Celine Dion on Returning to the Spotlight, New Music & Motherhood

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on Mary King now the musical superstar Celine Dion is back in the spotlight when you have that anticipation of going on stage and you feel like an animal in a cage and they're about to open I want to please I was born to do that don't forget and opening up about balancing dual roles as a mother I'm a singer as a singer and the mother my children know exactly what I do plus I didn't want to record it remember that they can that's why I have a manager and that's why artists should not decide everything you did not like the song I didn't really like the song all next on Larry King now welcome to Larry King now what a great pleasure to have slowly Celine Dion whether they got selected it's been a long day she's one of the most immediately recognized and successful performers in pop music history she has sold more than 220 million records worldwide she's the reigning queen of the Las Vegas Strip her residency at Caesar's Palace just renewed through 2019 she's the five-time Grammy winner and a new album and single loved me back to life we'll be out November 5th we will talk about that album in a while your sign through 2019 you said everything you're selling your house and father you built a mansion in Florida why you selling that it took too long to build on their main reason the main reason is that we're going to be spending more more time in Las Vegas and the also second reason is that we did based our schedule in Las Vegas upon my son's school schedule for the first time this year because we do travel a lot it's been very stressful for him and for us and for the school to have my son go to school get him out get him in get him out he's never part of this is a 12 year old and that's how I see my 12 year old I mean there's one thing to do the academic but it's also another thing to feel part of the team and part of your school and part of your starting a project and ending it so we decided this year to give it a try and homeschool I mean he was very happy about that and then we're not gonna spend a lot of time in Florida and I think it's a shame to have a beautiful mansion that's waiting there to serve well it's lovely it's in hope sound well who's gonna buy that house you you want Shawn to live in our house the beach she can handle that house oh yeah she can't adult anything she wants yeah that house she can handle you that house that house you could just open it up as a resort and charge people and they can do the swimming there you have ideas like my husband yeah oh we talked about motherhood it was what is it like now you have twins tell me tell me about the family family law you name one Nelson and one Charles and two twins is Eddie and Nelson was that a gag like Nelson Eddy no and I didn't know that you never heard of Nelson Eddy no he was a famous singer I know I heard about that but people thought she's into music she knows it's like naming him know you know your name one kid Frank the other kid Sinatra yeah you know Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry that's right how did you come up with Nelson and Eddie Nelson because of Nelson Mandela we just arrived from South Africa Nelson Mandela had a big impact on us there was a wonderful privilege to meet him my great honor to interview him and the day with him Wow it it was very powerful for my mom and Renee and I and RC and and me of course and so we said if we expect a child and it's a boy what do you think of Nelson oh we were both in love well guess what another one we can't just name one a hero name in the other one not that I don't like Bob but it's gotta be another hero name so Eddie for Eddie Marnie Eddie MRNA is a French lyricist too unfortunately passed away and he wrote all my French records I grew up he's my dad in show business I was 12 years old and he gave me words and meaningful stuff to talk about when you're 12 and 13 14 15 16 17 18 are you going to talk about today it's sunny tomorrow's gonna rain today it's cloudy tomorrow is gonna see the red again we're gonna talk about I love my dad I love my mom I want to get married to have lots of kids and so what you got to talk about at one point this man wrote a Barbra Streisand in French Piaf and I don't want to name an amazing wonderful hero so one is Nelson and the other one is Eddie what's it like to have twins it's wonderful because it's a double gift of life carrying life is when you understand the meaning of life itself when you give it is one of the hardest thing you do you're about to share life with what's the most precious for you and you share it that's hard but twins what's hard for a month is that there's many times during the day where for example Nelson will want to be with me and the other one wants to be with me too but he wants this moment with just you just wants me for me for a moment they get jealous of each other did you get jealous once in a while there's the the older boy like the two of them he loves the two of them but the difference of age is so big that RC is in a cool zone right now well you know he's almost 13 years old a lot of Old Spice a lot of Dibley doodie death and he's cool go through it every day no he doesn't to get near a diaper how do you deal with motherhood and fame and show business and all the accoutrement I don't have to deal with that I do my life as a mother I'm a singer as a singer and the mother my children know exactly what I do when I go to sing I sing as quick as I can and when I come home I understand what I'm here I love to sing but motherhood for me had given me the biggest reward of life has it changed Rene I'm sure it changed Renee Renee Renee always been this guy that everybody wants to be friends with a wonderful human being yes extremely generous and a big brain is your manager right he's my manager and I have to say especially now my husband look I love having you know he's the only man of my life I never met another man in my life never will he just saw I was never with another man in my life of course I'm in love with him he taught me music and the passion and how to bring the best of myself I think one time he needed me I needed him all these years one time he was sick and he needed me today I'm a little bit more involved but he's with me when I sing we're together coming up Celine will talk about why she waited six years to release a new album stay with us Wow anyway what's so long you got a new album coming explain this title love me back to life did you die no but a lot of people do and they come back a lot of people go through trauma in life and they come back a lot of people go not to elaborate on one subject in particularly but a lot of people do drugs for example and they lose it you don't have to technically hard stop but you can die you cannot be no longer with us I know a lot of people that