Everything Must Go - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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for those of you who take notes my subject for today will be everything must go god we just asked that you would breathe into this room you know every person who came into this room every issue they're carrying every secret they're dealing with every purpose gift and talent you place down on the inside of them only you know that and so god i'm asking that you would use this as a moment to stir up the gifts that you place down on them that you would use this as a moment to bring healing to broken hearts and healing to their bodies and marriages and families because only you can take what is breaking us on the inside and turn it around and allow it to be the momentum we need to go after our destiny like never before so spirit of the living god we make a demand on the anointing that exists in this room that it would breathe in here like never before that it would shake up our stinking thinking and strongholds would be broken and generational curses would be broken because that's the kind of god that i serve and i didn't come to have fun i came for radical change for my family's family for my community for everything connected to me so god do that thing that you do when you sit in a room in jesus name i pray amen amen and amen you guys can get seated and get comfortable i love you too i paid her to do that you just like thank you so i was driving the other day in los angeles and i saw a sign on a building and i have to tell you that nothing makes my spirit quicken like seeing these three words outside of a store everything must go my spirit i felt it right then it was like a flashback of the anointing makes my spirit leap because when i tell god that i need to save money i don't mean i don't need to spend money i mean that things need to be cheaper so that i can buy them and i know he's able to do exceedingly and abundantly no sale i mean everything must go there's a desperation connected to everything what you mean everything you mean like everything everything or like a little bit of things but no i went into the store and and they said that everything must go and now that i own a store i realize that when i see that sign it's not just them trying to bless my spirit though it does that actually what it means is that there are new products coming in and as a result of the new products coming in they have to get rid of the products that are no longer profitable so they're trying to make space for what's coming in that will ultimately have the most profit for their stores and i love this and i was thinking as i was dissecting this text that what if we as believers chose to live our life with that mentality if we chose to live our life in such a way that we assessed what was no longer profitable for us and we decided that it had to leave so that that which is profitable could begin to inhabit our spirits that means that we wouldn't just be okay with our marriages being less than what god has for them we would demand that we brought ourselves into a consciousness of forgiveness we would demand that we couldn't be depressed anymore because we realize that those feelings and emotions are not profitable for what god has for us and so what if we had an everything must go mentality anything that is not profitable to who god has called me to be has to move out of the way because i am committed i am convinced that i must become everything that god saw when he formed me in my mother's womb so search me o god and let me know what is in me that is keeping me from laying hold of why you have placed me on the earth but the truth is that we wouldn't live our life like that because most of the time we don't know what is not profitable until we're in situations that bring it out of us for instance i didn't know that i was like crazy until i was in a bad relationship and one night something had happened no need for details here and i woke up and i was like wow i'm about to be crazy i didn't even know that that was in me until i was placed in this situation and i realized that i could not afford to be in a situation that brought crazy out of me it wasn't profitable for who god has called me to be so i had to make some decisions about who i was willing to connect with because i can only have space for that which is profitable but i would have never known that unless i was in that situation so god places us in situations so that we can discover what is in us and it brings all of these issues to the surface and when these issues come to the surface we can find ourselves like peter in this text now it's important for us to realize that this is not the peter that we're used to seeing the peter who had bold audacious faith to step out on the boat and dare to walk on water this isn't the peter that we see standing beside jesus side through everything this is not the peter we see who lost who lost everything and decided that he was going to follow jesus this is not the same peter who was crazy over jesus and would have done anything this is a peter who was lost his connection to jesus he was once walking with him but this turn of events there where judas betrayed him and now he has been arrested means that peter lost his place he lost his position if you will it feels like he lost his purpose what do you do when you feel like you've lost the thing that makes you you when you feel like i used to define myself as a mother but now the children are all grown up and if i'm honest i don't really know who i am anymore i used to pride myself on having this job and i lost the job and now i don't even know who i am anymore it seemed like he lost his connection to jesus like he'd lost his purpose and so now he's having to discover who he is in the midst of chaos because it's not just that jesus is gone it's that jesus is under siege