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hi dudes welcome back to another video today we're teaming up with jerome and steve take on biffle wiffle so here's how it's gonna work we're gonna do a build battle but what bible doesn't know is that jerome steve and i have ahead of time installed a mod that basically lets us use a printer in minecraft we just print it build so we have to race with five minutes to build a prompt but we're gonna be amazing normally i'm not considered an amazing builder but today my builds are gonna be immaculate and we're gonna see if we can prank him for as long as possible without him realizing that he's getting trolled i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you want more prank or troll videos like this do me a favor hit that like button okay don't forget to subscribe if you're new we're trying to get to a million subs this year join the family in the movement enjoy the video uh well let's make like a tree and bark that's no that's like a woo did you get our oh yeah wolf wolf do you have like do you have a knee pad on steve i sure do oh my okay wait can you give that to andrew for his weakness okay i wish i could use my things i'm a soccer player so leave me alone wait let's see if he's actually telling the truth i bumped into him hey wow okay yeah yeah forget this all right cool steve please okay cool that's the video that's a wrap it's a wreck all right guys so the first round of build battle is going to be animals so everyone choose a corner wait i want i want to be red i want to be red i want green oh wait no wait i should actually wait i changed the green race this one actually i'm actually going to take uh yeah i'm going to take red over here wait hold on this is yellow and green what's wrong with it i'm actually going to take this one i'm going to take this one yeah what are we doing what are we doing uh build your favorite animal you got uh animal favorite you're going to build a pig honda i'm going to build a piping bag i bet you're going to build it i bet you're going to build a paint i'm going to build a rhino i'm going to go get on my level a chicken what are you going to build i'm i'm gonna build a bunny because bunnies are cute oh i have a pet bunny you know oh no don't get him started no no yeah you'd never believe it i i have a pet rabbit she's actually an attack rabbit though no that's no such thing jerome drummond has noticed how do you guys say there's no such thing as an attack rabbit well i've seen your rabbit and she did not attack me cookie is one hundred percent an attack rabbit bit you bite you no she's never bitten me oh okay she would never no she's bit me once no it's not a lie dude it really hurts that's how i believe it i believe it their teeth man their teeth she got impatient i was gonna give her papayas and i was about to hold it out of my hand like here you go and she just bit my finger i was like what is it to be fair i probably would bite your finger too if you tried to feed me papayas how do you wait as yeah time to talk anyway can you stop distracting me how much time do we have left uh we've got like three and a half minutes i i just realized i think i built off center oh no that was terrible i mean coming along pretty well i'll be honest i'm pretty proud of what i got wait so wait biffle what are you making again i'm making a bunny you're right like a bunny i just was asking again i don't know i'm making a bunny why i i didn't know what your favorite animal was trump don't you cover up my hole well my favorite i didn't do my favorite animal i did like one of my top five because the thing i wanted to make is a little too big let's start off first want to start off with uh steve's place bro that looks sick it's pretty good no wonder he wanted the extra 30 minutes he didn't get the tail done yeah i told you i needed a tail yeah yeah minus points for me oh actually you know what the tail no it's not a tail it's a it's a plumbus from rick and morty oh it is kind of a plum oh gosh i'm not allowed to look at that yeah oh captain america dude right actually really good that's like dude it's got a little ladder in there yeah yeah i'll go up inside dude dude it's a clubhouse dude you're going to click an automated chicken to take over the world i may have been present to you colonel oinkers wow he got promoted from my captain my captain oh my god who's the eyes that's cool yeah dude this is sick and you put it on like a little sand pat like a pedestal that's kind of i didn't know what it was until andy ate it all uh what no no i just uh it's taking a lot of like pigs were like cubes dude i made a bunny that's pretty cute wow that's actually really good yeah wow that's not a bad bunny at all what the do you like the blondie guys is it funny guys how did you make this bunny this fast i know how to make bunnies why do you know how to make bunnies i don't know i just make bunnies it's pretty easy honestly guys give me how you make you make a buddy how do you make a chicken huh well yeah like a more common animal you've never seen a bunny in your life i've i've stolen jerome's bunny like three times all the time yeah yeah nothing trouble i have something to tell you this is actually completely legitimate i took your bunny for a joyride one time and i didn't tell you what i took her for a while for a walk just kind of elder yeah oh my god well i forgot