AI tools for writing Systematic Literature Reviews

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question foreign foreign I hope you are doing well and this is Dr Muhammad Imran Qureshi today I'm really excited to teach you some very important AI based tools which we can use for systematic literature reviews and this is a very exciting times because we have new announcements of many AI based softwares and the systems which can help us in writing in a better way so this would be a very interesting topic but we need to learn how we can use these AI tools for our systematic literature reviews obviously the utilization of these systematic tools or AI based tools for uh you know it's all over the disciplines and every disciplines or the professions have been you know affected by these AI based rules especially the chat GPT and Scholars is also another AI based tool which which already changed a lot of things around us so let's see how we can utilize these tools and techniques in order to get our systematic literature review so today's learning would be mainly focused on understanding of these systematic literature review processes and how we can use and where actually we can use this AI based tools for assisting Us in writing systematic literature review process and then I will try to understand the quickly how we do the systematic literature review process and then finally where we need it and how we use these applications so today my session would be brief and focus on two important tools which are Scholars C and chat GPT so I'll take you through one example and we'll try to apply that example on cat GPT I have not done it yet but I will try to learn with all of you and then we can see how we can utilize these tools and techniques for your writing of systematic literature review so uh before moving further just uh to make sure we have already done many workshops on systematic literature review writing so I'm not going into the details of all the process and all the the the steps we follow in systematic literature review process for that you can watch my previous videos here I will briefly go through the process and then I will quickly learn how these AI based tools can help us in writing and synthesizing our systematic literature review process so for that reason I might be taking you through the process step by step but quickly and briefly and then later on we can work on on the process of you know working with scholarsy and Jr GPT and just give me one moment okay so let's move on so the first thing is systematic literature review what exactly systematic literature review is for those who are joining us for the first time you should be able to understand that systematic literature review is a process through which we systematically identify the relevant literature and try to investigate uh you know from the literature what exactly is available and how we can you know synthesize the available literature so that is a scientific method that's why no matter if anyone follow the same step the results would be same so the purpose of systematic literature I have discussed this many times it's it's basically to minimize the impact or bias biaseness in the literature to highlight where the not sufficient work has been done we we also you know try to find out what needs to be done in the future so all these are different purposes of systematic literature review so we have discussed all these steps and processes and purposes in different videos so you can watch those videos in order to understand what exactly uh systematic literature review is and how we conduct it but quickly going through the systematic literature review process because that is very much important especially while we are using uh AI based tools because you know uh with these AI based tools uh there is an ongoing debates of ethical you know concerns or also there so means that if we copy everything from the AI tools and we are not writing by ourselves or we are not generating any concepts and we are just trying to learn from the literature using AI tools that would be you know a very uh different idea and that might raise some ethical concern from the researchers and from the journals as well for now uh I don't see any policy from the journals or from uh major websites scoopers or web of Sciences so how to deal with this AI based systems and tools but for now I believe we can use it but with some uh ethical concern or some limitations so let's try to learn systematic literature review process exactly what exactly systematic literature we process is just give me a moment thank you foreign guys okay so the steps are very simple we discuss these steps in our previous videos as well first thing is conceptualization so you develop the concept set up the objective post your research question and then go with the search strategy how we can search the relevant literature extract your data and finally we synthesize and Report our results now this is where exactly we are using a AI based tool which is synthesize and Analysis of your literature so I will give you a brief idea how we do literature review uh by using different tools which we have already covered in the previous videos and we'll go through uh this one as well so conceptualization is very clear you develop research question identify measurables and determine your outcomes a simple process so we post a research question and then we identify what exactly we need to measure and finally we we have our expected outcomes in our mind and then we move on with the process okay so the search strategy obviously we use different search tools and different databases so what we do we Define the keywords we select the databases we identify the relevant literature and and uh use the quality measurement criteria and protocol and then uh extract the records and this is also we can do through Prisma framework so we we follow the Prisma framework carefully and in those Prisma Frameworks we have all these steps uh where we can you know do all this uh data extraction and quality criteria inclusion and exclusion criteria can be implemented through Prisma framework so these are different databases from where we can extract the records or extract the results so Prisma framework obviously we discussed this Prisma framework