Celebrity Beyond Oceanview Cafe/Buffet FULL Tour and Review! The Good, Bad and Ugly! December 2023!

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[Music] hello everybody this week I'm on board the celebrity Beyond on a 9 night Caribbean cruise I'm currently located in the Ocean View cafe in the open area seating which can only mean one thing I'm doing another Ocean View cafe full tour and review oh it's true it's damn true stay [Music] tuned hello everybody this is your man the bus man bringing you another episode of on the road this channel is your gateway to all of my travel tips guidance and advice on all things related to motorcycling mot vlogging cruise and destination vacations for those of you watching who have already subscribed to my channel double thumbs up thank you very much it is appreciated with your support my channel continues to grow on my drive towards a th000 subscribers for those of you watching who have not yet subscribed my only ask is that if you like the content consider hitting that like And subscribe button right down below don't forget to ring that Bell for future notifications it's absolutely free no commitment no obligation doing so will only let you know when I put out future content so without further Ado pet patter let's get at her so uh once again I have the absolute privilege and luxury of being on board a celebrity cruise ship this time the outstanding and amazing celebrity Beyond this is my first time on the celebrity Beyond and uh it's Food review time Ocean View cafe review time so uh the current time is about4 after 11: in the morning the buffet is opening in about 15 minutes so as we always do on this channel uh we're going to do a full tour a full circuit around uh the buffet I'll show you all of the offerings in the stations the presentation of the food the cleanliness of the buffet everything that you will need to know uh in the event that if should you want to book uh a cruise on board the celebrity Beyond and attend the Ocean View cafe you'll have an excellent idea of what to expect and uh hopefully that will help you in making your decision so with that uh let's just get right on to it so I'm currently on Deck 14 at the AFT end of the ship where the Ocean View cafe is located the spot I'm in right now is the outdoor eating area so this stairway which leads up to deck 15 takes you directly to the Sunset bar [Music] area all right so as you can tell uh we're in the the very back of the Ocean View cafe and we've arrived at the Pizza Station so there's all the fresh dough for the future pizzas and where they make all the wonderful pie and uh today's selection pepperoni vegetable cheese and meatball parmesan they also have uh some oregano uh parmesan cheese and the chili flakes which I like to put on my pizza they also have an assortment of garlic toast here so again if you come to the Ocean View cafe to get pizza you have to walk all the way to the back of the Ocean View cafe because you will not find it in the main Buffet area moving to my right you can see the first drink station and it has an assortment of different Beverages and juices um there's a little spice station seasoning station here uh ice and water all of that is included with your cruise fair and it's grati free to the left unlike solsta Sur Millennium class ships the Ocean View Bar is located uh inside uh the dining room it's not located in the outdoors area and we'll just give you a quick look of the of the main uh seating area which has floor to ceiling Windows plenty of seating uh this view is currently on the starboard side of the ship so we're moving uh aft to forward on the starboard side the seating is very comfortable the chairs are very comfortable I should say there's your second drink station a repeat of the one at the aft end of the Ocean View Bar and this is the main seating area so uh they're just still setting up and preparing for lunch so they're not quite open yet so uh we're just going to Traverse the areas that are currently open but you know you get to sit back relax hello hello how are you and uh look at those ocean views and as you can tell the water's a little choppy today so walking forward out of this exit there's a another little dining area nice thing on this ship as well is you have the hand washing stations uh when you enter the buffet area you can wash your hands which is something everyone encourages you to do so this is the little hidden Nook seating area inside the Ocean View cafe and leaving the Nook area and walking out the back at the back of the cafe to the right that this this store over here around the corner leads to the uh Leo deck or pool area and you have a ladies and a Gentleman washroom and this is the location uh you can get on to the Leo deck and enjoy the pool from from here this is also as you can clearly see the location of the elevators followed by the men's washrooms another set of hand washing stations yeah the old ocean B sign and now we're on the port side of the ship where you will find one of my favorite places to come especially on Ultra hot day like it is today we have scoops and for those of you who don't know if the name doesn't give it away look at all those delicious ice creams Yum Yum Yum look at all that you got vanilla uh sugar-free vanilla chocolate chip chocolate uh then you also have your sorbet they have a kiwi and a strawberry sorbet peanut butter gelato pistachio ice cream preing gelato and uh uh a mango lime frozen yogurt and in the back as you can see right back there they also have soft serve uh which is typically chocolate vanilla and strawberry you can get cones or bowls you have all of