about that so yeah what's the next is there more rounds also he also hid eggos on the roof of your office is there another round one goes to steve what do you guys think of my buddy it's so cute it's like the smallest one though it's missing an eyeball i think it's a it's a ipad shawn let me give it a nike and eye patch kind of thing going on you know what now it just kind of looks like four eyes yeah no i don't yeah you know i i think steve's pretty good all right this is pretty good all right all right guys now the next round is gonna be a weird one we're gonna build tractors i'm not attracted to that i don't know what that means a tractor you know like a tractor tractor tractor tractor's right detractor oh it was like the whales the word tractor to me like yeah you know a tractor dude like a tractor all right all right all right i'm ready i'm ready i'm making a tractor and uh yo good luck everyone on your drinks how many minutes we got how many got 20. uh no no you you got a lot of time you have five minutes wait that's not a lot of time it's plenty you [Music] yeah i do too i'm doing really well you don't like building why'd you agree to do a buildback i love building but i just it's sometimes it's just it just gives a little my brain gets br uh uh bread breaks it's your brain gets brexit i'm gonna be honest i'm not a fan of this dude i grew up on a tractor so like it's fine i just grown up attractive i don't know what to tell you no never quiet from everybody oh sorry i don't what oh oh well i mean there's a lot of quietness from everybody which i didn't appreciate what are you building over here jerry i just want i want to get some inspiration no peeking no peeking that's good i want to teach you i want to please go to peak i want to pee no it's against the law worry about your own okay a lot you worry about yourself there sids guys what he said singed guy yeah yeah sid's guy said skyles imagine you do the magic what are you guys giggling about huh nothing about it we're just breaking the walls in each other's like thing i want to quit this i want to quit this too but you know what this is what we're here for where's your a game yeah i like it from the last build steve the type kind of a one-hit wonder you know he's like a wanderer that's a one a wander weight wanda yeah that's kind of like our band seaworthy vessels did we even have a hint though or was it really just yeah we did you don't remember sorry what was it no i don't uh uh the ballad of henry's toes we didn't even know henry back then he wasn't born yet hi steve how's it going uh pretty bad i just added a last-minute touch to mine that i think really uh sets it apart really bad steve what's happening no cheating over there guys those screen peekings i'm not i'm not screen peeking so much as i am screen staring i don't like it staring at this monstrosity that i'm making here well good luck steve i am i don't know steve just acted weird i think everyone's got the giggles yeah i do oh why is everyone giggling i'm over there focusing right now what's going on oh because i'm done we're done i feel like i'm good i'm good hopefully i'm feeling handsome i need two seconds but you got you got like a little less than two minutes so you gotta play you know steve you do you steve yeah you're done you're done so let's start off with austin first i think yeah i'm actually really proud of this one this was actually pretty cool okay all right let's see let's see what you got getting out of here boys come down here welcome hold on tractor is it the clever creeper throwback it's a throwback voice look at that but is it natural oh my well that looks good i like it oh i like that more than my buddy it had so much more detail that was really good i'm gonna be honest really good let me just uh let me just show you guys no more he fulfilled the prophecy poor nem chick dude never stood a chance oh let's go check out steve's building come on over guys this is sick did you like abandon a bold build or something steve yeah i started building and then i was like nah yeah this this looks like whatever i don't know this is nice oh look he put it in the ground too look see like there's like he's got the horses in his bed yeah wow i know i don't super see the tractor but i got i gotta be honest the clever creepers beating steve right now oh right look at look at that detail dude look at that all glass cabin dude air conditioned while you're out farming i think it's a tie between austin and andrew so far but wait till you feast your eyes on you know honestly i don't think it's a tie i think got it biff doesn't even have one anymore what is this oh my goodness oh my gosh the tractor pulling hay nails dude i mean legally what that's good that is really good yeah wow i would say surprisingly good i'll be honest i would say a little too surprisingly good i've been dude i i've been practicing building a lot lately that's true when i did my build battle with them recently dude like jerome was like all of a sudden the best builder that i've ever seen how many more rounds is there just one more okay i have a theory i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you the theory after i'm done with my my round what what's our next theme smellicopters smells like cocktails okay smell a smellicopter but how do i make it it's like a helicopter with a nose on it no it's just it's just a helicopter all