Pokemon Sun and Moon - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Alola Intro and Litten Starter! (Nintendo 3DS)

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what's up guys axe got here playing Pokemon Sun for the Nintendo 3ds I'll be playing all the way through this game just like I did for Pokemon X which by the way its first episode got over three and a half million views thanks to you guys leaving over 28,000 likes I'd be thrilled if this video got anywhere close also thanks to your support we now have over 2.3 million subscribers that's incredible and I cannot thank you guys enough I will do my best to bring you even more awesome videos just leave a comment letting me know which game made you subscribe in which games you'd like to see me play in the future now without further ado let's play pokemon Sun gotta catch them all here we go you have a message from aloha region's own professor Cucuy what does it say what does he say to me hello professor hello hang on now give me just a sec I see you buddy hey there good afternoon so the day has finally come that you're moving to a low law a low law is a region made up of several islands that could be the reason the region is chock full of nothing but rare Pokemon yeah there's no shortage of cool Pokemon out here in a Lala either such mysterious creatures indeed look at that you'll find them all over in the grass and the caves and the sky and the sea here on a Lola we love our Pokemon and we depend on them heaps to some of us even battle with them if we call ourselves Pokemon trainers rock rough can you wait until I'm done talking to play all right get out of here rock rough all right I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody so which photos should I use for your trainer Passport just use a photo of me just use what I look like why are you asking me I gotta pick what I look like now okay I do um I'll be this one cuz why my skin is fair my hair is brown so that's all I get to choose from right sure enough I can't tell this one probably looks more like me but I'm wider than that so I don't even know what to do must be this dude you're okay with the one you chose yeah yes all right then I'll let you spell out your name for me though I do have a name that I like to go by in the Pokemon franchise and you know that name is here we go Z everyone knows it starts with a Z right z dawg oh yes that's my name Z dawg and we're done alright great so you go by Z dawg yes of course I do there I am 10-4 good buddy I'll let everybody out here know that you're on your way Z dog that's me haha yeah that's a name that hits you like a thunderbolt out of the sky whoa can't wait to see you in person then cousin alright here we go that's me Z dog come help me with these boxes alright I guess I was reading a magazine I can't read that it's in a different language alright well that was an awesome start I got to name myself I guess it's okay this girl's running where's she going whoa she just made that elevator here we go what's she doing what is that tiptoe walk quietly uh-oh she was caught by the authorities run you must escape them I don't know where she's going is so lush and vibrant in this area looks like an amazing town but they are after her why what did she uh oh she's about to run into one of them what do you do jump over the fence go ro go wild oh man they look so nefarious what are they gonna do to her oh man oh there we go there we go here we go fantastic here we go it's Pokemon Sun presented by Game Freak what an interesting intro well let's keep going on three months later dun dun dun beautiful map of course let's see what happens as we zoom in it's a slow zoom I don't hear any audio going on but here we go beautiful town very quiet very serene all right here we go yon mom says ah can't you just feel that warmth the first day spent under a Lola Sun it's so warm and bright here but that's enough of that time to unpack all these boxes all right this is what you want to help with meows go get Z dog for me would you yeah all right so I don't know what I'm doing I was talking to the professor dude maybe on my computer my PC oh wow we got a view of me out here it's my room Wow oh look I was playing the Wii you got my Pikachu and there I am sleeping I have a shirt just like that all right wake me up meow oh my gosh this so loud rawr can I sleep through it or do I wake up if it's like my real cat auto or egon even they would just call me in the face you gotta whip me a better than that ok I'll get up I'll get up I'll get up here we go z dog in the house what do I do thank you thank you me out morale alright so take a look you check the book your father gave you adventure rule number one open the X menu with the X button adventure rule number two record your progress with save I mean yeah that sounds like a good thing it's a cute stuffed doll that looks like Pikachu the mouse to the mouse Pokemon okay it's a Wii U it has a gamepad with a screen if they want to be really clever they would have put a switch in here what is this though this is the boxes this one of the boxes are gonna move there are moving boxes full of your belongings well let's move them I thought you needed help