Celine Dion Addresses the Rumours About Her Love Life in Exclusive Interview | Lorraine

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Selene hello hello now I know you said you were craving some bangers and mash ahead of the Hyde Park gig in the little video yeah that's how I'm gonna start the interview because check it out I've got you dinner and so this is for you straight after the interview you can reward yourself with some bangers and mash okay are you happy I bought it all the way got my own home cooking so I know it's a weird way to start the interview bangers and mash but of a good microwave here because I can just start it right now I mean I cannot wait would you know what we cannot wait for Selene we can't wait for you to be back July the fifth BST 65,000 people in Hyde Park when it's 66 well hopefully we'll squeeze a few more in this is your only European gig of the year I know it's gonna be like so many artists and looking forward to perform there there's gonna be a few new songs as well which I'm nervous and excited and can't wait but I'm I'm looking forward to it well I know what it feels like it's gonna kick off a bit of a new era for you Celine because of course the Las Vegas residency will have come to an end by that point and then you talk about these new songs and I believe fingers crossed the new album will actually come in the next few months or maybe at some point I'm not exactly sure when it's gonna come out but it will some song will come out first and the album will follow in which order I mean the industry has changed so much and but there will be a few new songs we are putting the show together and just to be there to be part of it and there's going to be opening acts before and we're gonna have like a Dave I think this is not going to be like four or five opening acts before this whole thing is just like just unbelievable and I'm gonna be finishing Vegas it's gonna be emotional and it's kind of a good thing that I'm so long without yeah having something to get back on the adrenaline be back on stage so thank you for giving me the opportunity to go back on stage and perform again and we cannot wait here the adrenaline and of course it has been a big year for you Celine you've now hit the 5o your son is now a man turning 18 years old this is a man's world I can't believe it and he's sort of a big deal in the music industry himself now isn't he big tip is that right that's your song yeah well I don't know he's a normal teenager growing trying things exploring and I think that's the way it should be sometimes you try to embrace them sometimes you're trying to try to help them to find their their path but they have to find their own way at one point because if you pulled the cable to to too much they can really go wild and off he's very athletic he is good and everything is trying so he doesn't know exactly I don't think yet and it's normal not to know just turning 18 what you going to be what you want to do what you're going to become in life but when he tries some things he gets not only he gets all his home whole self into it so he loves music tremendously he plays hockey he's great at golf the girls are starting to come now how are you coping with that I have a choice I'm coping very well with it because that's life and that's normal and I know he's well taking care above is that sending him good energy and I told him that I will always have my heart and my hand for him to hold on to because we love him so much and we wish him the best and whatever he decides to do in life as long as he's happy because it's a great human being and as any teenager they have to try things because if you say no to so many things they will turn around and they will still do them so I am giving him more space I trust him he does stuff sometimes that I have to say not necessarily agree with what he chooses to to try but as long as he's using his intelligence and his mind and brain I trust him but I but I'm very very proud of him you're a cool mom now what did it mean turning 54 you did is it just a number or was there a change in your being and the way you chose to live your life well first of all 50 has been great for me because five is my lucky number and on the fifth is a show of July I've never felt that great I mean I've had wonderful moments and my whole life since I'm a child growing in this family having wonderful parents getting married to the greatest man in this world knowing that now he's in peace and he's resting and he's always within me and I see him every day through the eyes of my children he gave me so much strength through all these years and so much luggage for me now to explore and for me not to spread my wings and the maturity that comes with age and time because after all is just a number it's how you feel and how you feel is one of the most simple thing and I feel that now I have a voice which is kind of weird because that's what I've been doing all my life my life using my voice but in a way of using my voice in singing and performing and giving myself now I am giving myself because I love to perform but I use my voice as well with things that I choose that I want to do and things that I say to my my team right now that I I don't necessarily want to do that I feel that I am grown up enough to say I think I would rather do this than that I'm not