he's under attack and he didn't have anything to do with how he ended up in the situation and that's what pains us more than anything when we put ourselves in certain situations it's often easier for us to understand how we got there but what do you do when life does a number on you that you couldn't help it and and now some kind of way i my heart is broken and i'm paycheck to paycheck i didn't have anything to do with how i got in this situation and everyone is telling me to just get over it and to just move on but no one understands that i've lost everything that made me who i am can we have a real conversation elevation peter has lost his place and he's sitting outside the courtyard waiting to hear what's going to happen with jesus he's balancing these two possibilities and one is hope because he's seen jesus do miracle after miracle he's seen jesus turn the situation upside down so there's got to be a part of him that is wondering is this going to be another one of those moments where everyone counted him out but jesus comes out on the other side or the alternative is that he actually goes to the cross and and i lose him i like to call this the intersection of hope and hell it's where depending on what happens here it's either going to be the best of times or it's going to be the worst of times and so peter is sitting at this intersection and he's disconnected from who he used to be and i feel like that happens to so many of us in the process of life we get disconnected from from who we used to be but i realized that what looked like something that the enemy did was doing what looked like something the enemy was doing was actually god creating a promotion for peter and for jesus god help me sometimes we blame too many things on the devil anytime our world starts getting shaken up we start to think the enemy is doing this why why is the devil after me why why is this happening to me not recognizing that it is actually the divine setup that god will use to promote us to the next dimension because at the same time that jesus was bringing to the surface that which was unprofitable in peter jesus was also losing that which was no longer profitable for him and that was his flesh so that we could ultimately have the holy spirit and if he was going to lose his flesh that means that we would need a church of the living god and he had already designated peter to do that so what looked like hell was actually promotion it was just he couldn't tell in the midst of it it wasn't that jesus was gone it was just that he had moved and if you've ever had jesus move on you then you know like i know that it's not that he's out of touch it's just that he's asking me to come up a little bit higher i didn't move i just did all that i could do on this level and if we're gonna go to the next level you're gonna have to change the way you think and you're to have to change the way you act i didn't move i just want to see if you'll press in i just want to see if you've got enough hunger for the thing you're praying for because you're praying for a level and a dimension that you can't handle in your current form but if i move out the way and make you hungry you'll become the person worthy of the miracle you're praying for i didn't i didn't leave i just moved [Applause] i just moved because only the desperate can get it on this level only those who are hungry enough can get it on this level you want to be a world changer or you want to make friends because if you're going to be a world changer you're going gonna have to be willing to shed a few things that you don't need you can't be a people pleaser and a kingdom establisher at the same time so god if i gotta go at this thing by myself i'm with it now yeah that just answered what you were going through you've been wondering where jesus is in the midst of it and jesus is saying where are you where are you do you want me to come to you or do you want to come to me i've come down as low as i can go from this point you're going to have to come on up and when you get to this next dimension you'll see why you had to go through all the hell that you went through and this moment it doesn't make sense to peter but when he gets on the other side he's going to see that he had to allow jesus to move so that jesus could move it'll make sense in the car so that the holy spirit could come so that he couldn't just be accessible to peter but he could be accessible to us and so peter is yet learning what we know now and as he's waiting and trying to determine what's going to happen to jesus he's just sitting outside of the courtyard because when life isn't going as you anticipated you don't always move you just sit because i don't know what to do anymore i've been sitting where the divorce left me i've been sitting where i buried my parent i just been sitting here trying to figure out what's next for me i just been sitting i just been sitting we went through this issue in our marriage and i know we need to move on but i don't know how to move on so i just been sitting in this bitterness i've just been sitting in this anger i'm trying to let it go but i can't go i just been sitting at it i got a problem i have an addiction but the addiction has me if i'm being honest and i just been sitting and it's time for me to move and when you don't move god sends things to move you so he brings this servant girl to peter and says weren't you weren't you the one with jesus and peter goes i don't even know what you're saying because you can become so disconnected from who you used to be that when someone reminds you of how you used to believe it you can't even comprehend it i know who you're talking about but that's not me anymore like when someone asked you to pray for them at a time that you need prayer yourself and you want to pray and you want to press in the way that you used to but you can't even connect to that part