MSC Meraviglia Panorama Restaurant Food Review! Does it measure up to Celebrity Cruise? Good or Bad?

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[Music] hello everybody this week I'm on board the MSC marilia it's dinner time and I'm heading to the Panorama restaurant for dinner which can only mean one thing it's Food review time baby and I'm taking you with me oh it's true it's Dam true stay [Music] tuned hello everybody this is your man the busman bringing you another episode of on the road this channel is your gateway to all of my travel tips guidance and advice on all things related to motorcycling Moto vlogging cruise at destination vacations for those of you watching who have already subscribed to my channel double thumbs up thank you very much it is appreciated with your support my channel continues to grow on my drive towards 1,000 subscribers for those of you watching who have not yet subscribed my only ask is that if if you like the content please consider hitting that like And subscribe button don't forget to turn notifications on by ringing that Bell it's absolutely free there's no commitment no obligations doing so will only let you know when I put out future content so now that that's out of the way without further Ado pit or patter let's get at her so as I talked about in the intro uh this week I am on board the MSC marilia it is dinner time so I'm just getting ready to head out of the state room and into the dining room where I will be conducting a full review of each course as it comes and I'll and and as we always do on this channel you'll get nothing but the straight goods from the bus man so there's nothing to it but to do it so let's get to it stay tuned [Music] w a [Music] [Music] [Music] Hall happy toyy [Music] all right so uh we've arrived at the Panorama restaurant here on the MSC marilia um as you already know it is dinner time uh I just got seated uh I have the menu and uh as I have come to experience so far on this cruise I sit down I get greeted at the front door the Mater D escorts me to my table uh I have this table all to myself the entire cruise I've not been uh put with other passengers at a larger table so I asked to be seated alone request granted uh additionally uh they got my Aqua pan of water they've already got my Crown Royal and Diet Coke on order I've got my bread basket with an assortment of different rolls and my butter um it's just like clockwork chyde boo bing bing bing bing everything's coming just the way I like it no questions no comments no concerns um it's uh been uh a polar opposite and a contradiction to everything that I've read so far on social media uh Twitter Instagram Facebook uh everything that I've or a lot not everything but a lot of the things I've seen on YouTube uh MSC seems to be a very polarizing uh Cruise Line it seems to be a LoveHate relationship well well my experience and you know this is how we do it on this channel uh I give I say it like it is I speak the truth I give honest reviews and I can tell you so far that this has been Perfection um the the food itself this is night six of an 11 night cruise uh everything that I've eaten so far has been uh fresh hot um tastes fine uh is it as elevated as other Cruise Lines no um is it plated as fancy as other Cruise Lines no but uh in terms of U whether or not the food is edible tasty uh served on time in a timely manner excellent drink service every time I finish a drink the next one comes light Clockwork um I'm getting visited by everybody on a timely manner so uh so far so good speaking of which all right how you doing my man I'm fine thank you sir come back sir yes ready to order I am uh ready to order so uh I'm going to uh mix it up a bit tonight I see something that I uh I really like so I'm going to do mutani soup okay followed by a french onion soup okay following by onion soup and then I'm going to do the um Salsberry steak sber steak okay and then for the dessert um I will go with the uh my regular stay-at-home standby the strawberry cheesecake yes thank you so much thank you very much all right so you were here uh just as I was finishing my opening here my uh regular uh waiter uh took my order so in case you missed it which I don't think you did but at any rate um two of my favorite soups are on the menu tonight so I can't resist and since I'm on a cruise and because I can I ordered uh two soups the motani and the French onion and uh following that uh Salsberry steak is on the menu tonight along with four other fish dishes and anybody who follows me on my channel knows the bus man does not eat fish so uh with that I went with the Salsberry steak so we'll give at WHL and the cheesecake so far on this cruise I've had it twice already uh so far it's been very consistent it's been very good uh nice New York style cheesecake nice and thick and Rich yum yum delish so uh I don't think it'll be very long before my Crown Royal arrives and my uh first soup is going to arrive I haven't even been here uh for 5 minutes yet and uh I'm already seated I got all my drinks my bread my butter uh Crown Royal on order order's been taken it's uh it's like a machine here they they've got this thing well well uh orchestrated so one other thing I'll talk about before uh the uh first uh appetizer arrives is in the uh the types of dining so like other Cruise Lines you have what they call here your choice dining which is also known as anytime dining uh I'm booked on this cruise on Ora level uh which is a top tier level of experience that you can book on msse because on msse you don't just book a