4000% Burst✅ Powercreep Mechanics✅ | Jinhsi Max DPS CN Guide!

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now it's very important that you manage her in condensing energy bar well because at Max charge we'll be doing 245,000 oh my God hey everyone here and welcome to another W waves video so we got the ultimate Cm Bros guide to Max Godlike DPS jeni and my goodness she is so damn strong as the first character for version 1.1 of wi waves she absolutely deserves it and uh let's take a look in this video her mechanics her rotations alongside her best Echo choices and her best teammates to Max utilize her damage because as you saw from the beginning of this video she can do Insane insane amounts of damage so uh yes we better know how to play her right so let's get started now ji is truly unique in the sense that she is able to attack with two different sets of basic attacks as well as having four different resonance skill typings and I'll go over all of them in this video and try to simplify things as well so understand how to maximize her damage and starting off with her first set of basic attack and you can see here that this is quite strong in terms of the first base attack is a very fast sword swipe and that allows you to Parry enemies and the third attack is a mini Gan attack that it gathers by summon the dragon gathers the enemy up into the fourth basic attack which slams The Enemy down so it has crowd controlling capabilities for mobs as well and after use your four basic attack regardless of it landing on the enemy or not you will be able to use an enhanc resonance skill and this enhanced resonance skill sends you into midair and you've got 5 Seconds to activate this and you can even swap in between now while in this enhanced midair State your basic attacks will change as well so it's still a four hit combo but uh the animations will look different and as you can see here it's still got that Dragon summoning capabilities to pull things in for the uh for G U ji now her damage during this enhanced state is basically counted as has resonance skill damage typing so it's very very important to not because all of her skill kit as well as a weapon will be buffing the resident's skill typing damage now taking a look at a resident skills will simplify into E2 uh E1 E2 E3 and E4 and E1 is the basic resonance skill that you activate without using any basic attacks right this is a non-enhanced version and it's a charging attack now E2 is the one that you can see she is stepping on her sword that's the icon and this sends you into the midair and now your basic attacks are enhanced and you also have an enhanced resonance skill while you're in midair state after E2 and you can see it's the dragon Rising attack and to finish it all off you have E4 which is after you use four enhanced midair basic attacks similar to how E2 lights up when you use your four basic attack E4 will light up after you use your four enhanced base attack and it's the dragon laser and it's the most powerful skill coming out from jingi and I'll show you guys all the different multipliers as well so this is the first charging attack and then you'll summon the dragon and that's E3 now taking a look at the comparison in damage in terms of multiplier E1 is 155% E2 the one that sends you into midair the enhanced State one is 197 and then E3 so your resident skill while you're in the midair state is now 53% so this is a huge jump in comparison okay and you can see of course this is a very very good skill to have and it will send the dragon as well and after you use your four basic attack as they showcasing here this is after you midair you use your four basic attack your icon will light up bottom right you can see here this e now will become the dragon laser as I like to call it and the Damage coming out from the dragon laser is what we saw in the beginning of the video 245,000 if you have Max Energy and that's what's so crucial now the dragon laser has two instances of damage actually multiple but two components the first one as you saw the 445 in this video is basically the initial um stacking damage and then everything will explode into the 8,280 in this showcase so you got two two of that and the last damage will be affected by the energy bar above your HP and at its base uh multiplier E3 the one that's the highest is 53 and the e E4 the dragon laser is 467 but you might say wait isn't this lower than E3 well look again at the energy bar above the HP okay this is Inc condensing uh and it's uh an energy that has a cap of 50 and when you use your dragon laser it'll consume all of the stacks all of the energy okay and each point of energy will grant you 44.5% multiplier so if you have 50 which is Max stack 50 Stacks or 50 energy being all consumed by the dragon laser will net you over 2,000 over 2,000 if you plus the base uh multiplier it's about 2,600 or something around that in terms of the multiplier coming out which is the highest in the entire game nothing even comes close and this is the reason why you saw 245,000 on a built on a built character um build a j shei now looking at the um energy you might wonder how do I gain this well every time an ally attacks the enemy when jingi is in the team every time an ally or jingi attacks the enemy each single attack will grant one energy per element so you can see with byz we have Mort and they all will grant one energy per hit every 3 seconds however if you have co-op attack you see that discounts is a co-op attack a coronated attack whatever they call it this will grant three energy per 3 seconds per hit okay per element as well well so right off the bat you can see who are going to be her best teammates you've got Mort as well as Yingling and if you run both of them on the same team with jingi doing damage let's say as the front character you'll see each hit will grant you seven energy that's crazy because what this means is that three from the COA froming being Electro three from Mort being fire and Co-op and then one from jingshi being spectral and this is the basic attack right so that's 7 energy per 3 seconds and if you use ver now you'll get the same result from the co-op but you won't get the attack uh energy gain from uh Jing shei because she is