Celebrity Apex Speciality Dining Review | Is It Worth Paying More?

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specialty dining on Celebrity Apex is not cheap but is it worth it hi it's Lind from sweet natured and today we're taking a look at all the speciality restaurants on board celebrity Apex as always I'm joined by Mary hello hello who put the video together and this is my first time watching so let's see what we can [Music] see well as you said in the introduction Lind today we're taking a look at all of the speciality dining on Celebrity aex yes and it isn't cheap it's not in fact it's probably the most expensive of speciality dining we've been to on a cruise ship today I think it wasn't always the case though no it's certainly gone up in sort of recent years but is it worth it okay we're going to start off with fine cut steakouse okay now we went there for both lunch and dinner the cruise we did the lunch one wasn't advertised before we got on I don't think was it no we got accosted in the buffet we got accosted they told us about it when we were in the buffet I think is what you mean um and at lunchtime it essentially turns into a fancy Burger Jo Burger jum um which we actually quite enjoyed we did yeah in fact I would have done it again yeah it was you didn't have the biggest choice of um starters because it's lunchtime it were basically a Caesar salad or a Greek salad yes but then a load of burgers and this was the only place you could get them and you couldn't get them at any other time other than this lunchtime session no and I think they only did one or two on our entire 139 Cruise yeah and they did you could get them I think the WTF you could get a dinner time in the restaurant but not they had some fancy ones they did now it was $25 per person for lunch yeah which is old money dinner price old money dinner price yeah that's how much you used to pay for oh going to a steakhouse in an in an evening yes when when you say all money maybe like 20 years ago they've gone up a little bit since then but I digress you doo the bers were really good I would encourage people to try this out yeah I mean I don't know if I had mine cooked right was yours a bit under or over a bit over I feel okay they did ask how we wanted they did but I always get confused with us orders and UK or in terms of sort of rareness yes it was juicy it was very juicy you managed to not have it all any so and they did have the um cinnamon bake what they do for dinner which they do for dinner so this is my second time it is yeah cuz we had it at dinner and it absolutely so good we just had that to share it was like a cinnamon ice cream was it oh there's me dropping it oh good grief but it is well worth uh having a look at if it's on on there in the evening $65 ahead head I know it is expensive nowadays I mean to be fair it's probably similar price to chops and Crown Grill chops on Royal and Crown Grill princess crown Grill is Crown Grill maybe little bit $50 yeah um but it's a decent menu it is we paid for it before we got on the ship though didn't we using credit we did CU we had quite a bit of onboard credit so we used it for pay for yeah upgrading as drinks package and this and some food um I thought it were a decent steakouse yeah it was nice it was a bit cold what that evening yeah but they do seem to sort of Turn Turn it down a bit in an evening that's my fault not theirs yeah that's nothing to do with the restaurant no it doesn't it's quite unopen restaurant isn't it because it's it is it's got like a little s of glass Shield there that you can just about say um that overlooks the martini B yes um we got the tomahawk to share we did uh I don't believe that were any extra W I'm trying to think I don't think it were no it wasn't an upcharge no which is nice cuz in a lot of sort of steak restaurants to get something like that it is extra it is and it would perfectly coook I'm thinking of ke and cow on that well you pay for supplement on that the way converging yeah yeah most of them are and I say you've got your little sort of cinnamon oh it was so good really good but just going back to the Stak quickly while you sort of have the desire for that um they were perfectly seasoned as well as perfectly cook yeah CU I know some steakhouses can under season a little bit these respawn yes but we give it seven out of 10 yeah the food itself was good mhm but it is so pricey yeah yeah this was $120 for the two of those and now granted we paid for it out of our onboard credit but we still paid for it yeah um The Grand beastro oh we messed up here this is at lunchtime um and it's decent it's it's nice we messed up though because we didn't check out what the um plates desure yeah because they have a different speciality each day that you will have seen as just walking in then yeah um and it does change significantly you went in there I don't look happy there well that's when you just found out there was no C sure you came into it that sounds about right I'm having me fancy cheese sandwich and then we got there and and it wasn't on no CMA sh today so that particular CMA C mad dam was on Mondays okay we didn't go on a Monday no but we did have the esaro oh it was so good um which were fantastic it was almost like a huge volon with esaro on top and then the lovely so oh it was so good loads of eso yes now we under or over we underestimated how big some of the portions was so and we weren't that hungry when we went in no we which you know