have sent the second pawn yeah like   i would have gone here and here just try to chip  away at his king's defenses but he lets you in   all the way he took removing his only active piece  from the game but it's gone like this bishop isn't   getting anywhere his rooks are trapped and then  just h3 like and now black is completely winning just straight up completely winning like you might  not realize it but no i do because obviously if   he pushes the bond i just go up one space with  my queen i don't know if that's what i did but   i hope i just here i just sorry no obviously i  don't visualize it as well obviously now i can   just go in and check right yeah it's actually  funny because in the game you did go here oh   i didn't want to show this part but dude you did  everything i mean you did everything it's like i   don't know i don't know why i got like looking at  it now it makes absolutely no sense but i i would   imagine it was just i don't know if i had like  maybe not a lot of time left at this point because   a moment ago i even said it when his pawn was  there i didn't visualize going on to the g2 square   i was just like i've got to move twice but i know  but you dude it would i mean this was when i saw   this i was like holy hell like you you blundered  and then it's the kind of blunder that screws   everything up because this falls this falls but  you just you like you didn't tilt i mean you just   fought back took your chance and then here you i  mean like the hand of god guided your play like   h5 h4 you you spotted where you were you know you  had a peace majority you went you attacked the guy   traded off his only active piece and it was if  he had pushed and prevented me from doing this   it's just to bring the second pawn in like  just straight away just start marching up   the board of the pawn well yeah i mean he could  have put up some resistance so for example he   could have played like this move right that  attacks your queen you can't take that but   then you just hang around like you hang around  like this pawn weakens some stuff you play h4 h3   it would have been harder you know but you made  a plan and he didn't do anything to stop you so   whatever like you know um i know like i don't know  how you feel about that maybe you're like well i   wanted him to play his best and i want to be no  no no i don't think that when i'm like this was   one thing i said annie yesterday because like i  think honestly anna broke down things amazingly   just like yourself and uh but she was she she was  explaining one thing to me and like she was like   she was obviously teaching me like you know  the best way to play she was showing me a   move that the opponent could do and i  was like did he find this in the game   because like what you're showing me that  he could do to me i would never ever see   and i'm not saying that like that's like  i know that's like a lazy way it's like   trying to like cheat the system and like you know  just not quite doing a six move checkmate at the   beginning but it's still like not learning like  the best principles or whatever it but at the same   time like i don't think during pogba i want to win  pogchamps you know i'm not like planning on being   a grand master in 15 20 years or something um  so yeah i know i'm happy for you to just be like   this is what you should do because people might  not react well to it yeah general practice like   you've heard me say this already if you've  if you've been watching any of the other   other lessons it's like kind of the same it's  like uh chess instinct is i give you a position   you should be able to tell me like what's going  on that's actually what i'm going to do i'm going   to go back through some of the puzzles later  that you got wrong at some point and talk about   answer them wrong that's fine you you dude you  won't realize like you do puzzles that are like   several hundred points above your rating sometimes  it's just what happens like you just have not   learned that pattern you haven't learned that  concept like trapping this rook uh you're about to   see that that rook trap idea in a totally separate  game um hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna invite you to   another board i wish i could do this you know we  just see all the all the games in one place but   um now it's just basically gonna  take you a large chunk of games   to uh to kind of understand what's good and  what's bad like throughout the first course of   the game so for example this is the game you just  played look familiar yeah well i lost it but i do   remember it well i i actually i went to announce  this board just before i came on call with you so i like the london early i like the early  bishop f4 i find it to be the most flexible move   because you might think well i don't i mean  let's just move too like how is there any   advantage because you already know what  black is gonna do if black plays like this   you know that black is just gonna play this like  standard stuff they're just gonna like pawn in the   center you know pawn in the center bishop etc and  then you can play like your usual setup with e3   knight f3 knight d2 the way you usually do right  however i just i didn't know what i was meant to   do against this i even said it there like it was  only what 40 minutes ago like when i bring out   the night i wasn't sure what was best i just said  like it feels natural to bring the bishop well i'm   gonna show you a weapon if if they show you in the  first two turns that they're going king's indian   which is what he's doing right he's  going you know pierce king's indian   uh don't go knight f3 you're gonna  change your entire strategy here   so play the move knight c3 okay yeah yeah  i want you i want you to get familiar so did you move it yeah oh that's so weird yeah  there's some sort of glitch if i draw an arrow   and then you make the