many times in our research and many times in our systematic literature review videos so prefer reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis this is called Prisma framework so this is a diagram for just to remind you how we start with the general we have many studies then we try to remove the duplicates we try to remove irrelevant records and then we come up with the small number of research articles which usually we use in our that is this is how Prisma framework actually works so this is uh different steps there are four different steps in the Prisma framework we identify we screen the data we check the quality assessment and then we include the final uh you know number of research articles or the records in our database so usually we extract in Microsoft Excel from where we use different tools to you know classify our literature so once we are done with this Prisma framework we have our Excel sheet the next step is to work with those Excel sheets and we try to classify our literature now what does it mean the classify we divide them into different categories so in one video I have already explained what type of methods you can use for uh you know segregate or segmentize or clustering your available data set okay so that we can use non-judgmental or judgmental methods so if I go through quickly these are some descriptive in nature or non-judgmental method which is basically me based on number of years uh geographic distribution titles of research weightage Fields citations and all this and this is how we represent this information in our research article in our systematic literature reviews I'm quickly going through this because this has been covered in many previous videos so that is not my concern for today but let me go through this process and I will tell you where exactly we are using these AI tools for writing our systematic literature review so these are different types of the tables and charts which we usually use in our systematic literature review articles and and we display in our research okay now similar to this we have some judgmental criterias as well now the judgmental criterias are mainly focused on the opinion of the researcher how you would classify how you clusterize the existing study for example we have many different methods of doing this the judgmental for example method based the treatment the relationship contextual Theory based construct conceptualization there are different methods and many methods are available that mainly depend on how do you think you can divide your literature based on your research question and then understand each cluster separately and then we try to come up with an idea from those different classifications so these are different methods of classification which we can use and we can display again in in different distribution methods now exactly what I did I have explained different methods of classifying the literature for example if I have many studies I divide them into different classification and these classification can be represented in different ways so how we do that now if if you check on this uh just if you check on this for systematic literature review when we do classifications we use different tools and techniques for dividing our literature in in in different categories or clusters this is where we use wash viewer this is where we have used uh our bibloshini and different text mining tools which actually divide our data based on the meta data and keywords and all those repetitive terms which we use in our abstract and entitle and we divide our literature so once the division has been done the next step would be synthesis now the literature synthesis is something we learn from the literature and we come up with an idea or the conclusion or the consensus from different segments and clusters okay now these are simple steps so we started with research question we have done with the data extraction then we divide literature into different classification so once we are done with the classification we learn from those classification and use them to synthesize the literature and come up with the conclusion or Theory now this is whole literature review process now where do we need these AI based tools and how we can use them in our research that's important question and that's the the the main idea of today's online session the first thing is for example let's try to learn how do we do the literature review process the way I taught you in in different videos so first we Define objectives and then we extract data or records from different sources right so this is the stepwise discussion of the literature review process so once we we are we have extracted all these record The Next Step would be to combine them right so we have one Excel sheet so one Microsoft Excel sheet and then we classify these records into different categories or different clusters these clusters we can develop by ourselves but we also use different tools and techniques for dividing these literatures or these studies into different categories okay for example I have combined 100 studies and then in each cluster we have 25 studies just this is just for illustration purposes that might be in your case there is a different your number of studies in each cluster but this is just to take an illustration take an example of how we we work with this uh systematic literature review process so we extracted and each of these steps which I just discussed is already available in our previous video so you can go and find out how we have done this process and how we use different tools and techniques to work with these clusters and how to develop these clusters we used our bibla shiny we use site space we use boss viewer we use Excel sheet all these are tools and techniques which we have learned to classify our literature so we have classified based on text mining for example if we are using voice viewer or biblio shiny we can just learn from the keywords or index keywords and then we can use that to find out whether there is you know clusters available in your data or not so this is a simple process to classify or to clusterize your existing studies and then we divide them into small segment based on these voice viewer and these different softwares okay so they are just text mining