are walking and they're dead so the song covers all the song for me to be honest for me if I may say that SIA Mozart and sham wonderful team of writers wrote me that offered me that gift I didn't know where this album was going why'd you wait so long to do another well well I didn't stop I I did I did the five years in in in Vegas with a new day I went on a world tour that lasted more than a year I had two kids I I took a little break a short one and I prepared a new show and but I've been on stage for two years with a new show where did it go I didn't wait that long oh yeah you know I didn't send out on the couch and so loved me back to life back to life the single off the other the single of the album and it's I didn't know where was going what are we to do thirty years of a career am I gonna sing what I've sung before don't get me wrong which I will always be very appreciative and will recognize that chance all my life I still sing them on stage the people are cool but what am I gonna do it's been done I can't do it again am I gonna reinvent myself am I gonna change my this is the new me now it's hard it's hard to start a career it's hard to have a career it's hard to remain there it's hard to keep going you think with others on this album write down Stevie Wonder's on is out with you right yeah Stevie Wonder was uh agreeing and singing with me and that's an amazing amazing gift neo singing with me I mean I feel like I'm starting to be honest I feel like I'm starting my career do you ever pinch yourself over all your success I mean you were such a poor kid in Montreal we talked about this before I don't have to I'll tell you why because know that I want to talk for the others I'm talking for myself because 25 years ago 30 years ago I really thought that we achieve things step by step and we're going up the ladder one step at a time until we reach the top you know people had that talk now that you've solo many records and you're at the top of your gig what's the top I have decided and I don't know when it just happened for me to protect myself from the industry because I've always been scared of that industry I decided to take that ladder visually in my hand and I started at the top my head was in the clouds I thought I own the world Wow it's pretty down there hello I'll see you soon maybe my head my head was in the clouds and fortunately for me who was at the bottom of that ladder my family Renee my real friends they reached their hand up and they said now you're gonna prove to yourself to the industry to your family to your friends and you will come down one step at a time until you find gravity until you find the earth until you find stability and then once you reached the stability you can say you made it and then you can look up can you say that now yes I feel grounded when I look up I'm very proud of what I have accomplished and you go on stage right before do you know you got them you got the gesture Odile I don't know if I'm too sure of myself then the adrenaline is not there in the magic is gone so does always I want people to feel because there's nights where I don't feel like doing it there's nice that I'm not a hundred to feel a hundred percent of myself is very rare when everything is perfect if it's a few days during the year but you know that you're going to give the best of you even if it's 80% the 80 will be there when you have that anticipation of going on stage and you feel like an animal in a cage and they're about to open and you hear like a match like a box match the adrenaline goes up they open the cage to show starts and I want I want to I want I want to please I was born to do that don't forget I love the spotlight I love to please I love to be loved so when when I'm letting loose onstage this is my home no feeling like it nothing in the world and if it's the drug I gotta take that's the most I will coming up Selena will give me a few singing tips don't click away the new album loved me back to life will be released November 5th she's the five-time Grammy winner she's on hi Wendy go back to Caesars I'm going back to Caesars at the end of December do you know the tour coming up or is that no right now I'm gonna do two shows in Las Vegas I'm going to Europe for about eight to ten shows it's not a whole tour but just a few friends shows in France in France in France yeah I'm gonna be singing in French a little bit how do you keep the voice going you do exercise how do you work that I mean do I still have a coach really I do have a coach and what does a coach do with you it's really boring [Music] why do you give that it's a stretch if you go and see a dancer stretching on the on the floor you might think she's really flexible wow she can really stretch it our leg but it's not it's not choreography it's not a it's not artistically beautiful so us and then you go on stage and you give it give me a vocal warmup what do you do well like that I do this for a few different a few different ones obviously but it's just - oh very boring but it's just like warming up do you sing every day not really when I because I sing so much like four times full sometimes fives a week the days off I don't I used to be silent on days off now I have kids it's still difficult to sing in Vegas in that climate no you used to tell me that right now right now well first of all we're very lucky because they have humidified the dressing the dressing room my house and the stage we have special equipments under the stage huge things that are producing warm humidity that are directing on me it's a breeze of humidity all the time you have to be careful microphones I don't like humidity so much but if we need to change the microphone every night we will so we don't have that but now it's amazing for two years we have a tremendous amount of humidity in the desert if they don't stop bringing plans from front front from wet climate does air-conditioning effect to the 'singing I don't like air-conditioning I'm sure it affects me you know what doesn't make me tell you something a lot of things affects me you have to try to find a way to go around it when the curtain opens and I feel people's perfume and some are smokers they don't smoke while I sing but it's hard you have to find ways my dear friend Victor Mon told me that he used to sing you can sing above a cold yes yes you could do that with techniques I mean I've done many shows with congestion and cut like this but when you sing some sometimes is included it's different you ever worry that it's not gonna be there I'm always worrying yeah that was the day that I'm sure of myself a hundred percent is something wrong there's something you haven't done in show business she wanted to do acting you've never been offered a role I did a little mini episode I was 18 years old French television true story would you like to do a Broadway musical no no no I don't know why I don't know