Umm Mario...How Are You Not Dead?? // UNO MAS Levels

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hello my friends and welcome back to another uno mas episode the series where we're taking a look at weird wacky and wonderful things within mario maker 2. as always for those that don't know uno moss levels are very short levels that tend to show weird wacky and wonderful things that probably weren't intended to be in the game and we have a lot to check out so let's go ahead and fire up the episode [Music] we're gonna start off this uno mas episode with cat mario goes alright friends i uh see that this is taking us right to the ending okay that was really dumb but i still enjoyed it now we're going to take a look at unomaha's loudest sound in mario maker 2 by mr elliot all right both earbuds are in i want to fully experience the loud noises what that say lower your volume now oh no i put both of your buds in i i want to fully be immersed ready i don't even know what what could this be okay it's pretty loud loud noises wow that was um holy rip okay are your ears okay what i didn't hear what that said oh oh blue pipe red pipe i'm sorry oh boy here we go again here we go again friends oh so that's what it's supposed to normally sound like but when there's 30 or 40 of those guys in one place man it like compounds and makes the sound exponentially louder that was wow now we're going to take a look at on off all right friends what do we we have a bomb a muncher an on off switch and a uh one up mushroom um what i [Music] i'm sorry what is we when we jump here it somehow explodes the bomb can can someone explain um yeah that's the first time i'm seeing that now we're gonna take a look at spike reveal and can we just appreciate that beautiful spike pixel art all right friends what do we have in store there's a hint let's let's try not taking him let's see if we we have big enough brains to figure this out there he is [Laughter] you have got to be kidding me you have got to be kidding me surely that cannot be it and don't call me shirley oh my gosh hold on dis wrist [Laughter] so there was no spike spike was a lie for oh wait there's spike [Music] we literally almost said wait a second hold on hold on i need to i need to see something [Laughter] this is a super old una mas level called clowns don't care by jasper alright friends what do we have we got a p-switch inside a clown car cannot pick up the p-switch you can't activate it that is strange you could not grab the p switch but you could grab what [Music] what oh thank you okay there's a yoshi egg inside the clown car [Laughter] you can boot it out i'm sorry yoshi i'm sorry yoshi you were my tool so oh that's the end i was like no we're gonna die we're gonna die but no that was how you had to beat the level uh interesting i've seen some of those before but not in that presented in that style it's weird that some items you can pick up and others you can't now let's look at crouches and blocks this uno moss has a clear condition where we have to get a one-up mushroom the hint is down there let's try it as always without the hint first see if we can figure it out um wait what am i [Music] okay i obviously obviously did not do what i was oh there's the one up mushroom [Laughter] that's what we kind of need to beat the level all right let's restart let's take the hint this time down the pipe uh crouch in the clouds and wait crouch in the cloud all right i'm crouching in the clouds i'm waiting this time i'm just going to crouch the whole time friends i'm going to crouch the whole dadgum time so i'm just supposed to wait here that's what i do it's going to happen unbelievable that's all we had to do unbelievable that that is all we had to do now we're gonna look at one-way clip by wilford this is one that i played but i have not documented this one is very weird just just take a look here we go we grab the mushroom go through through the door now just watch this watch the cinder block that is coming down here like it makes no sense one more time one more time obviously something must happen after you beat the level to mario sprite where it makes it so you can't die or something i don't know because we literally go right we should die every single time that that happens but nope you don't i'm gonna look at blindness by double l this level has a clear condition where we have to collect one coin um holy rip what is going on with this what um okay so we're obviously getting blinded by the mecha koopas here where is the okay okay we got the key or the clear condition there we go that was i don't know if i would consider that a una mas more so than just a weird challenge that was that was interesting though to say the least taking a look at another very old uno mas level by dan the tank called staying alive always makes me think of that office episode man staying alive staying alive what do we have here so we're supposed to throw that maybe [Music] i got the key that's great i'm gonna take the hint because i don't know what i'm doing oh don't jump into it oh [Music] well isn't that strange so all that i think we want to do is throw that and then that is weird i that's why it's an uno masa that came out literally like a month after the game came out and it's still mind-blowing a year and a half later precise muncher jump by palkia is up next yet another uno mas level that has a clear condition let's see what do we have mushroom through the pipe [Laughter] thanks for that now the description said we need to mash a and b together normally i don't like to whip it out this early but i feel like it's needed we're gonna be using the shirt technique if you guys don't know what the shirt technique put your finger inside your shirt and then slide your fingers across a and b together i think we need to hold up too that was probably part of the instructions try it again here unbelievable unbelievable that is strange magic friends weird weird weird and that oh my gosh piranhas tracks pals is up next all right friends what do we have let's go through the door oh did you guys see the pal slightly move the piranha plant interesting okay okay we've see i've seen that to a degree used in levels like for example i played barb's level where you had to ride across the pals on top of the piranha plants but never quite like this okay knocked it right off okay what do we have here all right this is oh an upside knocked it right side up okay whoa made one of the pals disappear did you see that one of the pals literally disappeared now we got to perpetually moving piranha and then this is this is like what we've seen cool cool cool cool i liked that like i said i've seen that used to a degree but not in all the weird ways that was showcased in this level now let's take a look at spike top doobie vibin made by nate another uno moss with a clear condition after defeating at least one spike top what do we have [Music] he does be vibing though did i say that correctly i'm a dad now i don't i don't know what all the kids are saying these days i'm i'm not a it's not as hip as i used to be do you like to think myself as a rad dad though how do we defeat