your standard uh toppings and here is your chocolate chip cookie so if you all you wants a cookie uh you got your standard ice cream toppings caramel sauce chocolate sauce and strawberry sauce so coming through on the port side uh you have your uh sondo bachio so what is this this is the second Cafe El bachio uh located uh in the Ocean View cafe they also have a full bar here so not only can you get um everything you can get at the cafe Al bachio on Deck four but you can also get every alcoholic drink uh that you could possibly want here as well and this place Depending on time of day can be very busy but uh again you have pretty much everything that you would want to have uh available to you at the Ocean View cafe so I will say here at the Ocean View cafe uh of all the ships that I've been on on Celebrity uh the Ocean View cafe on the celebrity Beyond is gargantuan it's absolutely the biggest Buffet I've ever seen on a cruise ship uh again only sale celebrity but this thing is massive uh this ship holds 3,200 passengers uh and uh so far in this trip I've seen uh the buffet uh absolutely Log Jam full which to me is an indicator that uh what they serve is good quality it certainly looks good I have not yet eaten at the buffet uh again I usually eat main dining or specialty dining um so this is my first foray Into The Ocean View cafe on the celebrity Beyond so uh let's just continue the tour so as we move forward they have a display of all the different breads it's just another little decorative thing so here's the the bakery you can see all the assortments of different cheeses and meats so that's right here moving forward again more seating and as we swing around to the left you can see all of the different stations uh you can see the ropes so they're not quite ready to open for lunch yet they're still setting up all of the individualized stations so as soon as the buffet actually opens and all the stations are open we will uh continue the tour and I'll show you everything on offer and then uh we'll plate up some food and do a review all right so uh it's pretty much 12:00 right on the dot and the buffet just opened so they have the full selection of breads at the bakery and they've got everything three seed rolls pumper nickel rolls mini baguettes herb rolls you name it they have a mini dessert station they got some rice pudding and uh Berry bread pudding working our way again through the uh we're entering the stir fry station so they have an assortment of uh spaghetti and pastas chicken catori as you can see over [Music] here and some that's all good creamy palentas on the other side you got some fried rice and some mixed vegetables a variety of soups right now they have Asian noodle soup two pots of it give you a shot from above so on this side of the uh entryway as you come around this is another bar uh everything in here is paid there's uh unless you have a classic or a premium drink package so they got all the beers uh it is a limited selection it's not as much of a full bar as it is you would find uh at other locations they have some uh green peas and baked pasta here and meatballs swinging around to the left side we have the Indian station some uh plain rice Paratha oluk Pak if you know what that is let me know I've never heard of it before but uh and of course they have the classic uh um Papa Dum Raa mango chutney mango pickle those are the various sauces you have uh oyster beef pork kada chicken Kerri and in the Asian favorite section we have a vegetable noodle and peas pulao and the next station over is the sandwich station and you can see it's pretty popular so let's work our way around this way uh they got some just regular plain potato chips in a bowl and a a variety of different sandwiches and it looks like they got egg salad chicken salad uh various uh salamis and what what have you so lastly it's part of the sandwich station they have an assortment of egg salad chicken salad tuna salad and K sloth salad so you can grab yourself uh any type of bun or bread that you like and make yourself a sandwich and there's all the additional toppings that they have uh for you to make your sandwich along with different types of salad dressings last but not least from this angle as you can see there's a crew member working the station there's a panini press there so if you want your sandwich that you've made grilled well you have the ability to have that done as well full service and if you're looking for lighter Fair they do have a fruit station as you can see and I'm not going to list off every fruit they have here CU I'd be here all day so I'll just do a sweep of all of the offerings as you can see the presentation is very impressive now that is a fruit station and of course no Buffet would be complete without the salad bar and you can see there's got to be 15 or 20 items that you can put on on your salad in here these are the VAR they got uh looks like spinach SE Caesar salad various blends of different salads feta dip pickle Peroni sundried Tomatoes siki no shortage of food here so this station's called the local favorites and they have uh a fish Provena kich Lorraine kiche oh my and I also have a salmon kiche here how's that a local favorite kich all right so what else did I got like a Mexican station here and uh they have all kinds of chopped sour cream guacamole uh chives tomatoes onions and they have uh chili cheese reff fried beans uh beef and chicken fajitas it looks like and taco [Music] shells and from the other side on a different angle they got steak fries ve cordon blue and they have a seafood bullia base here as well so we've moved to the opposite side of the buffet