ChatGPT Teams Plan: Is It Worth the Upgrade?

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so as we know Chad gbt recently released two separate types of plans we have the original plus and then we got the new one of teams in today's video we're going to check out teams here see the downsides the upsides and basically you're going to learn whether you would want to upgrade the teams for zero cost so make sure to like right away and let's jump into today's video Welcome Back y'all so a couple things have changed first thing that's changed I have realized for the past two months or month I have been recording my face cam in 1920 x 1080 you might be saying that's fine that works perfectly fine this is a 4k camera so we're finally recording my face cam in 4k that's the first thing second thing I have tweaked the audio a little bit because I have gotten responses in regards to my audio so let me know if my audio sounds good on your end if you need it higher lower whatever it may be and lastly here's some quick math so basically in order to upgrade to teams teams we are going to have to either pay $60 a month or $600 a month your choice we're going to jump into the implications of this and stuff of this nature make sure follow me on Twitter it's down in the description down below let's jump in the video okay so in order to access this you're just going to open up your sidebar and click upgrade plan once you do that you are prompted of a choice here so right now I'm on plus but supposedly with the teams plan let me zoom in y'all we have a couple of new features here we got higher message caps the ability to create workspaces for gbts admin and console for workspace management and then big one that I know a lot of you have been asking for is no training on your data let's go and upgrade shall we let's go ahead and call our workspace web Cafe AI select billing options and here we are prompted with the billing options so if you are a company that uses Chad gbt within your systems you may be incentivized to go with the annual plan if you are like me which is very much I just offload a lot of my work to software you probably would go off the flexible plan with that being said the first downside of the Chad gbt teams is that they require two seats which makes sense but if you were a solo user of chbt and you actively use chbt and the biggest selling point to you maybe from that was not training on data it kind of puts you in a weird position where they're basically making you do two I can't go less than that that kind of sucks that being said though I'm personally just going to choose the flexible plan here because I think I'm going to stay a plus unless this really Wows me and we're going to proceed with $60 a month here let's see what happens okay so payment was successful it took me through their stripe processor also I'm not too sure if my camera is lagging right now so if you see that I'll go and fix that in the next video we're already so far in might as well keep going here once we have successfully paid the $60 which hurts my heart I wish I could have just paid 30 I'm going to continue here so basically from here it seems like I can invite specific team members here even up to the point of uploading a CSV of the team members within my team for now though I'm just going to go and skip this continue to chat gbt and here we go so let me go ahead and screenshot that so I can put that on Twitter for anyone that wants to know what what that looks like and we got a couple things here so we got made for use at work by default chat is in this workspace and are not used to train our AI models keep that in mind Chad g chat gbt can answer questions help you learn write code brainstorm together and much more we knew that check your facts so while we have safeguards chat GT may give you inaccurate information need to put that for legal reasons as if you deal with companies you don't want to get sued let's go all right so then what is your primary role okay almost okay cool this is almost like a a slack Channel we're going to go to say you got team member manager student executive director business owner freelancer other we'll go of the business owner here it's interesting I'm I'm actually curious why they do this I think this is just for their statistics maybe uh select all this Supply or apply for why we're using this let's say marketing uh we'll say operations oh okay engineering and customer experience continue here okay so I'm thinking that was purely for their use case here I'm going to go ahead and and fly over here so we can kind of check out this bar to our left so what we got in the bar here so we got invite members this is how we basically invite members it's going to be sending an email we got our underly profile here okay interesting so they've actually distinguished whether between we're in a workspace or we're in our personal account I'm assuming if we're in a personal account that is where they train on your data so keep on that keep that in mind from here we got manage workspace okay interesting and we are brought to this UI here so from this UI we got a couple of things we got the member and actually seems like the only thing we got right now is the members and pending invites so just two things in our current workspace here obviously billing let's see what we got in settings okay so manage weather members can use gbts also this is I'm completely new to this as well so we're learning together uh use gbts created outside your workspace these can be allowed okay so interesting if people create gbts within your workspace take a couple sets back if they want to use gbts created outside your your workspace we can basically say whether we allow that or not due to the fact that you may have sensitive information and data in your business you may not want to do this I'm going say don't allow as you see this is the Enterprise level is all of this for the associated workspace okay analytics Enterprise only identity and provisioning Enterprise only let's go back to chat now that we're in chat here here is a pretty big statistic here so I'm going to go aad and screenshot that as well check me on Twitter uh we got basically limit to 100 messages every 3 hours I believe the current one for plus is 40 or 50 messages so maybe 100% increase and then we still have the ability to access plugins here and let's just go and see new chat and let's just say hello let's see if there's any type of UI change in