Celebrity Cruise Line's Best-Kept Secrets: 7 Mind-Blowing Tips and Tricks! Revolutionize Your Voyage

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are you thinking about cruising on Celebrity Cruise lines and you are kind of contemplating your very first booking with them well this is a video just for you stay tuned [Music] hi everyone Rob from crew Seekers and today we're going to talk about Celebrity Cruises we're going to go through everything some first time Cruisers might want to know about Celebrity Cruises we also have some other tips that even seasoned celebrity Cruisers might not know about and hopefully that will be a big help for you to save some serious money in the future now before we start getting into all the information about Celebrity Cruises I would like to ask a couple of questions to the folks out there if you'd like these type of videos if you do give this video a big thumbs up it really does help the YouTube algorithm and it will help other people who are looking for information about Celebrity Cruises to find this video also if you have not yet become a member of this crew Seekers Community hey think about subscribing and turn that notification Bell on it is so appreciated by us and we would thank you so much for doing that we are getting really close to 10 000 subscribers folks so I would really love to hit that number really really soon so if you love these types of videos think about subscribing turn that notification Bell on thank you so much much for doing that all right so now let's get into some of the tips and tricks everybody needs to know if you're going on your very first Celebrity Cruise or if you've been on many some things that you might not know that could save you a ton of money so the very first thing I want to talk about with Celebrity Cruises is where you can get something to eat that a lot of people didn't know you can get something to eat there for free now everybody knows the main dining room everybody knows about the specialty dining locations that everybody knows about the buffet that you can go to on Celebrity Cruises they also know about Mass Grill to get your burgers and your hot dogs and those type of things but what a lot of people don't know is that you can go to Cafe albachio and grab some really yummy yummy snacks and cookies people see it displayed there but they think that it's for a price celebrity really doesn't do a great job in letting people know that everything in that container is free of charge so if you want to grab a really nice little snack go to Cafe El Bacio grab some cookies grab a cake grab a tart you name it it's just really really good now the other place where you can grab something to eat for lunch or breakfast that a lot of people don't know about is you can go over to the spa Cafe and the spa Cafe can usually be found in the solariums on any of the celebrity ships it's kind of usually tucked away in the corner and they usually have some very narrow hours of operation so definitely check your planner see when those places are open up because you can definitely avoid the crowds of the buffet by kind of swinging over there to grab some really good food the other cool thing there too is you get some really yummy different types of smoothies and press juices there too during the morning so if you did purchase that premium beverage package you can definitely take advantage of that little perk with the premium beverage package over at the spa Cafe now the next little tip and trick I want to talk to you about Celebrity Cruises is talking about if you purchase that all included package and you do have that classic drink package you can ease easily easily upgrade that package for about twenty dollars per person per night if you do have loyalty with celebrity or you are able to kind of match loyalty and we'll talk about that little trick later on if you're able to do that you might even save some further money on that upgrade price now with that reasonable upgrade you get access to Specialty Waters you get access to higher level Spirits you also get access to those you know fresh pressed juices and those smoothies that we just talked about over in the Spot Cafe so it's really kind of worth it if you do like special bottles of water when you eat your dinner you can almost cover the up charge to move to the premium beverage package just with water alone so really think about upgrading if you do like that special bottled water if you do like those pressed juices or smoothies it's a great great value one of the best values out there now since we just talked about the all included package and the you know classic drink package that's included if you are a cruiser that does like to cruise with the all-included package one of the most important things that you're going to want to do is to find a very very good ta that has access to a lot of group rates on Celebrity because one of the things with group rates with celebrity is all group rates come with the all-included package and they usually also come with a refundable deposit and they also are usually significantly cheaper than what you can buy on the celebrity website so definitely if you do like to cruise on Celebrity with the all included package find yourself a good ta that has a lot of access to a lot of different group rates on Celebrity we are a travel agency over here at Cruise Seekers as well our phone number is right there we have a ton of group rates with celebrity and we love being able to pass on those savings to you sometimes it can be in the range of two thousand dollars less than the same exact room with the same exact perk package with the same exact deposit versus the celebrity website so yeah find yourself a good ta now if you just signed up and booked your very first Celebrity Cruise you're going to want to sign up for the captain's Club loyalty program it's a great program you can start working your way through the Loyalty tiers now if you are a high tier member of Royal Caribbean the cool thing with the captain's Club is they will match your loyalty with Royal Caribbean you're not going to start off at that number on this Captain's Club you know I guess ladder you would call