Céline Dion talks Courage, life after René Angélil and her new outlook

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how's it going I'm doing very well how about you good welcome to the show thanks a lot for doing this well thank you for flying come on I mean I'd crawl oh come on come on don't get me started I'd train I'd you know I just I'd hitch a ride to come here to talk to you like this this is exciting you've waited that long to come and talk to me yeah tell me about not talking we were three weeks to get here you know it's been pretty good well you walked I want to just I want to start by going back a little bit and I'm going to go back to June 8th 2019 your final residence show and in Vegas and you walk it on stage and you open the show with power of law because you kind of did every single night but on the last night that you did it when you walked out and you knew it was gonna be your last night doing this show what did you feel in that moment well I think if I recall correctly people thought that it was going to be very very emotional for me and that it was going to be really hard for me but I knew what I was getting myself into probably the next day or a couple of days after that of course don't get me wrong when it's before you turn a page because for me I stayed I went I stayed so long in Vegas actually I still live in Vegas it will always be and I raised my kids in Vegas it will always be in a way a home for me because this is where I still live even though I am in Montreal right now where my roots are and this is really home make a long story short I I I felt very strong when I did the last show even though there was a lot of butterflies going on I did not want to cry which it's easy for me to cry because I'm very emotional passionate and I care and I love what I do and I get when I get embraced by the audience I I get taken by the emotions so I said to myself I want to have a good I'm like every night and especially tonight because it's my last show so let's make it like a party and I have to say I don't remember if I cried I I don't think I did if I did not cry I'm very proud of myself because everything that I've done for so long there with my team we have accomplished so much yeah and I'm proud of that mm-hmm and I didn't want to just cry I just wanted to say hey last show I'm so happy so many people came and we're still here tonight and I'm about to hit the road I love that you said that when I when I is it's hard for me not to cry because I've taken so much of both II because I thought it would because of the content of the songs but also because you see what the audience is reacting to these songs because these sounds mean an awful lot to an awful lot of people you know they doesn't do them at births and deaths and and birthdays and all these sort of moments do you do you take some time at a concert to kind of like look around and see how these songs that you saying that's what I do actually without I don't want to interrupt you please it's just that you know years year after year pretty much like for 20-something years some less some little more but I've been singing some of those songs a lot of those songs if I can rephrase that night after night and many times in interviews they've asked me aren't you tired of singing the same songs all over the world and sometimes I have to admit - you say it's hard it's hard because you have to make this song tonight like if sing sing it for the first time why because those people that are in the audience tonight it might be their favorite I won't be able to sing all of their favorite songs I can't sing all of my favorite songs most of the time my favorite songs that only make it into charts my favorite songs are the b-sides at the roll at the time remember this the records that we were selling I'm familiar with it's that when the curtain open and just a fraction of a second I'm like oh not just before I think about not that song again I I always look that's the difference between recording in a studio that you face engineers don't get me wrong I love them and that's why I work with them and I choose that stone face but there's like an audience they come they're excited their shows not even started they're on the edge of their seat they cry they laugh they hold hands they're standing up they're dancing they're getting married you're like you don't know where to start to show there's a show before the show so there are part of our show so when I start the song that I think that I might think that I don't want to sing it they change it automatically and it's like the first time every time believe it or not they make it happen that's really beautiful I'm glad it's true and I just said the weddings they lose people they're having a hard time yeah how many people do I meet before the show and say you've changed my life you've held me going through tough times people proposed at your shows I've seen that before Oh people proposed to my show with long nails with my face on their nails and I'm like are you getting married to me do you know what you're about to do right now I'm glad you still have a connection to it because I did wonder that coming in I wasn't gonna ask too much but you're getting sick of your songs but I did wonder about that my heart will go on song because that's become such a you know it's a big song to me into millions people all around the world but it takes so much especially the end in that big modulation at the end I wondered how you did it night after night to feel it cuz I always believe you whenever you sing it so that that makes sense thank you so much I am very honored and I realize more today than ever before that someone for example Beauty and the Beast and in my heart will go on winning Oscars being part of classics it's a what it was amazing then and today it's an honor and this is something that I was that I will stay even when