move it doesn't  show up okay weird so your whole idea   here is that you're gonna try to take the  entire center you're gonna try to play e4   okay you're switching it up on  them so go ahead take the center   and you're trying to play for queen here  and long castle do you understand why   um well if i long castle it brings my rook onto  the the d-file and it's like more attacking yeah   you're moving your king to the left and then when  black goes this way you're just gonna launch your   pawns like you're not gonna let the guy develop  every way that he's supposed to in the king's   indian you know the way you learn no we're just  gonna like try to kill so okay um you say okay   well what does that look like all right so go for  the plan clean up castles you castle life is good   now a lot of people here they you know they're  taught that when you castle on opposite sides   you can play like a6 to try to play some sort  of b5 um which is you know it's not incorrect   uh at this point you can play something like uh i  like to call this the trampoline you know because   you need to jump once to get higher so we're gonna  start with this move what's the idea of this move   this is this is step step one of the pawn attack  what's this knight can't take the bomb well   you're thinking very defensively i'm  covering that square because who's gonna go   oh no i meant that like so tonight like when we  moved to the g4 with our pawn like his knight   can't just like oh you went this way okay good yes  i was like don't worry about this pawn no no no no   no no yes g4 h4 because i mean yeah you i mean  that it's actually not even that bad but but it   will just get taken but yes f3 and then you know  g4 h4 h5 uh conceptually speaking like let me just   let me just play a couple of silly moves uh in  this position i i just hope we're on the same page   i mean again i'm i'm making yeah you're making  it easy yes but but i want you to understand   what are you gonna do at this point you're  gonna take her push i'm gonna take yes   because you need to open the rook like like  pushing is fine you get a big space advantage   um but you're not you're never attacking not  getting in at the king yeah yeah yes so you're   gonna do something like this look at how amazing  your position coordinates that queen you moved up   now you're always eyeing to go there would it ever  make sense to uh no i was so would ever make sense   so in this position so after he takes on uh yeah  does it ever make sense to throw your bishop into   that's a hundred percent another idea of this  position um i would love to tell you which one   is better than the other um i mean that's what i  would have done like because i brought the queen   you could do it as early as here by the way  like yeah but you know the only drawback is   that you you you do still need to castle before  you start this attack um but you can win very   quickly like you know people are not supposed to  take like they might yeah i just want you to get   castled and then go you know start going on your  on your attack f3 g4 this is great if your queen   gets here it's like borderline lost already for  black um because you know you're you're that's   it like how like how does he kick your queen out  for example again if you stop this move knight g4   how he can't how does he remove your  queen like good luck you know so   and then you're just going to do this so this is  a new weapon you play bishop f4 on the second move   and then you see oh is he playing kings indian  nice i'm going to play knight c3 now you could   knight c3 queen d2 and then start yes council  push pawns yes take take the entire center even   if i'm sorry yeah i forgot i forgot about e4 even  like you could do it immediately if he allows it   if he allows it um if he stops it all right let's  go to plan plan b just queen d2 castle um actually   my favorite variation against d5 is a very  early h4 i'm just going to show it to you   just so you see it you could decide if if you like  just moving your queen up you're cool with that   i mean yeah i mean you're telling  you're telling me i can decide but   i will do well to remember this uh okay from  one go i i get that i i like that i understand   the general idea now i'm sure i'll make some  mess-ups but i understand that when he starts   doing this i want to like castle alongside  and start getting my pawns on the board and   the queen acting so like i understand that concept  so like but like deciding whether the h4 is better   like i don't i don't know i'm not gonna have a  strong preference well this this can be you may   win a game just outright like this so i'll i'll  show this to you he stops e4 you say all right e3   okay that's counterintuitive to me because now the  queen house yeah yes yes yes exactly which is why   i'm leaving you know queen d2 if if if you like  it more you know optically speaking uh because you   actually get to trade off that bishop by all means  by all means um but here i like this early move h4   and so black really should stop you from  going h5 because something like this could   happen you play h5 black goes huh idiot like  i'm guard like he's not gonna he can't take me   yeah so so you're gonna take him and he's  like what so this position is already lost   for black like move move eight this is  lost i would struggle to find out um   the problem i don't there's obviously puzzles  i think i said to you just before obviously   in puzzles i find the the queen sacrifices and i  find the um exchange cycle sacrifices a little bit   more freely because i understand that this  i don't calculate all the way i just like   have a general idea that the piece is like aiming  towards where like the danger zone is and i just   like sacrifice it and then work it out um but  like for me in game to like start doing these   sacrifices like i feel like it's a little dicey  