Can You Figure Out Which Chest Is Lying? - Mimic Logic

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I play puzzle games I also play Rog likee games so what happens if I play a puzzle Rog likee game welcome to mimic logic an interesting game where you have six chests and one of them is a mimic you find this out by talking to the boxes each of the boxes will tell you what they think about whether or not another box is a mimic because there is exactly one mimic you find the mimic by no figure out which one is lying the one that is lying is always the mimic so this one says there is no mimic among the black boxes vouching for himself but this guy also says there is no mimic among the black boxes they can't both be lying so neither of them is a mimic this one says the bottom row contains a mimic which is likely but not guaranteed this one says there is a mimic among the red boxes this one says the top row contains a mimic which is in direct contradiction to the other one and this guy says the Box above me isn't a mimic so we look at the two that are in direct contradiction one one of them must be lying so the other two are fine and the one that isn't a mimic says the Box above me isn't a mimic so you are not a mimic you are a mimic now that it's marked what I get to do is open all the boxes that aren't mimics and inside I get loot which will feed the Rog likee side of things there's a lot of different things I got one of them uh restores gut now I have stats on the side one of them is gut that's basically a pseudo timer because I spent so long explaining the game I'm losing hunger if I run out of hunger I die but I do have items to increase it again so let's solve another puzzle the left most column contains no mimics vouching for himself the rightmost column contains a mimic there is no mimic among the red boxes so actually these two are in direct contradiction because both of these are red so I can actually just right away say none of these are mimics this guy says there's no mimic among the red boxes as well because they're saying the same thing they vouch for each other this one's the mimic let's open the boxes and I got a bunch of loot let me go to my items yes so one of the things I got as a cookie I can just eat that restore my gut and have more time to solve puzzles in the future there's also combat so I have stats on the side I can eat candy to increase stats which I don't have any I can equip equipment to get myself a sword and armor and then beat the out of these enemies they're pretty weak right now but I mean we're only the beginning of the game uh and what do I get attack candy I'm going to just eat that right now delicious ious so that's what the loot is for you want to actually open the boxes you could choose to just go by without opening the boxes but then you wouldn't get the loot so let's take a look the box below me isn't a mimic the top row contains no mimics none of the red boxes contain any gold now it's interesting there is one box with gold the Box on the right isn't a mimic the bottom row contains a mimic the bottom row contains no mimics instant contradiction what are we looking at well this guy says the Box on the right isn't a mimic and he's cleared so it's going to be you sorry you're the impostor and I guess I'm leveling up as well all these stat stuff I'm still pretty unsure about but no number go up and I get stronger as I solve puzzles so that's the main thing all right eat some candy equip better equipment I guess there's a durability system I have 14 attack which is thankfully enough to completely one shot these guys this girl is trailing me I'm not sure what her purpose is um maybe moral Sports as I solve puzzles the Box on the right is a mimic a direct accusation there is a mimic among the blue boxes that is a contradiction cuz he's saying no it's not me it's blue blue sus uh so the rest of them are fine mimic among the red boxes yeah we knew that already left most column contains no mimics since you're cleared I know that this guy is now cleared and this is the mimic and let's open the boxes also getting a lot of gold 475 I can't wait till I get a shop cuz that's going to come in clutch for now more fighting get my Max HP increased by three and take out on these plants attack magic you didn't do you just half killed them I have to finish them off anyway if you directed all that towards one guy could have saved the charge though oo more attack candy n n next floor more boxes let me go to here real quick I don't have anything that increases my gut so I got to solve these fast the box below me isn't a mimic there is a mimic among the red boxes there's some gold somewhere in the rightmost row half the boxes have gold so that's pretty likely the right most column contains no mimics there's some gold somewhere in the bottom row the Box on the left isn't a mimic H is there a contradiction here there's some pretty safe ones the one that're talking about gold and the row you know cuz there's three gold it's possible there's no gold in the bottom row it's also possible there's a