of yourself anymore i don't even know what you're saying have you ever had someone speak to the person you used to be in god not knowing that you're struggling with the pain of where you are right now but he always sends a reminder to us and this reminder comes through a servant girl she asks weren't you with him and he denies it he says i don't even understand what you're saying and so he moves out of the way because that's what we do we try to move further away from the people who hold us to who we used to be in god i know that's an uncomfortable notion for us to consider but the reality is that right now jesus is on a mission he's on a mission to get peter back to the person who received a word from him even when the word was something that he didn't like because if i can get peter back to the word that he was going to deny me then i could get peter back into the frame of mind he was in when he received the word and thought it was impossible because if i can get him back to that word i can remind him how he used to have faith that god could do the impossible that he could push back darkness in his life and i hear god saying that you came to a church service but he came to give you a reminder that i'm trying to get you back to the person you used to be i know we always want to move forward and press towards the mark and i'm not saying that any of those things aren't true i'm just saying that sometimes you have to press towards the mark with the heart posture that you used to have when you first got saved remember when you first found out who god was for real remember how you were on fire and he didn't have to do anything for you all he had to do was wake you up in the morning and you would wake up with worship down in your heart and now if he doesn't give you the car and he doesn't give you the job then you're depressed but remember when you used to be on fire and used to say god if you don't do anything other than what you've already done for me that's more than enough god if i don't have another zero in my bank account but i can still access the presence of god that's more than enough for me god if you don't do anything else in my career but you allow me to still be in this earth that's more than enough for me i want to go back to the person who needed you and didn't just treat you like an accessory for my cute little life i used to need god like like i can't do this thing called life without you like like i needed i thought i needed a man and then i thought really what i need is god and what god gave me was more than a man he gave me this whole beautiful life and anointing and so it taught me that when i seek the kingdom of god that he will it really will add all those other things to me and sometimes we get so comfortable in our little christian lives that we see we cease to stop needing god and so they're trying to get peter back back to where he used to be and he moves out of the way because he's not ready to go back to who he used to be because when things aren't working the last thing you want to do is focus on when it when things used to work because a reminder of when things used to work makes you feel like you've lost something and at this time they're trying to take him back to when he was walking with jesus but he doesn't want to go there because he feels like it's going to cause him too many issues and too much frustration if you remind me of when i was walking with jesus and now i can access him then i'm going to be upset it's just what happens to us when people try to remind us of who we used to be before the pain met us and we think we can't afford to go back to being that person who had hope that we can't go back to being that person who had faith and thought the best of people because people showed us the worst of them and now we think it's easier to think the worst because the last time i had hope i was disappointed it cost to be vulnerable in a world determined to divide so when we find peter he's moving away from the servant girl but i love this because no matter where you run you can't hide another girl saw him and says to those who were there this fellow also was with jesus of nazareth so peter has this internal conflict going on where he doesn't want to remember or claim the fact that he knew jesus but the reality is that people could still look at him and see that he had been with jesus which reminded me that no matter what is going on on the inside of me that there is a cloak that goes ahead of me and because there is a cloak that goes ahead of me in spite of the internal conflict that is within me it speaks to the turmoil that is around me and says that she's already been set aside it reminds me of jeremiah 1 and 5 where he said i set you apart i sanctified you i ordained you so even when i don't feel set apart in a room full of people because he said he set me apart when i walk into a room i look set apart peter is set apart god help me to help these people understand that no matter when they are in the midst of issues no matter what they are fighting and going up against that they can try to detract themselves from you but that you have already decided that they are bought with a price and because you decided that you were going to serve me it only takes one confession for him to get inside it only takes one time for you to open up your heart and for him to get inside and when he gets inside he doesn't let you go and everyone can see that you've got a halo over your head god help me i'm coming i'm coming in verse 73 this is the part i love it says in a little later those who stood by came up and said to peter surely you are one of them for your speech betrays you [Music] there's something about how you exist that lets me know you're not of this world in spite of the fact that of you trying to pretend like you are of this world there's something that keeps setting you apart and god