ChatGPT Schools DOCTOR on Surgery!!

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this is more informed than a simple Google search you're going to find a whole bunch of stuff that's in my mind easy solution if there was easy fix to treat your gallbladder or gallstones without surgery then my clinic would not be full of people who are symptomatic from gallbladder problems [Music] hi my name is Dr Rich Hilton and you're watching my channel knife skills today I want to talk to you about artificial intelligence and Healthcare I was on Twitter recently and I came across this thread which says I mean this sincerely when I say chat GPT might be the most incredible Tech to emerge in the last decade here's how I got it to create a weight loss plan complete with a calorie targets meals at a grocery list and a workout plan and it goes on and sort of explains this Elon Musk says chat gbt is scary good we're not far from dangerously strong AI this response is I agree on being close to Dangerously strong AI in the sense that AI poses example huge cyber security and I think we could all get to real AGI in next decade so we have to take it extremely seriously and it says here things like chappy gbt is an AI that has mastered a unique Hill human skill it knows the shape of a good answer but not often the details we're now learning that even technical people are happy with an answer that looks right instead of is right so interesting this Paul Graham person says the Striking thing about chat GPT it's not just the number of the people who are blown away by it but who they are these are not people who get excited about the new shiny thing clearly something big is happening so when I see these tweets I thought you know what maybe we should go ahead and explore chat gbt from Healthcare perspective as a surgeon I'm not sure if you remember IBM Watson but IBM Watson was a computer that used natural language deep learning to essentially beat the best Jeopardy players and they really believe believe that this would have strong value in health care and of course that's been something that they promoted and advertised and they eventually sold the health version of the Watson technology to a company called narrative and I thought it'd be good to just explore their website really quickly and see some of the things that they uh suggested were of value so they have a little promotional video here what does it take to see beyond a single moment of care it takes seeing an individual as more than simply a patient in a care center a member of a health plan a recipient of Social Services or a participant in a clinical trial it takes seeing each person's past understanding their present and anticipating their future that's why at Maritime so it's we're taking more to care about people technology look at their past human expertise okay I get it being a healthcare organizations so that's narrative's promotional video a couple things to take from that first of all you know end-to-end decision making access to data helping governments all these things sound great but I'm always skeptical when I'm looking at any promotional thing that doesn't talk about specifics what exactly is the advantage of their AI technology what is that doing to help the individual provider apparently it's going to reduce costs or there's some claim that's nebulous here but what specifically is doing it is it helping speed the process of diagnosis is it helping the doctors choose among a wide variety of treatments what is the exact role of AI we do use computer-aided decision making in surgery there are databases that we can access and we can punch in patient information the computer can give us a sense as to the outcomes that that patient might get but in reality the bedside test what we say the Gestalt that feeling you have when you're examining a patient looking at them directly that is so much more powerful than what any of these computer tools have been able to generate but I am interested and see where technology has come now with things like open Ai and chat GPT we can actually try and play around with these AI tools that are accessible to people like us and as you can see on Twitter there's so many people who are super interested about what chat GPT might offer and so I thought let's take a look at it from a surgeon's perspective so I'll pull up chat gbt on my page here and we'll go for through a few things first of all it talks about examples explaining Quantum Computing in simple terms got any creative ideas for a 10 year old's birthday party what are its capabilities you can remember what we said in the conversation it allows users to follow up and make Corrections and it's going to decline uh inappropriate requests and it'll be interesting to see how it handles Healthcare situations there's a few limitations that says it may be occasionally generate incorrect information and I wouldn't expect anything else I mean if you're artificially simulating intelligence there's going to be some error by definition I think that's one of the beauties of being part of life part of being an intelligent being so to speak is the possibility of error and of course we can't expect that something that's going to simulate uh intelligence in some way would be free from air and there's some limited knowledge of more recent events from a medical perspective things change slowly in healthcare so I'm not expecting that there be any issues for me I'm thinking to myself you know what's some of the most common things that happen in my clinic so I'm going to stick with hernias because hernias are super common patients come to see me all the time and it'd be interesting to see what chat GPT offers for advice if someone has a hernia so I think what we'll do I can imagine a patient uh would say something like I have a lump in my groin could this be a hernia it's possible that the lump in your groin could be a hernia hernias concur when there's a weakness or tearing you down a wall which allows parts of the intestine or other abdominal contents to protrude through the opening this can cause a lump or bulge to the affected area it's important to have any lumps checked out by your doctor how about this I think I have a hernia should I get surgery it's important to see a doctor I think it's a good that the computer is recognizing that Healthcare Providers have a role and they can only determine whether hernia is necessary or not in some cases hernias can be treated without surgery but other cases surgery may be the best option if your doctor recommends surgery is important to weigh the potential and risks and benefits well since talking about risks and benefits what are the risks and benefits to hernia surgery the bench risks and benefits are hurting sure you depend on a specific type of surgery you're having and the individual situation in general some of the potential risks include infection reaction anesthesia damage to surrounding organs this is almost word for what I say to patients actually I say infection bleeding damage to surrounding tissue these are uh you know a common Spiel which in my mind makes me think that this open AI technology is clearly almost parroting what uh doctrines have said maybe even things that I've