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you guys know the deal by now we've done two of these videos before and you guys have loved them it's time to troll my friends with the instant building mod again this is gonna be crazy today i invite wiz to come join me in a minecraft world for a building competition but little does he know i have that build mod still installed but this time it's got even better meaning i can literally build them at the speed of light if you guys do enjoy this video be sure to hit like subscribe if you guys knew and watch till the end to see whisper's reaction to the mod it's great now a lot more do let's hop straight into the video welcome to still better the build battle first we're gonna we're gonna be building some battles and battling some builds today and we're gonna see who's the best builder in all of minecraft and um i i think it's gonna be me i think i'm gonna win this easy peasy i know the answer what's the answer jeff bezos always quite always okay okay well hey let's go ahead and start this let's start this off here by going ahead and getting what our first build is going to be here and it is go ahead and read it off okay it is a cathedral okay okay we can do this we could do that you know what a cathedral is right you know what a cathedral is right yeah like a church something like that okay well yeah we'll get serious those five minute timer and we have five minutes to build whatever five minutes to build a church well i mean the best choice you can build you know okay you have access to water you have a sister all that kind of stuff so you should be fine you should be absolutely fine i might mute every now and then to you know talk about my plans but are you ready here let's start the five minute timer siri start a time of five minutes oh oh it's it's all right it's already going for four minutes 50 seconds go go go go go go okay oh my goodness okay um so how do i start oh no this is this could be really really really tough here um okay okay so i've got i've got a header muted right now i've got ahead of muted can't hear me and um this is where things get a little bit fun because if i go ahead and press this special button right here you can see i have all of the themes already loaded onto this mod and all i have to do is click on cathedral and click done and we have a cathedral oh my goodness okay okay let's let's go ahead and move this down here by pressing like that oh actually i should probably do in the ground there we go so it looks natural and now all i need to do is press this one button right here and see how in the bottom left is this printer on i just fly near it and it places all the blocks for me so let's go ahead and um mute and just you know talk about how much of a difficult time we're having with heaven okay okay you know i'm just just you know doing my thing building oh boy how has it come along for you how's it coming how long have you got it's good i've got a tube so far against each other i mean i've got nothing dude oh absolutely nothing okay only one we are allowed to use world of this so you know if you build like one side of it you can probably copy it onto the other side you know it's it's you you could do what you what you need to do it's this is this is still going to take a while i think this is like we have only five we only have three minutes 40 seconds now we already lost a minute you know i'm a little bit worried i'm not gonna be able to finish this i'm muted right now yes this is working okay okay okay dude i'm actually i'm smashing this this is you okay it's not it's a mini cathedral okay because i five minutes is not enough time to build a product okay okay okay i think my cathedral might have something to say about that but you know okay come on okay you're annoying okay well i'm just clearly bigger brain you know okay guys guys i've muted i've muted but basically i made some changes to the config really fast and i can build it way quicker now oh my goodness so this is how it looks right now oh oh oh oh oh oh no nope nope place this down here place it down here we need to replace this actually okay much so let's go ahead and go through all this oh my come on just need to finish this up and that is that's time that's time you got to stop where you are you got to stop where you are okay um okay okay i don't think i did too bad you know there's there's a couple holes in my roof just because i couldn't really finish it in time uh but here meet me at the bottom of the wall and we'll break through together okay okay meet me at the bottom directly below the blue oh hello oh okay hey i guess i guess we'll see yours first we'll see yours first this is this is pretty great this is pretty great kit i like this a lot we'll see you know the plan right out the window henry because the plan is to have the crosstalk that on top but uh yeah i realized that it wouldn't be symmetrical oh you didn't make it even oh no that's that's not good at all okay no no no i need points for inside the small side okay okay let's see the interior so okay very rich cathedral dome you know nice you have gold you have iron you have a little area one small thing i forgot which if you let me play okay oh wait okay wait wait wait wait wait we threw it out you threw it out there we are oh so why are there two books usually isn't that what oh i guess it's not gonna be similar okay it's it's even again that's fine it's it's great it's great i didn't i didn't mean to break the stained glass stained glass oh you've got the stained glass windows as well that's really good it's it's it's well it's a pretty it's got like a nice greenery you don't have any greenery on the back okay well see you went for the smooth side but like with all the details see i went a little bit big so i kind of didn't really finish my my roof exactly so here this is this is what i managed to do i mean it's it's not it's nothing too much i mean like i said i've got the hole on the roof a little bit i kind of didn't get to finish the roof exactly but yeah and also the interior it was way too big so the interior i kind of just this is what dick this actually this looks like westminster abbey i mean a little bit i guess i didn't do the cross on top i i was also going to do a little clock