Celine Dion @ Barbara Walters Special 1999

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[Music] why did here a fairy tale once upon a time there was a sweet little princess born to a poor french-canadian family the youngest of 14 children this little girl's let's call her Celine loved to sing by age five she was standing on tables and her family's humble restaurant belting our Tunes for the customers she was not beautiful in fact kids poked fun at her pointy teeth and called her the vampire but by age 12 this little princess had made a tape and sent it to a knight in shining armor a Canadian record producer let's call him Rene he was enchanted by Celine and mortgaged his castle to finance her first record she was an instant hit and toured Europe but still something was missing she was too young too green spoke no English and there was the issue of those teeth she dropped out for a year and fixed everything and the little Canadian goose merged a beautiful shining Swan [Music] the Princess of Pop became arguably the most successful recording artist of the decade [Music] and her name Celine Dion became synonymous with dramatic movie theme song the theme from Titanic has solved nearly 16 million copies thank you so very much of a wonderful evening and once Celine another Grammy for record of the year [Music] and the success continued with another hit the prayer the duet partnered Selene with Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli up soon for Celine is an album of your greatest hits there will also include some new Jerry [Applause] where talent is big and so is her approach to each song in Celine's world more is more which makes her easy to mock on shows like Saturday Night Live welcome to my show I am Celine Dion and I am the best singer and this fairytale has a happy ending or middle in 1994 there was a royal wedding between the knight who discovered her and the little girl with the big voice there was now a small affair and the 26 years between them seemed to magically evaporate on their wedding day Rene Angelil and Celine Dion are partners now in every sense of the word I got class so you go first they spend most of their time between homes in Montreal and here in Florida the couple's latest obsession got sadly though a few weeks after our interview Rene was diagnosed with cancer he was treated and is expected to make a full recovery but he was in great form when last we talked Rene what did you see in Celine when she came to you as a 12 year old child that made you think she can be a star well you have to understand that at that time I was 39 years old I had been in this business for 20 years and things weren't so great for me so I she came in the office with her mother and she was singing her voice was like a voice of an angel really I had chills she she got me Celine when is the last concert going to be last concert New Year's Eve but after 18 years in the business and at the peak of her success it may be coming to an end talking with Celine in her Florida home we learned that she wants something more everything that's been happening to us it's so overwhelming it's so much it's it's the reason why we want to stop now it's the success and the money and everything is like much too much and it's time for us to stop now and have normal life but you know usually at when one is terribly successful that's when you want to go on you know you don't usually say when you're barely 31 years old I'm gonna stop I mean that's amazing I don't want to wait 10 years I don't want to wait five years I prefer to take my gold medal and retire now and I don't want people to be tired of hearing me or seeing me it's much too much how long are you thinking of stopping for two years at least least at least two years no records no touring no nothing no no we would love to work on the little family and the thing is Barbara is right what we would like to work in a little family isn't what it's all for sure that's the most important thing for us we would love to take some time for both of us work on the little family but one have 14 children no way do you think that because you have been working you have not been able to be pregnant yes did the doctors feel that that is arrest yes definitely there's nothing wrong with my health a lot of things been said about it yes but I'm telling you there's nothing wrong about my health I love what I do but now it's time for me to take a break if I need this baby needs time it needs it's probably doesn't work now because the baby is probably saying well you don't have time for me yet so if you have time for me maybe I'll come and join you just for the record you're not pregnant now I'm not you know the room is that you're anorexic yes I know about it huh do you watch what you eat you know I do not so this is just that you're naturally thin or why are you so thin I'm very natural I'm naturally thin I eat whatever I want and I don't have any weight problem yet I hear you have five hundred to a thousand pair of shoes what's with you in the shoes they do I'm gonna shoe freak I really love shoes they make I have close to a thousand pairs I think I don't know I just love shoes and I prefer to love shoes than some people they're on drugs some people they eat too much some people they don't eat enough some we all have a little something in vision issues okay I understand that before a performance for example the day before you don't talk and that you you you won't sneeze out loud a cough out loud all of this regimen that you do for your voice I don't talk at all I don't whisper i cough differently I don't golf like I cuff like like this I can't laugh and go like I left differently laughing is probably one of the worst thing to do the night before a concert because it irritates you get tired I don't Renee loves those days when I don't tell how because I'm a big talker