MSC Meraviglia Marketplace Buffet Full Tour and Food Review! Good or bad? Watch and find out!!

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[Music] Hello everybody welcome back to my channel this week I'm on board the MSC marilia and I'm heading up to the marketplace Buffet which can only mean one thing it's time for a full tour and Food review oh it's true it's damn true stay [Music] [Music] tuned hello everybody this is your man the bus man bringing you another episode of on the road this channel is your gateway to all of my travel tips guidance and advice on all things related to motorcycling Moto vlogging cruise and destination vacations for those of you watching who have already subscribe to my channel double thumbs up thank you very much it is appreciated with your support my channel continues to grow on my drive towards a th000 subscribers for those of you watching who have not yet subscribed my only ask is that if you like the content consider hitting that like And subscribe button don't forget to turn on future notifications by ringing that Bell it's absolutely free there's no commitment no obligation doing so will only let you know when I put out future content so now the facts out of the way without further Ado pet patter let's get at her so as I talked about in the intro uh today uh we're at Ocean Key msc's Private Island uh I just got back from touring around the island checking things out and I'm hungry so I'm heading up to the marketplace Buffet which is the buffet on the MSC maravia uh the current time is 5 after 12 so the buffet should have just opened so we'll walk around the buffet uh I'll show you all of the things that you need to know uh the various food selections the stations what have you and from there we'll plate up some food and as we always do on this channel I'm going to give you a truthful full and honest review of everything that I sample so enough talk let's get up to the buffet and get this party [Music] started all right so we're on the 15th deck we're just coming into the marketplace Buffet this is the entryway directly behind us is the uh Leo deck and uh the buffet occupies the middle to aft end of the ship you're going to see that this is an absolutely gargantuan uh Buffet area so at the very front of the buffet to the left side you have the marketplace bar and from here you can get an assortment of different drinks coffees they don't have any real hard liquor here but you can get a variety of different coffees a large seating area and we're going to work our way over here to the middle you can see in here they have a mozzarella station so in here they make all of the mozzarella cheese that's consumed on board for your culinary delight whether that be pizza or matzah balls or what have you another seating area over here here we have the pizza station where you can see they have an assortment of different pizzas pepperoni bacon uh Margarita oh yes and of course the traditional pizza toppings that people may want to have just past this station again more seating areas floor to ceiling windows and to the left here we have a bread station the usual assortments of different rolls bread sticks butter uh margarine working our way forward you're going to see that there are no individualized stations uh this is the ethnic station by the way the buffet is organized it just turns into one giant lineup so uh the other thing is they don't have big signs so you can see you have a couple of varieties of rice some uh chicken uh fita salad station a variety of different salads this is the rotisserie station how you doing my brother got some nice roast beef here mashed potatoes grilled fish uh different types of Stew roasted chicken and uh cauliflower back there on this side we have more bread an assortment of different cold cuts and cheeses uh ham salamis uh petto moving past we have a uh fruit section where you got chopped cantaloupe some apples different varieties of apples more [Applause] breads this is a uh hello this is a pasta station where you have uh bow tie pasta mac and cheese a dessert station with a variety of different desserts e Clair's strawberry cake tartlets uh chocolate cheesecake swinging around to the left on the dessert station we have some chopped fruit fruit cocktail cantaloupe melon and some pears looking back you can see the sides of the seating area inside of the buffet to the right we have a beverage station so you got all your coffee cups a variety of different coffees decaf coffee um all of the sweeteners hot teas pretty much every variety of tea that you could shake a stick at so there's no choice of or no uh lack of choice I should say moving across to the left side we have uh another drink station and this one has uh water lemonade ice tea ice water ice uh everything in the buffet that you can get here is included in your cruise fair so here's a view of the buffet just outside this is the port side of the ship looking out into the Caribbean Ocean and this is now we're located at the very back of the buffet uh a little tip for you if you ever come on board the MSC marilia uh if you want to try and find some place to eat or sit I should say when you're uh at the buffet coming to the very back of this Buffet area is where you want to come uh because for some reason this seems to be the least busy area so this is another rotisserie station that's uh just open but there's obviously nothing here this station has some fried rice more chicken fajita and another uh steamed rice over here another dessert station which has the same desserts that uh we just looked at at the other