where the last remaining drink station is and this is where they have the uh condiment station ketchup and mayonnaise along with all of the other uh you know vinegars and A1 Sauce Tabasco anything else that you probably want with your meal it's it's located adjacent to The Carving Station which is right here and then the caring station Today's offering they have roasted duck which you can see right [Music] there thank you sir and roasted chicken pleas and we've also got roasted top round [Music] beef so the second to last station is the fish market so as I just mentioned this is the fish market station and I just checked and believe it or not these are all real fish these are not plastic displays you put in the comment below what you think these fish are cuz I have no idea I'm not a fish eater so you will probably know better than me look at the size of that one and the last station the French Buffet so the French station has a vegetable ratat Tuli and a duck [Music] alange and a cocoin the beef which is basically a stew fancy name for stew along with a rice pea laugh all right so now we're at the dessert station and uh you can see all of the wonderful selections jello they call this opera cake cookies for federals so on this station they have DOL leche and Creme Brule along with a vanilla Creme Brule over to the left and what she's doing right now is uh she's toasting the top using a a torch so this is kind of like a a customade dessert little mini station here all right moving on to the other side of the dessert display we have assorted uh cakes apricot cake vanilla Air's uh fresher Napoleon cakes parie freezer mateline never just a never ending uh assortment of different uh desserts lemon tarts you can see all of the the selections there's no shortage of uh things that will definitely raise your blood sugar and make you reach for the insulin so on this end again chocolate of Clair's raspberry Claires vanilla Claires ridiculous I think I just gained two lbs looking at all this stuff wow wow wow good day all right so that covers pretty much every station that they have here at the Ocean View cafe here on the celebrity Beyond uh again this is the lunch buffet and as you can tell it is extremely busy in here the buffet has only been open for 15 minutes and it's slammed so uh what I'm going to do is uh go get a plate we'll get some samplings of some of the stuff that I've already shown you and then we'll see how it tastes stay tuned all right so what I have here is some uh curried pork oven roasted potatoes right here meat Italian meatball Asian noodles oven roasted chicken chili con Carney and some of the U beef stew on a bed of rice so we're going to give this a whirl and see how it tastes all right so I've uh found a place to uh eat and we're going to start with the Asian noodles and work our way around the plate so there you can get a better better look at them [Music] there they're um slightly overcooked and there's not a lot of seasoning to them they're uh kind of bland so um but they are fresh and they are hot so again at a buffet they're cooking for the masses so um It's Not Unusual to have uh the seasoning at a lower level so this is the oven roasted chicken okay wow no bueno that is as dry as the Sahara Desert way way overcooked we'll try the um the leg and see uh if that's any better all [Music] right nope yeah the um all of the roasted chicken really dry way overcooked we'll move on to the chili so far 0 for two actually check that out I loves me a good chili con Carney m winner winner chicken dinner that is good [Music] [Music] yum that is good very well seasoned has a little bit of heat to it lots of meat the beans are well cooked everything Blends together and it's thick it's a it's a thick Hardy heavy chili It's not like those soupy runny chilies Misa don't like a soupy runny chili so this is a [Music] winner very good so uh next thing we're going to move on to is the stew with the rice roast potato cutting through it seems firm doesn't look like it's [Music] overcooked the outside nice chewy texture not a lot of crunch but surprisingly they are well seasoned you can taste the salt another good one this will be the curry chicken sorry the curry pork the label said pork although it looks like chicken we're about to find out that is good very good the pork is nice and tender it's juicy nice and soft and the uh the curry has a wonderful flavor to it it's got some nice spice to it it's thick it's creamy but it's not too hot where it literally burns your mouth out so the uh curried pork is a winner yummy all right last but not least the Italian meatball all right so far as you can see I'll show you here the meatballs slightly pink on the inside which is what you want it seems to be firm it's not falling apart here we [Music] go it's got some garlic in [Applause] [Music] there salt pepper little bit of garlic yum winner all right and the toast to all my YouTube subscribers if you're liking this content do me that favor hit the like And subscribe ring that Bell for future notifications thank you very much Salo very good all right so review round one uh the noodles are a mess the oven roasted chicken is definitely a mess it's not even edible um the chili thumbs up it's a winner uh the stew the potatoes and the meatball and the uh curried pork winter winter winter winter so for the most part uh this first plate is acceptable again keeping in mind with uh when uh eating at a buffet there's always going to be something you can find there's always going to be something that you can eat and there will always be something that you're going to enjoy there's always going to be