I'm not there anymore for my kids and for people to remember that while mom was part of like two classics in her life so I think about this more now than ever before so what led you to leave the show the Vegas show first of all I would I thought that I was supposed to with my first when I started to live in Las Vegas my art RC or any Charles my first child was 18 years old today he was a year old a year and a half and we started a new day from the Cirque de Soleil directed by Franco Dragone and we started that show and I thought I was going to be there for for a little while but a little while I thought it was maybe a couple of months yeah or maybe a couple of weeks because I feel like you made it kind of cool again like it was kind of uncool for people to do residency's and then you kind of made it cool again well what was not cool about starting that is that most of people I would say the industry mainly without talking against the industry because they're here they're here that they know we're supportive and I need needed them still do and we work at partnership yes but they didn't believe in it they said the Titanic is gonna sink again and so Indiana's gonna finish her career there but at one point we said listen we're not gonna please everyone it might be a bad idea but people believe in that they build a Coliseum for that show it's called a new day yeah do we believe in it let's do it and it's not listened to every individual that are thinking that this is a bad idea if it's a bad idea we're gonna stand up again people make mistakes in life but if you don't take a chance you will never know we took a chance people believed we focused we did a new day and not only we stayed three weeks or three months or a year and a half I stayed there five years then I did not stop overlapping a world tour on top of that that lasts about a year and a half and to make a long story short they kind of like one of me again and I said oh hi home so soon I came back home so soon yeah and I did another five years so don't don't don't get me to do the math because I'm very very bad I have to start going to school because I was on stage that's not my job but I've been there a long long time and and what was fascinating for me is that many well-known artists came after the show and before the show meeting with me it was an amazing honor and they were still get excited by people like when when when you're selling tea I'm like when you there's still people you meet backstage and you'll go wow I got to well first of all I'm a fan okay of artists that's good and I don't see myself as oh I'm d Celine Dion because your intonation was like and it's nothing wrong about that thank you when you said like but you are Celine Dion okay my name because my name is singer but I don't live my life like that I like hearing that though I like hearing that you still get excited to meet I because then we never do I mean they're busy I'm busy when we see each other it's backstage of a show they're about to go on and I just finished my what I needed to do hey by the way good luck and by the way then you love and I love you so much Wow no time yeah right no selfie no photo no autograph for the kids we have no time so why do we hang with not hang together and we don't get together it's a lack of time unfortunately but a lot of artists came and they wanted to know why how is it is it fun is it working do you like it how do you make it how did how does that work they were curious because they figure that touring is wonderful but it it it it's it's hard it's hard for for everything jet lag moving all the time the weather change I mean the connection all India above everything it's hard yeah it's hard but it's fun as well because you discover different ways of living different cultures it's wonderful to travel the world because you go to school of life and when you go to school of life and travel the world and you have a six-year-old seven-year-old with you that is going to school with a tutor and at the same time is learning about what life is all about which for me is probably more important than two plus two is equals seven that's right I for sure I'm I think I think you might be right about yes you have to say yes yes I believe two plus two you thank you can we talk about let's do seven I think perfect you can give you a question okay thank you very much I appreciate I got the question right this is like signing into my email can we talk about this new record I just got to hear a little bit of it and I really really loved it like well I can't say too much about it because they've asked me not to I want to ask you what I what I can say about it is that I am very proud of it very excited about it I've been part of it before I've been part of of my my career and choosing my songs of course but from A to Z since Renee's not there I've been with my team more than ever part of the creativity whether is for the record some ideas good ones stupid ones whatever I'm not supposed to say stupid because if my kids see that stupid is not a good word so good ideas bad ideas and also for putting this show together to sit at a table and bring ideas whether they're bad or there out there and I think I'm Rihanna or no one events like Britney Spears or I want to have like you know like the the glow like Jennifer Lopez or whatever I mean all of them and I want to have a do with I don't know Sam Smith or labyrinth or Bruno Morris or I can go on and on and on okay I'm a big fan of many many artists are but being part of this of the creation mmm nah I'm a dick they cannot get rid of me no and I can hear it's for me maybe that's for damn you ask them well made for great music I mean I hear a lot of you in the record and I I didn't want to talk a little bit I know we can't talk that much about it but you know selling the the word courage stuck out to me you know it's it's the name of the tour