uh area more fresh fruit one thing you're going to see a lot of on on MSC maravia is a lot of fresh fruit which is not a bad thing again another huge seating area here and this is just half the buffet now we're coming around onto the starboard side of the buffet and here we have uh a salad station and uh basically the same setup that we had before lots of an assortment of different salad toppings chopped mixed vegetables green beans onions uh cucumber peas carrots you name [Music] it this is a wellness station where you have some vegan or uh what otherwise more healthy options so a couple of varieties of rice and carrots and couscous the bean salad some uh whole grain rolls let's take a look over into this uh seating area and here we are at Ocean so let's take a look at the views that you get from the marketplace Buffet that's pretty tough to take oh yeah so here we are yet again at another desert station and the options and choices are still the same and essentially the starboard side is a rinse wash repeat of the food options at the port side the same stations the same options uh they call this one the Mediterranean Corner which uh again this one has a few more options in terms of the uh cold cuts and and buns and offerings the rotisserie station here we have some corn more fried fish roasted chicken some more stew and over from this side you can see all of the roast beef as they're slicing and serving up the roast beef more fruit did I mention there's a lot of fruit another salad station so again we're seeing a lot of repoat items which they which they need to have again we have another salad station okay so here we have Russian salad I have no idea what that is kind of a pasta salad potato salad with uh tuna and now we've made a complete circle work our way around to the left and this is the grill section in the grill section as you you can see it's uh somewhat busy here right now so we have french fries hot dogs hamburgers all of the fixen all of the fixin that you would need we have taco shells or tortilla chips cheese salsa jalapenos roasted fish we got sausages and the list goes on and on moving across we're back uh as you can see we're back at the mozzarella station so we've done a complete 360 so moving across from the uh mozzarella station we have another dessert section with fruit cocktail more pastries more cake more pies on both sides rinse wash repeat duplication another fruit salad section so uh one area of the buffet that I want to show you that's kind of hidden and out of the way so from here you can see the Leo deck and to the right is the uh uh the grill area by the pool so you come around to the right so we're on the port side and entryway by the Leo deck coming into the marketplace buffet and as you can see this is the family and kids section of the buffet if you don't know this is here you could easily miss it so as we come through the entryway on the left side you have a family and kids section for the buffet and uh they have a variety of different kid friendly or child friendly selections such as fries we have chicken tenders mixed vegetables hot dogs mashed potatoes mac and cheese pizza little finger sandwiches peanut butter and jelly uh ham and cheese uh a variety of different cold cuts uh blocked cheddar cheese fruit salad uh eclaires pies Tarts you name it they got it so again uh this is specifically designed uh for families and kids so this is uh a little out of the way it's not part or near any of the main Buffet selection options so if you're on the MC marila and you're looking for family and kidfriendly selections this is where you want to come again port side adjacent or in front of the Leo deck so come in off to Leo deck uh on the port side and you will find it and this is the seating area contained in this particular section so uh we've done the complete 360 and I've shown you all of the areas uh contained within the marketplace Buffet the marketplace Buffet as I'm sure you figured out is in proximity uh to the Leo deck area or the pool area uh it's located on Deck 15 and as you saw it's an absolutely massive Buffet the amount of space that this Buffet occupies on board this ship is Bar None the largest Buffet I've seen at Sea to date uh keeping in mind I've never sailed on an oasis class cruise ship yet um what I will say uh over the course of this Cruise today being day six uh of an 11 night cruise I've come to the buffet uh fairly infrequently but when I have come it's been absolutely log jammed wall toall humanoid uh it's been extremely busy and I'm sure I'll include some of this in my final review and wrap up before I end this Vlog however uh the biggest issue that this Buffet has is the layout I've seen well over 1,500 to 2,000 people in this Buffet at one time so on another note uh despite the busyness uh of this Buffet the one thing I will say is uh the staff are very good at rotating uh what's in each station I I haven't seen hardly any empty trays or uh a lot of spillage or messiness for lack of a better term uh the stations are well attended the staff are uh making things making sure things are clean I've seen them swapping out serving utensils somewhat frequently which is a good hygiene thing uh for the most part I haven't seen any what I'm going to call stupidity in the buffet such as uh people standing at the buffet eating while they're plating food I haven't seen people reaching into the buffet with their bare hands to get food uh from what I've seen people are using the utensils um the only real issues I've seen as I've already talked about is the frustrations from the lineups and