when when you're paying $30 a piece yes you probably want to make sure that you're going in there quite hungry mhm you enjoyed the soup I did but it was no different to the soup that you got in the main dining room it was very similar we felt cuz we did try the other soup in there just for science for Science and it did taste pretty much identical and had a similar cheese po yeah I'm so classy and then take about five minutes to wrap the cheese around the spoon that sounds right with no soup with no soup basically just eating cheese there good it is nice for lunch just when they're hungry yes it's quite big plates of food light breakfast here for for lunch just plan on going to the buffet for dinner yeah absolutely we give it 7 out of 10 seven yeah yeah I guess so yeah um perfectly tasty yeah um but again $30 for lunch a person that's more than the fine cup it's more than the burgers yeah but you do get a bigger selection of food in there as well more cses now in the evening this becomes Le petti Chef it does and you can see they change it around a little bit you've got the special table covers on for the projection MH and this is $60 per person now before we we started recording this today after we'd got off the ship you didn't think you were that impressed with it in here I think it was leati Chef well it was because I've seen you first when I'm editing and you really seem to enjoy all so the food seem to to go down well which is the big thing yeah um it is for me it's a restaurant that you'll do once I think so um I don't think I'd be bothered about going back here multiple times no I think children would like it if there's a family dinner happening oh children will love it yeah I mean to be fair I loved it you just I say for a family dinner it is at $60 ahead I don't actually know if you get a discount with children I oh my goodness um the projection is fantastic M and they've got the timing of it spot on yeah because at the point that it ends the little chef making his food on there yeah they then put your plate of food directly on it so you can see he down the hole to an and then within seconds they're planting it up yeah and it does look fairly close to what's on the projection it is it is and it and that barata was really good yeah um the everything within the meal was really tasty I'm just watching now well that's not as entertaining for people no I'm sorry I'm sorry I just I did I'm sure I did enjoy it it it was just no you did I can promise you I've seen your face as I've been editing you're like oh this is lovely yeah I like a barata but maybe it was I think it was sort of um the projection but it's not what you'd class as a romantic dat no it's not um and you get everyone in sort of the the restaurant ooing and aing at the same time depending on what yes I know what you mean doing um and sort of rounding of Applause but it's you get the meal then you get the next one then you get the next one so if there's someone in the restaurant a table that's eating very quick or very slow they're either going to be waiting ages for the next course or they're going to be making it getting everyone else to wait yes it's until they do because the time it's so that they can bring it out for everybody yeah um and apologies for the sort of coloring on there it wasn't overly happy the camera no it wasn't um when I try to film at certain angles yeah um we sat you sat directly below below the projection so if you just slightly off yes it's notun yeah but you get the idea of sort of the sort of things that he does the chef does I'm not going to spoil it by put everything in it it' be on for about an hour oh let's not do that no it it's just too long to but you you really enjoyed it here I did and I said the the food was really good quality I think it's at the top end of the pricing for what you get mhm U but you look at the size of that steak Yeah that's a big trunk of filet steak it is it is yeah the filet steak that was in there was as big if not bigger than the one in the steakhouse no I think I had this to underd you did you didn't quite figure out early on in the cruise because this one you were I may have had this too rare yeah I think it was touching on Blue mine were absolutely perfect yeah now weirdly cuz there's two different menus in here you got the main menu which most of the projections based on but then the dessert is based on the alternate menu it was cuz I didn't cuz you got the alternate dessert uh and I didn't yeah but I've give it eight out of 10 okay I think it is a good experience yeah it's a lovely it's expensive but the food quality is good yeah um it's not just a gimmick because if you went in there and all got projection and the food were rubbish oh goodness yeah we say we say the food was really enable yeah next up Raw on five love Raw on five now there's no fixed price for this no it's so P you go alart um and it's similar maybe just a little bit cheaper than going to a a sushi restaurant on land yes um it's not massively cheaper no um but the quality of it is fantastic yes we went in here on the very first night we did and the very last night we did we bookended the cruise with it yes uh and we loved it yeah it has some fantastic cocktails in here it does that you can only get in this one um and you know if you went in there and you ate a lot of food it could work out quite expensive oh um but we got the seafood um the Lotus one yeah I think so um which was $34 which for us to share for a