because i had one the other day where i thought   i sacrificed the queen on the back rank i like  pre-moved it and then like it wasn't a checkmate   like he had a way of defending it so like i don't  know if i want to like introduce like too many um sacrifices with like large pieces um under the  assumption that i've definitely got a checkmate   coming because like me seeing like five six  moves in the future is something that i i   don't know if i would confidence want to do if  it's like you know a big game during pogchamps   yeah yeah yes i no i i totally understand it's  like uh you wanna you wanna maximize your chances   of winning and minimize your chances of uh you  know doing something ridiculous i don't mind   looking like an idiot because i think pogchamps  like i don't think myself too serious i don't   have an ego when it comes to chess and like just  gonna be moments where i mess up i understand that   but like i don't i don't particularly want to  be like we're sacrificing the queen let's go   it's all over gg and then it's just like oh yeah  just ruined any chances and we are now yeah it's   a tournament and we're in the loser bracket that  all my community are going to laugh at me for the   rest of my time but yeah well yeah you you don't  want to be the mon uh you know the the kind of   pinnacle of the montage for pogchamps 3. that's  not a leak i'm just assuming there will be one now   this game well no no it's like hold on if we are  doing that you we've sacrificed oh to go back   a moment okay as we've done a sacrifice our rook  and now i don't quite see how we're finishing just   i can see he's like very vulnerable um all right  well white to move make a threat okay okay um   got this i put the bishop on five bishop e5 sorry  sorry no i bring the queen in one minute oh sorry   we can put the bishop if we're  moving the bishop we can put on h6   that's a nice move all right keep thinking keep  going that's a nice move but you got better   i've got better with the bishop i've got  better because the queen first make a move   that threatens mate on the next move  bobby trenton's mate on the next move   i feel like i need to move twice um i need  to get something on the h5 i don't see it   while your queen is targeting  this guy so just get some help i don't see about a rook i could go there i would  obviously see it um oh sorry the bishop on f   yeah file go to d3 yes very nice and hard to see  dude no you got it why is it hard to see because   it took you 40 seconds yeah because i don't have  40 seconds in game potentially well you know   looking at your puzzle solving i don't think  you ever spend more than a minute on a puzzle   oh no i don't i don't you know in the in the  history of me watching you uh play the game uh   play play your puzzles so yeah it's usually on the  five minute break i know it's excuse i always make   um but i don't find i don't think it's  entertaining when it's a five minute   segment for me to spend it all on one puzzle  aha that is fair yes uh i always it's actually   like when i when i'm when i'm coaching when i  was coaching full-time i would tell people like   go 10 out of 10. i think i've told that to  you i like i don't care how long it takes   just go 10 out of 10. but obviously if you have  a 5-minute break and then you know you got to   go win like hundreds of millions of dollars in  poker it's only tens of millions left people like   all right all right yeah but then there's you  know like the side action and you bet your car   or whatever they do in james bond oh dude i've  you know i've put my my house keys on the line   many a time i might not own a house and i pull  off my uh you should put up someone else's house so uh but yes bishop d3 and then the only way to  protect us with black would be to push this pawn   in the way it just gets in the way and that's it  um but okay then you're gonna bring the knight   to help the queen the reason why this position  is so winning is because white has a ton more   development just like in the last example that  we saw where you were down a rook for a piece   and when knight comes out you've got five pieces  playing the rook you're also gonna castle so let   me just like show you what that looks like just  optically and every piece you have is attacking   yeah so everybody's saying guys what what are you  on about everyone's saying pawn h6 and you're just   gonna take this just helps white what are we doing  here don't no i mean this just helps that you lose   the last shred of defense so black has to play f5  um castles rook is coming uh obviously you know   just like in the last game that we saw being  in a winning position doesn't necessarily mean   you're going to win the game but when you have six  attacking pieces and they have one defender good   things are going to happen yeah yeah that makes  sense maybe maybe we'll uh maybe we'll sacrifice   the rock at some point then we'll scream for levy  as if we're going into the bottle maybe that's   well um but like you had a you had another so so  this was actually how the game went right you have   like a very good position from the opening you are  a little bit better a little bit more developed um   central space i like this move just a solid move  now here here here is the big first moment of   the game the move that you play isn't isn't  a bad move by any stretch of the imagination   but my general advice for you is going to be uh  if you can take space and have a space advantage you should do it so when i when when when i like  in the game you play bishop d3 which defends the   center but when i say space advantage what do  you think i'm talking about i would just like i   kind of obviously i didn't remember what i've done  um i assume pushing straight through yes yes and   whether or not this is the engine stop preference  is not not necessarily the most important issue i   remember why i