GPT-4: Did I Just Unlock The Secret To AI Story Writing? - The Last of Us Edition

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I have done some extensive testing in gpt4 to try to approach human-like level story writing this alternative the last of a story you will now hear has been fully written by gpt4 it's been illustrated by mid-journey V5 and the narrator is an AI voice after the story I will show you what prompts and personas are used and please roast the story down in the comments below so I can improve enjoy chapter 1 Whispers in the Dark the sun dipped below the Horizon casting Long Shadows over the crumbling cityscape nature with her slow and Relentless persistence had begun to reclaim what was once hers Vines snaked up the sides of abandoned buildings while the once bustling streets lay buried beneath a thick carpet of moss and decaying leaves a faint Breeze whispered through the empty streets carrying with it the faint scent of rot and despair the silence was oppressive broken only by the distant cries of the infected the hollow Echoes of Humanity's downfall Joel moved cautiously through the ruins his boots crunching Softly on the debris beneath his feet his eyes scanned the surroundings his senses honed by years of survival in this unforgiving world he had learned the hard way that danger lurked around every corner and Trust was a luxury he could ill afford as he entered a derelict apartment building his fingers grazed the chipped paint of the walls feeling the rough texture beneath his fingertips the remnants of a life long gone lay scattered across the floor a child's toy a shattered picture frame a tattered book with its Pages splayed open he paused for a moment his eyes lingering on The Faded photograph in the broken frame a young couple smiled back at him their eyes a light with love and Hope the memory of his own lost happiness tugged at his heart a constant reminder of the life he once had in the dim light he rummaged through the debris searching for anything that might be of value in this desolate world a rusted can opener a frayed blanket a dented canteen each item a small victory in the daily struggle for survival as he emerged from the building he spotted a small group of survivors huddled around a flickering fire they glanced up at him warily their eyes clouded with suspicion in this world trust was a fragile thing easily Shattered by desperation and fear he approached them slowly his hands raised in a gesture of peace you folks got anything to trade he asked his voice low and measured a Burly man with a grizzled beard eyed him for a moment before nodding maybe what you got Joel pulled out the can opener and held it up for inspection the group exchanged glances and the Burly man motioned for him to sit they haggled for a while the conversation stilted intense each party keenly aware of the delicate balance between cooperation and betrayal as he left the group with a few scraps of food in a battered map he couldn't help but feel the weight of their shared burden they were all survivors clinging to the remnants of a world that had been torn apart by the cordyceps infection they had all lost something family friends hope and in the process they had lost themselves it was in this world of darkness and despair that he first encountered Ellie she was cornered in an alley her back pressed against the graffiti-covered wall as she faced down a group of infected her eyes were wide with fear but there was a fire in them a fierce determination that belied her youth Joel hesitated for a moment Torn Between the instinct to help and the knowledge that every stranger was a Potential Threat but as he watched her fend off the infected with nothing more than a broken pipe something inside him stirred a long dormant spark of protectiveness that he thought he had lost forever he charged Into The Fray his fists connecting with the infected with brutal force together they managed to fend off the attackers their ragged breaths mingling in the air as they stood back to back surveying the Carnage thanks Ellie muttered her eyes still wary as she looked him up and down I could have handled them myself though Joel raised an eyebrow his Gruff exterior barely masking the flicker of amusement that crossed his face sure you could have kid they stood there in the dim light the silence between them heavy with unspoken questions Joel knew better than to pry but there was something about this girl that peaked his curiosity you got a name he asked his voice Gruff but not unkind Ellie she replied her guard's still up as she assessed him and you Joel an uneasy truth seemed to settle between them as they walk together the narrow streets winding like a labyrinth through the decaying City their conversation was sparse each sharing only the most basic details of their lives in this shattered world it was during one of these rare moments of quiet that they overheard the whispered conversation the hushed voices carrying through the still air like ghosts of a forgotten time I heard there's a cure One Voice murmured the words tinged with both hope and fear but they're keeping it hidden using it to control us Ellie's eyes widened at the Revelation and she locked eyes with Joel the same question burning in both of their minds could it be true what do you think Ellie asked her voice barely audible as they continued on their way could there really be a cure Joel Shrugged his gaze distant as he considered the possibility I don't know kid but