9 ChatGPT Plugins and SECRET way to use them

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there is a secret only a bunch of judgypt users know about and I will share it with you in this video it's a real game changer I always wanted to have my own AI employees and with this finally I reached an intelligent AA employee that can run complex tasks I'm talking about plug-in combos that means you use a couple of plugins at the same time to level up your use of chegept I've built this video in a way that will not only provide you with an overview of some of the best plugins you can use but will show you how you can combine them one after another to complete many of your day-to-day tasks my name is Effie tofan and I'm here to help entrepreneurs build a seven-figure business with AI tools I would recommend watching the entire video because it will give you a 10 times better understanding of how to use plugin Combos and at the end of this video I will provide my top plugin combo so let's jump right into our first plugin this one is in the list as the ground itself because it can be used in any com combo the plugin name is prompt perfect if you have found yourself losing time because you couldn't find the perfect prompt to get the answer you wanted this plugin is for you the plugin fine tunes your prompts making them Crystal clears for jgpt to understand that means cleaning unnecessary words or phrases and changing the level of English when needed what I found special about this plugin is that it actually understands your intent because it uses Advanced language models that help it get the essence of your request this is really great tool both for beginners and advanced jgbt users as you can always have a better and more accurate prompt so one of the main things I find really annoying with LGBT is that sometimes it forgets what we are talking about like someone came and deleted the beginning of our conversation and you know it is actually true's limited memory capacities but what if you could save your information and load it into jgpt this is what the memory bank plugin helps with this plugin is the designed to store update and retrieve user-specific information or document it's like having a personal assistant with huge memory that remembers everything you have ever told it think about the number of times you needed to provide the same piece of information to cheer GPT I do it all the time copy pasting the Persona I want to Target or my pre-made prompts what's amazing is that you can use the power of this plugin to do more than just store the information here is an example of a prompt store all of my business ideas and tag them based on industry potential impact and required resources so it can actually sort things out and make your database super organized for you which also make it easy to retrieve the information in a specific way for example find all the information I have stored about my business competitive analysis sorted by competitor score and audience size this is an amazing tool to build and sort a database speaking about competitive analysis let's say your competitor is on Twitter and you want to get all the information about these stop tweets from the last seven days how do you do it you use the social search plugin I used to have a Twitter tab always open when I created social media content it was the only way to learn best practices from creators with the same target audience as I have today I just go to the social search plugin and ask him to bring me the top posts from the last seven days from those creators accounts I can even ask it to provide me with the top keywords they use on their profile to know how to Target my audience better I think that it was never that easy to know what are the trending topics of today and it's mind-blowing that you can actually use this data to continue a conversation with jpt so we can write content from this data and in today's social media one of the most effective content types is memes and this is where the Meme creator enters our process this plugin can help you create memes that you can use within your marketing efforts you can provide the text and it will grab from a library of popular templates the best big features and edit the meme for you then you will get a link that you can download the meme from pretty cool right so now that you know which plugins can help you with research and create some content let's take a step back and understand how you can plan which LGBT plugins the next plugin I want to show you is Quest mate forms this tool can help you create reusable forms workflows and checklists this is a great for businesses that want to streamline processes fast let's say you have a product you want to get feedback on you can create a form and send it to your users pretty fast or let's say you need to create a checklist for your next product launch you can ask the plugin to create this checklist for you every time you request something it will provide you a link so you can see the template itself and decide if you want to use it or adjust the prompt to get a better result what I find really good in this is that you can share the things you are creating with others now if you combine this with our next plugin you get the top delegation process next we have a plugin called Magic if you are delegating work especially for virtual assistants this one will make your life much easier the goal of this plugin is to help with creating a structure for your delegated tasks including defining the tasks estimating the time and cost associated with them let's take an example let's say you want to do a market research for a new idea you have you can just ask the plugin the following prompt I need to do market research for my new app idea which is an AI chatbot that helps you with staying focused during the day can you gather information on similar apps in the market their features pricing and user reviews this will kick start the process and ask you a couple of questions you can answer them or just ask him to continue before he creates the task itself he will confirm with you an outline for the task once it gets your approval you will start building the task and will provide you a link to see the task as well as the time estimation and price I think it's a great tool for solopreneurs and entrepreneurs that want to delegate some of the workload in easy and efficient way and if we are already talking about assistance one of the most time consuming tasks there are in marketing operation today is SEO you need to do a keyword research and then create an outline for a blog post and the content for the Post itself as well as analyze information from your website to get more search engine visibility today you can do all of this in a couple of minutes using the SEO assistant plugin from getting advice on best SEO practices doing complete keyword research for your blog article analyzing your website to get insights on how you can improve your search engine ranking and even writing a complete article for you with the data you have already gathered this can save so much time for those who use SEO and if you are not using SEO in your business I think this is the time to start now I want to present two plugins that change the entire way I use jgpt I will present them one by one and talk about some of the ways that you can combine them together I won't dive deep into the use cases but if you want me to do it after you learn about them let me know in the comments below and I'll make a video about it the first plugin called Web pilot you can use this tool to get access to the internet now I know what most of you think there is already access using the chegept browsing model but we're talking about using it as apply again with other plugins after all you can use up to three plugins at the same time so the web pilot gives you the ability to connect any plugin you want to the internet and use data and information from the internet this is a super power that can boost any plugins capabilities what's cool is that you can let it do its own thing and Source information online or you can provide a URL and give it a specific task you want it to do like summarize translate get specific information or even manipulate the content to match your needs now what's the other plugin that if you combine it with the web pilot it can really change how you use jgpt forever AI agents AI agents is like someone turned god mode on chegept it is the Air employee you always wanted the main thinking process it helps you change is moving from a prompt to prompt type of work to goal setting instead of sending it one task at a time you give the agents a goal oh and yes it's not one agent that you are working with it is a collaborative AI meaning you have a couple of agents that do the work for you there is the master agent that you talk with and give your goal to then the master agent break down the goal into tasks that other agents can operate like getting information from online sources that then another agent can write something with and it can scale up to much more complex work like writing a complete ebook for you just think about the opportunity we are talking about combining the AI agents with web pilot and memory bank or social search you can Outsource so many different tasks to agents that can save you dozens of hours monthly you can create complete guides ebooks social media content marketing strategies and so much more by using those plugin combos again if you want me to make a video about how you can combine those or if you have a specific idea for a combination that you want me to explore let me know in the comment below I would love to do it if you're thinking about starting a business and use only AI tools to do so my series on how to build an online business just with AI can help you you can check the first video of the series here thank you for staying with me until the end I appreciate you and until next time bye foreign
Channel: Sefy Tofan
Views: 4,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sefy Tofan, AI, Generative AI, ChatGPT, AI News, AI Tools, AI Marketing, Make money with AI, best chatgpt plugins, chatgpt plugins, chatgpt plugin, chatgpt plus, webpilot chatgpt, memory bank chatgpt, social search chatgpt, chat gpt, make money with ai, ai agents chatgpt, autogpt, chatgpt 4, chatgpt, chat gpt 4, meme creator chatgpt, magic chatgpt, seo assitant chatgpt, questmate forms chatgpt, prompt perfect chatgpt
Id: 4gsZS1TQoMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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