software they are not exactly AI based software so this is the first step we have done now let's move on uh this is where we we have already classified our literature into different categories now let's try to learn how do we work the next step the next step is actually working within the classification this is where your AI based tools will work for you and we can learn from AI based tools and work within the literature classification for example you have studied 25 studies in literature one uh classification one this classification is maybe subcluster based on maybe theoretical development maybe method based or maybe any any of your justification which you have provided for classifying that literature or you have used tools for example voice viewer or people assignee to classify these literature into different categories now working within the literature classification is little bit tricky and this is where a lot of work has been consumed and the researchers they have you know some and difficulties in working within the literature classification because we have many studies in one cluster for example 25 research article or 20 research article so how do we compile them and how do we work within the cluster that that's the important part and that's where AI based tool will help you to understand and to rework with your literature so if I conclude here uh we have identified the relevant literature we extracted the record in my Microsoft Excel we use pivot tables or any other software for example biblometric software just to classify your literature into different categories and then now we are working within each category differently for example classification one classification two and then classification 3 or might pre-cluster one two three or four in your case you have maybe four cluster or four segments of your research article now once we are done with these clusters we can learn from each of these cluster and come up with the final idea which is your literature synthesis okay so now this is where we can work within the classification and then we will learn and come up with the final idea of our research articles and that would be called your literature synthesis now this is where you will be using different tools and these tools are basically foreign the first one is scholarship and the second one is your chat GPT or open AI let me work with these tools for example let's just work with this policy so this is the scholarship website this tool will help you to summarize your research articles okay so if you have for example 25 research article now it is your time you want to learn from each of these research articles and you try to find out the findings for that purpose you need to read the whole article and if there are 100 articles in your research it means that you need to learn from the 100 article and that might be a difficult task okay to make this work easy I'm using this tool it's very handy tool scholarship it's very simple let's let let's see how it works for example if I have a complete research article foreign let me just download any research article for example this is one of my research article recently published so we can just download this article foreign just trying to download This research article so we can import this article into scholarship and then we can see how it it generates its memory and other information from that article directly so we don't need to read the whole article we can just use this summary and this research foreign okay so this is the research article foreign website and I will upload this document now once your document is being uploaded it will automatically create all the information which we need from this article and that information directly we can use in our classification literature classification within the classification where we are talking about the different research articles and how they contributed to some sub clusters or sub segments of your whole systematic literature review for example if I am working for cluster one and this article is related with cluster one so where it is it's done okay now you can see the the article title non-thermal pool processing a step towards circular economy to means meet sustainable food development goals okay so now this is a very simple you know way of summarizing your research article so you can see uh all sections are there so the key concept these are the key Concepts which we use in this research article so it can be some sort of repetitive uh you know words or the key Concepts available in this research article so you can understand what exactly this article is talking about now you have different sections here you have all these sections available for you for example the abstract so abstract is already available now and you can read this abstract and from here the synopsis this is what this application have actually done it it has created and synopsis for your research article and if you want to learn about this article in a very quick way you can just you know learn from this synopsis and the reference is already available you can copy that reference in your research article as well okay so this is where you can copy and paste or maybe you can take these ideas and and write in your research article so if you want to see the quick highlights of the finding of the study then you can just go ahead and click on this scholarly highlights so it have created all these highlights of This research article with the references and you can just copy those ideas and you know rework in your research article then you can just try to tell us or just explain the research article in detail in your uh you know classification and then if you want to see the summary again now the good thing which I usually use is uh the summary is obviously generically available but the thing is the most important part in this summary you will find all this information in introduction limitations findings the key findings of the research and then the conclusion which have been created with this scholarship and then very important tool which is comparative analysis it tells us what exactly this study has been done and what is the difference of this study with the previous one so it took from your writing and give you the information about your research