face right here but i didn't have time either you know i didn't know me how wait so did you you must have copy and pasted all the walls did you no no no no i i i placed i laid it all out and then i like copied and pasted it upwards um but then you know i flipped it and uh yeah i just oh dude that's so annoying i mean i i want to be that guy but i think i might have won that first round oh my so yeah i think i might have slightly just won that first challenge just just a little bit but you know cathedral cathedral is a pretty hard thing to build right and i i understand that so let's see what the next the next theme is here um what is it what is it west castle it's a castle okay castle should be pretty easy right it should be a pretty easy easy thing to build right yeah okay yeah i can build a car okay pretty easy okay well here let me go ahead and patch up my little whole hair and are you ready are you ready to start the five minute timer wait no no i'm not ready i'm not ready uh i'm not ready and now i'm ready okay let's do it okay siri set a timer for five minutes it's building time boy let's go we have five minutes on the timer we have five minutes on the timer to build a castle you know build it as much as a castle as you want to build you know because a castle is a castle and if a castle wasn't like house there wouldn't even be a castle you know okay huh so much talking in five seconds i couldn't i could oh yeah sorry it's just a very this could be a very difficult build for me i think i think i'm gonna go for your feet you know you give me some tips on your one last time i think it's more small scales better you know small scale go for that interior design and stuff get those extra points i'm not sure if i if i like this side i'm building or okay i'm just gonna stick to my plan stick to the plan i have that's the way to do it that's the way to do it you just gotta go with your initial instincts and then just go with it man you know yeah i agree i agree with yep okay how how's your boat coming along what kind of concern how are you planning what do you mean it's taking so long i don't want to talk about it henry i don't want to talk right now i need to focus okay you're annoying me how am i annoying you i'm sorry i'm sorry that i'm not much henry right now okay okay i'm i'm um uh-huh let me just go ahead and do that so i can make it nice and then we can go ahead and do that and perfect but like i said i think i'm going to go school small scale this time because i feel like that's probably the way to do it i think that's how you did that's how you finish yeah because you had so many holes in yours like i just i just couldn't you know get get it complete so we can't have that this time we can't have a non-confusion honestly i'm gonna take some points you know what i'll give you the first win actually because my build wasn't even finished yours was completely finished mine wasn't actually even finished at all okay so you know what points finishing point yeah yeah yeah if you don't finish you don't get any points so okay you actually get the first point there you go okay okay i appreciate it yes this is the way to do it this is the way to do it i actually forgot how much fun the interior work is really on this okay let's go ahead and do some of these then and then get some of these yeah you didn't you didn't see anything you didn't see anything you didn't see anything it's got diamonds i'm gonna lose no i don't have diamonds i don't have diamonds like trust me if i had diamonds then you would wouldn't know about it what you would know about it wait something like that and uh i think other than that i think i might be finished i think i might be finished with one minute to spare you know last time okay you have you have to you have to finish these otherwise you know you're doing anything no no that is time hey okay well i'll i'll give you some extra time just to make any last-minute changes because i also wanted to add something right here which was doing one of these real quick um okay come on love me love me i'm just okay that's finished technically finished technically okay well that's that's all that matters that's what that matters really so here you know i i showed we showed yours first last time so at this time i'm gonna show mine first okay so meet me meet me at the uh bedrock bottom bedroom okay i'll be there i am just below the cam here i i i i've looked straight down okay just break that and come through whoa you like it dude made like a building oh yeah i can see where you've copy and pasted it like you've got this yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a little bit symmetrical but you know we got a little horsey we got some armas and then we also got the little ladders you can climb up and like shoot your enemies from nearby you know i think i think for five minutes this isn't too bad this isn't too bad at all you know i don't okay fair enough i'm not i'm not excited about us looking at mine though what do you mean you're not excited let's let's see yours why did you just make a whole like right there okay oh i like it well no believe it or not also enthusiasm points oh i see i see i mean um i would i would give you extra points on this except for the fact it's not actually centered um yeah but no but henry that's that's the cuteness of it but it wasn't centered so like hey there we go look at that now it's centered let's i hate you so much okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i mean i like it the one thing i would say is it's it's very stone-breaky okay no well if you're gonna be like that watch watch you ready for this i'm watching i'm watching give me one second just gonna take me a second um i'm watching uh-huh still watching look you can even oh see now this is so much better this is already looking good so much better and then maybe and then maybe add like a few ideas and stuff you know look okay okay well i think i think we've created some extra points here but i don't know i think i think i might just take this one a little bit i think i might take this one a little bit because you're just gonna build though i mean it's fair enough i don't know this is did i fit the castle theme i think i think this is the card no yeah no it doesn't this is this