playing 50 I'm not playing that I'm the boss now I I don't want to do that because I I don't necessarily want to be the bus I just want to be the best of me and be surrounded like my always always my husband's surrounded me with the best people I don't know I think maturity gives me a place of feeling the ground instead of like give give give give give give give gift before I perform perform perform perform cleaned up perform go to bed rest train your voice rest perform go to bed close your eyes shower go to before I feel like right now it's like I can find a balance and say we should choose our things and I think we all agree on that and there my team is helping me as well to choose things we have many many many opportunities to do many things we can't do them all and what a privilege this is because I can knock on on doors and say anything for me there's always going to be something for you that well it's a good thing it's a good thing to be having so many opportunities and I to be honest with you I think I'm at the of my life right now and I really don't wanna I want I want to enjoy and embrace every moment of it and really enjoy it so that's why I'm enjoying the fashion my friends I go out I'm traveling a little bit between shows I go see shows even though the next day I'm gonna have one so I'm trying not to scream because I'm loving it so much because I have a show so I'm trying to preserve my voice it's it's all new it's like I'm having a second wind like I'm having the wind beneath my wings it's kind of like I'm spreading and now you mentioned the fashion we're obviously in Paris I should say the ceiling because you're here for Paris Fashion Week and we in the UK we've become obsessed with your fashion over the past couple of years it's like you have blossoms you're trying new things you're try and very daring outfits where has the fashion for yeah so where does it come from where is your new zest for fashion come fall it's always been part of me but the way that we used to work before was maybe more conservative yeah let's put it this way and if I've 50 years old it's not to try to take two chances is what I want to wear I want to wear whatever whatever I want I want to do whatever I choose to be of course with my team don't think that I don't want to do this I'm not doing this or I want to do this because I say so not in that way I'm not like that but if now I have an opportunity to wear odd Couture and the things that makes me feel beautiful strong fearless feminine attractive even if it's just for me I'm doing this for me I will feel strong I I want to feel strong beautiful feminine fierce and sexy and there's different you don't have to be always the same so sometimes Nikki and you cannot please everyone all the time sometimes people will say oh whoa that was a little limb maybe a little much you're not gonna like people want like everything but if I like I don't want to talk about it good they can't just cross it yeah don't bother don't take a picture for the other if you like I'll be there if you don't leave me alone and you know what I also love you've also entered the world of children's fashion with your gender-neutral line and this has been a big debate in the UK Celine people very divided about this is it wrong that we used to give clothes that were blue to boys give clothes that were girls that's been like this for how many generations mm-hmm but some people say actually gender-neutral clothing as political correctness gone mad so where do you stand on it because what I love is you actually have a very personal experience with what happened with your sons don't you yeah fashion is a way of expressing yourself art and if you don't allow your children and that I really mean it strongly as a mother young children you should let I mean I'm not gonna I'm not here to tell the parents how to raise their kids or how to dress their children I just want to make sure that you get the record straight here okay you're talking from your point if my perspective is to give the children as young as possible the option of trying things to wear whatever color my children have been in my closet as much as because they were following me they were two years old in diapers wearing my high boots trying my lipstick going to Disney for example and I was trying to buy them things and say hi guys look at this and I was showing them like like little figures of like martyrs and and like to infinity and beyond and all that stuff and they were looking at princess and they were looking at dresses and and and and and Barbie dolls little shoes and all that and they wanted the crowns and I wanted this and I want Minnie Mouse instead of Mickey Mouse and and something kind of clicked and I said but why not why why not and when I came home with all girl stuff that my kids picked for themselves my husband bless his soul was like which my husband came from another kind of he was a different generation generation yeah we and we have to understand that and respect that when my mom said we're turning right everybody turned right and later on in life some people turn left the right and the way of expression whether it's through words clothing it starts very early and we have to embrace and respect that because we I think we all do know that if we do put a blockage because you're a boy you wear blue because