spectral so this is a six six energy gain so this is absolutely crucial in pairing her up with characters that have somewhat of a background a co-op capability to essentially do damage when jingshi is in the front and the understanding how the energy game works is very very good and important in team building because she also has an outro skill her outro skill essentially says that when she outros the next character that comes in and actually all of the characters that comes in uh for the next 20 seconds okay the cool down of this energy gain is shortened from 3 to 1 second so remember how we saw in the beginning if Yingling uh and Mort is in the back and the jingi attacks you'll gain seven energy but that's every seven seconds now you gain this every 1 second you can see how crazy it is it basically triples your energy gain and you will have an insane damage output coming out from the dragon laser so this this is really good and one cool thing about the dragon laser and what you guarantee this effect triggering is that uh after you use the dragon laser every 25 seconds right it's on internal 25 second cool down of trigger this passive but every 25 seconds post drri laser you'll be able to get a free outro intro that's right after you activate the dragon laser you outro with uh jingi into someone like Verna you guaranteed to get the intro and outro effect activated and this activates before the uh consumption of the Forte gauge so you will always always prioritize that uh the game will prioritize that and you'll always get the intro and outro which means that the next time for example ji comes in you'll still have a full for gaug to intro and outro again that's so crazy and we also just saw the resonance Liberation and they talk about the multiplier here all right in comparison to Havoc MC who has one of the highest multipliers in the game for residance libration at 1520 chingi is even stronger at 1666 so you can see that a full combo if it's Max okay Max Energy um will be 2, like 600 2,400 something per for the dragon laser followed up by this uh resonance Liberation you're going to be doing 4,000% multiplier in a very short span of time oh my God and they also talk about here that if you use Dodge or Parry um you can also shorten your um midair enhan State because if you dodge an attack it'll pick up right where you're left off in um the third part in the third part of the uh basic attack okay so if you you dodge and your attack you pick up pick it up here and if you um uh intro in with jingi then it'll just skip straight through the first four basic attack and you can actually use your e your resident skill because it will already be the enhanced version and you can activate the midair state right away so overall you can tell already her mechanic is insane everything she's built in um in terms of her kit and how she works is in my opinion just better just better than we have so far now looking at the rotation this is the core and the simplest rotation four base attacks allowing to activate the midair State and then you want the animation cancel because there's a linger effect after you use your first resonance skill the enhanced one you want the animation cancel with the enhanced resonance skill and then go into four base attack and after that this E4 will light up and you can use the dragon laser this is the bread and butter version and it's super super simple four base attacks e once e animation cancel the second time four big attack and then Dragon laser that's it okay super super simple you can even swap in between uh and it will not even interrupt your combo that's another crucial thing about jingi and why she's so good mechanically is because if you dodge if you swap when you're in the midair enhanc state it does not reset your combo at all you will pick up whether you're in the combo three or combo four you pick up right where you're left off so it doesn't interrupt or lose your combo sequence because you need to get to the last combo sequence to activate your dragon laser so it's built in that way so you you basically don't have that problem okay and now looking at the more enhanced version of the rotation this is in my opinion uh a way to Min and Max your output but I personally don't think this is the rotation people will do but let's go over it so it's four basic attack everything looks the same you use a resonance skill yep that's fine you this is the enhanced one so be aditt there and then you follow up with a resonance Liberation to animation cancel the resonance skill now resonance Liberation may not be always available at this time but again you have something to cancel the lingering uh animation of the resident skill and now you basically three times so this is the biggest difference you basic attack three times instead of four times this time and then you use your Echo this is the new Echo uh dragon okay it's a summon Echo that doesn't do a transformation state so it does not interrupt your rotation and you use your three attack and then a resident skill this is enhanced post midair enhanced one and then you use a base attack one more time and then the dragon laser will light up okay so this ensures that two of the resonance skills here will benefit from the echo's resonance skill damage typing buff so um personally yes it's min max in terms of damage but in my honest opinion you're not going to always have the resonance Liberation up of course at post um post resident skill and also having this resident skill used after the residence Liberation the midair one is really good because you will charge past the enemies and uh this brings you to a very very safe location so overall I still like the simpler one best but you know you can still min max and each do their own so let's take a look at her damage typing breakdown now the majority of her damage typing will be considered as resident skill typing this is from her resident skills with the crazy multipliers as well as are enhanced basic attacks well in midair and 18.2 is resonance liberation the rest is everything else now this is the recommended upgrade and uh yeah I mean you're going to Max them anyways but in terms of the echo choices speaking of the damage typing breakdown there's only one