right guys well everyone get ready to build yourself a good old-fashioned helicopter yeah oh i'm so ready right now dude go oh this i don't even know how the the letter gray okay can i pick that okay we need carpets we're getting carpets carpets that's how i call him how are you building it out of concrete cracker you can't fly not like it's kind of you can't fly no no i'm not making oh i was going to make it out of the matter does it matter i mean it doesn't matter to you kind of matter you guys are literally the worst people i've ever met and i've probably just wow wow the worst ever dude you've met henry my god man you know what you're absolutely right chief or henwy he's not even here the next build battle like andrew this is your second one right uh yeah this is my second one dude and i think i'm doing better i've been practicing dude you were pretty bad the first i'm not gonna lie [Music] i don't even care i don't even care i have a feeling you guys are just going to beat me in this one anyways i'm getting some glass dude i don't know austin it's very hard to make a good helicopter i don't even have my helicopter licensed i don't have enough time to make a helicopter like this dude that's the magic it's going to be yeah that'd be embarrassing you don't even have carpet dude kidding that's true that's how i know you guys are doing well well we've got like three and a half minutes left so i hope you guys are using your time wisely oh no i'm not there's nothing about what i'm doing is wise i'm definitely using my time wisely worst thing i've ever done we're going to go ahead and make a door i guess we like doors even doris i think you're just being harsh on yourself buddy i think you're being harsh on me right now okay okay i'm sorry for being harsh on you for being harsh on yourself come on and then how much time do we have is someone playing a jukebox no the peeking no peeking out i'm not peeing in here just yeah i'm just assessing the possession you know [Music] no peeking not shabby oh man i'm stressed why don't we check out yours first then buddy if you're so stressed yeah come on down bowling hold on over here welcome to the biffle copter i didn't know oh that's adorable it's like that what's up the cartoon with like the the apple and the worm guy yeah that's what i was going for it's like scary town dude jerome if you do it again i'll leave right now i just made this man my tractor's gone i only got it left in my name as an apple copter it's beautiful i like the apple copter i like it that's pretty good honestly i think it means mine i think it beats mine should we do andy's next one sure which one goes all the way across diagonal what is a skinny little guy here definitely something it's one of those cargo ones you know but it didn't it's a chinook but it didn't pick up his cargo right now yeah right signals i'm breaking your music no austin why don't you come check out mine over here mine isn't that good i think i came in dead last to be honest what you what's wrong i figured after round two you're telling me you made this i made this myself you made this in five minutes yeah here we we can go check out mine yeah i mean it doesn't seem that much different from mine before i don't know what the problem is steve's is uh about the same yeah no it's it's completely identical it's the same thing what do you have installed jerome on this server i even put this over here so that it emulated the sound of a helicopter for you guys oh that's what i'll emulate a sound for you hold on let me just emulate some sounds let me just just build that don't blow it up yeah yeah i figured it out on round two i know sigils and for how many years you were you somebody yeah steve no hold on steve you're the only person that wouldn't believe that would have got better it's not that hard to build the rhino exchange it's not hard i don't know i don't know wait how did you do this with vanilla minecraft wait this is sick because you didn't have to install anything this is yeah what's client-side mods baby yeah buddy this is ridiculous it makes me feel any better if they got me with boats dude i tried my best yeah yours were oddly good i'm not going to lie really good i was like hold up they tell you guys i have a printer but no i'm just kidding i was i was like jerome double stroke double pranking me where like biffle actually has a printer too and like i'm not helping people to be honest i thought the same thing where i was like did andrew let austin in on the prank and like is he doing it too because he was really good you liked my tractor thanks man and your buddy dude 10 out of 10. uh thanks guys thank you uh the the apple copter is where i lacked a little bit i'll be honest yeah yeah yeah it wasn't as good as ours i got stressed out because there's a lot more edges and stuff shut up you guys suck all right you
Channel: Sigils
Views: 212,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, sigils, jeromeasf, bifflewiffle, minecraft hacks, minecraft printer, minecraft build hacks, minecraft build pranks, minecraft pranks, minecraft printer hack, minecraft build battle hack, minecraft build battle printer, minecraft one block, minecraft instant house, minecraft crafting instant house, crafting an instant house in minecraft
Id: QgATBI6ctN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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