moving them what is this the ditto pillow and pokey toy are both covered in meows claw marks it's like my real house everything's covered in auto negan's claw marks I have a new outro that features them again so you will see what they look like at the end of this basically so anyway beautiful house you were out like a light weren't you you ought to be full of energy by now I guess I need breakfast first so Z dog are you pumped and meet some a lowland Pokemon of course of course I am that's right I want to hurry up and meet some too we're living in the Aloha region now the beautiful islands everyone wants to visit I'm sure the pokemons living in a place like this must be friendly right maybe oh who rang the doorbell was that the doorbell I guess so that's gotta be Professor Cucuy why don't you let them in Z dawg all right that sounds like a plan to me anything else to check out before we anything interesting here I don't know I don't see much that's interesting Oh what happened do you let himself in oh boy I didn't get there let's see he just in here hey there's Zee dog the name's Cucuy good to meet you cousin you got to be tired after that long trip all the way out here to a Lola you feelin any jet lag we sure are a long way from Kanto out here in a lola it's still daytime out here yeah yeah it is professor Takumi yes we just arrived yesterday hi there mom I just let myself in oh and call me Cucuy would you welcome to a Lola he did let himself in why did you that's pretty rude of course I still remember seeing you battle the Indigo gym leaders back in Kanto all those years ago you know I've been in love with the lowland Pokemon ever since so I finally decided to come here myself ha I was supposed to be visiting there to research Kanto Pokemon moves and all I thought I knew a thing or two about battling but those Kanto gym leaders proved me wrong hey now Z dawg let's get a move on to your next town over cousin time for you to meet the island Kahuna and get yourself a Pokemon yeah yeah let's go get a Big Kahuna alright a Pokemon yeah sure the Kahuna who lives in iki town who lives in iki town I mean they always threw out these words that like I'm not familiar with but anyway an inky town is always happy to give any kid who wants to have an adventure their first Pokemon yeah but don't try taking on the cocoon the Kahuna yourself the Kahuna's are crazy strong Pokemon trainers they're unbeatable for folks like you and me and you he'll simply give my boy a Pokemon then those Kahuna's really are worth meeting great yeah I'll take one just give me a puppy hurry and get ready easy dawg your bag and hat and things are still in the boxes in your room I think and didn't you leave your copy of adventure rules on your desk in there too I must have oh I bet you've got a styling hat that'll match mine yeah I don't know if it matches yours exactly but I'll go see what I have well scuse me out I came this way right sure let's go up back to my room and so let's open this up let's see what kind of styling hat I have you checked out the moving boxes and you pulled out your bagging hat excellent I'll take my bagging hat oh there we go blue backpack what kind of hat do I have alright it's a black hat not white like that one guys there we go my dogs are like wrestling in the other room that's well if you're any background noise that's what it is alright hello you look ready for anything now have a good time out there alright I'll be sure to have everything cleaned up and put away by the time you come back with your new Pokemon thanks mom woo that's a styling hat cousin meow they're all laughing at me no anyway I do look pretty cool right your mom there she's sure looking forward to you getting your first Pokemon yeah so let's go let's get going to Ichi town time for you to get a real nice Pokemon from the island Kahuna yeah oh yeah let's do it here we go I'm ready to do it see you mom alright we're out here we go here we go I'm excited to be playing Pokemon son brand-new game so lookie lookie you do anything in the mailbox yet Z dogs house is just a label so wait where'd he go hey now the heat is getting to you I said good we go this way all right there you are in and see you you were like awful okay here we go I'm gonna follow you I thought I didn't know which way to go don't blame me all right now this is more like it yeah welcome to paradise cousin this is the Aloha region folks here in a lo la get along by living together with pokemons and working together too after all you can go anywhere yeah as long as you got Pokemon helping you out here that's why we got to get you to the Kahuna first we're off to iki town come on it's not far if we cut up here this is like a shortcut to iki town I mean this looks like the main road please oh hello what are you doing look at you hey you you look like you're having a good time strolling around oh Lola you make me want to dash around too and I bet I could go even faster than you holding be we'll make me a bead a shirt and it makes me look pretty dashing - all right well how about how about it there we go yeah I'm running route 1 what's up man how's it going the power of science is amazing it's simple press of a button and you