is this is this is very british very red i love it red i eat my crumpets right here every morning okay well that's great that's great okay well i guess i guess since i gave you the first point since i didn't finish the first time i guess uh we're point to one point one point to one point okay so let's go ahead and see what the next theme is what is it a tower hotel okay tower okay that's gonna get my style that's more money okay we can do a tower this should be pretty easy i see you've got two towers already there i've got a little bit of a tower here so now we just need to like i guess focus down on the tower itself okay we can do this we can do this let's do this okay well are you ready are you let me know when you're ready because i can get the timer ready at any point and i'm ready to go okay i am ready hey siri set up set a fireman for 10 minutes mine's getting there already it's already doing very well oh my goodness okay well i i think i could say that this is quite maybe one of even my best builds so far let's go ahead and do all this down here how much time do you think we're even gonna need for this because honestly i don't i don't think i'm gonna need all that much time i think i might have this one i actually i don't care about your opinion right now so okay so it looks like you do need a lot of time for this one i'm feeding you know that's fine and that's fine you know some people just you know quicker than others and that's that's fair i don't like you that much right now henry what do you mean what do you mean come on okay let's go like you're dealing i really i think maybe we should break up fix break up break break up break up i'm leaving the regulars okay i'm no longer a part of your boy band okay you know yeah okay clearly clearly okay well here let me go ahead and finish this up here with a few blocks around the edge here and then i think i need to go ahead and just add a couple trap doors maybe to this there we go i'm sure about this entrance area i think i might fix this up a little bit oh that's a lot better i like that a lot more you know the open plan living space of this tower is just it's just great it's honestly just top tier add some more details on the sides here and then maybe add like maybe add some torches and some fences here to add a little bit more detail oh is that some more trapdoors on this side oh yeah this is this is just this is just looking so great i might be able to finish sometime i don't know that's fine let's do it winnable this is that's the time that is the timer and okay well oh no wait i get i guess i guess we'll look at yours first um so i'm just sorting things out since you are you have kind of flooded it already no that was an accident that was nice ignore that i don't know okay okay okay i'm not going to look at those okay i see yours okay okay that's fair that's about it explains me this is my design for the new york skyline okay so i think do you know what do you know what new york is missing okay what is it thousands of times i'm a real big traveler thousands i have so many business meetings i've met so many women out there so many women and um this is this is called glass towers and it's basic towers yeah it's a giant glasses shop for people that can't quite see the building oh and it will be it'll be twice as tall as the empire state building what's going on at the top here what's going on oh yes that is an executive pool for the executives i like it so we could just sit up here and just have it this is where we're going after we've sold our many glasses i just thought about a new pair of spectacles my friend that they've got yeah they've got four lenses for the four eyes that's basically my plan all right got it right here let's go ahead and since you can kind of see my tower from yours um let's go ahead and let's go and fly over here oh i'm not saying size mass is henry but it's a bit more yeah it is a little bit smaller it is a little bit small because i was kind of thinking you know that's kind of a medieval type tower oh once again you can just copy and paste each side i mean i didn't copy and paste this time this i just kind of you know went around and just you know you wait you did this on every side you did this yeah i just placed the blocks it's not too difficult i mean once you know what you're doing you just kind of you know do it on this all the sides you know dude okay this is detail-wise this is good but size-wise once again size size-wise i think you do get the point so i think this is the third round right this third round i think we might both have to get points there is this third to exactly so i think we're both on two points right now right two points okay okay okay let's do it right let's go ahead and see what our next theme is and it is oh this is great you know what you know we'll finish it we'll finish it this was the last theme here and it is okay okay okay you've already got an idea okay let's clear our plots and let's get this game under the way i i think i've got an idea so i think i might just blow you away a little bit just a little bit you know all right you ready okay well hey let's set the five minute timer hey siri set a five minute timer and are you ready let's go ready let's go go go go go go go go go usually five minutes very very carefully here because you're gonna you're gonna need it let me just let me just say that you're gonna kind of trust me i've got such a good idea you're going down okay you can think that that's that's totally fair to think but you know maybe sometimes you shouldn't think well maybe you should just shut up and mind your own business uh-huh i think no that's not that's awesome that's totally fair well let's go ahead and do this real quick and play some of this around here i think people watching know what i'm going for right now they definitely do what did i just do i've nailed this i've actually know that i'm so proud of myself right now okay okay well can you give me any hints as to what you're building no i refuse okay okay that's fair that's totally fair that's totally fair okay well hey let's do one of those and then i guess we can go ahead and maybe how much time do we have we still have we have stuff we still have two minutes okay yeah this could work this could work let's