didn't do it though so you can  break it up okay tell me so i was obviously   worried that if he came forward with his  uh knight and then i took it back with his   knight then he would push that pawn uh and  it would be attacking my knight again and   i wasn't sure if i was losing the piece so okay  i take it he takes there and now he's attacking   my knight and i wasn't sure if this was obviously  that pawn's not very supported so maybe it's just   like being afraid of nothing and but i was just  like not sure if i wanted to make him give me give   him the option to make me move my knight again  before everything else went down so this is yeah   you you you correctly saw the  variation that he could play   but you mis-evaluated it uh which which  like that's chess you know like you uh   this this is not scary so where would you  move your knight now to just straight up go   after the spawn i'll go to g5 yeah knight  g5 oh sorry an h5 or even knight t2 now   here you're going to have to remember a rule of  chess why does this move not defend this pawn i'm going to every other chest i should know  yeah on poisson oh man i was talking to anna   about it yesterday uh-huh we need we need a  gentleman's agreement we need to talk to some   people we need to get rid of the ambassador  it's very rude so no no one person in park   champs like on poisonous ottawa i was hoping  i don't know if there's a i don't know if it's   an option and i don't know if even people would  want it but i think in game chat with people and   i can just ask them politely at the start of the  game and remind them gently if they're about to do   it that ambassador is very rude and i'll be asking  for their mission for the rest of pogjams because   how are you supposed to see that it's the  rules should be rewritten like anna told   me that it was the last rule added somewhere  i can't remember exactly what year it was done   i think she said it was 1800s and i was  wondering maybe they're experimenting a lot   with mushrooms or something they want to be able  to teleport their pieces and i was like this isn't   this isn't a real move no like they were  just like some guy was losing all the time   he was playing super attacking formations  he was merging his pawns off the board   and then they were like do you know what  dude i'm over this manuel from spain because   that's i'm assuming where it was invented  and then they were just like on poisson this is not the most recent rule implemented  in chess actually uh it's the second last the   most the most recent rule this was actually like  brought in front of uh the global chess federation   uh to get them on the phone after you tell me  this i'm gonna talk with you um well tell me   what yes so the the actual most recent update  was the fact that if you're playing an online   blitz game and you win and you don't give your  opponent a rematch uh you are actually barred   from all international competition so if you  win you're such a piece of garbage wait hold   on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold  on this is okay i have been trolled okay okay   no i mean uh i'm gonna just quickly sim can i i  wonder if i can simplify this position my chat's   going on about the 75-50 move rule as that is  actually a more recent introduction i i don't   know the history of the rules of the game but  here is why the unpessant rule was invented okay   listen you see the body on the wrong side you're  going to be on the wrong side of history if you're   going to if this is the hill that you're going  to die listen when i win pogchamps and declare   to the world that the ambassador needs to go  i'm going to get t-shirts printed with the song   just so you know listen if you here here's the  thing if you complain a lot about chess rules   i'm gonna get angry fans on youtube telling  me that you're not listening to your coach   all right so that's that that's how this works  they're gonna complain about it because i agree   on youtube straight straight up by the way so  imagine you have the white pieces here your   one pawn dominates both these pawns right  they all three so this guy this guy came   they could have sorted out that pawn before he  got there but anyway we'll continue to anger the   chess people come on so the whole point is back  in the day the pawn could just go like it could   just go and it would just walk past this pawn  but they wanted to you see the move i made right   yeah i do but i just i think this man has decided  to tactically keep his three pawns at the bottom   corner that's why they did it because they  didn't want you know they didn't want something   to happen where one pawn could just be like nah  you guys can't move and there you go like that's   that that that's why it happened so on yeah um  wait i can't even okay so so i could i can't   even reload i i gotta i gotta stop wasting time  like i'm very privileged you've given me coaching   lessons and i'm i'm trolling you a better move  that is clearly an integral part of how the game   operates and works and i can feel and see the red  mist appearing above your head maybe you need a   new thumbnail and it's just you mad but oh no no  it's not no no i'm not i'm not mad i i i already   know how this works because i've been uploading  so many different lessons um and i think the most   recent comment i got today the so what i told you  what i do i pin hate comments because i just think   they're so funny so the guy today was like on like  one of the most recent i forgot which one he's   like you know i really appreciate this content but  can you get less annoying guests and i was like i   mean why don't you come on my show you know like  uh the comments are not not not you specifically   but no no no no no i don't mind at all dude i  i i've never i'd be the same as you i find them   quite humorous and i don't like to go after people  that are just