can trade pokemon or battle with the people around you excellent can I do it can you want to I don't have a pokemons never mind all right I'm running at a nice clip are we almost there this town is definitely not far away it's within like one minute walking OH so z dog you loving a Lola already yeah yeah that's what I like to hear the more you love al-hola the happier I'll be well don't don't ha ha ha don't base your happiness on my happiness dude that's kind of weird oh yeah look look there looks like an excited alone on trainers come to us professor Kukui you've got to recommend another move for me sometime please why you already know which moves you want to use yeah you can find me uh you come find me next time your Pokemon learns a new move then I'll battle you all right cool I mean she's got a Pokemon give me yours I'll take a Pikachu see that if you had a Pokemon with you you could dive into that tall grass here yeah to try to catch some wild Pokemon to add to your team all right well can I not just have hers no go over there then trainers go up against one another in battle with the Pokemon they love come on young goose I did the hissing sound whoa it sees me he waves to me how is it you're the new kid that just flew in let's have a pokemon battle some time having Pokemon gives you a whole new way to communicate with other people see now let's get moving Ikki town is right over there all right very cool we live why don't we just live in iki town this is so close it's seriously like one minute away walking dashing rather icky town here we go and we're here this right here is iki town I think that's how you pronounce it why would it not be this town is where folks come to worship the Pokemon that watches over uh Mellie Mellie Island hahaha tofu Koko keeps us all safe and happy see these words man these words all right huh what's going on here we were supposed to meet everybody right here yeah maybe they're they're all back there on mahalo trail that's where the ruins of our guardian deity taboo Coko are ya let's go says yawa Z Dawg do me a solid and go find the island Kahuna I'll wait around here to make sure we don't miss each other all right the island Kahuna you can't miss him he looks just like a Kahuna okay great so well here I am this is Ikki town the place where we give thanks to Pokemon so this is kind of a religious resort of sorts I don't know I'm checking that already hey what's up guys the tall grass is like a treasure trove full of all kinds of Pokemon just waiting to be found just having Pokemon at your side makes you feel a warm inside doesn't it eating dinner together playing together enjoying spending time together it's pure happiness let's go see what's in here I just gonna barge into someone's house that's what Professor Cooley taught me to do so hello my rock rap is the best bodyguard ever she always comes with me when I go shopping and she lies outside my door when I sleep why don't you let her sleep in the bed with you ruff ruff all right here we go how's it going how's it going I just stuck in your house rock rough there was a wild Pokemon when we got her but now she's like a part of the family when I see her roughhousing with my little girl I can't help but smile attention on TVs in this game like a good little a oh here we go there are mounds of malasada waiting for you let us enjoy some marvelous malasada Aloha fans let me tell you that today we have an eye-watering spicy mom asada let's dig it out at once munch munch mmm it's just so alright so spicy I feel like I might start spilling flames like a magmar you should definitely share one of one with uh one of your pokemons that loves spicy flavors tune in again tomorrow for some more munchies there are mounds of malasada waiting I agree I feel like I just watched an ad in the game even though malasada is not a real product I feel like I just got advertised - all right here we go anything over here no not yet nothing okay what about you my little brother was always coming home covered in mud just like his Pokemon the two of them are more alike than he and I are did you know when a rock rough really likes you it rubs against you with the stones on his neck but it does kind of hurt ouch it does sound a little painful let's go in this house and see what this house is all about hello are you the Kahuna opening a window let's night come creeping in if you leave one open it'll make you sleepy all right both pokemon and poke in people grow sleepy after eating a lot that's a fine time to sleep deeply and wake up to a glorious morning what the house full of weirdos alright here we go yeah I didn't find the Kahuna over here maybe uh dude I don't know where they can hold I know I was at okz dog do me it okay I know I know I'm gonna go find him I just strayed too far I'm sorry what about this about this house maybe he's hiding in here we seem to kahuna it said that ancient people rode over the waves and seas together with their pokémon to settle the Aloha region that's how it works did they destroy the Aloha natives as well different people interact with Pokemon in their own different ways some may see them as allies in battle while others just enjoy sharing lives with