mimic among the red boxes I wonder if it's not possible to prove any of these sometimes you have to accept that well the rightmost column contains no mimics I'm pretty sure that this guy is legit because the above box is vouching for him if this was lying then this would be the mimic and there's no situation which the black box is a mimic so there's no mimics in the rightmost column so then the Box on the left isn't a mimic so it's going to be one of these two and really it's I think now a tossup h hold on isn't it impossible for the red box here to be lying though cuz we already know it's telling a true statement yeah that seems to be right actually so that took me a while and hopefully I get some food to make up for that long decision no but I got a crap ton of money so please take me to a shop my gun is getting empty no I have enemies uh candy Best Equipment I have 19 attack I think I'm going to get hurt a little cuz they actually get the fight back wait unless attack M magic nope you're useless I took 14 damage ow all right well get rid of you and get rid of you ow I'm more worried about my gut than anything else you got to run through this oh I'm here is this a shop this is a food place fully heal my HP and gut for 80 gold I am rich so yes I can afford to do this I actually kind of like the gut aspect of this you can do a lot of interesting stuff here what about this what do you sell I can buy oh a lot of stuff here oh I can buy a rice ball to restore 70 gut you have one in stock so I'll buy out your stock a blue crystal can help me find a non- mimic to let me narrow some stuff down that could be useful otherwise I could get something to heal some HP if I really need it I think I should like increase my attack right I'll buy two of these and see what else there is to buy elsewhere give me the candy I can also equip my best gear I have that sell my unequipped gear for more money that may be helpful what about these people uh they they just Yap do you Yap as well you have medicine yeah I'll be your test subject object for it HP reduced by 30 well that was okay time to consume an item like restore 10 of my HP making medicine's my hobby oh damn it you're a licensed pharmacist all right well I might need some stuff in here well there's not much to get except like more attack candies I could get defense candies but I'm of the opinion that the best defense is a good offense so I'm just going to make myself completely overpowered and hope that works out I also have other items to help me in combat but maybe I should have been careful about durability I'll be okay surely there are two mimics from here on oh cool the box below me isn't a mimic the Box on the left is a mimic two of the mimics are not neighbors two mimics hide side by side so that is a direct contradiction I can almost Mark these with one because it doesn't guarantee everything and actually because this guy's making a hard accusation one of these is a mimic to so these two are kind of locked in a dance whether they like it or not so then we can verify these two are safe this guy says the Box above me is a mimic so you know what you're a mimic since you're vouch that means you're safe and two MIM hide side by side well then it must be you problem solved let's open the boxes oh nice got some cool stuff more boxes two mimics hide side by side the left most column has one or more mimics the rightmost column has one or more mimics so all three of these cannot be true how about I look for other contradictions the bottom row has at least one mimic the rightmost column has one or more mimics and the bottom row contains no mimics so I'm going to Mark these as contradiction uh because of the contradiction there's one mimic here now these two saying the same thing are backing each other up they're saying the same thing so it must be true and now actually because the rightmost column has one or more mimics it must be this one so you are fine so two mimics hide side by side that is impossible now so you are the other mimic and then left most commum has a mimic let's open it excellent a good puzzle solve what are you do you improve my gear oh you sell stuff well I a strange book magic damage for my companion you know what sure maybe she can become less useless I will carry on more boxes the bottom row has at least one mimic two of the mimics are not neighbors the box below me is not a mimic oh two mimics hide side by side so this is a contradiction the rightmost com contains no mimics the black boxes are backing each other up yeah cuz if this guy was a mimic then this guy would also be a mimic but if the bottom one was a mimic then the top one would also have to be a mimic it's either both or neither and it can't be both because the other contradictions so neither of these are mimics the left side is kind of tricky I think it's either the top two or the bottom two that's how it goes so they almost are joined in a contradiction and I actually because it's a 50/50 there is one thing I could do I could leave I could open the zeros that is fine then I can go to my items