hits and misses out of buffet so I'm going to finish off the edible portion of round one we'll be back with round two stay tuned all right welcome back for round two and uh I've moved outside cuz the uh I discovered the LED lighting where I was sitting in the Ocean View cafe was creating a flicker so for round two uh we have uh a slice of cheese PE uh cheese pizza and a slice of the pepperoni um as you all know I'm I'm not a big uh lunch guy I usually don't eat a very big lunch so uh I've decided to only have some of the selections uh from round one which we've already talked about so here's the pepperoni that's a winner I love the thin crust the outer crust is a little bit thicker it's crispy it's chewy um it has very good flavor uh every Celebrity cruise ship that I've been on the pizza is always very very good and uh on the celebrity Beyond it [Music] delivers I'm sitting out here in the sun we're on our way to Jamaica right now today's a sea day and it is hot all right we'll try the uh the cheese no shortage of cheese which is good all right I'll uh finish this off and then we'll come back for round three the dessert round round two was a winner stay tuned all right so for this round we have a single scoop of strawberry ice cream and a Dolce dele Creme Brule this one comes highly recommended from the staff memb so we'll see what this one tastes like let's get to it all right so uh we'll start with the strawberry ice cream and yes I'm eating ice cream with a Fork cuz they ran out of spoons oh here we go I forgot to mention I got this from the Scoops that I showed you earlier and uh as always uh celebrity does not cheap out on the ice cream that is it's excellent It's not uh typically oversweet it's not sugar loaded very very creamy has a very good strawberry flavor what can you say when you're on the celebrity beyond go to Scoops cuz the ice cream is aces all right move on to the goce Dei cran brulee and I've never had this before it has the nice crispy top which obviously they Flame or torch the top of the creme brle so very gelatinous see what it tastes like oh my god wow oh yeah this is the best thing I've eaten at the buffet all day hands down no doubt about it so the Dolce dele tastes like caramel but it has a very light smooth texture very gelatinous it is sweet but it's uh it's not too rich but man does it have a good texture and a good flavor wow the crunch from the when they're preparing it the crunch is created when they put a very light coating of sugar and then they run the torch over top so the crunch gives it some contrast to the gelatinous texture of the creme brulee that caramel flavor is just outstanding it's not overpowering it's uh perfect very good all right I'm going to finish off dessert and then I'll wrap up this review with my final thoughts I'll be right [Music] back all right so I returned back to my room I'm sitting in my Veranda I got the window open you can probably hear the ocean background oh yes so in closing my final thoughts and comments around the Ocean View cafe on board the celebrity Beyond uh as you could tell uh the stations one of the things I like is the stations are divided up into individual stations it's not just one giant long uh stereotyp typical old school Buffet so you have each like the Indian station the Asian station all of the different foods are are broken up into individualized stations uh I did note that all of the stations are very wellmaintained and very clean uh there were uh attendants making sure all the food was well stocked uh I didn't see a single empty food tray they were very uh busy and attentive taking care of business at the buffet as you probably saw uh the buffet was extremely busy so as I always do on bus man on the road I'm honest I say it like it is one of the things that gets the thumbs down uh in the ocean bu Cafe is the the drink service or the lack thereof um from the time I started this Vlog to the time I left the buffet uh having uh finished my meal uh I did not get a single waiter uh or server uh offering me a drink uh I had to go to the bar myself to get my beverage is that the end of the world no I have no issue going up and getting my drinks but I've also noted the lack of service uh I should say drink service both in the pool and in the salarium uh it's nowhere up to the standard uh that I've come to expect on a Celebrity Cruise the majority of the items that I ate in there were good very good or excellent uh the the Asian noodles and the oven roasted chicken were well the noodles were terrible and the oven roasted chicken was inedible uh it it was extremely dry extremely chewy no bueno no good uh the other items that I ate were like I said good or very good as I talked about in the in the beginning of the of the Vlog um the the of the buffet is what struck me it's absolutely massive and uh even when it was extremely busy uh I went to three different locations um during the review and I had no problems getting a seat so hopefully you found this uh content uh helpful and useful and if you're thinking of booking a cruise on the celebrity Beyond well now you will have an excellent idea of what the buffet looks like uh what the offerings are like how it's set up um you you know what's free what's not free and the like and with that I'm calling this one a wrap I am the bus man you take care be well and I'll see you on the road I I and goodbye peace you take care everybody until the next one
Channel: The Bussman - On the Road
Views: 5,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X-JF5U6PmsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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