them okay okay there are mounds I'm okay yet no no I don't want to even I don't even wanna I don't even want to another malasada ad no I thought it might be different but it's the same all right so we're gonna go I guess he's up north even farther what mo it's a lady really you want to go up to the ruins I don't know what you hope to find there well let's find out I might follow her gotta follow the lady who are you what mysterious creatures Pokemon sometimes leap right out of the grass to help people in trouble did you know I now know this all right there's no one up there I don't know all right this guy looks cool who are you Kahuna holla is a strongest pokémon trainer on all of melee melee I don't know how to pronounce that okay but I guess he must be off helping someone train right now I don't see him anywhere well great I guess I'll follow up north on sunny days like this I just like to wander around following the wind don't you know I might get lost oh man no I just got here I don't have any hobbies yet this is the Mahalo trail a lot of these words are Hawaiian or Hawaiian influenced all right what's going on here nice trail that I'm dashing through I look a little stunned there she is you can't come out we'll get in trouble if anyone sees you why would why what is it what why would I get why would anyone get in trouble all right here we go going up top she's running we keep getting a beaut whoa a beautiful Pokemon Oh see yeah it's a really cool Pokemon uh-oh Oh Oh Birds she's fighting or he's fighting or someone's cowering no those birds are picking on him stop it oh boy oh boy well I'm going to need help maybe I can help I don't have any Pokemon myself but maybe I can help here we go hi ah what's wrong help save nebby okay I'll go save nebby maybe you will be saved by me you all right I will try to save you nebby I don't have a Pokemon those spare those sparrows those spiro are attacking it but I'm too afraid to go out there my legs feel like they might give out all right I'll help I'll help here we go oh my god the bridge might give out okay yeah this is hey let me stand on this more solid looking piece this bridge man come on I'm trying to help get out of here Spiros get out of here get out get out Nabi I'm here to save you there we go just Wow leave him alone oh my goodness whoa oh no oh no it's like Nephi might be my first Pokemon what is this what is that oh my gosh thanks for saving me whatever you are will you be my Pokemon you look so cool even nemi's in wonder like what what is that oh my goodness oh my goodness Wow ha ha all right pew oh oh thank goodness you tried using your power again didn't you Oh nebby you know what happened last time you use it you couldn't move for ages after that I don't want to see you like that again no I shouldn't say that I'm sorry Neffe I know you were just trying to save me at the time and I couldn't even help you in return pew all right what what is that what is what what did you get pew pew a sparkling stone it feels almost warm somehow please forgive me I'm so grateful to you for helping us out of that dangerous spot uh who are you I think this stone must belong to you she won't answer my questions she's so devious was she you obtained a sparkling stone excellent you opened up the key items pocket and put the sparkling stone away inside please don't tell anybody about this about seeing nebby it's it's a secret okay come on into the bag Nephi Pew so okay I guess I'll keep your secret but don't tell anyone all right um I'm worried we might get attack again by some wild pokemon or something I know it's too much for me to ask but do you think you could see us back to town well I guess so I mean the town's literally like a few steps this way so let's do it here we go all right here we go oh he's waving hello hazy dog looks looks like you missed the Kahuna yeah yeah but I got a girlfriend instead but you found my assistant oh yeah oh it's assistant looks like you already met but just in case this is my assistant oh um yes you can call me Lily and Lily this here is Zee dog he just moved here to a Lola take good care of them oh yes please do okay so you're you're also one of professor's acquaintances it's nice to meet you nice to meet you too now give me a Pokemon know the Kahuna is back Kahuna holla has returned our Guardians chosen one is back only one of the strongest Pokemon users in all Aloha yeah only well here we go I like his yellow shirt it's very vibrant goodness gracious here we go have I missed something I gave him a voice nah but where'd you go off to Kahuna I thought we were meeting here I am Kahuna of this island after all whenever there is a problem on the island it is my duty to resolve it sorry Lily what were you saying before for some reason I thought I saw taboo koku flying about she nods oh yes Kahuna holla nebby was being attacked by Spiro on the plank bridge when this boy helped it get away but the bridge collapsed and I thought both of them might fall to the bottom of the ravine and that was when the islands Guardian deity swooped in to save them holy moly I would guess I can become religious too because I'm one actually Savior I actually interacted with one whew that's