ChatGPT Plugins: HIDDEN Functions Revealed!

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foreign s are now available for all GPT plus subscribers and they are very powerful however it's hard to understand all of the ways that plugins can help you and that's not our fault because this is all the information that you get on a plug-in but a plug-in's power lies in its functions in other words what it can do and you will never see what it can do unless you happen to stumble upon it many of these plugins have functions in them that are hidden unless you know how to ask hey there it is I versus Ai and these are all the plugins I have installed and today I'm going to show you how to crack them open and find out exactly what they do with a master plug-in prompt that will show you all the functions of the prompt a basic prompt example three Advanced prompt examples three unique prompt examples and finally how you can chain plugins and prompts together to work in tandem to solve any problem you might have I'm going to use the master plugin prompt on four different plugins today I've also got a fifth bonus plugin that is really cute and finally I'm going to give you a very short and sweet little prompt that you can use if you just need to know exactly what a plug-in does all of its functions and parameters towards the end so stick around for that but first we're going to start with speech key this is the master plug-in prompt it's a long one so I will include a link to a Google Document in the description and in the pinned comment but essentially it is giving the instructions to show us the function the advanced prompts in the usual prompts basic prompts use cases and this section here may look really intimidating but it's just a list of some of the plugins that chat gbt can use to indicate how you can change different plugins together and if you want to add more plugins that you specifically use or enjoy to this prompt you can simply add it here at the end so here is the master prompt run on the speechke text to speech plugin and it's going to give you several sections one a description here two available functions and parameters the first thing to note is that there is a speaker ID and you'll see that there are quite a lot of speakers included that speak all different languages that you would never know if you hadn't run this prompt or found out some way to discover the functions and parameters next is the basic prompt convert this text into an audio file using the speech key plugin a use case interpretation I included this because you may not know all the different ways that you could use this so the use case is really good for giving you some initial ideas about what you can do these Advanced props I include three of them give you a list of some of the things that you can do again that you may not have thought of like converting this text into an audio file using a male voice then translate it into Spanish then convert the translation into an audio file okay that's just crazy but my favorite part of this prompt are these unusual prompts convert this recipe into an audio file using a cheerful voice so I can listen to it while cooking turn this Shakespearean sauna into an audio file using a dramatic voice for my literature class create an audio version of this user manual using a calm and slow paced voice to help users follow along easily for multi-step prompts the speech key plugin can be used in conjunction with other plugins to achieve unique Solutions this is why I took the time to insert into the prompt all the available plugins that I felt would be useful to link up with other plugins because it's using actual plugins that exist like link reader and notable and SEO core Ai and that leads me to notable which is the next prompt that will use this master prompt on a lot of people are talking about the code interpreter plugin that is available from openai AI that as of this recording many of us do not yet have access to but if you don't have access to the code interpreter plugin this notable plugin can do exactly the same things that you can do in the code interpreter plugin in fact this video by AI explained is fantastic and shows you 23 different use cases that you can do with the code interpreter plugin including image editing making MP4s 3D plots data analytics including even asking it to create a QR code for you but I ran the transcript of that video through Vox script which is a plugin that I'll be showing you today using the master plugin prompt and according to GPT notable can do every single thing in that video the video demonstrates creating various visualizations these can be done using python libraries and that's really the secret to what is so powerful about the notable plugin it is basically the code interpreter available now the notable plug-in does the same thing this is for a task which was also shown in the video of analyzing large blocks of text this for example is an e-book a link that I entered into chat GPT and asked it whether it could analyze the text using notable it did so by first installing here what it needed it gave the entire text here which I could then analyze and it was correct in the questions that I asked it to use the notable plugin you will need to sign up which is free I simply used my Google account to sign in and you'll need to create a project after that you'll simply link the project in to chat GPT and it will be able to create as many notebooks which are simply places to run code that you need for whatever task that you ask it's got a lot of available functions and parameters and you don't really need to know what all of them do but just know that these are all ways in which chat GPT through API can communicate with your notebook to bring whatever ideas that you have to life a basic prompt would be create a new python notebook and add a code cell that prints hello world for example in order to create the QR code in my testing I simply asked it to create a QR code which it did and then I asked it to make it bigger and have it linked directly to which it did and I tested it and it worked it's really limited to whatever you can think of that you might need and you don't even need to come up with the codes yourself this now allows chat GPT to create programs with you on the Fly some of the advanced prompts are create a new notebook and add an SQL cell that queries a database for the top 10 sales records so here's the second wonderful thing about notable you can upload your own files