you're a girl you wear pink what is what is that what is that black and white yellow green red purple whatever it doesn't matter what people live inside what people feel inside it it's not about a collar no it's not about a color it's how you feel and we have to give the children and the people the opportunity to to be who they are and and it starts young because later on if it accumulates they'll have blockage and they won't be able to communicate freely and they're gonna have to consult because you're gonna have problems because of because oh because I I don't have it no no no no so I'm reinforcing the fact that let the children speak and where what what they want and brace that I think it's a beautiful thing now of course over the past few months Celine you have been pictured with a very handsome young man who's with you here in Paris Pepe and some people were saying is this a toy boy have you found a new man but in fact you're just friends aren't you and it's alright to be friends with hot young are you frustrated with people assuming that you were in a relationship I don't it's probably maybe sometimes difficult for him because he's multitasks he's got tremendous challenge in many many different ways used to be a dancer he is not a professional dancer anymore as I'm concerned it will always be a professional dancer because he's incredible we were dancing together for a moment he has his career I think he is incredible he's an amazing illustrator an amazing he draws magnificently never been to school for that it's not another natural talent I think he went to school of dance but for the drawing and at the same time the fashion has been something very very something that he's enjoying a lot so being so now I have a team of stylist and Pepe has been playing a big role in styling me so styling dancing with me also like because I really wanted to be in shape as much as I can so he started the production as well so we're doing a lot he's doing a lot of things people because he's a gentleman and we are we're friends we're best friends and of course we hug and we hold hands and we go out and so people see that oh my god she's holding the hand of a yeah but I'm holding hands with Sid and I'm holding hands with deals my hairdress I'm holding hands with you I'm hugging your mother with crying I mean I mean he said gentlemen I mean it's like he's giving me his hand to go out and now suddenly they take a picture and it's like oh he's holding her hand he's easier I mean it's actually I'm sure it's very stressful for him but we are best friends and he's part of my team and he's working super hard to make the best of me and I so appreciate all the time that he's got and for you because you have been so open about the fact that you can't imagine moving on from Reno you can't imagine finding love again at this at least at this point do you find it offensive war or has your headspace changed over the past couple of years I have to say that at first when we started to work together I don't know if he feels the same but if you want to interview him one day you'll ask him you know he takes his own decision now I don't think decisions for other people but for my children I do the thing is that it was probably overwhelming for him if I may say at the beginning when we started to work together because we were dancing no we were kind of like we just wanted to do like a little I thought I saw something different on stage we kind of danced a little bit together it was not like an extravagant dance number but it was just like something fun yeah it was a first for me and he didn't want to be a dancer anymore but he didn't mind do this with me and we burned right away as friends yeah and we did that we had a good time and it it just that it evolved evolved but but when people started to take pictures and it's like who's that guy let's not mix everything we can mix sausage that's a good combo let's not push it don't don't add sticky toffee pudding into this one thing at a time but the thing is that when the press kind of took over because I said oh my god you know a religious person now there's another man in his yeah this is another man in my life but not the man in my life is and it was hard for him because he was starting to kind of step away a little bit and like we talked about it many times and I said well once you're with me in a car even if it's just to go in a museum or to see a new collection and he's brought me to see things that I've never seen before as a friend and the photographers and the paparazzi took pictures and it's it was probably hard for him because he didn't want to to be to do to be there but they they put us together a lot I don't mind because he's handsome and he's my best friend so if you say you're very much single silly I am when I say I am single yes please leave me alone just the ones I just want to be alone we don't need no education we do
Channel: Lorraine
Views: 1,141,495
Rating: 4.6215906 out of 5
Keywords: lorraine, lorraine kelly, lorraine itv, lorraine interview, interview on lorraine, chat show, talk show, celine dion, celine dion interview, celine dion exclusive interview, celine dion extended interview, dan wootton, celine dion son, celine dion husband
Id: AZa3838xrq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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