people cutting in uh so cutting in is obviously no bueno U there's all kinds of I'm just going to reach over here so there's all kinds of these signs which uh basically say to accommodate all guests enjoy your meal and vacate your seat for the next Diner so uh and it's written in a couple of different languages so again is a courtesy for your fellow Cruiser because this Buffet is so busy uh basically get your food sit down eat and leave uh in terms of drink service well there is none uh there's if you want to drink you have to go to the to the drink station and kind of do the selfs serve or go to the bar and uh and Order what you want there uh again everything at the bar uh is uh alicart uh for a fee everything else in the buffet is it's free it's part of your career spare uh if you do have a drink package then everything at the bar is free up to the dollar limit of your drink package so easy plus is up to any drink up to $10 which pretty much covers the overwhelming vast majority of anything that you're going to get on board this cruise ship the premium package uh which is the uh highest level of drink package pretty much covers everything so uh that pretty much which covers uh all of the uh the food options the different stations the the layout of the buffet and uh what we're going to do now is uh start with round one we're going to Plate up some food and uh I'll get some small samples of many different things and do a review of each item and I'll let you know how it tastes so here we go stay tuned all right so uh for round one right over here we have some uh bowai pasta in a tomato sauce mac and cheese roast beef with gravy we have some uh chicken fajita uh followed by uh stir fried vegetables Mexican rice and last but not least roasted chicken so let's uh get her going all right so round one here we go so uh we're going to I'm not adding any salt no pepper uh I'm eating the food straight as it comes right out of the buffet so we're going to start with the bow tie pasta right away I can see that the pasta is Al Dente just by the way the fork goes into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's hot it's fresh the tomato sauce has a nice robust rich [Music] flavor very [Music] good for an Italian cruise line you would expect their pasta to be perfecto [Music] one for one now we'll try the mac and cheese one of my favorites and as I've said many times in the past when doing food reviews the one thing that will ruin any pasta dish is overcooked pasta I'm looking forward to this [Applause] that is really good nice thick Hardy creamy cheese sauce has a nice sharp um cheddar flavor to it the pasta is perfectly cooked no complaints [Music] [Applause] that is really good all right now for the roast [Music] beef give this one a whirl it doesn't seem too tough as I'm cutting through it again this isn't going to be a prime rib roast it is a buffet the roast beef is um pink in the middle I would would say this is medium normally I like my beef rare to Mid rare but at the buffet you tape what you can get it's juicy well cooked the beef has a nice sear around the perimeter it is a little bit tough but that's not unexpected um what I'll do is I'll take a a middle piece here from the center of the beef just to give it a a fair opportunity as it were take up some of that gravy that's it has the same flavor and consistency throughout uh the slice um again it is slightly tough but it is tasty uh certainly edible it's not bad so I'm going to say three for three let's try the roasted chicken [Music] so the meat uh once I get away from the bone of course this is a bone and roasted chicken the knife went straight through it no problem uh I can tell that it's super tender already just Again by the way the fork went into it give you a look at that so as you can see uh the chicken on the inside is glistening that's really juicy so uh I expect this one to also be winner winner chicken dinner pun intended oh yeah [Music] mhm wow the chicken almost melts in your mouth super tender super juicy [Music] four for four so far everything is uh is good to very good we're bat in a [Music] thousand so uh we'll move on to the Mexican rice get this one a [Music] WHL the rice is SL slightly overcooked it still has some firmness to it the seasoning um is okay you can taste the Mexican spices certainly not overpowering could be a little more aggressively seasoned um and again slightly overcooked but overall it's definitely edible I'd rate the rice is decent yeah decent is a fair rating certainly not bad all right move on to the stir fried [Music] vegetables give these a [Music] whirl no it's good the carrots still have some crunch to them they're very well seasoned has that nice stir fry flavor and I don't know what's in there but there's a ever so slight hit of heat and um and and a nice the perfect level of [Music] saltiness wow I could eat that all day all right I must admit so far um I wasn't really sure what to expect So based on all of the uh social media comments uh you know Facebook Instagram um Twitter um and then the YouTube content I've come to learn that this particular line uh is very polarizing and somewhat controversial and it seems to me that uh anybody who's been on an MSC cruise ship my impression is that people either really like it or they really hate it there doesn't seem to be much of an in between um and I've read a lot of terrible comments about specifically the buffet and the buffet food uh not well just the food period on MSC and uh as I always do on this channel I say it like it is uh I'm not a cruise lineup olist if something's