Nick Kroll Delivers a PSA While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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I'm and now I will sing a wandering minstrel I will come hey what's going on everybody for first leafy's I'm Sean Evans you're watching hot one it's the show without a question and even hotter wings and today I'm joined by comedian Nick Kroll you know I'm from Kroll show and the lead is hit Broadway show oh hello is coming to Netflix this month and you can catch him in Captain Underpants which is in theaters now Nick welcome to the show thank you for having so you guys have your own one no hot one yep hot wine no product placement isn't ethically how how do how are you on that I'm good on it I'm not especially I'm a little concerned that all of a sudden you guys are sliding your own hot sauce into the mixer yeah be a separation of church and state this whole show is just basically so we can get celebrity to give de facto endorsement for our sauce no to scale out of business that way hey I'm Nicole I'm on hot ones and this sauce hot one sauce can suck a dick [Music] all right so this first one is sriracha sriracha is no big deal it's not but I do like that you guys these are cold so this is my first touch going this is a cold wing so that's how we're certain is that it's hot ones have a cold one on ha one I don't want to start by taking it back to your time at the mountain school cook room because from what I understand it's this sort of teenager hippie commune in the middle of nowhere Vermont yes uh what was that like that was like the best experience of my life you live on a farm in yeah in the rural Vermont like 45 kids and you run around and uh hike and have solos and feed cows and muck [ __ ] there's a lot of mucking of [ __ ] I find I'm I was out last night first of all I'm hungover second of all this is like they hang out ya know I was thinking about that I was like oh this is going to be fun this is like this like a Saturday it's like going to Old Town Tavern I'm in a connection wings in a diet coke please I really Joe Bosco's kind of been left in the dust about goes like that first hot sauce in the game something you're like huh it's like Jamiroquai I appreciate you man you did some important work for me but end of the day you know when you're outcast I want to talk about your time at the league yes for a lot of fan untouchable of all the guest spots that you had huh which athlete was the best comedic actor um Terrell Suggs was very funny JJ Watt is unbelievably talented Chad Ochocinco had four phones on him we were in Vegas with him and he he started tweeting pictures of himself and it's the jamás at the slots at like 4:00 a.m. and I was like this is a lonely man is it true that you slept through your alarm clock on the first day of filming I'm always good on the first day of filming it's the second day you get cocky you're like I did it I got to work on time I did my job and then the second day you wake up panicked too like a text being like hey just checking on where you are you're like right now I am dead asleep 45 minutes away from where I'm supposed to be and if you look in the pilot there's AG one day we're like Ruxin's got Bed Head and it's not it was not a character choice it was like I literally slept through the first the first scene this is bull semen yes squeezed up this morning so your friend Aziz Ansari it come this food pop culture guru which I imagine him I say he's just become an icon but especially in this food space which is important to you because I bet that there's some fringe benefit they're gonna go to eating buddy of Aziz yeah Aziz has turned me on to a ton of good food over the years so he is very particular about what he will eat him and that but he is her Manickam killer food or there's my first weird spit just came out out of nowhere normally that only happens when you yawn and talk at the same time not hot one no no that was like a true weird release of fluid from me that I was not in control of it all I'm trying to think what was the last meal I had with him I was at his house and he made brick oven pizza he's got like a cool brick up and then he knows how to make like proper Neapolitan pizza it's delicious but I'm like bro ovens [ __ ] hot enough let's go I'm not tasting the coffee I am tasting that wolf though I want to talk to you about oh hello great because like our show yes it kind of puts its celebrity guests into this uncomfortable interview yeah Matt but instead of making people eat hot wings we make them eat too much tuna fish and we load that tuna in in the earlier in the afternoon so I understand your food prep thing here guys a logistical challenge a logistical challenge about like when you get those wings the difference being maybe your wings are cold when someone eats it in our case it's a huge tuna sandwich that's been sitting on to the lights on a Broadway stage for hours before the show waiting to be dropped down on approval platter with little wings on the side do you get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of unleashing Gil and George on these celebrity guests in your famous friend yes yeah yes they do because when you're doing it through a character it so you can get away with anything it happens also that John is like the fastest funniest person on the planet and so he's doing a lot of dancing and I'm both of us can sort of pop in and just give some shot that in the kidney I just had a weird wing burr it's got the sweet upfront there's a little sweet on the front mm-hmm the word hot one sauce a lot of lovin care women up the next part of our show is recurring segments we have called explain that Graham and what we do is we do a deep dive and our guests Instagram we call interesting pictures that need more contact right so I'll show you the picture and then you just tell me the bigger story I'm bummed that I'm not the picture I was going to post on my way up here of a old man into a biking outfit on a bike with a cigarette in his mouth I hadn't gotten that up on the ground by the time I could explain it which I guess I just did so there we go is this from a high school yearbook or where that's from ruff camp that's from another one of the privileged things that I did in my life but truly more than