Seafood Tower for the Seafood Tower with the oysters and the crab I didn't think were badly priced yeah those oysters didn't agree with me there were nothing wrong with them just to be clear the oysters were fine it was all the martini that you had at the martini B on the first night the oysters were perfect they were good I just I'm not I'm not back there yet from for my te is all oy uh we had obviously we' been to the martini B and went back to the Martini after this and had cocktails in here as well yes so we we made the most of it but I said the fact that we went in here twice it was the only special restaurant we went in twice yes I think had there been space on the cruise when we were there we might have gone into Eden again even as expensive as it is that was fantastic we're coming on to that at the end of this but just as that nice little if you want a little treat without it costing too much and you can use a chopstick they do if you want to but this was the little Lotus plate that we talked about with a big piece of sort of crab in the middle of it some really nice big shrimp and um the oysters the oysters of which you got eight oysters yeah that do not pair with martinis they do just not nine not nine martinis but that that's where you were going and the other cocktails oh my goodness I did I did not listen to my own advice no you didn't but the service in here was to be fair the service was fantastic in all the restaurants speciality and non-sp speciality yes um but in here they were really friendly on they were lovely yeah we had a really good laugh with them we did um and yeah highly recommended yes we enjoyed it very much so so much we went twice well I said hence the fact that we bookended the cruise yeah now to be fair we weren't planning on going in here on the first night it's only because we went to the main dining room and it were absolutely Rams yes so like shall we go up and get Su we were in the queue and we looked at each other and I just said Raw on five and then you just stepped out of the queue and led me away there were no further conversations just like yeah let's go but we give it nine out of 10 and over the two time that we went there it worked out on average at $25 per person I think that's good value for when you consider that's the same price that paided for the burgers for lunch yes it you know it's not bad volume the rooftop garden Grill did we enjoy this one we booked it we did we booked it before we got on there it let us book it yeah absolutely and it would shut the entire cruise and we had to go to get Services didn't we yeah and then they're like oh yeah it's not opening cuz we noticed it had not been opened at any point during it and we had one coming up a couple of days later so we went down there like can we just check it's going to be up and like no so unfortunately we can't review that but that's what it looked like Eden which was $65 ahead yes uh for us um is absolutely fantastic loved it um you can watch our full review it warranted a full review um that's already up on the channel now um and you've got either a tasting menu or the traditional one or they'll makeu up a tasting menu yes which is what we did yeah um which is included within the price and everything about Eden was fantastic loved Eden it was my absolute favorite in fact I'm going to put it up there as one of my absolute favorite specialities at C well right now as we sit here recording it um it is my favorite really restaurant I'd say yeah there's not even one that's close to it at this point it's so good that's not to say there aren't other GR great speciality down in restaurants at see are but everything about this I mean we just talked about the service the service in here was unbelievably good yeah um the cocktails were fantastic you can get them in the Eden Bar you don't have to come here for it but they get a special presentation down here and the food in particular the risotto oh my goodness that risotto oh worth every penny and this is a date night one oh yes um yeah you know you could go in here and easily be in here 3 hours yeah it's not rushed it's not rushed at all in anywhere no you can see that they don't even start they got the kitchen right behind us they weren't even really starting preparing our next dishes and courses until we finished yeah that Roto that Roto oh my goodness me and the lobster and the chicken the steak just fantastic and we give it a 10 out of 10 yes because it is the best restaurant on apex as far as we're concerned yeah we absolutely loved it lovely atmosphere well if you only do one then we'd do Eden oh definitely but if you're going to do two Raw on five oh yes yes yes love a bit of sushi and that brings us to the end of another video well cheers darling cheers thank you for watching and have a lovely day
Channel: Suite Natured
Views: 4,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Apex Speciality Dining Review | Is It Worth Paying More?, is fine dining worth it worth it, Fine Cut Steak House, Eden Restaurant, Raw On 5, Le Grand Bistro, le grand bistro celebrity apex, Eden Celebrity Apex, Celebrity Apex, celebrity cruise line, celebrity cruises, celebrity apex dining, celebrity apex food, celebrity apex, celebrity cruises review, suite natured, la petit chef, Celebrity Dining Guide, Celebrity Apex Dining Guide, celebrity solo traveller
Id: jzVkYUTMW-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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