it's the name of the records the name of the song that I just heard I want to know what that word means to you well it means that everybody is going through things in life things that we have to I would say when something bad happens to you in life you have to find a way to overcome these obstacles and find a way to find inner strength to say that's part of life this is not something that you choose this is something that is imposed to you by life and it's up to you to go through these obstacles and you have the options if you're gonna need help or not or how are you going to go through this and we all do have good time good moments and bad moments and we all lose people and saying that losing the father of my children my husband my manager the person that I love the most in the world and the person that I can rely upon and without questioning anything since I'm 12 years old losing that person was a big deal on me but it reflected on a lot of people that I've been that have been surrounded by for twenty years and more we are still missing him tremendously believe it or not but through the eyes of my children and the fact that when one song came among many that was called courage it strike pretty hard emotionally but it could have been like a song that was didn't mean anything or it's a good title yeah but it's not enough not only it's a good title but I don't think a song could have been written more appropriately than this one at this time of my life taking charge of my inner strength yeah of my divisions that I have my creativity being spontaneous being crazy it takes courage it takes courage because I'm a single mom yeah and I don't want to me first my kids my entourage the people that I love to feel that because I have lost the men of my life that that I'm gonna lose the essence of what I love my passion and I really believe that through all the years with Rene who gave me so much who taught me so much who gave me so much luggage that when he left for his new chapter I knew his new life he gave me the rest of his luggage and I feel him through the eyes of my kids and inside of me I felt very very very strong probably stronger than ever before because I make decisions and I'm not scared before I was not part of meetings it was yeah Rene was really I don't want to say over protecting me but he was protecting me a lot because he wanted me to just you think the best you can I want to enjoy and I will you don't need to do so did you have to learn how to do that did you have to learn how to become a difference yeah it's a learning process like what a gem I'm just curious well - zip it once in a while and let people talk I feel like I have to talk for Rene on behalf of Rene I have to talk for me yeah and I talk a lot like right now yeah a lot to finish the questions I can't even ask my own questions and answer my questions I left for about 10 minutes it's like it's like learning that the best is yet to come and that you know what I don't want that to sound pretentious but I am courageous you are I hope you know that that courage you give and I hope you know this that all I could think when I listened to that the courage song was how many people I've gone through you know losses in my family as well how many of us need that song you know how many of us need that moment how many of us need how and I hate to put this burden on you but how your courageousness or your courage can help so many people I mean I know that's not lost on you well I appreciate it and if only that is what I need to do to go onstage and sing that song to help people yeah I will do this for the rest of my life and you wish you can do it for the rest of your life because it seems like every single year there's a younger generation that falls deeply in love with your music all over again and I don't understand that one are you familiar with this the Salinas anse they call it the what Salinas anse Salinas songs Salinas owns Salinas song which is you know would rain I can't Drake wants to get your photo tattooed on his arm and your face tattooed on his arm he wants yeah yeah he's a very big Canady I'm just joking but is there a real one because I know about that but I thought it was a fake one no he wants to tell me it's a fake one it's a fake one but he wants us back thank you buddy like everything you do everything you do whether it be because when you grow older I'm already thin yeah so when you grow older you get thinner you don't want the answer you know I know my uncle had a tattoo that said never gamble with love and he got so old I just couldn't read it anymore as long as he's winning it's okay there's something going on here man isn't there there's something going on I feel like there's an uncle generation that is appreciating your music in a way that maybe the generation before them wasn't doing blaming it on the fashion blame it on the fashion where there is music or cloth I'm joking that's all right it's a thing man it's a thing you're you're a meme you're an Internet icon right now you're a well I don't know but see I see I see it and it's um I don't know if it's because and don't get me wrong if I say because it might sound kind of like arch you know kind of weird to say that but it's like you cannot please everybody yeah but I don't care yeah because I've done everything there needed to be done to have an international career because this is what I wanted yeah you said I was I didn't do I didn't do that parent school I was on stage you've sacrificed so much III didn't I did not I don't need to prove to my family my friends the industry myself anymore yeah I I did that yeah okay I they gave me a spot mm-hmm I took it and I'm I never wanted to have a hit I wanted to have a career I went to school learn English try things and right now it's like am I scared to to fail I don't even consider failure of failing is that some things will not work as much