it but what they will do is say if you are diamond with Royal Caribbean they will make you an Elite member on Celebrity if you are platinum on Royal Caribbean they will make you a select member on Celebrity so you'll get the perks for that level but in order to go to the next here you still gotta accrue the same amount of points that you needed to in order to get to that next level so it's a nice thing to have definitely do it so that you can just take advantage of those loyalty perks when when you get there now if you don't have any loyalty with Royal Caribbean you're still going to want to sign up for the captain's Club program because you know what it's going to allow you to go through their loyalty program as you start cruising with celebrity more and you're going to start cruising with celebrity more once you go on your first one I tell you that right now but the other cool thing is is you're going to get a free scoop of gelato just for signing up so do that so when you get on board you can now head over to Scoops where you can head over where the gelato area is and get your free ice cream because hey might as well it's your very first perk take advantage of it now another interesting thing with celebrity but there is a pilot program going on right now so I'm going to put a little asterisk on this one too is that on Celebrity Cruises you're never going to see smoking in any indoor space and that's including the casino now the Asterix is because they're right now doing a pilot program on the eclipse and on the Equinox to allow vaping in the casinos that's a little bit of a controversy going on right now if you're not really interested in seeing vaping going on in Celebrity whatsoever I'm going to leave a little link of an email that you can send the people over celebrity a little email let them know that your displeasure about that whole situation or if you think it's a good idea you can let them know too I'm going to kind of stay out of this argument I have my feelings about what this is I'll let you folks have your own feelings about what it is for you but right now on Celebrity in general outside of this pilot program there is no smoking or vaping at all in any indoor facilities on Celebrity Cruises they do have some areas Outdoors for people who do want to smoke and who want to vape but that is it for real right now outside of the pilot program another really cool tip to know about celebrity when you book your very first Celebrity Cruise or if you booked a few and you didn't really notice because you don't do much Cruise planning type of stuff in the cruise planner before you go on the cruise celebrity does offer some pretty significant discounts on first night specialty dining you can see up to 30 percent off to go to Murano or to go to Tuscan Grill it's a pretty good deal especially if you just kind of want to do one specialty dining you might as well go on the first night and take advantage of that 30 off you can get a real good meal for a very reasonable price and another little quick tip about celebrity dining if you're looking at specialty dining every now and then during big holiday seasons like say Black Friday or Memorial Day you might see something in the cruise planner for something called the trio what that is is they will give you two dinners and one lunch during a sea day at the specialty dining restaurants and it's usually for a very very good price per person so take a look every now and then when you have a big holiday coming up take a look at that cruise planner you might see the trio and you might save a ton of money on your specialty dining by using that Trio now the last tip that I want to talk about is kind of you know something that you can do on pretty much on any cruise line but celebrity gives you some more options because they do have some stuff on their ship that really makes special the ship during a port day and that is like maybe renting a cabana during a port day or going to their Spa during the port they and the food is great on Celebrity and if you have that premium beverage package while you're on the ship it does bring a next level of you know cocktails and all the things that you want when you're on the ship and it's quiet you can get a cabana for a ridiculously low price during a port day you can get some spa treatments for a ridiculous low price during a port day you can get a day pass at the thermal Suites for a very good price during a port day so think about using the ship on a Porte as your Resort for a day especially if you're at a port that you've been there done that don't need to go there again so there you go folks that's my tips and tricks for those first time celebrity Cruisers and even some tips and tricks for those seasoned Veterans of celebrity I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up as I said before it really does help the YouTube algorithm if you have any tips or comments about my tips leave them down below we love comments we love having that discussion with you we answer to every comment and finally one more time if you have not become a member of this crew Seekers Community think about subscribing turn that notification Bell on help us get to that 10 000 subscribers achievement and we will love you for doing that again hit that subscribe button turn that notification Bell on thank you so much for doing that so until we talk again next time this is Rob from crew Seekers reminding each and every one of you to always seek the Seas bye now thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Cruise Sea-kers
Views: 56,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Cruise Line, Cruise Tips and Tricks, Celebrity Cruise Secrets, Cruise Ship Hacks, Cruise Travel Tips, Money-Saving Cruise Tips, Cruise Vacation Tips, Insider Cruise Tips, Travel, Vacation, Cruise Planning, Cruise Deals, Cruise Ship, Celebrity Cruises, Cruise Life, Cruise Experience, Cruise Destinations, cruise tips, cruise tips for first timers, life well cruised, celebrity cruises, celebrity cruise lines, celebrity cruise ship, cruise tips and tricks
Id: IxkdXjjuU5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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