something you don't hear every day Oh although it is said to protect us our taboo Coco was a rather fickle creature yet our guardian was moved to save you Kakui my boy I think we have cause to celebrate it seems I shouldn't trust this brave and kind young boy with a Pokemon of his own will make a fine trainer out of him I'm glad to meet you child I'm hala the Kahuna of melee melee Island my dog is looking at me barking growling at me a little bit don't guys come on guys trying to record a Pokemon episode no no go on anyway I'm hollow the Kahuna of maily maily Island welcome to a Lola young Cucuy he had told me of your coming I'm glad we got a chance to meet today oh my gosh why you guys looking at me my dog my dog ari is like literally looking at me right now just kind of what kind of barking at me come on come on guys get out of here just go on just come on or just you can stay here and just don't bark at me okay anyway I'm glad we got the chance to meet today come on what in the heck sorry guys my dogs like she just like she wants me to like play or something but I can't uh soon after this is over okay she left she she took that as a yes but later okay anyway let's let's return back to the game she's back okay young Cucuy had told me of your coming I'm glad we got the chance to meet today come my Pokemon let's have a look at you there we go some potent liner here whoa those are the starters I get to choose from there's a cat of course I'm gonna pick the cat why would I not pick the cat first is the grass type Pokemon roulette well oh my gosh okay ku it coos next is the fire type Pokemon Litton growl I want Linton Linton so cute Linton's a little kitten that's why it rhymes all right and last is the water type Pokemon poke pop-pop Leo looks like a clown dog no a clown I don't want clown dog okay so Litton it's gonna be I can tell you this right now I have a litany of reasons why it should be Litton which Pokemon will you choose at your partner a fire-type Litton of course of course of course all right I'm back my dogs had to go out okay anyway will you choose the fire type Pokemon Lytton I think I will of course of course Lytton yes it's a cat it's fire type cat so cute you chose Lytton me yeah I did you're my partner Lydon it looks gonna mean only when you have both chosen each other can you truly call each other partners well lit and choose me choose me Litton I'll be funny if he didn't choose me it's like now alright here we go please choose me I think I mean your cat I love cats come on choose me so let us see if little Litton there also decides to choose you who else are you gonna choose choose me I'm the only one here all right do it lit and look at my eyes look in my eyes Lytton is staring at you with some curiosity this is it come on dude Lytton come on yeah I think he did it yay all right you lifted Litton gently into your arms the tongue-twister brow oh so cute the fire type Pokemon Linton is sniffing at you Curia curiously oh so little Litton has accepted you as well z dog having accepted one another you'll surely be friends for life I like that I like the sound of that will I give Litton a nickname of course I will yes I will give him a nickname did I dropped my stylus I don't need a stylus no here's my stylus there we go of course I will give Lytton a nickname yes his name shall be not she'll be but but she'll be here we go you ready Linton's nickname l-dog has been added to your party ah Lytton l-dog it's my little L dog Z dog and L dog are getting along nice to meet you Litton column L dog please Oh when did you get out again I know that kahuna hala and the professor will keep you safe from any harm but you should still stay in the bag and out of sight it's safer that way I think you chose a wonderful Pokemon please take very good care of it oh I will that's it Z dog now you've got a Pokemon you're a real pokemon trainer yeah and here's a lovely gift from me to help make it special cousin it's already special but thank you I got a pokedex yes a pokedex is a real high-tech kind of tool yeah that can automatically record facts about any pokemon that you meet your new partner Litton is already registered oh yeah so check it out well great yeah let's check this out and here in this is a trainer passport that I had put together for you now why don't you go introduce your new friend to your mom's e-dawg no I will it's Litton l-dog is the official name by the way oh yeah you have anything to say before we before we move on if you two can work in harmony with each other you can go anywhere together if you really like to get to know your new friend Litton you could check out all of its information in your pokedex hang on a second I feel like I'm forgetting something somebody yeah okay anyway let's say I wasn't able to go in here before you was blocking this before so I'm gonna go in before I go back home to visit my mom whoa this is a nice little palace this is where you pray to the Pokemon that saved your life holy cow I mean definitely what the heck is this I'm just gonna sit here it's a chair made using traditional folk crafts passed down and a low loss and stays of old I have a vegetable approved for these doors to do these do anything