choice and it's the new or the Dragon one thatting after version 1.1 because it offers a 16% uh damage boost to resident skill typing and it's a summon type Echo okay so it doesn't interrupt or interfere with the Jing xi's rotation at all and for the 15 seconds not only do you get a um 16% damage buff to all Resident skill typing you also apply a damage overtime a DOT for 15 seconds that deals uh 16% spectral damage every single second so it is very very powerful not to mention that um on the summon of this uh Echo he will also do damage so in terms of substats crit of course as the Ming stat for cost fours and in cost 3es this is where things are a bit different okay you can go for an attack percentage plus an spectral percentage which is uh different than what we always had before which is two on element percentage boost right as the main stat but um you know what this is 1 to 3% higher in terms of the calculation if you run one attack and one spectral percentage instead of course cost ones is going to be the same and as for the substats you want to go for crit attack percentage and then resonance skill damage that is uh what we are aiming for for right now so that's the echo choice and honestly there's no doubt about it there's no doubt about it and they also make a quick mention about if you pulling for high dupes High sequence uh jingi at 4 plus one above 4 plus one you actually could consider 4411 so four two cost fours and then 11 one for insane amounts of uh essentially crit now I haven't seen a math behind this part uh more cooking will need to be done I'll see if other guys also recommend this um but this is this guide in terms of the echo choices and that coincides with what's being recommending the other CM bro guide as well which is 4331 and then having the attack plus spectral damage as your first choice instead of double spectral percentage for cost 3 so yes everything's matching up 4331 and this is the build for the echo choices as well and I know we talked briefly about the teammate section but uh let's go over it in depth and the key part about having teammates is filling this gauge above uh her HP which is the Inc condensin bar her energy bar because it really really changes her output I mean look how crazy this is 245,000 damage now Mort of course is I would say best in slau alongside Yingling and if you have a S4 above which means sequence 4 above multiple dupes copy of mort it is actually going to be very very comparable in terms of damage and also helping out um Jing's energy recharge now in terms of support you can use byz or Verna because they also offer a co-op attack so in terms of your sub DPS you are going to use Yingling if you're looking for multiple targets AOE damage or you are going to be able to use Mort if you have S4 above some other choices like yangang Buu or tchi are also viable but they're damage in comparison and and their speed in terms of being able to obtain energy and the Forte gauge is unfortunately a bit too slow in comparison to the two other choices Havoc MC is also viable because as you can see you want to do quick quick burst damages and can also quick swap in between and uh you can do Insane insane amounts of Co-op between the two characters and it's lower accurate as well so overall honestly I know she plays like a main DPS but the more and more I look into her the more and more it feels like she is a burst DPS character okay let's let's not talk about sub DPS main DPS these type of phrases but burst DPS whereas she doesn't need to be on field for a crazy amount of time but she is able to deal an insane insane amount of damage by just being there for a short few seconds now looking at the weapon choices and actually the two guys are very similar in terms of the percentages if we take a look and the signature weapon as the base 100% it's going to be about 12 to 14% better than the second choice which is another limited weapon uh from GM now her signature weapon jingi signature weapon offers Elemental damage boost of 12% and then and when you inal in you'll get a further 12% damage boost to um resident skill damage typing and then if you use a resident skill you'll gain a further 24% for 12 seconds I mean this is very similar to all of the limited weapons signature weapons we have seen so far basically everyone will get a 12% Elemental damage boost on top of that a 48% something that's related to the main damage typing of the character whether it be a resonance Liberation or heavy attack or residence skill it's a 48 Boost after that so I mean it works it works you can see that it's about uh 12 14% better than the second G unlimited and about 17 16 17% better than the five-star version and in comparison to the um battle pass and the other three Star Choices it's about 30% better so if you can grab it in W waves it's 100% chance to get the on Banner signature weapon so you don't have to worry about 7525 or 50/50 with the weapon so uh if you have the opportunity I would definitely grab it but if you already have the five star sword you could save technically you could save but yeah those are the comparison between the weapons and that's it thank you so much guys for watching this video and honestly I wasn't even going to PLL for her but the the promotional video yeah I absolutely got me okay she's so beautiful and she plays a very important role in the video as well as in the lore and the story as well so um yeah my wish my wish is to obtain a copy and I did manage to get her with her signature weapon as well and definitely more guys for her will be uh upcoming in the next part of my channel so thank you guys and I'll see you in the next one goodbye now
Channel: TimaeuSS
Views: 56,863
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Keywords: princess, connect, princess connect, global, english, crunchyroll, guide, help, reroll, redive, re, dive, quick, tips, knowledge, tier, list, tierlist, Tim, TimaeuSS, artery, gear, game, mobile, ArteryGear, アーテリーギア, 機動戦姫, アテギア, todo, best, unit, nikke, godness, goddness, of, victory, close, beta, test, 勝利の女神:NIKKE, star, rail, blue, archive, mihoyo, hoyoverse
Id: aS_SKt5bNGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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