spike top not like that okay i don't know how to kill spike top [Music] i don't understand [Music] how did i kill him let's look at duck and roll made by pac-man and credit goes to lc zurich for this level we have to reach the goal as fire mario now you i'm wondering obviously you can't slide into a pipe how okay so i think i see what we have to do we have to partially go down on the blue [Music] platform hmm that whoo i think that's almost going i feel like this is almost a frame perfect trick where you have to get inside the pipe but not take damage at the same time oh my gosh you duck i don't even know all right i gotta i want to try and get through the pipe let's see if we can even get through the pipe okay it is possible to get in the pipe not just making that up down down and right and over hmm let me look at those instructions one more time that almost looks like a street fighter combination to make your character do a hadouken or something this is this almost feels like a kaizo uno mas level you know because it's very very precise i i feel like it's almost frame perfect if not frame perfect we got it we hacking got it what that what oh my gosh makes no sense makes no sense that's like one of the hardest uno masses i've ever completed crazy crazy crazy the clear rate on this level is ridiculously high am i that bad at this game don't answer that now let's look at link one way clip by dabdallah okay what do we have here we're supposed to jump as soon as we grab the link power up i think i messed it up okay let me try again so as soon as we grab the [Music] that was way easier than i thought but just as strange there's no way is it because we were in a transitional state from super mario to link that it allowed us to go through that one way the answer is i have no idea now we have suddenly bomb made by lock supposedly this is an auto level supposedly we'll see hold b2 okay i'm holding b and running [Music] that was incredible i'm i am mystified by that okay without holding b one more time that just okay all right we saw it there now let's try it with holding b the bomb that's even weirder wait what there's three different endings somehow there's three different endings i don't oh my gosh oh boy oh boy oh boy another one by a lot called suddenly mush i wonder if this has is anything like the last one setup looks the same we're just running we're just running [Music] what if i hold run and b where did that mushroom come from though you can't see it there must be something behind the saw that turns into a mushroom but i thought the magic koopa's magic was rng based though so now i'm now i'm even more confused parachute bubbles go up by hunter is up next all right friends [Music] they go up slopes what well let's watch that from the very beginning watch this and they all come out at the same time weird dude that makes okay sure once again let's just roll with it death equals good by palkias his original setup by f buffalo redesigned by smash boss this clear condition is not my favorite we can't basically leave the ground so what do we want to do hmm how does this work what oh my gosh what so when we duck it lowers the swamp in the clown car just enough to let the shell through take it over here wait for that to come down duck beat the level wow that's so weird so weird i want to make sure i actually beat the level before i celebrate yep we beat the level interesting the slight duckage is enough lowering that lets the shell pass through now let's take a look at sliding on spikes right friends here we go biggest note is that the wind is constantly blowing to the right [Laughter] that makes no sense um okay okay my mind is a is a wee bit blown right now [Music] that is not you can i'm sorry yoshi i forgot to jump on you sorry yoshi that okay that one left me a little bit speechless you can literally slide down holding the wall and you never die literally mario's just going down the spikes oh touching spikes and it doesn't hurt him crazy a super old uno moss made by tim bum 2 called unhomas uno mas we need to figure out how to get both of these 50 baggers but how do we do that friends how do we do that as you can tell you can only hit this box once is there a way we can hmm maybe we need to hit it and go in the door at the same exact frame [Music] this level proves some of the oldest unomaz levels are some of the most mind-blowing in what i have never seen that before that is nuts now piranha plant float made by glitch here we go friends what do we okay i don't know if that's been found glitch but i think that's the first time i've seen it so and another one by box called threading the needle pop the pal through the littlest hole oh college day feed the muncher okay [Music] wait what is there a hint anywhere can i get a hint around here box okay wait a second uh-huh oh what if i just drop the pow here what is this [Music] so now will this hold on i think i get it many months later maybe i legitimately just have to throw it here that's what it was that's what it was that's all you had to do [Laughter] man was i over complicating that okay all right let's let's do this one more time and actually enjoy it okay so you throw the shell in there that drops the uh twister mcfister into place and then as you can see the pal block is in a weird state because of the muncher there's a tiny hole we actually popped the pal in that tiny little hole which normally shouldn't be possible nonetheless it is because you know why because it's an unomas level and go go figure no max launcher d spawn jank is up next all right what do we got gotta do wait what was that what that spike take a good long look at this launcher [Music] oh well that's different stop it stop it stop it stop we just had to do it enough times for that is weird that is very weird then go back oh my goodness that is so weird so heck and weird when you get further away i can't i'm not even gonna try to explain what's going on you guys know my technical knowledge within this game is very limited all i know that is janky well my friends that is another uno mas episode wrapped up in in the books i hope you enjoyed it i know i did i saw many things that i've never seen before and some of them were very old yet still showed me things that i didn't know were possible in this game if you have any utmost levels you feel i should be checking out be sure to leave them in the comments below as always major shout outs to everybody that continues to diligently hunt for weird wacky and wonderful things within this game shout out to psycrow shout outs to sparks shout outs to just everybody continually making this game great i love you guys before now we're gonna wrap it up thank you guys so much for watching hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time [Music] you
Channel: DGR
Views: 694,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, mario maker 2 new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, uno mas, uno mas levels, uno mas level, uno mas mario maker, uno mas mario maker 2
Id: FSwKvVB-nLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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