what is this building whoa hello that's challah oh wait that challah he's too soft on young how when how as I say it how but how was just a little thing he once saw challah in a real fury and old Hollis face was so terrible that the boy burst into tears Halle couldn't do a thing to console him I think he's been holding something of something of himself back in front of however since that day I don't even know who we're talking about I just came here to get something from the fridge it won't open it won't budge you know the festival here in a key town well some years there was a there okay well some years there are no 11 year old kids what okay well some years there are no 11 year old kids setting out to hold a sacred battle for us those years Halle gets to take part and we dedicate a bout of sacred a lowland sumo to the Guardian instead what in the world does he 111 year old kids for okay here we go Kahuna Halle is real strict when it comes to his training oh not training for pokémon battle or nothing I'm talking about his sumo training okay makes sense I'm over whoa secret secrets in these secrets no secrets okay great this room was confusing that's the people in it were confusing all right and there was another room over here let's see what we have hello whoa hello oh Lola I love to see kids and pokemon full of energy that's me look I'm running around I'm so full of energy I'm never sleep and I'll never get these beds you have four beds for two people that's weird why why I guess maybe if you get tired of sleeping in one bed you can sleep them the others that makes sense anyway here we go over here what's this room all about it's the bathroom and these little guys are watching me if I were to use it so these guys are creeps and here's a bathtub with some sort of a noose in the back oh oh that's the showerhead okay anyway here we go we're gonna keep going on and yeah okay I think we checked out enough of this is a cool place I imagine this place might come in handy a little more in the future let's go visit my mom now show her l-dog she's gonna want to see l-dog oh what's this what's this hey you and me let's have a Pokemon battle haha where's the fire boy and what kind of Pokemon battle would that be where you don't even give a name first huh who are you fair enough then I'm how and my partner's Rowlett I think that's a pronounce his name how right if it's not let me know in the comments below because I do want to get these words right so if I never like if I if I mispronounce something please let me know in the comments below I'll read the comments and you know I'll try to try to incorporate that into how I you know narrate this because I don't want to I don't I don't want to be dumb or ignorant you know so you're lit and looks really cool too Thanks yes let's battle I couldn't wait for you to find your way to iki town so I've been all over looking for you I don't really like to see Pokemon battles where Pokemon can get hurt but I'll watch for you oh yeah you first your first battle already just have your Pokemon dish out some moves and see who wins woo I appreciate you being willing to take on my grandson here oh this is grandson I should have noticed by the by the bright yellow pants I expecting no-holds-barred battle from the both of you alright fair enough I'll give it my all now l-dog you will battle me right I know you will right yeah and I won't lose all right this is gonna be great so this is my first pokemon battle here in this game very well then let the pokemon battle begin here we go I'm ready get ready for it you are challenged by pokemon trainer how and Rowlett is coming out here well cute l-dog he's looking good what will l dog do well he's gonna fight of course I'm going to start off with ember here here we go l dog used ember that hit pretty good it was super effective the opposing RAL that used tackle now not as effective as inverse I will use Ember once more and maybe finish you off make you faint here we go embers coming along there you go gotcha Rowlett he fainted oh I'm sorry but L dog gained 65 experience points he's leveled up level 6 excellent very cool very cool all right you defeated pokemon trainer how all right pretty good if you ask me very nice hoo-wee that gave me chicken skin what's Z dog write your Litton was awesome now that settles it I'm going all out tomorrow hmm Z dog would you be so kind as it give me a look at that sparkling stone you have there yeah sure why not could it be 2 - isn't that what you were rescued by taboo cocoa at the bridge isn't that what I heard Z dog yeah I rescued me so it even uh deigned to give you a stone perhaps you are here in a low lousy dog because this is where you are meant to be allow me to borrow the stone for now fret not I'll return it to you tomorrow evening all right sure you better it would seem that you have the makings of a fine trainer you must do us the honor of joining in our festival tomorrow well I will I will thank you so much first I'll make sure you get back home safe today those e-dawg Lily you two should come with us - yeah wouldn't wouldn't want to go losing you twice in one day you were that precious Pokemon of yours yes I will keep an eye on