keeps blowing your spot up can i be a little hood at elevation god keeps putting the spotlight on you because you're trying to fit in in a time where he needs you to stand out and every time you try to fit in he does something to let you know that you've been separated and you've been asking yourself what is it i'm doing everything that they're doing but for some reason it's not working for me and i hear god saying your speech has betrayed you that you have prayed for things and you have stopped me for things and no matter what you try to do to pretend like you don't want them anymore i've already set that aside for you so i'm not going to let you turn your back on the promise that i already have on reserve with your name on it i feel the presence of god shaking things up in this place and reuniting you with the passion you used to have for what god placed down on your heart i know you got disappointed i know things didn't go the way that you wanted them to but i hear god saying i still have it on hold for you and i just want you to know no matter where you go no matter what you do everything you try to do that doesn't look like that is gonna fail until you get back into alignment with what i have for you your speech is gonna betray you you are a chosen child of god and you cannot do anything but serve this kingdom and i will do whatever it takes to bring you back into alignment people who don't even know you will start to wonder how you made it how you made it out here when you're supposed to be over there god god remind us of who we used to be god remind us of how we used to feel god reminded us of when we thought that it was possible god before disappointment met us before pain ever got a hold of us god remind us of when i really felt like i could do it remind me of when i really felt that faith stirring down on the inside of me god remind me of when i thought that you could actually do miracles god remind me of when i used to lift my hands in worship and i really felt your presence god remind me of who i used to be in the spirit because if i can remember who i used to be in the spirit i could shake some things up on earth i could stop complaining about it and start changing it i could stop wondering who was going to do it and i would say god send me because i'm on fire like never before gotta reunite me [Applause] reunite me with that version of me that you decided i was gonna be when you place me in my mother's womb god take me back i don't want to go any further until you take me back peter couldn't go any further until he went back because i gotta live i gotta live in a certain space if this is gonna work if i'm gonna make it if i'm going to be promoted if i'm going to go to that next dimension i got to live in a certain place so it stands to reason that i am the most effective and the most powerful when i'm in the place where i feel connected to jesus again so i have to go back in my mind to who i was when i felt the most connected to him what were my practices who were my friends what don't i have now that i had back then what peter had back then that he didn't have in that moment is he had a word i had a word i didn't necessarily think the word was for me peter when peter received the word that he was going to deny jesus he thought not me child that word is not for me but sometimes we throw away words that aren't for us in the moment but they're for who we're going to be and i feel like there's a word that you lost somewhere in the process but if you can go back to that place and grab that word that you'll have clarity on what's next because if he could go back into that place where he caught that word that he was going to deny jesus then maybe just maybe he could also remember that the reason why it seemed so implausible to him in that moment is because he was the same person who jesus was going to build his church on that means that one word was connected to another word and neither of those words had been manifest except one word was actually being manifest in that moment which means that the next word was just one reach away there have been prophetic words spoken over your life from this very stage that you thought weren't for you in the moment and that maybe god had just forgotten but i hear god saying if you go back to that place in your heart where you were when you received that word then you will see that there are other words connected to it and everything must go that means that everything that's in you that doesn't believe has to go so that there is space within you for those words to now come alive god i feel the presence of god in this place i hear god saying that the waiting season is over that it is time for you to get off of the sidelines that you have cleared out everything that you needed to clear out that fear doesn't have you anymore that anxiety has let you go that you have hit rock bottom and you ought to rejoice you ought to rejoice because rock bottom is the perfect foundation for him to build his church some people come to church some people are at church everywhere you go you're going to see my king because i hit rock bottom and rock bottom taught me that i can rise up again and since i have been risen like another man named jesus i wish a devil would try to remind me of who i used to be when i know for a fact that he didn't just save me for any old reason he saved me to make darkness tremble he saved me to break generational curses he saved me to shake up something here on the earth and i will not be satisfied until this earth is making confound that looks like heaven so it's not just business for me it's kingdom it's not just a book it's kingdom it's not just a marriage it's kingdom it's not just family it's kingdom everything i touch has to look like heaven i'm a church baby everything i touch has to look like heaven i take my finances seriously because it had to be in order like