anything it's the quote which is get serious Nikki and I feel like I'm reading that quote to myself every day what do you remember about your high school basketball days playing point guard I was a solid 7th grade point guard in my Jewish day school peak kind of early peaked in eighth grade athletically peaked in eighth grade for sure so I get to high school and maybe five five one but I understood the game really you know what I mean you distributed the ball I have good court sense I had good good awareness not a great shooter you don't have to be a point guard and you do now that's the bummer Steph Curry [ __ ] everything out Oh me and Joan Rivers on a plane on a plane together that was before she died okay cool this was this is not a picture from after Joan Rivers died this was one of the best fights I ever had I'm going to name drop a few times love it I saw Bradley Cooper a dear friend we go to the bookstore he bought me a neck pillow sweet then we get on the plane and I'm seated next to Joan Rivers who I know a little bit she was so fast because she's dead now yeah no longer alive and so if you see again if you see Joan Rivers on a plane someone has put her there she is not alive anymore she is dead all the flight attendants knew her she had brought them gifts she really liked love these people and they loved her we said we're about to take off you know putting your seatbelt on she goes bless just looking at Bradley Kirk she goes this plane is going to crash and the headline is going to read Bradley Cooper and two comedians died today oh yeah just for me how many of these do you do a week if we back load them uh-huh then I'll have like easier weeks but then if our bank like our reserve runs dry then you'll have to start stacking them so I've done as many as three in a week before do you a lot of wings rest would know like it's ruined wings from ya know what I mean I you know and two it's like probably get this challenge is like sometimes I'm like oh does anybody want to work with me when it's not wings you know what I mean of course it's like you know like would never call be like what about a travel series where you're going the best ways in America are like like I'm done with the words this is yeah I've been typecast as like the wing guy I know I've been taught cast as the like handsome romantic and eat must be tough it's tough it's tough to be treated like an object I'll play that much I'm sorry see your dad worked what the New York Times called a private CIA and was even chosen by the kwaity government to track down Saddam Hussein's hidden assets yes and I wonder what it must be like to be in high school trying to hide weed from one of the most prominent private investigators in the world um shout-out to Jules Kroll I wouldn't call the private CIA I mean the New York Times might have called it that but I'm a more reputable journalistic institution Cher at one time I got caught some girl ratted me out I got a party and some girl like told her mom about the party who my dad like woke me up the next morning and then like very quickly and succinctly interrogated me where I had no choice but to be very honest with him very quickly was just it was such a shock he did some crazy stuff but the truth is my mom was really the one who knew what was going on hmm and this is gluten-free yeah it's good and Franco [Music] the zombies brains are out is that how it works I thought somebody's wanted to eat brains well a zombie is just dead so if you were to die in some sort of situation we had your skull split open but if you would just have exposed brain sure a little bit not well whatever I'm just wondering if like a Dom be like if they eat brains like they just start to eat their own brains like slowly slowly get in there so for my money Kroll show is one of the best character showcases that's ever been on Comedy Central and that's really saying something so what I want to do is ask you some food questions but there's a little bit of a twist now that the zombie apocalypse I'm soaking in yeah I'd like you to channel some of those glassing personalities oh that's if you try to answer you know good question for Bobby bottleservice yeah what are the do's and don't do it when it comes to ordering off of VIP menu Bobby would be so psyched to be on the show Jack raw [ __ ] jiggly shot yeah Bobby's VIP and Reuters very much VIP adverse languages he wants to Aspen what is done dodge there we go the research was done gone is it's all chicken wings but it's all sous-vide because like honestly who has the time to bite through bone you just want to be able to like we're sending an intern to get coffees what does Lizzy one I'm doing can I do a sriracha smoothie please just water help or not I'm sure you've done the studies and this is again what about bull semen it's bull semen that does that bull semen is the leading reliever of hot sauce pace wow it's very interesting because you start to get cocky I was like this shows not so [ __ ] hard mmm you watch everybody do the show mm-hmm and you decide whether they're trying to play it cool or they're leaning into the heat and you're like could I ignore it if I wanted to what are you feeling now now that you're actually experiencing it I guess it medically would be described as mouth gonorrhea dabomb beyond insanity this is like oh it is and it's literally a bomb it's not literally a bomb I know this is a bomb it is here we are in the time-life building I'm strapped with a bomb I want this on camera we all clear on this guys okay mm-hmm do people send you also trying to get on the show now crazy dude you must be [ __ ] swimmin ha ha ha ha yeah bro good job dad I guess there it's the back of the throat that catches you and now I will sing a wandering minstrel I will come oh right I'm ready to shoot my my parents death see now just miss him every day I don't know why I pushed him off that bridge it's just missed them that's a sleeper veal tears right there be careful with the napkins you know your hands the sauce is based as eyes Wow this is older and now I have a straight up head of that sauce oh my right straight up now that's all smiles [Music] computer people have done that before right yeah you're not the first one to go down this road oh well whoo there's a buzz now this is the