CHEAT for SPEED - Get FASTER with these 3 simple HACKS! (last one is ridiculous)

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and this is the real cheat that in my opinion does not make sense five miles an hour in no time without changing anything boys and girls I got three cheat codes for you to increase your speed and distance and you tell me if they're legit because over the last five years I figured these three things guarantee use speed you got to wait for the last one because in my opinion that is the craziest one first one is you see this shaft right here and I know that a lot of you guys know this shaft is soft it is really soft and light it only weighs 40 grams and it is a 195 CPM well that means it is basically a ladies Flex a very lightly flex but at the same time and I've told you before these don't torque a lot so that's why I'm actually able to hit them fairly straight even on the Miss hits but what it does is and I'm gonna compare this to this shaft over here which is a 16 low compared to a 21 High which is a fairly heavy and fairly stiff Flex this one right here is a 16 low almost weighs double the 21 High this one weighs 40 grams this one right here 74 grams at 255 CPM so this is a proper you would probably call it like an XX Flex 3.2 torque compared to four point five torque so this one the Nitro range actually doesn't torque that much more compared to the power range but I'm gonna show you the club speed on this first one and I'm not even going after it but this is what I figured throughout my long drive career these soft shafts add so much speed let's see what we got here foreign so this is a and I wasn't even going after it this is a 153.6 so it's rounding to 154 and now what we're going to do with these range Balls by the way 207 ball speed that by the way is one of the next cheat codes but before we're switching hits so we get the exact same raid on the head because we got no weight port in here call that a cheat code as well but it very much depends on your correct fit because some guys and some girls actually better when they add a little bit of weight to the head but in terms of shafts and to only generate speed I have not seen a lot of guys or girls that actually increase speed with much stiffer flexes so this one right here my God it almost feels like a perfectly straight Rod so let's see what we get with that 16 low right here let's try to replicate that here we are what we got 150.9 that's a 151. my feel my perception of that was already I was hitting it way harder because I have to work way more to actually move it let's see how much I can do by really pushing it so let's really try to give this a good whack here we go that was hard 152. 152 and 205 that very much shows how much these shafts do in terms of speed but also in terms of efficiency and effortlessness so I have to hit this way harder to get the same result does it increase the accuracy well you tell me moral of the story is for you guys out there when you get your Club fittings sometimes it's a good idea to at least try some of the shafts that are not supposed to fit you because this thing on paper it's definitely not supposed to fit me but it does cheat code number this one does not increase your Club speed one bit but it's gonna increase your ball speed big big big time because in my experience range balls are very different some of them are fast some of them are mediocre and a lot of them are terrible super slow you get nothing out of them and most of the time you can't even tell from the outside because some of them that I know I know TaylorMade makes kind of good range balls with three stripes Callaway makes a lot of really good range balls with three stripes Bridgestone makes good range balls with three stripes see a pattern there maybe the three stripes make a difference back in the days I don't know if that's still true you comment down below if well you know if three stripes mend three piece the two stripes meant two piece and one strip mend one piece I can guarantee you the one piece balls are going to be garbage regardless they're going to be slow they might be cool around the greens to practice chipping a little bit but there's a lot of different two-piece balls that get different speed results and this one right here is 10 12. miles an hour slower than a premium golf ball so let's see let me hit a couple of these and really try to build it up maybe three four hits and see what I can squeeze out of there with a hard golf swing and then let's switch to a premium ball let's see what it does that was pretty pure and you can see that is a 156 209.4 the fastest I have ever seen and I'm practicing on this driving range at Munich Golf Club for five years now and they pretty much always have the same balls the maximum that I ever squeezed out of these golf balls it's 221 test I've ever done ever and that would pretty much probably be a 233 or something with a golf ball that converts better and see I wanna I wanna get a 213 we're 209 right now I want to get a 213. Let's see we can do what right down the middle right down the middle I'm kind of good today this is very that was a 157.7 and a 213. but look that is a 213 and now and I was striking that like perfectly look at the smash let's check the check out the smash real quick or the efficiency 1.35 efficiency the best one I've ever seen when you really pure it the ball is brand new that I've seen with these range balls is 1.39 that's how bad it is so now this one right here is a used Callaway Chrome soft XLS this ball is a four piece golf ball and it converts better that's for sure so let's see what it does Baseline is 1.35 so let's see how fast we can get it that was hit a lot better and you can see my club speed was actually lower than before smash was 1.41 resulting in 219 ball speed that is a big big big difference so compared to the other ball just squeeze 219 out of that I got to go 230 with a Callaway so moral of the story is like obviously a premium golf ball is better than a range Ball but that cheat code is you can definitely squeeze more ball speed out of your golf ball especially when you practice indoors when you use a proper golf ball for your speed the range ball doesn't work for my speed some of you guys might use a 35 compression Callaway super soft because it's the one that converts the best for your speed at around 80 to 90 miles an hour tough speed but for me the higher the compression is and the better the quality of the