said in my YouTube videos where I talk about risks of surgery I'll throw these things so open eye if it's scouring the internet for doctors who've talked about these things I gotta I almost get a sense of parroting it back to me which is interesting these complications are rare and most people don't experience it so some of the benefits of hernia surgery include relief of pain improved ability to perform physical activities reduce risk of complications such as strangulation overall the potential benefits are heard your hernia surgery usually outweigh the risks and that's my perspective as well so sometimes though the question would be then what kind of surgery should it have so I I know as an educated person in medicine that there's open in laparoscopic approaches so I'm actually interested to see what chat GPD says about it what are the differences between open hernia repair and laparoscopic open her near pear and lapiscover and repair are two surgical techniques that used to treat hernias the main difference between the two techniques is a way which the surgeon accesses the hernia an open hernia repair the surgeon makes a single large incision to the effective area to act as a hernia this allows the surgeon to directly visualize the hernia and repair it open heart repair is more traditional technique and has been used for many years this is this is totally true in laparoscopic repair the surgeon makes several small incisions both open hernia pair and laparoscopic can be effective in treating hernias the choice of technique will depend on the type of hernia so let's see if there's a difference is there a difference in outcomes between open hernia repair and laparoscopic there's some that is just that laparoscopic hernia pair may have slightly better outcomes than open hernia repair for example laparoscopic hernia repair may result in less pain and faster recovery for some patients however the evidence is not consistent and the choice of surgical technique will depend on this specific type of hernia ultimately both open hernia repair and laparoscopic hernia pair can be effective in treating hernias the best approach will depend on specific circumstance so that's very true um I will say it's it's a relatively vague answer like how much better are the outcomes that being said I agree with their comment here that the evidence is actually not that consistent what are the non-surgical options in some cases hernias can be treated with that surgery non-surgent options for hernia include wearing a truss or a belt they can provide support and help reduce the Bulge dietary changes reducing constipation avoiding abdominal strain that's good advice as well avoiding activities that increase abdominal pressure heavy lifting and straining they don't really mention that much here about weight loss and some other lifestyle things which I think would be really important if you are struggling with your weight and you have a hernia that would be one of the first steps I would suggest that you take to actually reduce the risk of a hernia occurring but overall I'm fairly impressed by this as well I will say none of this information is more than what's capable Beyond a Google search there is an element of curation here that suggests that this is more informed than a simple Google search oftentimes when we have a Google Search and especially if you're even on YouTube if you're searching hernias you're gonna find a whole bunch of stuff that's in my mind easy solutions I see that all over YouTube like so many just easy fixes and the reality is that if there is easy fix to treat your gallbladder or gallstones without surgery then my clinic would not be full of people who are symptomatic from gallbladder problems right they would be making the dietary changes they would find their herbal supplement or whatever it would take to solve their problem they just simply wouldn't be my office but they come to my office because they've tried those things they've tried all this device and they've failed and they're still having problems and looking for a definitive solution and my office is certainly not full of people who have had gallbladder surgery and wish they didn't those people who have those operations usually come back and are very grateful and thankful that they're able to live their normal life if you've got a painful uncomfortable groin bulge and it's bothering you same thing you may try a truss or some other things but oftentimes people find themselves in a doctor's office in my clinic getting the definitive treatment the true surgical treatment and so one thing I will say about chat GPT is that it's actually acting in a much more informed way than a typical Google search on the computer and it's good to see that it's also I would say aware of its own lack of knowledge it keeps saying look this decision to have surgical care is complicated you should talk to your doctor about it should work together with your doctor to find the appropriate treatment plan for you and so when I look at that I actually see this as a useful tool is it powerful is it is it is it world changing I would say what special about it is its ability to naturally interpret our language the answers that are coming back are very logical for the questions that I'm asking even if it's not providing what I would consider exciting insights or very general insights just like the one comment on the Twitter feed that I was looking at was that they are essentially claiming that chat gbt has done a great job of sort of bulleting providing kind of fluffy answers for questions that might be very specific so you know you know what is the rate of strangulation with a hernia right it's not telling me that rate is saying that's a possible um complication when it I asked about the complications of hernia repair again gave general information but maybe not specific numbers it'd be hard for someone to really truly be informed with that kind of General uh discussion that being said though when I look at this I do kind of hear doctors talking I hear that that tone uh and there is a bit of ambiguity because each individual's risk is different if you have a smoking history a an issue with your weight maybe chronic alcohol use a sedentary lifestyle those type of things will all weigh in on your ability to recover and have a good outcome regardless of what surgery you're performing and so it is difficult to pinpoint with you a specific risk and so doctors will talk in kind of generalities and the informed consent process will oftentimes have generalities that I see some of that coming out here in chat gbt that being said it's a super interesting tool it's gotten really popular on Twitter and so I thought I would give a little bit of a perspective from my point of view as a doctor working with this open AI technology if there's anything you want me to react to review or take a look at please leave a comment down in the section below I really appreciate it thank you again for sticking around at the end of this video my name is Dr hilsden and you've been watching nice skills foreign [Music]
Channel: Knife Skills
Views: 18,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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