too notable in a notebook and simply ask chat GPT to then query it that's amazing you don't need code interpreter notable does the same thing you can create a markdown document that outlines a project proposal complete with headers some unusual prompts are to create a python notebook that generates a random piece of abstract art any python Library out there and these libraries basically are just ways for python to expand its capabilities and there are a lot of libraries for python there are all kinds of things that you can do in fact a fun thing that you could do is just go to Google and simply ask it for some Advanced or interesting or even beginner python projects and then ask chat to BT to create them another unusual prompt is to create a markdown document that serves as a Choose Your Own Adventure story with links to different sections of the document based on the reader's choices okay that actually is really really cool multi-step prompts for this one would be using notable and Vox script create a python notebook that analyzes YouTube transcript data for sentiment and then visualize the results you could actually create visualizations just like this this is a heat map in chat GPT using the notable plugin right now the other two multi-step prompts are using notable and block Atlas to create a cell that queries US Census Data then create a python cell that visualizes the data on a map or using notable and scraper which is a web scraper plugin that scrapes data from a web page cleans the data and then runs a statistical analysis on it really notable is only limited by what you can imagine what you can think of and speaking of Vox script let's take a look at that one next Vox script is a favorite plug-in of mine not only because it is so versatile but because the plugins developers are actively working on the plugin and taking feedback listening to them and making changes and in fact you can see that because they even include in their functions a contact us how to do I use this and a help which I actually haven't seen in any other plugin I've seen a lot of dissatisfaction expressed about the browsing plugin which is buggy and slow and ineffective but Vox script and one other plug-in that I will show you solves that problem Vox script is a versatile plugin that enables users to search through various data sources including YouTube transcripts East Bin GitHub which is really cool because you could go to GitHub get code that you needed from GitHub and then run that in notable the plugin I just showed you financial data sources and Google search results my only complaint with the Vox script Google search results is as you can see the parameters here are pretty simple just basically the search term and the number of results that you can specify so you can say give me 10 results on the search term X or Y it would be really cool if we could instead sort or search by past hour 24 hours at a custom range because so much of the time we're looking for data that is fresh we're looking for recent information so that would be wonderful to add in also the same thing here for the search YouTube videos there's only two parameters search term and Max results but there are a lot of other parameters that you can search by on YouTube and with something as important as chat GPT plugins or the field of that I am in with understanding about Ai and how quickly it's moving we're often going to want to have things that come out today or this week for example so being able to add those in would be very helpful for the Vox script plugin so there's some feedback for the developer if you're watching Beyond those functions you also have a basic prompt like can you find the latest news for the Apple Inc stock and it gives you some use case interpretations like researching for a project keeping up with financial markets or just curious about a topic some Advanced prompts are find the transcript of the latest Ted Talk on climate change on YouTube now with the way the plugin currently is it wouldn't be able to give us the latest Ted Talk it would just give us whatever happened to be at the top when it searched another reason to put that parameter in there and it might also do that with multi-step prompts particularly if it suggests multi-step prompts for a plug-in that is not currently installed in this particular chat it will basically be guessing on the name of the prompt as to what it can do so you need to take it as always with any large language model with a huge grain of salt the point is not to give you exact props to run the point is to give you ideas of the different ways that you can think out of the box thinking to get the most out of these plugins for example under these unusual props it will often give me prompts that I find very amusing for example can you find a paste bin document that explains how to make homemade pasta I actually would be very interested to see if that exists search a YouTube video that teaches how to play Stairway To Heaven on a ukulele find the financial data for a company that manufactures rubber ducks it's really very comical if you want to expand on the unusual prompts section you can simply continue the conversation by saying give me 10 more unusual prompts that are specific to and whatever your particular use case is it's definitely a way to kind of kick start your brain into thinking outside the box as far as what the plugins can do factscript is capable of multi-step props this is basically plug-in chaining using uh Vox script and web pilot Fox script and show me the more functions that a plug-in has the more that you can chain those functions together just like you contain plugins together for example you could put in a YouTube video link and get the data from that link and then run a search result on that data based upon something that it finds in the transcript I also find it amusing that it allows you to search DuckDuckGo to which is super cool over here some more multi-step prompts are using Vox script and show me search for YouTube video explaining the Pythagorean theorem with Vox script and then use the show me plugin which is a plugin that visualizes data to create a diagram based on the explanation or find the latest news on Tesla's stock using Fox script then use the web pilot plugin to generate an article summarizing the news and that leads us to our fourth plug-in web pilot the web pilot plugin only has one function and that might make you think well it's not that valuable I mean what can it do but oh