if there is we ought to find it Ellie nodded her determination hardening into resolve yeah we will and so the two unlikely allies set out on their Journey driven by the faintest glimmer of hope in a world consumed by Darkness they knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger and the truth they saw it might be buried beneath layers of deception and betrayal but as the sun dipped below the Horizon and the Shadows lengthened around them they moved forward undeterred for they had found something precious amidst the ruins a flicker of Hope a spark of connection and they would fight to protect it no matter the cost thus began the first chapter of their Story a tale of Courage resilience and the unbreakable bond between two lost souls in a world gone mad it was a story of Hope in the face of despair of light pushing back against the encroaching darkness and the first step in unraveling the tangled web of the cordyceps conspiracy okay so that was the story I hope you enjoyed it but now let's dive deeper into how I actually wrote this with the GPT form so you can see we are on gpt4 here my main focus was to try to build the story or a book or whatever you want to call it on the concept of showing not telling right it's not gonna tell this is Joel he's 40 years old he likes to do that he likes to do this that was my intention going in so I just started with let's talk about building a storybook on the concept of showing not telling right so we got some good answers back here from gpt4 and then I moved on to great let's also talk about the importance of very slow development character building and not rushing the main plot but slowly building the story arc that was the main point I had with this because usually gpt4 likes to rush the stories like it really wants to move on quickly right then we get into the person owner I tried to create for this it's not so different from the other ones I've been using so I just here is your new persona enroll you are a genre author your task is to write genre stories in a rich and intriguing language in a very slow pace building the story answer it if you acknowledge the genre is going to be an emotional Thriller okay so we get our answer back and then I filled out a story template here uh you can read this if you want to so I created a different types of plots I wanted for this alternative the last of the story I had a poll on YouTube most of you wanted the Cure so that's what I try to do my protagonist was Joel the other one was La the author style is Rich and intriguing it's going to be dialogue heavy emotional mystery thrilling and here is an important part I really worked on this pacing very slow build up of the story in-depth character development and World building the story length I don't know it says full book I couldn't really think of anything else emotional Mr thriller so we built out this this template here uh I'm not gonna read all this so the chord is a conspiracy it's an emotional mystery thriller that invites readers to Journey with Joel and Evie as they uncover the hidden truth that could change the course of humanity so I'm not gonna read any more about that here I had to do some back and forth because build a detailed story outline for chapter 1 of 12 from the factors above focus on showing not telling and a slow Arc for the book but I try this first just build a story outline it got so quick to move on but when I changed it up to chapter 1 of 12 it really slowed down the story outline so we got setting this stage we got some good things here establishing atmosphere introducing Joel daily daily life in the post revealing those past establishing Joe's motivation introducing La so you can see this is quite slow it's it's a bit sped up at the end I couldn't really do anything about that I guess I could have worked more on it but I just had to let it slide for this alternative version then I move on to now write chapter one like it's a full book about two thousand words I couldn't really reach 2000 words it was about 1500 but that was okay with focus on showing not telling and a very slow build up with character development World billing and heavy dialogue and that was basically it and here you can see the story chapter 1 whispers in the dark this is exactly the story you just heard it got to all the way here then I just type continue and hit continue and finish chapter one right I actually took a few things out here I did some quick editing that is how far I have gotten so far in this story writing approach if you have any feedback I'll be happy to incorporate that in the next version uh I thought it was interesting it's definitely an improvement over chat GPT I'm kind of eager to hear what you have to say but anyway yeah I think that's it like I said in the beginning please leave a comment down below and say what you mean about the story so I can take that feedback and improve if you want the prompts I use just sign up from the newsletter down below and you will get access to a PDF with I think it's about 30 40 prompts now and as always thank you for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 72,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpt 4, gpt-4, how to write a story gpt 4, write a story ai, gpt 4 story, midjourney v5, prompt engineering, prompt engineering gpt 4, chatgpt 4, chat gpt 4, the last of us, the last of us story
Id: NEqixMifk18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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