Free-range Chicken Farming ( Episode 59)│Harvesting hundreds of eggs & Feeding 800 native chickens

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what [Applause] hi guys it's a beautiful day once again and welcome back to dexter's world channel i believe in the saying that not all that glitters is gold yes that is true and many of us believe that you can only become successful if you landed in big corporation in big companies or if you have this white collar job but it proves to me that some success may be gotten out of farming activities some of our success may be achieved through doing dirty works like this one today i'm going to share with you our success in racing these tickets because how many months ago many of our followers commented that we will not become successful because there are predators because these chickens might get infected with virus or many other hindrances that they are actually mentioning but it's my principle not to focus on the negative i would like to focus on the things that we can improve and the things that we can do and today i am very proud that we already have 800 heads of adult chickens and how many months from now they're gonna be producing eggs and chicks and this is the nature of our business actually in december of last year we started only 100 heads of this layer chickens and now we already have 800 and my intention is to have this 3 thousand heads but i would like to recount this statement because 3 000 heads is really very difficult to manage and i realized that only half of this property is suitable for chicken farming and the half of this is already suitable for the fish farming that is why i renewed my idea and i would just like to settle with the 1000 heads of chicken because this is already more than enough to produce volumes of cheeks and volumes of eggs that can be sold in the market our experience today is very bad because we are flooded and we are disturbed by this la nina how many days ago some of our baron guys or the villagers here in the city of zamboanga had experienced flood and some of the houses were flooded with volumes of water and this makes us difficult to bring in some food for the chickens to bring in the rye salt because the road is really muddy and we don't have yet the budget to repair or to reconstruct our road going here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so guys we have just finished spreading this rice all on the ground and i am confident now that they will not anymore contract disease such as the coals and the cuff brought by the ammonia because it's already emitting bad odor that's why we have to control this one immediately and we will put the right side now it's our turn to feed our chicken but before we gonna feed them allow me to just get some of the grass that we have cultured and this grass is called mombasa grass and we are torturing this and this is very good for our chicken because it contains high protein so come on twist be with me i'm going to cut the grasses and we will mix that with water spinach and then after getting this we will put this in the grass chopper and then we will mix that with the commercial pellet and then we will feed this to our chicken come on let's go so ah so so so you look at this guys this is the finished product of the grasses that we have chopped through this chopper machine what's good about this is we are cutting half of our expenses and so far as the feeding is concerned to this uh breeder chickens and i'm so glad that we were able to acquire this chapter machine and maybe you will ask how much is this well this is just around 34 000 pesos and i'm sharing this because i would like you also to try this one maybe you will try chopping your water spinach and even this mombasa grass that we have cultured right there [Music] [Laughter] uh so guys we are now about to feed our chicken and maybe you will ask dexter what's the composition of your feeding well we mix our commercial pellet with this kind of grass that we have just chopped with the chopper machine actually we are actually using many kinds of grasses we have this waters peanuts we have this mumbasa grass and sometimes we use the cabbage or the pechai that we get from the market so now we will start to feed the chicken because this is already their feeding time and what i like about them is that they will still grow very fast and affected even if we are integrating the grasses that are just available from the surroundings so come on let's sweetness how we gonna feed this 800 heads of chickens [Music] so [Applause] uh [Applause] uh oh [Applause] i think it's been two months already or maybe more than a month that we haven't made a vlog about our construction for this chicken coop and as you can see we already have completed the fencing and we use the bamboo as our fans so that these chickens cannot go outside and you will see that our bananas are also growing great they are now providing shade to this cook the layered chickens out there are producing 90 percent of fertile eggs and actually we already have disposed more than 2 000 of our cheeks to the market and i'm glad that many people have also tried been encouraged to engage in this kind of farming and it's good that we are able to help also the desire of other people in so far as this farming is concerned so it's time now to gather some eggs i believe that we can gather so many eggs today because i instructed my staff not to collect the eggs from yesterday and today so come on let's go inside in the breeding coop and then we will collect the eggs let's go [Music] so guys i missed this thing this collection of eggs inside in the breeding cup i have not done this quite a while so i will do it myself we will collect the eggs and then we will count how many eggs we can collect today and yesterday hi guys let me collect your eggs so we will examine if we can collect in this nest wow we have one two three four and then this one has many one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten wow very large egg so we will count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fourteen eggs 14 we have 15 16. good 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26. wow it's amazing eggs [Music] these are your rings this is 93 60 eggs oh my goodness this is perfect because we have 30 hands right here and i instructed my staff not to collect the eggs yesterday and today so all in all we got 60 two trays of eggs for the 30 layers that are here so we will visit the other breeding coop where i believe we can also get some eggs come on let's go [Music] so we will get inside and we will see if we can also get some eggs right here hello one two we only got six one two three four five six okay what about the other coop thank you [Music] i hope you can still recall that we are intending to produce uh the dw chicken and this is now coming to a realization because our crossbreed of the siam and this rooster of this rhode island had been very successful wow look at us so we will try if we can get some eggs right here excuse me okay just relax siams or wild chickens can i get some of your eggs oh just relax don't have eggs what about the other cook just relax no don't don't get wild [Music] and we also have started the breeding of the siam to the peruvian chicken and you will see that they are big and i hope that we can use their produce as our materials in the future to produce this big w chicken so oops relax okay this are the eggs that we have gathered from this breeding pan so we will get inside the farmhouse and you will see that there are really plenty of eggs right there come on let's go actually we only have 40 layers and we are producing 35 to 40 eggs in a day and this are the produced for the period of three days and this is a big accomplishment and i am imagining if you have 800 layers of this kind of chicken and we can collect 800 eggs every day i couldn't imagine how much eggs we can produce in a month and how much money we can produce just by selling these eggs to the market or if you really would like to expand your income we can produce chicks that are sold at a higher price compared to selling eggs so these are the mark of our success and i hope that you are encouraged and i hope that you will continue to like and share our videos to inspire other people and i would like to ask you to please subscribe if you haven't yet subscribe because we are uploading videos every five days and if you will subscribe and hit that notification bell you will be notified of every video that we gonna upload only here at dexter's world [Music] [Music] on the other side
Channel: Dexter's World
Views: 2,080,553
Rating: 4.7834358 out of 5
Id: 5nqZ3oOhd5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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