contraire it is actually really helpful it is very powerful and allows users to interact with extract specific information from and manipulate the content given a URL or URLs it can visit web pages retrieve content and even handle user requests related to the content in other words it's not just go read this webpage or go summarize this webpage but you can ask it to do specific things with the content that you get a basic prompt is visit this webpage and tell me what it's about but Advanced prompts are visit the web page extract the main article content and summarize it that's pretty ordinary pretty basic but how about visiting three web pages comparing their content and then telling me which one provides the most comprehensive information on a topic or you can ask it to visit this webpage and identify the main keywords and usual prompts are visit this recipe webpage extract the ingredients list now you can tell it to just give you one specific thing that you need on that page like the ingredients list and suggest a vegan alternative for each non-vegan ingredient that means no more having to suffer through long personal and not very interesting stories just to get to the meat of the recipe and also convert that recipe to something that you can eat visit this webpage identify the main color scheme used in the design and suggest a complimentary color scheme now I'm going to be honest with you I do not know if it can actually identify a color scheme I'm pretty sure it can't but I'm not sure so if you try it and find out let me know in the comments another unusual prompt is visit this webpage find the contact information and write a polite email requesting more information about their services so you could chain the web pilot plugin with zapier asking the web pilot to go out into the internet find specific information that you need and then use zapier to act on that information that you find using it for example with an image search plugin for multi-step prompts would be visit this webpage with web pilot identify the main topic and then use image search to find and display a relevant image from unsplash let's say you wanted to write a blog and you wanted to know what people are currently saying about the subject you want to write about you could use web pilot to go out and do a search to find information that you need on what is currently happening on your subject funnel that into chat GPT ask it to write a blog using that context and then ask image search to give you images to add along with the blog to make it more interesting mind-blowing a note here the link reader plugin which I'm not showing in this episode but it does state that it can read content of all kind including images so even if web pilot cannot actually see the color scheme of an image you may be able to link it up with the link reader which supposedly it can actually look at images try it and see I promised you one more fun bonus plugin to use the master plugin prompt on and that's this random creature generation plugin this one is really enjoyable because it simply makes up imaginary creatures and gives you a cute picture of them that's got two parameters a function that generates a random key feature and the command now here's the important thing about understanding the parameters if you didn't know this you would never know that you can actually specify an environment and which environments they are in this case grassland desert icy Forest swamp underwater mountain or underground caves and I love this plug-in because it fits in with how many people including myself want to have solo role play with the AI acting as a DM and this is a way that you could have the AI actually show you a monster if you ran into a battle and just said give me an image of that monster and also it shows you the stats here's some unusual prompts I'm writing a children's book about a swamp can you generate a friendly looking creature that could be the main character's companion I'm designing a fashion line inspired by Nature can you generate a creature from a grassland environment that I could use as an inspiration for my designs and here's another one I'm hosting a themed party with an underground caves setting can you generate a creature that I could base the decorations on that is clever I love the ideas that it can give you to combine things together and really once you start to oil up the old brain pan and think about the different ways there's just so many things that you can do with plugins and chat GPT says it perfectly the random creature generation plug-in is a tool to spark creativity don't be afraid to use it in unconventional ways I promised you one more quick little bonus prompt if you just want to know exactly what a plug-in does and you don't need all the examples and it is this list all available functions and their parameters for the installed link reader plugin the link reader plugin has one function available which is get content and the URL that you want to get the content from but this plugin does state that it reads the content of all kinds of links like web pages PDF images word and other documents PowerPoint presentations I haven't tried it but let me know if you can indeed put a link to an image and then see what link reader says about it one of the things that has still not materialized about gpt4 is its multimodal capability that if the link reader is able to do that like with notable replacing the need for the code interpreter plugin for those of us who don't yet have it link reader might be able to help chat GPT become multimodal right now digging into the back end of a plug-in to discover its functions and parameters is really fun but what is more fun is doing so using prompt hacking techniques and in this video I show you exactly how to prompt hack a rude foul-mouthed AI to trick it into revealing its Secret code
Channel: I versus AI
Views: 7,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use chatgpt plugins, chatgpt plugins openai, new chatgpt plugins, chatgpt plugins tutorial, understanding chatgpt plugins, openai chatgpt plugins guide, chatgpt plugins demonstration, chatgpt plugins usage, chatgpt plugins explained, using chatgpt plugins, chatgpt plugin prompt tutorial, openai gpt-4 plugin prompts, chatgpt plugin prompt demo, chatgpt plugin prompt guide, how to use gpt-4 plugins, chatgpt plugin use-cases, chatgpt plugin instruction
Id: PnxPyLEtX_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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