the underly teams chat here also I just noticed it has my workspace name under there and says we don't train on this data pretty standard stuff here we can still share the link of the chat here but only members of your workspace with the URL will see the latest mess messages in this conversation I'm assuming this is going to be very within the ecosystem of the workspace like I couldn't share this chat to like anyone on Reddit basically from here we can also add custom instructions to your workspace which is interesting customize your interactions with Chad T providing okay we understand this already I'm curious though on whether this is going to affect every single chat for every single user in your workspace or is it just specific to you I'm assuming it's just specific to you as that would make most sense as if you're a marketer within the business comparative to maybe an operations person you'd probably want different customer instructions here but this is standard we still have this in the other plus version all right let's go to my gbts here okay cool so for my gbts here couple things we need to take note of first thing we want to take note of is the fact that there is no third party gbts because I actually disabled that so let me go and reenable that real quick I'm going to hit allow all and then I believe we should see this in our settings now we going to go back to chat and we're going to go to my gbts possibly so this is actually more in the context that if a user within your workspace brings a gbt out outside of it so it seems like when I just hit my gbts though we are just given the simple UI of creating gbts like we have in the plus version and here's a kicker we already know how to create gbts and if you don't you can learn everything that comes to creating gbts at the end here at that special playlist the basically the value Point here of why businesses would use this in this context is you would create gbts associated with different departments within your business for example let's say we wanted to create a marketing one in theory we would create a marketing gbt here we would put in Rel knowledge based files based off information we know about a business that is sensitive information and kind of proceed from there so once I create my marketing gbt here and I hit basically we have a bunch of different options here right only me anyone at webcafe Ai and everyone so let's just go with anyone at webcafe AI hit confirm this is going to make it now that people within your business can go ahead and start grabbing specific gbt so let's say you have a marketing department okay let's jump over to the marketing department gbt and we're going to go ahead and play around with this and then you know we get to like uh XYZ we get to like some end point in the marketing gbt maybe I want to send the the end conversation or the end Value Point from this marketing gbt to another person within the business I'd come up here I'd hit copy link and I would share it in a slack Channel that's kind of where this is going here so that being said my first impressions of this is very much so that you would probably only use this in a company that you have at least 10 20 plus employees 10 plus employees if your company has sub 10 employees you can still go the traditional route of everyone has a Plus account and you just share data like that now that being said it actually might be more cost effective if you dig a teams plan and basically all users in theory I would assume would basically get access with their company email right so it's up to your discretion this is nice as it does centralize a lot of the information within gbt which can be useful but as a person person who personally uses gbt every single day I don't see the value for my specific use case with that being said we can simply go back to your personal account by clicking personal account here and proceed so there's also additional features within each workspace as if you click this we can actually create multiple workspaces so instead of maybe having an overarching web Cafe AI maybe you to have web Cafe marketing department web Cafe operations department and stuff of this nature as all you do is create a new team here and basically proceed from there and you can basically probably associate different users to different parts of your new workspace ecosystem here right we even have roles over there we kind of proceed in that matter so that kind of covers most of the user interface when it comes to teams what I will say is that for the cost of basically went with the annual plan of $600 a month I could see having a larger return on investment on an entire year for the amount of productivity you could receive from the teams plan for your team or employees I could definitely see the value there I could 100% see the the question more isn't this isn't worth it if you have multiple employees the question more is does your employees actually know how to leverage it in order to get that return on investment as this very much can give you a lot of insight on basically being able to structure and start leveraging artificial intelligence in the context of day-to-day task within your business that being said though this is all early days still and it seems like you would basically still need to have some level of threshold when understanding how to communicate with these models as that is still a pretty big educational curve that could hinder the value you receive for $600 you thought you could learn something make sure to leave a like me personally I'm going back to the plus I don't need a teams plan maybe in the future I will need a teams plan but as of right now I'm going to stick with the plus I like my $20 a month even though I just spent 60 it still kind of hurts I'll see you in the next video yeah I just rewatched it this was a little laggy y'all I'm going to make sure I fix my camera but make sure to check out that playist if you want to learn more about gbts and how to start leveraging them that playlist or that video down there I have no clue but YouTube said you'd like it and make sure you subscribe for daily artificial intelligence content
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 14,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai automation agency, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business
Id: xVxvP7uaF3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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