to find a non- mimic to figure out the rest the bottom middle box is not a mimic okay so you are not a mimic that means two mimics hide side by side you are the mimic side by side and not a mimic very cool a pearl necklace well worth it oh I'm one HP off of in these guys do I have any better weapons I have better defense I guess let's smoke them please don't hit back I hit back okay here's what I'm going to do then I'm going to go to items 10 damage to All Enemies no five damage to all enemies that's all I need cuz then I can one shot everybody and that's preferable oh now you cast your attack magic you could have done that earlier uh but you know I guess we maybe should have talked about it beforehand for now solving a puzzle bottom row has at least one mimic the right row has has more mimics than the left the rightmost column has one or more mimics these somewhat back each other up well this guy says left row is more mimics than the right so contradiction right here but this guy also says the left row has more mimics than the right but that doesn't necessarily mean anything yet what that does mean though is the bottom row having at least one mimic is true and actually because the bottom row people are saying the same thing that kind of makes them both mimics now doesn't it yes it does open the box now you might be wondering what happens if I open a mimic since this hasn't happened yet uh I straight up lose the game it is like game over so you have to solve puzzles successfully all do you have anything oh another strange book you know what sure give me that hope you can sell something a little bit more useful soon but for now puzzles there are more mimics in Black boxes than blue boxes there are more mimics in blue than black boxes direct contradiction the Box on the left is a mimic uh there's two boxes saying there are more mimics in Reds than black boxes so that means the last Red has to be a mimic so you're lying or are you yeah it says specifically more not more or equal wait the a blue box is saying there's more mimics in blue than black boxes so because there's one mimic left it's got to be this guy who's in contradiction with the other two and also I'm like this box is lying so I guess you're not a mimic gotcha little tricky but overall good next floor ooh enemies all right not holding any candy what about items I'm going to do a shuriken 10 damage to enemy in front oh what do I have to come here ow oh so like enemy that I'm currently attacking okay I should have just done it to all enemies then here I'll swipe this come on get some magic damage okay fine I'll do the fire scroll cuz I'm getting swiped let's see attack is 15 oh shoot I lost my weapon oh God I'm still taking damage this is bad well I generally am better at the puzzle stuff but saved saved by the restaurant I will gladly eat of your wares yes fully heal HP and gut there's a lot to pay attention to but can I buy anything from you no I can't actually take it around which is a shame maybe something in here then that I can actually just take with me I can restore HP I guess with a cure there's only one of them so I'll buy that bu a small cure kind of broke otherwise I can also sell a lot of my stuff I can sell off a lot of trash like this knife and this Axe can also sell gentleman's clothes and with that extra money what worth it I'm going to still be a slight glass Cannon but I'm going to keep a little money in reserve just in case I decide that maybe I'll need it in a future area because I have actually no idea what to expect I mean this is my first real run and there's seven boxes still two mimics diagonal downright for me is not a mimic there is a mimic among the black boxes a direct accusation the Box on the right isn't a mimic two boxes vouching for the same middle one same number of mimics in blue and black boxes there are more mimics in blue than black boxes which is a direct contradiction dial up left from me as a mimic same number of mimics in blue and black boxes so because one of these is a mimic both of these vouching for the middle one can't also be mimics so not mimics which would then make you safe and you a mimic so there's the same number of mimics in blue and black boxes there's already a blue mimic so the other blue is not a mimic one of these two is a mimics we know that there is the same number of blue and black mimic so you are not a mimic you are a mimic congratulations you you are the mimic and we carry on there is a mimic among the blue boxes one mimic is hiding in the blue box about the same thing there is no mimic among the red box box is not is there is a mimic among the black boxes zero mimics are hiding in Black boxes we have a contradiction which means that both of these are in fact safe one mimic is hiding in a blue box oh which also backs up technically the one mimic could have been wrong no cuz uh if he was wrong it would have had to been two mimics or in the blue boxes and then there would be no mimics left to be it and then we have another contradiction one mimic is hiding in a red box so we do know that zero