but I don't talk and I'm a very disciplined person so now you can talk and laugh I can talk and I can have dairy products that can have everything I want take me back to those early years the youngest child in a family of 14 that's right now you live in a marble palace then you slept what for in a room we used to sleep like three four people in the same bed yes but it was wonderful times it was money-wise it was hard we never know what was going I was going to eat but with my mother we were not afraid she always found solutions she's wonderful she's my idol I look I look up to her my dad was the hard worker one my mom raised us with nothing and when you talk to her they haven't been to school they didn't know how to write I was ashamed of that my parents cannot write they make mistakes when they write what today it's my turn I make mistakes but other and these days you can take care of them that must be a great joy yeah you were singing when you were 5 years old and that on the table and the little sort of tavern that your parents ran a piano bar that's right and my mom didn't really like it it was not a healthy place for me and not the way that she wanted me to do a career a real career a professional career with your own songs so I looked at her and I agreed but what do we do my mom wrote me my first song but today I can not believe it without knowing how to ride but just with the sound and feeling she wrote a song to me it was only a dream that was a title of the song cineteca hay a French song of course and one of my brother and me sat on the on the floor with a guitar and a tape cassette we composed the music and it started my whole career so my mom started my dream this tape was sent to a man who was a big deal in the record industry in Canada named Rene Angelil the husband today that's right have manager all your life that's right so he gets this tape sent by the family of a 12 year old kid what happens he asked me to sing in front of him just to make sure I could sing and I could manage and he started to cry and I looked at my mom and I was very proud that because I think I have I've done the job I know you have a cold but that first song that you sang that your mother wrote can you just do a bar two of us of course I'll try with this game Yoko suni take [Music] sin attack I perceive lovely the collage sled this is what the cold but hold him without violence thank you oh thank you a pleasure as a teenager singing in Montreal you're only sang in French and then you learned English very quickly I remember I went on stage I was 14 and I couldn't speak English and I was singing a lot of everybody were dancing with me clapping hands you go girl Celine and I didn't understand a word or what I was singing at that time nothing I can't understand a thing so I went to school and I learned English and since then I'm still practicing I'm still learning and I'm still make mistakes but it's getting better with your English and I was fluent not too bad i can i can communicate you did this interview so you're doing okay phew all this time Rene saw you as this not terribly attractive awkward little girl with the great voice but let's talk about the romance when did it happen when did things change it changed we were in Dublin in 1988 and it was a different kiss goodnight you were 20 I was 20 years old mmm that's right I started to after this kiss goodnight in Dublin under lips for the first time my whole body started to shake and then I said to myself well maybe maybe maybe that's love maybe maybe that's the thing every day is 26 years older than you that's right did it bother you then does it bother you now never did never will ranae's the most fantastic who loves me nobody will ever love me as much as this it was hard for my mom it's been hard because my mom always wanted to protect me he's been married two times before he's got three children come on Celine I want the Prince of charm for you and now I come with a man 26 years older than me it's not the perfect scenario but what is perfect is it the same way today with you and Rene it's even better because I get to know him better and I cannot wait to get to know the husband better and that's another one of the reason why I want to stop let us hope that he lives to be a hundred and twenty five thank you there may come a time when you are on your own and you've had all this protection yes will you be ok I'll be fine I'm a very strong person he gives me so much I learn and I take the best out of him it's a wonderful heritage are you at all concerned or is Rene concerned of what happens for the two years that you don't sing at all what happens to the career we're not concerned about that at all because let's put it that way let's let's say that in two three years from now I come back because I really miss singing for sure but let's say I come back because I think we have wonderful new songs and and it doesn't work for me yeah it's over I'm not holding on when I was little I was holding on to a song and I was holding on to my career I had one dream and it was to become an international singer travel the world sing sing sing and sing music is wonderful it's a way to express yourself but it's not all this now the best time of your life it is I think for I think for every woman in your 30s it's got to be it's got to be the best you are young enough to start things and you are just old enough to not be stupid so you're just smart starting to wake up so in the 30s it's wonderful but it's got to be the best time of my life now and maybe that's why I want to stop [Music]
Channel: Viva Diva
Views: 51,486
Rating: 4.9109588 out of 5
Keywords: Celine Dion Barbara Walters 1999 2002 Special Interview My Heart Will Go On That's The Way It Is
Id: FF4-8riT18Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2016
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