cruise you book an experience so it's part of the Ora experience you get your anytime dining or my choice dining so uh for this uh cruise I've been assigned to the Panorama restaurant and uh there's three main dining restaurants on board the ship uh at the time of this recording there's a little over 5,000 passengers on board this ship and I can tell you looking around this dining room is packed um not everybody in every dining room uh is Aria obviously so there's a limited number of my choice diners everyone else is assigned seating time and the dinner times are uh they vary between dining rooms in this dining room if you're an assigned seating it's 6:00 p.m. and then the next seating is 8:00 p.m. so um and as I talked briefly earlier uh I'm looking around the dining room right now and this staff the only thing that's equally numbering is the number of staff I can easily see 12 to 15 staff members staff are bringing in trays clearing tables serving food uh the I I have to admit and I know I've already said this and I may be repeating myself but the service in this dining room is outstanding uh completely polar opposite to what I was expecting and oh here we go here comes the Crown Royal here is your Crown Royal double all right with diet thank you very much so perfect timing we'll just mix in some of the goodness with the this most excellent Crown Royal and I was saying I didn't really know what to expect when I booked in MSC Cru I'm more of a judge for myself rather than listen to other people kind of guy which is kind of ironic since I have a YouTube channel and all I do is offer my opinions so salute and a tribute to all of my YouTube subscribers you be well and if you ever see see me on board a cruise ship feel free to come say hi I'll shake your hand and uh I love talking I've already met several of my subscribers on board the various cruises I've done so far this year so uh I'd love to meet you take care and uh we'll enjoy some of this goodness all right so we'll pick things up when the first course arrives until then stay tuned all right we're ready for round one the motani soup has arrived and uh I love Indian food anybody who watches my channel knows that so uh we're going to give this a WHL see what it it looks good but it doesn't matter how it looks it only matters how it tastes here we go give this a whirl you can see how hot that is the steam is coming right off it oh yeah they don't serve cold soup here on this screw ship so that right there gets a thumbs up and uh give this another their taste it's hot has a nice pungent Curry odor or scent tastes very good it's got some uh it's not an overpowering you taste it when it's in your mouth you swallow and then then it goes away it's very smooth uh could be slightly thick it's a little bit on the thin side but overall very good the chicken is nice and tender it's bite siiz it's not dry so overall migani is a winner so I'm going to uh finish off this wonderful bowl of migani soup and then we'll come back with round two the French onion soup all right we're back round two and uh as you can probably see I have my phone on the table here and uh it only took about 4 minutes in between courses so I finished off the mutani they took it away 4 minutes later French onion has arrived so full disclosure I've already had the French onion soup in this dining room on two other occasions both times it was very very good so this will be a test of consistency so we'll just stir this up a bit and as usual piping hot you can see all the steam coming right off of there excellent nice oniony flavor has a nice beef uh beefy flavor at the same time and what's different about this french onion soup than other lines I've been on is uh the broth is much thicker it almost has the consistency of a running gravy instead of a a soup so it's a lot more hearty stick to your ribs type soup very rich very good um the only thing that could probably stand uh to improve is more GRE a um however that's not a a huge uh deal breaker for me uh the the temperature is spot on seasoning is spot on um nice thick broth nice Hardy soup nothing better than nice hearty suit so nothing wrong with that at all no thank you no it's all good that was the uh dining photographer I've got all the cameras that I need right now all right so uh I'm going to finish off round two my French onion soup and when the Salsbury steak arrives we'll pick up right from where I left off I'll be right back all right boy they're cooking tonight man pun intend uh they're they're literally on fire so this I finished my soup and 2 minutes and 36 seconds later dinner is served so uh as you saw we have the Salsberry steak with the mushroom gravy sauce whipped mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli so uh one thing I'll mention uh that I forgot to talk about earlier in the monologue is uh similar to other Cruise Lines there have been cut backs due to increasing expenses or whatever um you can have more than one entree uh here on MSC again like other Cruise Lines however uh you are as part of your uh booking or included is one Entre so if you want two Entre three Entre four Entre you can have as many Entre as you want but every entree starting at number two three four and Beyond are $5 each so uh the first one's included every subsequent entree after that is $5 uh they've also amended their menu I haven't done it yet but if you want lobster and steak or just Lobster or just steak specifically Fon you can also order that Alo cart as part of the main dining menu uh at a cost of $19.99 plus 18% gratuiti