heaven and anything that's keeping me from that has to get out the way everything everything must go everything must go i want you to get a little gangster elevation i want you to start looking down on the inside of you and saying what is in me that is keeping me from laying hold of the anointing that god placed on my life because i'm gonna get a little gangster with it it's gotta go there's no room for you anymore i'm sorry depression we've been friends long enough but there's no more room for you in me any longer i gotta go to therapy i need some counseling i'm in trouble addiction we've been friends long enough but you gotta go because i'm on assignment and i messed around and came to church and got my marching orders and now i realize that there's a battle for me to fight and i'm the perfect candidate cause i've been through hell and i'm still here cause i've been through hell and i still got a smile on my face hell i'm sorry you gotta let go of me anxiety i'm sorry i gotta go somewhere i'm sorry the divorce that hurt me but i gotta get up again everything must go everything must go everything must go i'm a king's kid baby and there's an inheritance attached to my name i'm not patty caking with the devil no more i'm tired of you have you ever got tired okay now i feel like a church girl but here we are my father's bishop jakes i've been doing church my whole life so i just want to let you know right now that we're tired of patty caking with the devil and placating our fears and insecurities and living our lives bound and broken and in chains when he died so that we never had to be broken again and here i am sick acting like i don't have access to a serum that can radically change my life and i want every sickness emotional and spiritual i want it out of me i'm desperate i'm desperate to get it out of me because i know it's taking up space for his grace shame's got to let me go because i know it's taking up space for his anointing to be used through me and so anything that's here in me i'm gonna offer myself as a living sacrifice you guys can stand i'm about to close when peter realizes when the rooster crows that everything that jesus said was going to happen was happening he weeps i think he weeps because he didn't think that it was in him to deny jesus and he found out that it was and he was shocked by that but i also think that he was weeping because in that moment in his most broken moment he was aligned with exactly what jesus said was going to happen and nothing beats alignment even with even when we're aligned in pain and i know that while peter was weeping that heaven was rejoicing because he had finally been broken down enough for him to be the foundation for christ to build his church had peter had the church built upon him before he denied jesus he may have flirted with pride he may have thought that he had done something i've been so loyal and i stood by jesus through thick and thin and so of course he built his church on me i'd been there but god builds his church on broken people and i know you don't want the brokenness and i know you don't want to go through the trials and the struggle but i'm telling you that that is what makes the foundation for god to build upon you because you will look within yourself and you will say i didn't get here because i earned it and god knows i don't deserve it but still you took a broken little girl who never thought that she would amount to anything and gave her a platform to share her story all so that he could get the glory at the end of the day and i'm wondering what glory is attached to your pain and i'm wondering what glory is attached to your brokenness and as you're weeping and as you're crying i wonder if heaven is looking down and smiling because they recognize that this floor that you feel like you're at right now will be the last time that you were ever on this level you got to catch that prophetically if it's for you if it's not for you just celebrate for other people but if you know that i can't go any lower than this that i have become someone i never thought that i would be you ought to rejoice because heaven is saying now you are in the perfect space for me to build upon you like never before if your marriage is the most broken it's ever been you ought to rejoice because it can't get any lower than this i know that we don't like to celebrate when we feel like we're losing but what if every time you lose heaven is winning because now you are perfect for me to mold now you are perfect for me to use i don't have a job i don't have a man my issues and struggles are coming to the surface god says that's good because i want to take that thing from you and when i take that pain from you what i'm going to give you instead is going to be purpose and momentum and power wonder work and power miracle working power chain destroying power seem and tremble and power hell is gonna get nervous because you got power in the midst of your pain can i give you 30 seconds to worship can i give you 30 seconds to lift up the name of jesus over your circumstance jesus i was denying your power but now i bring your power over my circumstance i bring your power over my situation i speak jesus over my children i speak jesus over my finances i speak jesus over my career jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus this power in the name of jesus this power in the name of jesus in the name of jesus over my mind in the name of jesus over my heart in the name of jesus over my spirit [Music] you
Channel: Sarah Jakes Roberts
Views: 582,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarah jakes roberts, elevation, pastor sarah, Everything Must Go, pastor sarah jakes, everything must go, sarah jakes 2018, woman evolve, sarah jakes, sarah jakes 2019
Id: KOMV4x18pL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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