good I'm going to give it credit if something's bad well they're going to get it I'm a poet and didn't know it all right so uh uh so far I'm actually very pleased and very impressed with the quality of the food everything so far has been fresh uh tasty well seasoned again the rice was slightly overcooked uh not an unforgivable POA so so now we're going to move on to the uh uh chicken fajita and give this a [Music] whirl wow very good [Music] I have to say I don't know if I've hit the buffet on a good day or if this is normal but um I have to say so far so good I'm impressed and uh I'm going to finish off round one when we'll come back with round two stay tuned [Music] all right so no review of an MSC Buffet could be complete without a slice of their World Famous Pizza which is next on the list all right so here we go uh the one thing that I have heard consistently on uh every Vlog everything I've read is that this is supposed to be the best pizza at Sea well let's find out if it holds up look at that so first of all you can see that it's very well baked um the crust is very thin I loved me a nice thin crust pizza this particular one is uh pepperoni and the uh mozzarella cheese on board this cruise ship is handmade so um they have a mozzarella station um and as you've already seen and uh they use the handmade mozzarella on board to make anything that has mozzarella in it is handmade here so let's give this a whirl the cheese has a nice chewy texture to it it's perfectly baked the tomato sauce very rich extremely well seasoned just the right amount of pepperoni on it [Music] M wow that is outstanding and I would have to concur that this is the best cruise ship Pizza that I've ever had wow wow wow the dough the crust it's crunchy on the outside nice and chewy on the inside um the perfect thickness the Perfect Bake this pizza is a 10 out of 10 wow if you ever come on board an MC cruise ship you got to have the pizza [Music] [Music] they almost don't need dessert after that but um I'm going to finish off this magnificent pizza and then we'll come back for round three the dessert round [Music] all right welcome back for round three so this is the dessert round so on the left I have a slice of chocolate cake in the middle is a chocolate olir and on the right side is a piece of sugarfree strawberry cake so we'll give this a whirl all right so the uh the bus man is getting full here so regardless uh there's not a lot of room and uh I normally don't eat lunch or if I do eat lunch not a very big one however let's get into the desserts so we'll start with the chocolate cake all right so the cake has some uh um some type of a pie crust on the bottom and it has a uh a filling with a chocolate layer on top so I'll let you take a look at that give you a bit of a [Music] [Applause] [Music] 360 okay that's um the sign said chocolate cake that's not chocolate cake it's chocolate cheesecake which explains the uh the center filling so that's cheesecake so uh it's good has a a nice smooth creamy texture the pie crust is a it's not a Graham crust it's a pie crust and the chocolate adds a a nice accent flavor so one for one we'll move on to the chocolate of Clair and this is definitely an a [Music] clair nice uh chocolate custard on the inside it's got a nice uh crispy pastry on the outside so give that a WHL and check that out [Applause] M that is really good it's a uh yeah I'm done that was uh really good Super Rich chocolatey flavor The Filling is very smooth silky but yet very gelatinous it's not overly sweet um but you could probably only eat one or two of these that was surprisingly good um quite surprised for a buffet dessert that that could that that could be served in any restaurant that was really good all right so I saw a sugar-free option here and uh normally sugar-free desserts don't taste that good so I'm not expecting a lot but let's give it a [Applause] try so you have the the three layers of sponge with the strawberry uh icing on top here we go another surprise you would never know that that's sugar-free has a nice strawberry uh flavor to it it's very light very much like a like a whipped cream it's fresh of everything uh that I've tried so far just because because this is sugarfree I'm I'm very surprised that this is actually really good all right well I have to say overall um round one with the exception of the uh Mexican rice everything was very good I would say the rice was decent as I already talked about uh round two that pizza was a 10 out of 10 outstanding magnificent um Bar None even in a pizza parlor back home it's hard to find pizza that good it was it was something I have to admit uh it is what it is and I've said many times on this channel I call it like I see it I don't hold back and if it's good it gets a thumbs up and if it's bad it gets a thumbs down well today the buffet at the marketplace Buffet gets an overall rating of 8 out of 10 uh I'm quite surprised because usually buffet food is cooked for the masses it tends to be for the most part somewhat Bland not today everything was well seasoned on point the desserts were very good not even good very good so uh yeah the MSC Marketplace Buffet is on the list and it is busman approved and with that I'm calling this one our rrap I am the busman you take care be well and I'll see you on the road I I and goodbye peace you take care everybody until the next one [Music]
Channel: The Bussman - On the Road
Views: 5,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wa1jNI3v4HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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