personally if I'm going to order a steak I'm going to go to the steakhouse and not eat it in Maine dining however that's just me uh what I am going to do though is on my broccoli add a touch of salt so they do have uh salt and pepper Mills at the table so you can season your food uh the way you like it which is nice so let's start with the sberry steak it has a nice sear on the meat little uh it appears to be well cooked ever so slightly slightly pink in the middle and uh I can see that the meat is very juicy uh it has a nice texture and consistency as I was cutting through the meat so there you can see uh a shot of the uh Salsberry steak here we go very good has a nice consistency it's not dry it's juicy it doesn't fall apart [Music] um it has a good flavor just what a good Salisbury steak should taste like all right well we'll try some of the mash as I've talked about on many past food reviews The Good Mash shouldn't be lumpy it should be cream creamy very important that the potatoes not be overcooked otherwise it gives a very washed out um Bland flavor to the potato so here we go perfectly fine slightly it's slightly under seasoned could use a little more salt but it's uh uh and perhaps a little bit more butter but it does have a nice potato flavor to it the potatoes are perfectly cooked so it falls uh definitely within the perfectly acceptable range the potatoes are not cold they're they're warm warm towards very warm they're not hot but that's not unexpected in a main dining and you can tell they are very fresh very good I can already tell that the broccoli is not overcooked when my Fork went in it had a l Dente kind of texture feel to it they still have good color the stems aren't welted when you pick it up as you can see and this is fresh broccoli it hasn't been frozen you can always tell the fresh vegetable when you eat it thumbs up no issues no complaints is it the best food in cruising no far from the worst I've had meals way way worse than this on cruise ships this is perfectly fine I have no issues or complaints and uh as I said at the beginning uh of this uh content the food uh this is day six of 11 and so far the food has been very consistent uh what you're seeing and witnessing today is exactly what I've experienced uh in the previous times that I've been in this dining room uh having dinner uh I'm very happy Bona petio and with that I'll be back for round three the dessert round stay tuned all right folks welcome back round three the dessert round and I got to tell you the bus man is getting full uh I had a later lunch today uh with someone I met on board the cruise ship and uh we're going to uh no guarantees we're going to finish this dessert so one of the things that the crew members did on their own uh is they they brought me a bowl of ice cream in addition to the Cheesecake so that is just one of the little things that they do we're just going to uh dig into some of this strawberry cheesecake and I already have a pretty good idea it's going to be excellent here we go chopped fresh strawberry on top I mean look at that that's a dense cheesecake right there that's what you want I don't go for this whipped cream fluff stuff I want to gain 10 pounds when I eat one piece of this cheesecake you want density you want you want to be able to chew through that cheesecake and this delivers so uh before I try the ice cream I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody for watching up to this point and uh if you haven't done so already please remember to hit that like And subscribe button ring that Bell for future notifications it supports my channel helps me with that YouTube algorithm so that my content gets recommended to more viewers so uh we'll put the cheesecake down I just want to keep eating it we'll take a scoop of the vanilla ice cream here here we go the ice cream um on board this cruise ship is super rich really really rich vanilla flavor super creamy uh there's no cheaping out on the ice cream here that is really good ice cream uh no ice crystals in it it tastes Super Fresh that is yummy no doubt about it so what I'm going to do is is uh prior to finishing off this dessert I'm just going to close this uh Vlog by saying uh summarizing what I've already said I think you all have a pretty good idea of uh the experience that I've had up to this point uh in the main dining room here in the Panorama restaurant staff 10 out of 10 uh I I don't care what cruise line it is there is no way that anybody could deliver better service than what have I experienced up to this point um again um if you've had a different experience or a similar experience put something in the comments below uh food very consistent um completely edible always fresh uh always warm to hot always good to very good um I'd rather have the consistency than one night where the food is just off the hook off the chain and then the next night it's inedible and I send it back uh you know that Peaks and valleys roller coaster no Peaks and valleys here it's been very consistent very predictable and uh I give the Panorama restaurant here on the MSC marila based on my experience a solid eight out of 10 so uh very good I'm very happy and with that I'm calling this one a wrap I am the busman you take care be well and I'll see you on the road are youi and goodbye peace you take care everybody until the next one adios good
Channel: The Bussman - On the Road
Views: 2,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fpOtIox_6Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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