mimics are hiding in Black boxes so you are telling the truth that means you are lying one mimic is hiding in a red box as a truth and then no mimics trying to back up his mimic partner I don't think so next time buddy and leveled up again ooh nice little shot possibly what do you have for me oh nice I can do shuriken for some damage get a cure so I can heal probably more healing the better I have a minigun that's my main weapon nice maybe I'll buy a MAG thread then so I can maintain my insane equipment get a couple attack candies and see what I can sell I don't need a mini knife I have a mini gun that's pretty good again I'm going to keep the money just in case another shop comes soon the top row contains no mimics there is a mimic among the black boxes the bottom row has at least one mimic every mimic is the same color which three of them are saying they can't all be mimic so this is true so it's either two blues or two blacks well oh the top row has to contain a mimic then cuz it's either you or you so you're the mimic and if it's all the same color that mean you're the other mimic that is very cool this is really clever for logic stuff like I thought it'd be kind of simple repetitive but they actually mix it up quite well and from what I here it's actually randomized so you can't just memorize the floors anyway 10 damage to All Enemies works pretty well here so that way I can one shot these nerds got them got them now you cast your attack magic how do I know when you're going to do that there's probably a tell I do not know what it is every mimic is not the same color every mimic is not the same color every mimic is not the same color all three of these cannot be lying the top rope contains no mimics we already know this to be true and since there's one mimic that's black one that's blue we know that you're a mimic and you're telling a lie anyway the bottom row contains no mimics that's also a lie trying to stealthly vouch for your friend I don't think so get some nice money level up more money more money actually that was a lot of money o what's this he he would you like a massage oh I could increase my Max HP by five yeah show me what those hands can do oh bye more puzzles I'm not going to stick around for long I have puzzles to solve the bonro is at least one mimic there are more mimics in blue than black boxes the top row has at least one mimic there were more mimics in Black than blue boxes direct contradiction um but also three people are saying there's more mimics in Black than blue boxes so we don't even really need to go that deep into it there is a mimic among the red boxes top row has at least one mimic this is true so there is a mimic among the red boxes you are lying and well the row has at least one mimic we now know this to be true open it up the money weird Med blue Mana gold the yellow leaf going down heals a gut so it's nice like have a bunch of relics to give me a little extra gut what's up with this you've opened so many Treasures good J you've opened 70 Treasures so far since you've opened more than 63 Treasures I'll give you five attack candies as reward the rich get richer give me all that candy yeah boy oh I'm ranked a b in attack all right what do we got here I can get more restore weapon durability it sounds sounds pretty good otherwise I can get a lot of thing that restores my HP well here's the plan right I just take all the things that heal me and then only go attack candy cuz that's how you play the glass Cannon so I got 41 attack and caring on 159 HP uhhuh well then uh you seem like a boss let's go to my items no telling what will happen all right what'll happen attack up I have a level attack also have a fire scroll and then I can hit you I take 32 damage so now I go to items now I can throw my shens and that is just a free hit which doesn't give him a chance to attack back also going to go to restore 30 of my HP get him oh dude's just dead he's done for get puzzled get owned is he a mini boss what is he I got the red gemstone Blood Stone uh put it back put it back cool uh this game is crack uh I guess there's like some Rogue light progression I'm not sure actually there's like an overall story I get Adventure points which takes me back to here and then here's where I'd start a new one so I chose expert mode but I could go for random mode next time which is even harder has more mimics and probably harder puzzles so I hope you guys enjoyed it cuz I want to run this back in random mode thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed see you in the next video have a wonderful day and peace
Channel: Aliensrock
Views: 431,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliensrock, strategy, video game, gaming, aliens rock, aliensrock50, gameplay, walkthrough, strategy game, puzzle, puzzle game, puzzle solve, Puzzling, Puzzle video game, Brain teaser, Puzzle master, mimic logic, logic puzzle, logic puzzle game, roguelike, roguelike game, mimic, mimic chest, chest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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