golf ball is the better it converts and to really check the quality of these range balls and the other ones we can take a look inside so what I got here is a is actually a PVC pipe cutter that when you use it correctly and carefully and at the right angle you can actually cut these open and as you can see this is the inside of pretty much every two piece range ball that is low quality and I got another one that is a very old Top Line by the way this one this ball was completely messed up anyways so we're not wasting range balls here right so that was messed up anyways that belongs in the trash and this one as you can tell is not really hittable either so this one wouldn't fly so let's try to cut this open as well right in the center there we go and let's see how that looks like look that's a little bit different it's a white color these from my experience a little bit faster than this one not anymore because it's so freaking old this doesn't fly anymore because it well the dimples are all completely messed up so this one is a little bit faster but still a lot slower than an actual premium golf ball and now where's my premium golf ball we're sacrificing the ball we're sacrificing one of the Chrome soft XLS then you see the difference between a premium ball and a range Bose so I expect this to be a four piece let's really find the center of this boom cut it open it's actually handy to have one of these Cutters because then it can actually cut them open cut up cut open the golf balls and see what they do how they are and how they look there we go let me see four piece a large inner core and two Thin outer cores and the cover which is a lot thinner but this is only the inside in terms of cores but what it's really about and what the main speed difference is is one the compression about two the general quality of the golf ball so this one right here is those ones right there are yeah moral of the story cheat by using the right golf ball for your game and now comes the crazy part but I don't know if you guys ever heard about it or if you've ever made use of it because this one is crazy it's going to increase your cup speed by possibly I would say five miles an hour in no time without changing anything and this is the real cheat that in my opinion does not make sense but you comment down below how you feel about it because I've seen it a lot of times I started my professional long drive career in 2017. in the meanwhile I'm getting close to 1 million long drive swings on my body which you can imagine is very taxing but I truly believe we can get up to 10 million swings and the key topic to get there is longevity and I'm super grateful I found a partner that supplements my lifestyle and supports my journey to keep up this insane pace and that partner is a via life they are from Switzerland and I've been testing their products for over six months now my main differentiator is all their products every single one is science-backed no blah blah today's featured supplement is anime anime is a precursor of NAD plus entity plus naturally declines in our bodies as we age and therefore is responsible for the signs of aging anime replenishes that NAD plus and therefore helps us to fight those effects Animan is a fixed part of my morning routine and I would recommend you to do the same with our different subscription models Avea offers a great value for their high quality products and with my coat Martin you get an additional 15 off what I've seen people do is they add an additional fiducial to the toe of the club and get rid of the middle one why let me demonstrate let me demonstrate first and then I tell you why it works this way because it's kind of it's kind of crazy and when you think about it makes a lot of sense but it's crazy that it's reflected in the number so quickly so the last one was 150 5.5 so let me hit one more and I can I can make this happen in one swing I guarantee you here we go one swing not even a good shot with a range ball 163 Club speed it jumped by eight miles an hour just like that why is that reason being is the way the cup head moves through the impact zone is not a straight line so all these points on the club phase work at a different speed they move at a different speed because the club head is rotating so this toe section the outline of a club moves the fastest and when you take that point as your reference it's always going to be around seven percent faster than the theoretical geometric center of the club the trackman uses to measure speed points and now what happens and this is where people get it wrong sometimes on quad you can use a one dot mode with a fiducial in the middle which does make sense but then you can use quad in four dot mode so you got three fiducials on this side and one on this side so then you get phase data you get impact data and all that because then eventually the quad also sees the whole phase in 3D which makes a lot of sense but sometimes some of these dots especially when you miss hit balls some of these dots are being covered by the golf ball so the quad cannot see it so then sometimes the quad switches to one dot mode and catches the outside fiducial one of them and shows the speed faster and sometimes we see speed jumps just like that people brag about it on socials and I just feel like bro that doesn't make sense because what you see is a oned up mode read quad tells you it's a one-up mode read but you got four dots on the face it's simply red the outer one and that's why it moved faster how do you feel about this cheat it makes your speed go up you can definitely cheat with it but in my opinion the first two actually makes sense for your game don't do this but comment down below which one of these new and which one of these are new to you also thank you for being subbed I love all of you
Channel: Martin Borgmeier
Views: 54,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to hit driver, how to hit further, hit to hit farther, golf training, golf driver, golf practice, golf tips, golf hacks, golf tricks, spin axis, spin rate golf, golf driver specs, callaway golf, world long drive, long drive competition, longest drive golf, rick shiels golf, good good golf, how to fix slice, golf slice, speed hacks, ball speed, perfect drive, best training, teeshot hacks, get more speed, longer drives, martin borgmeier, borgmeier drive, borgmeier
Id: FOfjijHfZkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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