and the previous ones what exactly your work and how it is different from the previous study so this is where most of the time we are working within our cluster so what we are doing we are trying to write and we are trying to differentiate each study from the previous one okay for example the study a have done something but that is different from the previous work and how it is different from the previous work so this is a very useful information which we can utilize in our research I mean especially while we are writing within the Clusters okay and then if you want to bring these tables the tables are available in Microsoft Excel so all these tables use in this research article you can just download them as an Excel sheet if you want to copy the full text that is also available and now these are different parts introduction result conclusion limitation study compliance and most importantly the references also available in download downloadable format and you can just download all the references of This research article now this tool is very much useful while we are working within the cluster for example if we have 25 research articles within one cluster we can quickly upload them and copy the summary might be if you need the summary if you need the highlights or if you need the comparative analysis of each study so you can you can use this direct information from scholar C and copy and paste it in your research and rework based on and ideas available in this so you don't need to go through the complete article and then extract this information this is the right information which we need in order to develop our consensus from the previously creatures so similar process I will do on all the research articles available in that particular cluster and then we can copy them and copy the comparative analysis or the summary in order to utilize in our research okay so that's that's how we do we can also create some tables and figures from here and that is very much useful idea for us so it gives us all the complete information based on your work okay so this is the first tool which we are using in the second Tool uh I believe uh this explanation is fair enough so if you have any any question on this scholar say you can ask me but the first thing is you need to try it it's a really handy tool for you and you can use it for free uh for now I think for some time but uh as you can see that I have not logged in but still I can use it and I'm using it for the free so you can use this tool and you can extract this information which mainly we need to work in within the cluster in order to synthesize our literature okay so especially when we are talking about the comparative analysis this study or this application will give you a very clear understanding of of your work and the comparative analysis from the previous work so that you can extract and rewriting your research okay so that's the tool number one now I believe uh it's very clear uh there is no I I believe there is no confusion on this so when once you learn if you have any question on this you can just type in the chat box or you can type uh write us on your on our Facebook page so we'll try to summarize those questions and try to create another video detailed video on scholarship as well now the second tool which I'm using is chat GPT which which I believe everyone is talking about now foreign but very handy tool and somehow there are some ethical concerns related to this uh application as well because it can give you everything if you want to write a complete research article just give it some information and it will give you a whole new research articles based on on your queries or based on your questions so that's very important and very you know powerful tool and I believe nowadays it's ongoing debate on this and you will hear this open AI everywhere because it have changed everything and the people are using it in in many many different you know professions for example the people using it for the coding you don't need to code anything you can just ask this application to code it for you and then obviously it will work for you now this application we can use it for our research as well now if if you if you check on the information available here on jet GPT so it gives you some examples how we can use this what are the capabilities of this AI based software and system and what are the limitations now for example if we are working on supply chain for example just foreign technology in supply chain so now you can see it is giving me all the information which I need okay now these are very important information so it extract the information from all Internet available sources and then compile it and give you information required information based on your own you know a research purposes so if you can check on this so it have already given me a complete information for writing so for example blockchain technology in splice in the blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize Supply Chain management by improving transparency traceability and efficiency now these are the key terms which we do understand okay so now these are information which we can use in our reset now the good thing about this is it is completely AI based software so there is no need for paraphrasing but remember there are some softwares which can detect that this the content is being developed from AI based system so I'm not sure how these journals and how these different you know databases are responding to this software because it is recently developed and opened for usability so that's why I'm not sure about the ethical concern and the policy from the different journals but for me we can use it to create you know some consensus about the information we have in our classification for example if I am working on technological development in supply chain now I have different blocks for example blockchain I have big data I have clouding all these different Technologies are being used in Supply Chain management widely so if I want to work on blockchain so let me think about okay the blockchain so what about the blockchain now we have 25 research article in this cluster which is Supply Chain management the blockchain technology in Supply Chain management now I want to generate a table which