why do you ever get tired true yes no I'm tired tired nor theses Wes you ever get tired of singing Titanic before I start the song yes and not only Titanic so it's not fair to the song if I may say there's a few songs in my repertoire even songs that are not that old I don't want to feel like singing tonight but let me tell you something and your wife will understand and that's why I call it magic adrenaline and that defence become important because what's the point for me to go and stress myself on stage if I can just record an album not stress go home and do potato couch and just relax why do we insist you go back on stage because when we don't I don't want to sing that song again and then it starts and then and then you look at them they cry this is umezawa and some they go like but some are excited and then you're like you know what give me the first lines of that song you see that's why I keep singing it you know but it's honest honest true true really the truth I don't feel like it and then it opens up they make me feel like I'm singing it for the first time didn't want to record it shame on me remember that they can that's why I have a manager and that's why artists should not decide everything you didn't like this I apologize you did not like the song I didn't really like the song you started with no melody I just did because you love me was a huge success and then what happens if it's not a big success you know sometimes you have to learn when to stop and I thought we need it to stop you knew it was for the movie right yeah if you don't sing the song we don't want to take another singer and unlike you know when we come back time runs so fast Selene will answer your question and we'll play a game of if you only knew the wonderful Celine Dion more after this we're back with Celine Dion the album loved me back to life will be out November 5th she'll be back in Vegas at they're right around Christmas time we have some social media questions for you Shalini axe that's the name of a tweeter so lemme access Alenia that's a fan we all know Celine love shoes in fashion which she think of having her own fashion or shoe line may be possible are you a shoe freak you can't call me a shoe freak I'll let you choose you may be four thousand pairs okay you call me a freak still Frances Singh from Facebook would you consider collaborating with Adele Christiana galera oriental three oh yeah big-time chef its tweets does she still feel like you're a Canadian at heart of course the blood that goes through my vein is french-canadian big-time you know I'll never leave my body the Blues Domane wants to know what would she do if one day her iconic voice was gone I'll take care of my kids I might build another mansion yeah what the hell I might take care of other singers usse might become a producer do you you live you don't live near the hotel right in Vegas I live 35 minutes away from that you drive I drive people crazy I bet you a helicopter done everybody said that remember when I moved their big picture the house they pictured the biggest house because they thought I'm gonna buy the biggest house and they they made everybody panicked in the community she's gonna take off and land every day can you imagine there was never a question about me take enough gives me a chance to call my mom and my friends well we play a game of you only know I just have some quick questions your response who's the first boy you ever kissed Renee you gotta be kidding my dad my brother kissed the boy in school ten years old you didn't kiss a boy button I was on stage God forgive me 18 years old I was on stage the clock I'm saying you got offstage what's your favorite pastime what's the thing you'd like to do it's it's I still have to go home as quick as I can I love finger-painting play-doh I love to play with them I just love to cuddle them so much but I love shopping as well biggest splurge what is splurge what does they spend money on something frivolous Lee you have a crazy car like a Lamborghini you know I love jewelry is very much and I'm trying to calm down try I'm trying the first thing I thought - your wife will beautiful necklace what is that so I'm trying to you know Joe you wear two rings yeah 3 little rings yeah but - wedding rings - little tweet a latest we let her vote a little 5 and let us take a little 7 let it ain't you seen your way through life you know you could sing your way through life yes I do do you sing in the shower that's my favorite place does it sound better it sounds amazing it looks amazing - but I can't twit that I can't I can't show you that so what's on your bucket list something bugging us this thing you want to do before you depart the earth all I wanna do is have some fun I got a feeling I'll not be the only one you know like the same day if you could change one thing about your life what would it be nothing at all nothing at all what makes you laugh what makes me laugh my kids my kids when they dance and they sing and they fool around and they have already humor and makes me laugh do you have a favorite favorite song no too many favorite artists of all time know about one if I pick Freddie Mercury really hmm why fearless fearless an amazing voice but fierce something people would be surprised to find out about you I love what I do and I hate what I do I don't get I love to sing very much and when I don't know that I can be when I'm not sure that I'm in in control of my my technique my voice it's the last place I want to go you ever been on stage and wander off what is that one think of something completely different from where you are like you're singing but you're thinking of I did like a pair of shoes or so no but I remember I don't remember the book I was reading a book and I couldn't believe that I was trying to take so little reading every night because I didn't want to reach the end that was so good I didn't want to reach the end of the book and there was a number in a new day show and it was it's called seduces me it was so long between the songs I was like facing singing the song and the dancers was like crawling on me and all that and I was like I can't just wait to go back home and it's the night that I'm finishing the book do you still have faith oh yeah you never doubt it no it's an honor always seeing you my darling I sure that pleasure and that honor it's always wonderful kissed your ring gosh is the Pope thanks to my guests the incredible Celine beyond remember you can find me on Twitter at Kings things bye-bye you
Channel: Larry King
Views: 207,283
Rating: 4.854403 out of 5
Keywords: Larry King, Larry King Now, Ora, Ora tv, entertainment, celine dion, concert, taipei, singapore, vegas, one heart, D'elles, encore un soir, a new day live in las vegas, loved me back to life
Id: 3vtRMwJf3fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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