like very weak trolls but like when   people are just like playing up like you know  rude and just being [ __ ] that's when i like   to like call them out and make a show of them and  that's when they get salty but uh yeah i i used   to write back we used to make vlogs like years ago  and uh i used to write back to all of the negative   comments like for like trolling them back but it  was even that is a waste of energy like i wasn't   like getting upset i was just enjoying it like  it was just a little a little 10 minutes of you   know 50 time a day where i just troll the people  that trolled me but it's just a waste of time   it is a waste of time but but i having said that i  am going to start doing a monthly show on youtube   which is called reading mean comments so  because i just they're just too funny um   okay so i gave you some advice anti-kings indian  at least for all the banter you have to remember   the actual chess advice i give though that's  my only agreement so make sure that you go g   g tree oh joking okay we gotta go i'm  kidding um so in in the game itself   right one big moment i messed all right but  here already instructive moment uh you can   get a position where you trade off two of his  important kingside guards so peace trades like   evaluating which are better than others so  right now you play bishop e5 which which   attacks his knight is a quite a good move but  it it keeps too many pieces on the board um so this trade and now offer a trade of bishops you want me to offer now yes um okay well i've  only got two moves the center and the one on the   side of the board which one  do you think is better um i think the one on the side of the board is better  because it keeps my pawn intact i don't know if   that's true well whoever said you're gonna take  like this you're gonna take with the knight right   yeah although i pawn is actually it's  not bad at all but i think they're both   okay but the the reason why is this trade  good for you like why is this a good trade   because there's more of a  clear pathway to his king   yeah you just remove two you know and then  who's gonna get here in a couple turns   me and two or one sorry now it's two so i can go  with my queen or i can have a knight there you go   so that is like something to keep in mind against  the like like a fianchetto bishop or what i mean   i'm just definitely trying to trade bowdoin for  what it's worth obviously there was flaws in that   plan but like when i put that bishop in there like  i was trying to obviously take his night and then   take with my knight so like both of them pieces  would come out right no you're playing like you're   playing great it's just seeing through  the tension sometimes can be difficult   so in this particular case like the  guy goes here can't you just take that yeah because if he does i just take him with my  knight yeah yes so it's just it honestly it's just   a free pawn so it's hard like when you play moves  like this there's going to be a bunch of stuff   here and i already know your playing style you you  think things through like you could be down three   four minutes here just trying to work out what  the best thing to do is um but that's not the   right approach right the engine the engine here uh  when i got to this position wanted me to go night   take and i think this was this move i could be  wrong but it from at this point is it my move   right now in game no well he plays c5 in the  game okay so now it's your move okay so maybe   what did i do here again you pushed which actually  i also like for a completely different reason   okay um yeah i i just remember at some point  like when i like i think i lost the game was that   instead of taking his knight with my knight sorry  i should say the positions instead of taking with   my e4 knight on the f6 knight i went the other way  and i went bishop first i think and i think the   position was a little bit more open actually when  it happened so maybe it was a little bit further   down the game well look remember this is why  tactical patterns overlap remember this rook yeah   like in the last position it was stuck in  the corner right because your queen was   attacking oh sorry your queen was attacked  so right now it's a very similar situation   you actually have a little tactic here that  just like i think you can pretty sure you can   take the knight and then bring the bishop in yeah  i was thinking this move just yeah you see so   oh yeah okay yeah if he takes your bishop what  are you gonna take yeah you're right obviously   you're right you're always right i i don't know  about that but so you have this at the same   time your position might be so strong that it's  even better for you oh my god wait look at this   oh my god look at this so you got knight takes  right so the rook now can go here yeah but then   we got it oh we don't have a fork well you don't  have a fork but how do you make that fork possible   you don't have that fork because of  this guy yeah i just push the ball   up one on eight yeah there you  go that's how you do puzzles   like that's literally you doing a puzzle in the  game like okay now now bonus question what if this i would i don't like i'm not gonna get as  many pieces but of actually i don't know i   was gonna say that i i just take his night  and then i would have bombed but i don't   what are you gonna do what was the move um i was  just going to take his knight and then he takes   my knight and i take him but then i just fun  anyway and then i take this queen so like it's   one pawn up but it's not exactly like getting  a fork i imagine there's some way that i can uh   defend the fork and eventually get it it's it's  it's tough because if you just back up you kind   of lose your uh you know your your your option to  go to c6 if you take his knight and he takes you   why can't you take this just real quick yeah the  