ChatGPT Ai PDF Plugin Integration & Interactive Chats with PDFs of Any Size | Tutorial

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welcome back to webcad for AI where we do daily chat gbt and AI videos for your personal and business life in today's video we're going to be looking at the plugin of aipdf and seeing how we can leverage that with chat gbt if you're familiar with our other videos here we've already done two other plugins when it comes to PDFs so we're gonna go ahead and check out the capabilities with this plugin see if there's any differentiations and see what the benefits of this plugin are if you don't have access to plugins yet check out the link down below that's going to get you onboarded to a waitlist once you have access go ahead and open up the plug-in store here and it is going to be currently found in the popular section if it's not there when you open it up just type in aipdf and it has that red little icon as always we start off by asking what are the capabilities of this plugin and let's see what gbt comes up with alright so we have two main capabilities the ability to summarize PDFs and the abilities to upload and then search the PDFs now I'm assuming they have their own back-end system when it comes to uploading you're getting access to a public accessible link but I'm going to show you an alternative that I like personally using which is going to be with Google Drive all you need to do is go on your Google Drive make a folder and note this folder will need to be publicly accessible therefore all we need to do is come up to this little icon here we're going to say share and then we'll basically say that anyone with the link has access to it this is gonna allow chat gbt to get access to the PDFs found within that folder so for today's case we're going to be looking at this PDF which is a pseudo resume and see what kind of questions we can leverage for this specific context in order to grab a link that chat gbt can read we're going to come down here to copy link next we're just going to go ahead and say okay we have some questions for this PDF we're going to do semicolon and then insert the link here so if you may have saw within that resume it was kind of Amazon warehouse warehouse storage and that was the user's experience here so we're gonna just go ahead and take the role of a fake business here that is going to be a distribution shipping service that we provide to other businesses you know such as Bob and you know Amazon FBA that kind of context we're gonna add like a private shipping service here and we're going to ask specific questions for this resume to see if they would be a good candidate for the opening we have which is going to be more of a management position so let's go ahead and begin we're going to start with very simple questions and then go to very Advanced questions so from now let's go ahead and say does the candidate have experience with warehouse management as always when the plugin is working you'll see that green little box meaning is accessing the plugins API therefore accessing the PDF that we provided all right so as you see here it was actually able to find specific information in regards to the inquiry outlining the S5 main bullet points and provides the page so for example he worked as an Amazon warehouse associate at Amazon in Miami Gardens so and so forth page one and provides even the specific statistics as well let's go ahead and ask another question that can kind of scour through this resume we're going to go ahead and put does the candidate have any certifications or education related to warehouse management as here we got he completed a certificate in Warehouse sanitation he completed an online graduate certificate course in warehouse and Supply Chain management from Southern New Hampshire University this is pretty great stuff here so in the context of what we're doing here which is looking at a resume this can be applied to a lot of other stuff such as a legal contract maybe you have to look at a particular cited piece of information that is a long you know science journal and so forth so let's go ahead and up the anti here we're going to move our questions to intermediate and we're going to essentially ask what were the candidates responsibilities in the previous roles that are relevant to a management position in Warehouse as you see it put it in bold as well we have Amazon warehouse Associated Amazon and we have laboratory inventory assistant at the Dune rate laboratory so you can say that correctly and then provide you know specific context that we have outlined before all right so we're gonna go ahead and follow up and let's do two questions here let's get a little Advanced we're gonna say how has a candidate used their skills and Logistics and supply chain fundamentals in their previous roles if you were to rate the candidate from zero to 100 on the applicability [Music] taking a job role as a warehouse manager what would you give and obviously we want to sell this perfect go ahead and enter there and let's see what it comes up with outline what was previously stated as well and let's go and see if we were able to get that zero to 100 so it kind of tiptoed around the answer it says I can't give a subjective judgment or evaluation but I can say essentially that they have a strong background let's go ahead and see if we can push this a little further and say if you had to give a score what would it be sometimes uh with certain questions and you Proctor certain questions she had to BT doesn't like giving you a straight answer they kind of want to tip tiptoe around it um if we were to assign a score based information and considering to get 100 uh essentially gives 80 to 90 but notice it really wants to tiptoe around I just want to get the answer but and then you can get an answer Um this can help a lot with maybe setting up a pre-fine-tuned chat so maybe you have a ton of resumes and you want to input okay for this link at uh answer these three questions and then give a score you could do that in this context it'll provide it like you know basically all output into one rather than you know doing it one by one as you saw here and then that could expediate your resume and I'll reviewing process obviously everything you learned here today could be applied to a ton of different use cases if you feel like you learned something make sure to like the video it's completely free and it helps us hear web Cafe AI if you want to learn more about plugins and chat DBT and how to leverage it for your personal or business life make sure to check out the playlist at the end of this video as we're diving into all the plugins found on chat DBT store and seeing how we can leverage it in different contexts but without further Ado I'll see you in the next video thanks for tuning in NDS surprise I'm an AI Avatar make sure to explore more here at web Cafe where we demystify AI for your personal and business life until next time
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 29,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, dalle, bannerbear, synthesia, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education
Id: I_6mTNtzAQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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