tells me the recent studies on using blockchain in Supply Chain management so let let's just try to figure out whether this AI based software can do it for me or not so for example create a literature table for foreign utilization in let's see what this software can do for you okay now you can see the paper title the number of year the year in which the paper is published and the summary of that research article so the table is being generated so I can see these studies whether these studies are important for me or not so I can refer back to the Google citations or uh you know all these databases which channel it is published so then I can come up with the idea and I can add and remove some studies from here but the thing is this software can do a lot for us in in terms of writing specific themes and specific topic now I want this software or I want it to generate this one but with the author names now let's see how it works now you can see if it can give you information the way you you need okay so and even this chat what you are doing with this chat GPT is you know in continuation so if you want the system to explain this table it can also do it for you there is a lot of application for this you know AI based uh software but the thing is how we use them in our research is is more important than what we can do it uh what we can do with this system so what my understanding about this is we can develop these tables or figures or understanding about some particular topic based on our research questions or the queries within the Clusters and then we can rewrite so for example I want uh system to explain this table let's see so this is trying to explain the table and available studies within this table okay so this is the in continuation so you can generate information which we were previously doing based on Google or you know any other search engine and we were trying to extract the information okay so now we can use and the ability of this chat GPT to respond to the technical queries and you know very detailed and specific information is is enormous for me for example if I want to see the theoretical development of you know the theories in in supply chain foreign so it can give you information which you need exactly the way you want it okay so it will give you a few important theories which have been established in in Supply Chain management and you can use them as a reference point and then you can go within the details and within the details and it can give you all this information now important thing there might be a question whether this system or this chat GPT can give you the references as well yes if you if you write any any command and ask it to write with references or with citation it will include the citation of those studies as well and then you can use it thank you okay so you can see this the information with the citation is also available now and you can refer back to the Google and Google Scholar and all other databases where you can find these references and you can try to understand whether these are important work in your you know area of research or not so these are different tools and techniques which we can use to write our literature review article but the thing is most important part is you need to develop the idea and that idea is yours okay so nobody can tell you about the development of the idea the research question and then you can classify the literature into different categories and work within the categories and these tools can help you to work to to do your work more quickly and more efficiently and writing obviously that's not a problem with chat GPT but still uh remember there are some tools which can detect that this content has not been developed by the human they are AI based content so be careful on that part and I'm not sure how these uh this scope or Committee of publication ethics or and other organizations or entities which handle all the you know publication process and transparency in the publication process how they respond to these software that is still a question and it is a point of open debate whether we need to use it or not and how or to what extent we can use these tools and techniques for us but if you want this software to write a complete research article it can do it for you for example foreign so you can see it can give you information it can work with your theories and it can give you all the information available but the thing is it's it extract the information which is already available on the internet I'm not sure whether this software have access to all the research article and these databases and directly extracting that information from those sources or if there is any other sources available from that but whatever is it is doing it is just you know retrieving the information available online and then try to analyze that information and organize in a way you need any provide you information so we can we can use these skills or these techniques in our research and we can try to rework our you know literature very quickly so let's come back to the point okay I believe you do understand and now you can play with these two softwares and try to learn how we can use them so let's just go with the uh with the thing which is more important it is basically how systematic literature review works and where do we need to use this AI based tools okay so first you need to develop your idea you need to identify your question then you need to search the literature when you are done with the literature search you have extracted the record the next step is to divide that based on descriptive and judgmental methods once you have divided your literature into small portions or small clusters then you need to work under each cluster this is where in my opinion AI based tools and techniques are more useful and you can use them in order to understand your in order to develop the the information which you need in each clusters and once you are done with that finally you need to synthesize and combine all the information and come up with an idea or a theory with future researcher can use based on your research so this is how systematic literature review works and this is how we can use AI Tools in order to develop in order to write our systematic literature review and in