go ahead and do maybe one of these something i haven't really done before but i think this could probably work pretty well if i do maybe like one of these like right here i i definitely need to go ahead and copy and paste this because it's just way too big to build it like all over again i just i don't think i could actually do that you know but in terms of you know what it is just makes things a lot easier because if i was if i was to place these blocks manually this would just be way too difficult i think like honestly i don't think i could yeah no i completely understand okay mine is almost there we go like that trying to carve out a bit all right that's that's not too bad let's go ahead and do this as well there we go and we do have no time okay okay can you please just let me finish one thing please okay i will give you a 30 second extra time just because i'm just because i'm feeling nice just because i'm feeling nice and also i i also want to make a quick little change um honestly i think i might blow you away here i think i might blow you away and i think you're going to love it i i'm ready whenever you are i'm ready whenever you are kid oh you know i kind of like that i kind of like okay yeah you know what i'm done i'm done okay so the way we're going to do this one is because i i think you need to kind of see it like from a certain perspective here so i'm going to so we're going to teleport you can teleport me to wherever you want me to see it from we'll do yours first and then we'll do mine after okay okay okay so i've got my spot that i want to teleport you to you go ahead and teleport with me whenever you're ready okay slash tp henry to whisp oh yoda no but yeah not just yoda it's a yoda pez it's a yoda pants where's the pez wait where's the where's the dispense pez right here you can see it it's this here this this oh right that's where the pez comes out where's all the where's the where's all the peasants there's an empty one you've got buyer extra i'm so great oh of course of course you do of course you do okay well yeah i you know we're talking about pez dispenser i actually have a thanos pez dispenser right next to me right now oh my goodness editor puts up an image of the yoda dispenser next this one tell me how uncanny that is i mean it does look pretty great it does look pretty great i mean you could maybe have done something like this i mean i'm not trying to i'm not trying to take over or whatever but like you could totally just have done you know a little bit of the pez coming out there oh yeah but then it looks like yoda that's what i can do it does look like lotus or something like that yeah i do like that yoda has a very big nose i might say okay you know what you know i'm not gonna judge a bird i'm not gonna judge you but you stay right here and um i'm gonna let you i'm gonna tp you over to mine okay i'll close your eyes i'll close my eyes yeah just close your eyes and just tell you you open your eyes when you think you're ready okay okay okay let's go like this tell me one let's do that and then just tp whisp can we okay whenever you're ready go ahead and open your eyes okay three two one what what we have a full strike force right here i mean they have they have a they have a little bit of interior space i mean look you can even go into the hangar bay underneath it and then like almost fly in if you break through i mean you didn't build it copy and paste it i copied and pasted one of them but i didn't build the first one over here so you didn't use it it was pretty great for the first one no more anywhere there too no this is you know completely just there's a bit where you can enter dude this is just selling i'm insane happy this is ridiculous i probably should i probably should i probably should why do i i think i i don't want to be mean again i think these bad boys might just take i can't even take the cake a little bit just take the cake a little bit you know don't get me wrong i prefer mine but yours is definitely more technical okay so so you're saying that i i win the competition right i mean i wouldn't go that far but i'd say well well i mean if i get the extra point technically i do have more points than you and i might well i mean it's awesome it's okay it's okay i'll i'll give you a quick building tutorial over here though if you come over to me i'll give you a quick building tutorial basically you just you need to be really really fast with it right so if you like stand right here yeah and if you're just really fast with it you just kind of think about what you're doing first and then once you've kind of thought about it right you just get out of the hole you know you place that back up after you've started thinking in the dirt just go ahead and um you know just start to start building you know what i mean like you just start you just start you just you just start building you know like you know you just start building an entire cathedral you know like okay you know it's really not that difficult man i don't understand what what the whole point was like you were saying it's like you know like i can literally just easily place as many blocks as i could ever really need and just kind of get the build done you know what i mean okay kit um i think you might have i think you might have rage quit anyway if you guys did enjoy this video be sure to hit that like button and subscribe down below and also comment down below who do you guys want me to troll next with this one um i'm sorry i'm sorry i can't maybe maybe we can possibly go with it dude maybe maybe yeah yeah yeah maybe yeah maybe we both get jacob within a future video oh but you know it's it's it's quite it's quite you know the skill it's quite the skill that you just need to adapt to and i think you don't need to get a joke i cannot i think we do i i think we do oh that looks it looks pretty great anyway if you guys did enjoy it leave a like i'll see you guys all again next time [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 679,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henwy, henwy minecraft, minecraft, wisp, instant building mod minecraft, instant house mod minecraft
Id: NL78Tbi0mVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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