Chaos Destruction Getting Started Guide - Unreal Engine 4

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hello guys smartpoly here welcome back to another video so today i want to show you guys how to get up and running with the new chaos destruction in unreal engine 4. chaos is a new physics and destruction simulation in unreal engine 4. there are a lot of promising features that it offers and currently it's only in the beta right now so the only way to use it is via source build so that's what i'm going to show you guys how to get it all set up and how to enable it in your project so that you guys can get up and running with the chaos destruction so first up what you guys are going to need is visual studio 2017 if you guys have never done a source build then you want to make sure you get visual studio you can either get 2017 community edition or you can get 2019 go ahead and download the installer and run it all right once you have visual studio installer running you install your community 2017 then you want to make sure you have the net development as well as a game development with c plus in the individual components make sure you have the 4.62 sdk and then you should be all good to go next up you want to go to epic game slash unreal engine make sure that you have a github account and you request access to this repository then you're going to select your branch right here so currently chaos only supports engine versions from four point two three uh two four and two five if you guys want to mess around with the chaos destruction demo you're going to want to download 4.23 for some reason i couldn't get it running with 4.25 but basically you can also use 4.25 with chaos um i just you won't be able to open this chaos instruction demo okay so just select your version i'm going to be using 4.25 click right here and click download zip okay so once you have your source build downloaded you just want to extract the files and once you have it extracted you want to go ahead and drag this folder right into your c drive that way you don't get any issues with uh having a long path and it will just be right in the root right here okay and once you have it in here you want to go to the engine source and right here into the eu4 editor dot target dot cs edit that with no pad plus plus and you're going to want to add these two lines of code right here b compile chaos equals true and b use chaos equals true okay so this will allow you to make sure that chaos is downloaded when you generate the project files and when you run the setup.bat go ahead and file save that and then you go back to your engine right here and go ahead and run the setup.bat and so this will start downloading all the dependencies and it will make sure to include all the chaos files that you need it will download about 11 gigabytes so it might take you know however fast your internet is then once you're done running the setup run the generateprojectfiles.bat now we'll pull up another cmd and that will generate all your project files and it should create this ue4.sln alright and once that's all finished uh you're basically all set up with that you can go ahead and create yourself either a new project or if you wanted to use the chaos demo go to the learn tab in your epic launcher chaos destruction demo go ahead and create the project like i said this will only work with uh 4.23 unless you guys can try and figure out how to set up a 4.25 for some reason i was having errors when i was trying to compile it for 4.25 or if you want to set it up with another project this is how you set it up launch 4.25 and then you go to games make yourself a new third person template or whatever game that you have we're just going to name it cast test so click create all right now that you have this up here what you want to do is make sure that you have a c plus class so you can generate the visual studio project files go in your content browser add new c plus class just click none create the class and you're going to obviously want to make sure you have visual studio or else this won't work it's basically going to convert the project to have c plus as well so you're going to want to do this for whatever project that you have if it's solely blueprint just to generate the visual studio project files all right once it's finished here we'll open up visual studio but you guys can go ahead and close it alright and then you guys can go ahead and close your project then basically you want to go to your chaos test uh showing folder or wherever your unreal projects are installed on the hard drive you'll want to go to that project then you want to go to your source chaos test edit that with notepad plus plus then basically you just want to add right here b compile chaos equals true b use chaos equals true you want to do this for whatever project that you want to enable chaos in so just keep that in mind and then you file save that okay once that's saved you can go back and then you want to right click chaos test switch energy version and you're going to select the source build at your c drive the one that we just created click ok it's going to generate the visual studio project files all right once it's finished you can right click the sln file and open that with visual studio all right and then you're going to see here in your solution explorer you're going to have the engine ue4 and then the chaos test which is your project load it up right there you want to drop down right here click development editor 164 then right click on your chaos test or your project and click build okay so this will build your project with the source build of the engine that has chaos and generally this is going to take a while this could take like 40 minutes to an hour depending on your cpu so basically you guys just want to go and take a break go take a walk outside or something because it's just going to take a little bit to to build the engine once it's finished building basically you right click on the ks test right here and click debug and start new instance and this will basically launch the unreal engine editor and it will open up your project okay so i have a different project here that i've already built uh the source so i'm just going to open up this one right here to show you guys how to get started with the chaos instruction okay so basically you just drag a cube in your scene scale it up okay and then go into your modes your fracture mode click a new fracture you can set to the path of where you want to save it and then you can click uniform clustered radial panel slice brick different options to choose from i'm just going to go with the uniform right here and click fracture alright and then you can go ahead and click play you're gonna see it's just gonna break apart you can take different assets and drag them into your scene and fracture them as well and you can also set different settings for your fracture there's a lot of different things that you can set up in blueprints to tweak kind of the physics so it actually creates this cube geometry collection which is basically a little file in your content browser that's a collection of all of the different fractured pieces of this cube you're going to have all these settings here that you can mess around with the mask the clustering i haven't really played around with this too much so i'll still have to make a couple follow-up videos basically you can do some very advanced things where you have you know a map of which part gets destroyed first like say if there is a pillar under here obviously if you were to destroy this bottom part of the pillar this entire thing would collapse and they showed in their demo if there were multiple pillars like so if you destroy uh this pillar this entire piece the middle part will start collapsing and so on you can make basically a destructible map that links all the different geometry assets and will basically have a system on how it's destroyed and so yeah that's pretty much it just a quick video to show you guys how to get up and running with the new chaos destruction again it's still in beta so you're still gonna encounter a lot of bugs and but yeah that's pretty much it for this video hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure you hit like if you guys enjoyed it and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 28,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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