there there it is oh you would you try not to escape the very moment that you were told not to wander off they're all just chuckling I'm worried about it - Here I am back home I don't - make the long journey myself but I've got to show my mom she's gonna want to see the house is all clean right welcome back c-dawg so what kind of Pokemon did you get don't keep me waiting there it is a cat everyone loves house cats we got two cats ha ha ha ha ha ha were the cat people right where the you're gonna become the crazy cat lady mom oh I think I'm falling in love so why did you choose this sweetheart because it's cool and cute I can't choose I chose it for all of the above I'm just gonna randomly pick well then you picked right because I'd say this little charmer is definitely cute and cool indeed the two of you look great together I feel happy you're just looking at the pair of you now the two cats can play oh I picked right I chose right oh man so cute we need a scratching post a litter box all sorts of stuff ha ha all right the next day well let's see let's get a sneak peek what happens to next day Oh another beautiful morning what a stunning sunset all right today's a day that I finally unpack another doorbell was that the doorbell goes to see who it is z dog well I will see who it is I will indeed let's see did you just waltz into my house again hello buddy hey there's a dog it's about time we set out for the festival yeah but first now that you're a real pokemon trainer with your own pokemon and all I've got to show you something come with me out to route 1 all right well come on L dog have fun at the festival sweetie I'm sure you'll have a good time with your new pokemon pal me and Meowth will so be sure to unpack every last box here you'll see all right well I got my own cat we're gonna go to the festival we're gonna go party while you two work here we go I hope okay yeah l dog must be with me what is it C dog hurry up cousin pretend you're a Pokemon and use your agility okay okay I get it no need for the subtle insults where'd you go up here and you were far away route 1 oh boy yes I see yeah over here indeed so you know the wild pokemon will sometimes jump out at you in tall grass yeah now that you've got lit in there you can not only fight wild pokemon yeah you can also try to catch them too whew I'm gonna show you how to catch a wild pokemon all right keep your eyes on the prize all right let's see what he does oh my gosh are we fighting or who's he fighting what who's fighting oh wow picot Peck appeared all right he since out rock ruff great so I just watch him right no I actually fight for him okay great let's do it oh no he's fighting I'm not doing this at all never mind all right but I get it I understand the concept all right so he's using a move as well you got a weekend of Pokemon a bit I knew that he's gonna bag it no in the bag is gonna use a pokeball just showing me how to do it alright I understand he has 50 give me some give me all 50 I don't care for 49 now there you go you picked him up you got him good job wonderful nice sealed signed sealed delivered it's yours alright so fantastic I understand how that works very cool oh yeah well Pokemon do sometimes attack people if they get close but catch them and they'll join your team and be a great help to you yeah but if your Pokemon get all tuckered out by fighting for you just head home for a bit well if you ask your mom I'm sure she'll let you and your whole team rest up at home or you could use some potions here's some pokeballs and potions to get you started out well great thank you so much I got 10 he gave me like f it the biz thank you alright thank you guys and 5 5 potions as well very very cool why don't you have a little adventure of your own on the way to iki town yeah take good care Z dawg Lytton alright so here I am now I don't know how to what's the X menu I guess I can save it right here yeah let's save it there we go guys I think this is a good stopping point for now next time I'm gonna you know catch some Pokemon and make my way to the festival but for now I feel like this is a good stopping point we got Litton and everything is going to be a-okay again I really appreciate you being here check out my outro I recently made a new outro I like it a lot so uh anyway I'll see you next time thanks for watching me play pokemon son goodbye I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help this channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thanks so much for watching follow me on facebook twitter and instagram this is Otto Egon and I'll see you next time for more you
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 3,841,525
Rating: 4.8507776 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sun and Moon, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun and Moon Gameplay, Pokemon Sun and Moon Walkthrough, Pokemon Sun and Moon Part 1, Pokemon Sun and Moon Episode 1, Pokemon Sun and Moon Ep 1, Pokemon, Sun, Moon, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo, 3DS, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Id: 52wJFClbSeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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