as other things some people will comment on more clothing this is my favorite I didn't like that I prefer this hair I don't like that one she said I'm but like I said before you can't please everybody right all I know is that I go to you have to assume yourself I go to a karaoke night and before 20 to get up and do that's the way it is I would love to go there because I love to sing so much that's the next time we're in Toronto give me a call yeah when we will go yeah we're can we'll take yeah will do that's the way we do will do that's the way that just be as me I'll just wear like a CI wig you can can feel anything that's when I learned I push it down push it down Wow we'll get see it we dress up as you then cool yeah I'm gonna say let's dress everybody out it'll be great I mean for me to have a see a wig yeah I can put it on we'll do the opposite I'll do power of love don't worry about it okay I do I do one two three one two three sing one two okay we'll rehearse them you know we'll figure it out I figured it out hey I have so many songs that every word you're gonna say I have a song devil I'm just trying to think of words that you can sing I would just think of this I don't know why this is it why do you let your own go by that's the last word that's the first word that came to my mind when you said feature of that I want a copy of it I think that should be the new album cover if you turn the record that that's the play backwards even if it's fender said like you said you've been raising a family in Vegas he spent so much time in Vegas it's nice to talk to you back in Canada I do kind of want to close off by asking you like how does that as a feel to be back in Canada right it's amazing Quebec it's amazing my kids can finally I mean they they they brush their teeth so fast because I have to stop them from going outside they have to dress and sometimes they're still in pajamas just see my kids enjoy where I grew up where they don't come enough and to see their uncles and and my mom and to play outside and they run bare feet they don't burn their feet and and it's not to talk against what Vegas has been given us for all these years but when you go outside bare feet in Vegas you might come with melted toenails that's real you know yeah flip-flops outside all night they're melted yeah right yeah so here it's like the greens and the the weather and the nature and and and to pick tomatoes from our little Gardens and for the kids to just play badminton and and ball and bicycle and it's it's such like like I said these are moments that it will never they will never forget and me as a mom this is a heritage that I give them and I'm so lucky that I that I was born here this is the the blood that's going through my veins with mixed with some maple syrup so that's what I'm a sweet girl yeah right this this is this has been amazing because I have to tell you that like you're gonna do this now for the next like nine hours so I I just want to say this that like you know I'm a musician admission this at the top it's not a banjo banjo only for the girls trying to meet girls like they're gonna pick up the banjo I I wanted to say thanks man like you've really inspired a whole generation of musicians in this country and I hope you know that fans come out and they're they're inspired by your songs but I hope you know there's a whole generation of musicians who who look up to you well I hope one day I put something on YouTube that I can watch you playing a song of mine on your banjo can I do advantage of version of that's the way it is oh I can read your mind together they won't let it on planes a dangerous how am i joking oh my god I'm only joking I'm joking nice to meet you nice to meet thanks for doing this thank you so much it's nice to meet you thank you I would love to hear that I'll work it up when I get home okay a new leaf let's see major yeah whatever any key works whatever we get it you're wrong I heard a story that I know I'm gonna get killed I heard a story then when you did all by myself dad then you did all by myself they pitched it up three keys where they pitched it to you first is that sure listen we've taken like a whole day with the piano on a speakerphone yeah with David Foster to choose the key oh okay that's that's the key fine okay great I arrived in LA and he says it's you're gonna freak out I'm so happy about my production I'm gonna play you the track let's hear this it's gonna be amazing that's gonna be it it amazed it's gonna be big and I'm like I mean what David everything's gonna be big you know there's never did anything small obviously so and it was amazing but I and then I said but what did I said David I said is that the final key that with no no he said that's the thing he said it's like I think it was like a key and a half higher and I'm like okay why did we spend a whole day on the key that works and now I'm over here and then it's a key I'm like I think everything exploded my pants my bra you know what you hear in the back is not the drum it's my clothes that I still love him it's hard not to love him and people they stop breathing what how to hit the note and me too I see it I think I see a laser pointer on my forehead I think they're gonna make me they're gonna take me out if I keep talking to you it's nice to meet you I'm the boss I'm gonna protect you God love you take care thank you so much
Channel: Q with Tom Power
Views: 665,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celine, dion, celine dion, that's the way it is, that's the way it is official video, celine dion husband, celine dion children, celine dion biography, celine dion age, celine dion siblings, celine dion songs, celine dion music, new music, titanic, my heart will go on, celine greatest hits, sia, david foster
Id: 9wtV6epiNQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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