future I might be developing some more videos based on each of these tools and how we use them and with some practical example where I use them and I work with these tools and techniques in order to write a systematic literature review article I believe this is it for today's session this was very important session but I want you to learn this software and work on these and try to you know learn these in order to utilize in your research as well so scholarship and the second one is chat GPT which is very much famous nowadays and everybody is talking about these uh to research tools okay so thank you very much and I believe this video was very much useful for all of you who are doing systematic literature review and they were worried about how we can write different concepts in our classification and clusters and how we can work quickly with those number of article for example in each cluster you have 25 research article whether do you need to read all of them and then summarize or is there any tools available which can help us to summarize the existing you know research article in an efficient and quick way yes there are tools which are scholarship and chat GPT which we can use for summarizing and extracting the information from the research article and I will be working more on chat DPT and will update you more information if if I receive something interesting in chat chat GPT and I will update you all so thank you very much now I am open for questions so if you have any question you can ask me and then I would be happy to answer your question thank you foreign foreign first is there are two major limitations to chat GPT is that it is limit to 21 2021 and sometime give wrong answers and summaries okay for summaries I believe you should use scholarly scholarships okay that's that's the important software because we have our own research articles ready with us and we can upload them and then we can summarize the research article based on on what about their finding using scholarship okay so for summaries use scholarship chat DPT I used to develop you know the key ideas within the cluster for example I gave you an example of of this blockchains in Supply Chain management so I realized that okay there are four different types of the utilization of blockchains in in Supply Chain management traceability security efficiency and might be trackability so these were four different aspects of blockchain Technologies which I learned from chat CPT because it can give you information available from different sources and that would be the starting point of your thinking and then you can rework on each of them separately and then ask the chat GPT to give you more detail yes there are some limitations on chat GPT but remember this is just a start I'm not sure how this this will work in future but I'm pretty sure it will be very cool in the future as well it is just started now we'll see how this this will work okay okay can we submit multiple article together in school C yes but the thing is you need to buy a professional version for that so if you are using free version there are some limitations so one by one I prefer to do one by one that's very important because I learn from each and then comparative analysis if you want to upload multiple files obviously you need to buy some new you know features for that okay can you import from mainly software yes we can import I have another video on importing from manly software within Excel sheet okay so uh from that but if you want to work with the scholarship I believe you need to use PDF files because when you are downloading directly from the source it has some metadata attached to that file which I believe scholarship is using for generating the summaries and all this information okay so uh prefer directly download the PDF file and then upload in scholarship okay but obviously it can be used okay um [Music] okay kindly again tell me the name of softwares for SLR so for SLR we have many different software and there is a series of videos which is available on our YouTube channel so you can watch them in each video we are talking about a different software and application of those software so go ahead and watch all those SLR videos and you will see different options for example boss viewer we have done with the r Studio we have done with the bibla shiny we have done with the Excel as well so there are different software which you can use for systematic literature review and the videos are available okay how to differentiate literature into cluster any guideline that's very important question now this is where your critical working abilities are coming in when we have the literature classification we need to understand each classification should be differentiated based on clear you know formation or clear understanding or the differences between the classification for example if we are talking about theoretical development we might be talking about each cluster a different theoretical development if we are talking about for example method based classification so each cluster should represent a different methodology for example qualitative and quantitative this is just for illustration obviously you have in-depth knowledge in your area so you can classify them in a better way but these clusters should be you know homogeneous within the population and heterogeneous with with other cholesterol okay so there should be clearly this distinction between each classification and and within the classification studies should be homogeneous it should not be like this in in one cluster you have all types of the studies and there is a difficulty for you to to you know sum up or synthesize all these literature because they are from different background different studies so try to differentiate each classification or cluster based on some rules or principles which you define okay so that's very important part so once you are done with that it would be easier for you to you know work within the cluster that's very important part of your writing okay uh yes I would be doing a video on using AI softwares and I would try to help you because the question is this would you be cool if you do a video on how to do SLR entirely AI based for all the steps yes we can do that and I'll try to prepare a video for