buzz the people part about that train up I have a go vibrating on the side of my head yeah yeah the normal normal no need to panic we've had the distinction of playing a pig and sing in an actual douche and that Seth Rogen movie sausage party yeah from the outside looking in voice acting looks like the cushiest gig in Hollywood but I know that there's something about it that has to suck what do people not know about the plight of a voice actor that you eventually go on a show to promote it on the side of your face starts to vibrate Wow I keep getting you're doing handy why Brandon another non-absorbent napkin great wow I feel like I'm straight up trippin is it like actual acting do you get into a headspace or just get into the booth and start talking I do I do the work you know what I mean I do the work when I'm voice acting I get out there I do my best if you don't work I take the time commit okay well this is crazy this is more than this is you can't imagine it right I've never my face has never vibrated like this before am i wearing a Hawaiian shirt it's like getting married yeah so you having some cold feet up yeah all right just for the rest of my life [Music] no one's ever rectally eaten the wings yes person never do it should we but chug some Mad Dogs is a friend ah yeah that's some rich dick [ __ ] right there's like honestly I don't even taste hot sauce anymore I need to soak a tampon in Mad Dog 357 and then but chug it I don't want to eat the other half of it but I feel like I also don't want to not do my best you commit you can get full you know [Music] reven sighs so in 2007 you moved to LA and you did with a lot of aspiring actors and comedians do where you moved into the Oakwood apartment yeah what was that living experience like because that place has this sort of notorious reputation as being this sort of island of misfit toys like Hollywood's version of a roach motel well like Mad Dog 357 the Oakwood sneaks up on you and it's only a few minutes later that you realize that you've done something terrible to your body there's like a little store and the store is covered in children's head shots like brooding six-year-old boys like that it is one of the sadder places in the world who you magic does stink up I guess I am lactose intolerant and you're risking it all we does Bulls come have lactose in it I think it's a good bet I was a wish you were on highway 7 Elm I wish I had that line mm-hmm besides bridge something that someone can say to you I'm lactose yeah and if I said do yeah yeah that would've been great that would been great but you know I missed opportunity missed opportunity for you for me homerun GU shake it up all right so this is Blair's Megadeath sauce I just want to add some motion with lipid resist maybe if I think I'm going to throw up I'll think about the hot sauce left all right nakedness tradition around here to dab the left-wing jab we're going to dab dab it up you don't have to if you don't want to we're gonna dab oh that's a cool thing to do right now oh yeah that's that look you look very cool right now that's funny I've never dab before look at I'm Nick come on Finn and dab I do it like that like it's just a little bit of something too much here we go I put more on here than you did I'm a little concerned with it you're not a fake you wanna do you want to switch wings we could do that looks like a princess bride moment mm-hmm I know that you want to switch chicken wings with me wait what is how does well Shawn do it is it inconceivable you can he was in the back of the throat it's driving me crazy that I can't nail the accent so I'm bailing on the bed I think that you did nail the accent and you know what's amazing to me Nick Earl you're not the second guest really to do that impression who was it Jordan Peele okay what happened we're hoping is inconceivable Oh [ __ ] yeah great minds great minds the Jordan people might have the best mind right ears neck Cheers the Jordan Peele I'm gonna get this whole [ __ ] room zip oh I have my yearly physical right after this I think that some of your vitals are going to be spiking yeah we got your test results back mr. Kroll you havin a tremendous amount of bull semen running through your system but to the kids out there I just want you to know we've said a lot of things today we've joined a center I'm not going to endorse marijuana I'm not going to endorse alcohol abuse and I'm for sure not going to tell you to go get a tampon soak it in the hottest hot sauce you can find and stick it up your butt and then walk around all day very principled stand it's brave of you Nick so don't do that we did it well you know what you are officially as a champion Nick Kroll because you've worked your way through the wings you know a little nervous to start it out but settled right in and got on top every single one of these is this not can you see this knot on my nose or cuz I just feel it we've film in 4k great this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life hi I'm Nick Kroll you can see me uh in oh hello on Broadway on Netflix John Mulaney I'm in the house at the end of the month Will Ferrell Amy Poehler Jason Mantzoukas amazing cast of people Captain Underpants I played professor poopy pants uh whoo my ear just popped how much money will you give me to stick this dab of death sauce napkin in my eye I'll give you a hundred seventy-five bucks one eighty hey what's going on hot ones fans if you liked the video maybe meet us halfway throw us a subscribe if you didn't like the video don't subscribe I don't want you I don't want you in the tent but if you like the video subscribe thank you very much I appreciate you I love you more than a friend
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 5,340,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick kroll, First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), hot ones, hot sauce, spicy wings, food challenge, hot wing challenge, comedian, interview, explain that gram, blair's megadeath sauce with liquid rage, bobby bottleservice, liz G., aspen bruckheimer, the league, oh hello, kroll show, nick kroll show, nick kroll interview, el chupacabra, publizity
Id: FwmhT0YP_Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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