queen very nice and the tension here it's tough   to evaluate what's fully going on uh don't forget  that when this trade happened someone opened up   yeah my rook is now looking at the a7 that is  a free pun and then you could get there very   quickly can i ask one thing just before i guess  because i know in some situations you sacrifice   the knight for two pawns so if like were you gonna  say this yeah and then that's a great move yeah   great move um so that's called a desperado have  you heard that word before i've heard of it and   i got told by someone to learn about it uh and  i they learned that they just told you they just   told you to learn about it they didn't tell  you not like a chess coach or anything but it   was just like someone like in my chat like when i  had to move you know like on my five minute break   you should look up this after your  stream whatever and i never did   got it so a desperado is basically well i'm  gonna win the night um you know i'm gonna win   this night but i am gonna lose my night well since  i know i'm gonna lose my night i might as well get   as much as i can for it yeah so that you just  jump right in they take now you take this the   difference here is that at the end of this this is  still a problem yeah that's still a problem so uh   there's also this and there's also this you're  threatening to win three different pawns and   what's the most aggressive queen move that  you have you're threatening that with this   which just wins the game like straight up check  king there mate like joe like completely wins so   uh little you know little tactics hidden in the  game um now the game itself was was was wild like   this was another moment i saw somebody here write  something like bishop here is that a good move to   attack the rook so bishop here in and of itself is  not a bad move at all it attacks the rook you are   guarded but what happens when the rook goes here  did you have a plan after that not really uh it's   not what i did no just asking like just answering  basically to to folks asking questions like what   do you think about this move it's a very tough  position like you're just in a position that's   kind of difficult because there's no obvious  way to win so you play a very aggressive move   he takes you took he takes like this and messes  up oh he messed up he messed up because he should   have taken with the knight he shouldn't take where  his defender is gonna get removed and you took it   this was the moment though see just there a  second ago like that was the moment in the   in the engine like one move back where i  took with the bishop no that's the best move   really because the engine told me that the  knight was better because then they could check   yes it's simple at the bishop yes it's  simpler so you just take the bush of events   okay yes so in this position it's it's  it's a matter of what you're gonna take   so what you did is you were like if i  go here that's open so he can't take   my bishop but you forgot that the queen  could take the bishop too yeah that's it   that's really you know that's really the okay so  but where where what should i do like what should   i have done now like in this example you tell me  what's the move in this position that wins you the   most sorry i think the queen with your queen yeah  yeah and your guarded and that's just that that's   game over i mean you just you you win what is this  a full rook yeah a full rook can you win with the   full rook i would like to think against someone  raided the same level as me i would be able to   pull it off if uh bush came to show but i would  not make any guarantees because i've definitely   butchered games where i was like plus eight  points before and stuff so i wouldn't i wouldn't   bet my house on it though i would in a game of  poker but yeah i'd be slightly confident okay   all right i mean push push push comes to shove we  got we got to win games up a rook you know there's   not much you can't get much better than uh if you  can coach me into positions where i can get up a   rook and i can't close them out that's that's a  reflection upon myself and not you wha what if uh   what if you win a lot of games down a rook is  that is that the same i'd love that that's i'd   love that that's like getting down and dirty and  like pulling it out when you're not looking like   you're gonna win like they give me so much more  satisfaction than just like a a very clean win   i did have one game of the stonewall where  i got to bring my rook over completely and   he just absolutely collapsed right in front of  me and it was like watching porn like it was   beautiful because you told me like how it should  go down and that was that was a fun time and i   enjoyed that a lot but uh in other than that like  i like i like the swingy games it's like in poker   it's all well and good like if you get all in  free like uh before the flop and like you flop   them dead and it's zero percent like there's a  there's a bit of satisfaction that because like   it's over there's no sweat like you get all in  it's a 50 50 and they like fluff you to two outs   so you've got like whatever i should really  notice off the top of my head but like   16 that's amazing when you get there like  the roller coaster the up and down like   that's like the most fun way to win but uh  yeah no i'll i'll i'll take i'll take when
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 68,374
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, magnus carlsen tour, gm hikaru, hikaru dubov, daniil dubov, Hikaru Nakamura, Hikaru coaches Pogchamps, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, Hikaru vs Dubov, Magnus Carlsen Tour Finals, ding liren, hikaru nakamura, pogchamps 2, easywithaces, chess lesson pogchamps
Id: uGDpsW3JGR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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