that but that video would be very lengthy so we can divide that video into different uh maybe two or three uh different episodes so I'll try to work on this and I'll give you guideline for AI tools and how we can use it because it's not just that using AI tool it is also ethical concern so we need to understand we need to keep a balance between these tools and techniques and also where we are going into the plagiarisms and all these stuff so I'll try to develop these videos which can help you to use these tools but staying you know Innovative and novel as well so I'll try to make these videos okay okay okay so how you can access chat GPT software so you can just write chat GPT in uh you know Google it's very famous nowadays and you can easily access to this software and there is no problem of using the software and even similar is is true for scholarship you can just write scholarship and and in in Google and you can find out there okay can we make a bibliographic bibliometric Network figure with chat GPT I have not tried yet uh but I don't think so because the chat GPT is a language based software so it it gives you AI based on the language but if you want to develop networks and all this the r coding is is already available we have done some videos on bibliometrics using R so you can use that and also if you want to develop you know beautiful diagrams and pictures there are some other AI based tools which you can use for these type of diagrams and figures and network but you know the software for example was viewer or bibla shiny or site space they are using some mathematical calculations to develop these networks okay and this calculation would be missing in in any other software will just creating the network diagrams okay so I believe you should use these software because it will give you you know based on your data so chat GPT maybe it's it's not designed for that purposes so uh I don't think so that that would be helpful in that case okay for paraphrasing I am using Quail boot so quill board is is another important software so you can use a free version if you want to do the paraphrasing so coil board is is very important software and now you can use chat GPT as well so it's also another way of paraphrasing okay uh the chat GPT can only analyze the article published within the last five years so what I did I tried it in different ways okay so now this is your understanding how you use it okay now what I did when I asked it to analyze the previous literature it brings only literature review articles okay then the next command I give can you give me top 10 research articles based on empirical studies so it gives me a different table then I ask for qualitative research and it gives me different tables okay so I can copy those tables and generate my own table based on these table but most importantly the thing is that these studies which chat gpts including in that table we need to check whether these studies are reliable published in good journals and have reputable citations or not so there are some you know rework you must need to do in order to bring all these table together in your research okay so it's not about the last five years or five year or anything it's about the way you talk to this chat GPT okay so if you have good command you have good understanding of your research so you can ask very relevant and direct question and it will give you result and then you can use them in your research okay so that that's the idea behind it how can use this AI application to write SLR on experimental research qualitative or quantitative such as blockchain write a related article yes this is what I just told uh you can just give the command okay give me the table based on the quantitative studies and it will give you all the information on the quantitative studies as well so it is the way you interact with the software okay so it gives you option so don't worry it will give it it can cover all these qualitative quantitative overall other experimental ways so you just need to differentiate within your command Okay within your uh send text which you are writing to this software yeah the recording will be available for live and after this session you can watch this video later on as well thank you very much [Music] okay so a Sachin Singh asks any framework tccm or afo on SLR on time series for costing uh now uh it it depends on the method okay so if you are using any systematic literature review but you want to divide that based on the forecasting methods you can do it in literature classification but the process would be same okay the framework would be same you need to follow the Prisma framework if you are writing systematic literature review uh based on AI or sorry time series or based on any of these uh you know methods of empirical analysis that's your choice you can divide them in in terms of classification but the method or the framework will be using is same Prisma framework and you will follow all the steps which we have covered in systematic literature will be the only difference you will see is in in your literature classification so you can classify time series analysis in a separate classification or any other methods of analysis in in other classification or even if within the time series analysis you can categorize one two or three different uh empirical methods for that okay so this is possible able but this is need to be done within the classification the rest of the process for systematic literature review is same okay I think that's it uh we are already over one hour now so I believe for this session this would be enough so I hope you learn about these tools today and uh usually we can use these in in our research as well so if you have any question further on this utilization of these AI tools or any query so you can post me in the comments or you can uh go to our Facebook page and ask these questions and I will try to compile them and try to create another video for all of you thank you very much and have a very nice day goodbye and see you soon bye bye
Views: 78,835
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Id: uOHtseSax0M
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Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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