Celebrity Apex - Practical Tips You NEED To Know | The Stuff Normal Ship Tours Don't Tell You!

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hi it's Lind from sweet natured and this is my practical ship tips on board celebrity Apex as always I'm joined by Mar hello hello who's recording the video so yes practical ship tips let's see what we can [Music] see so from a very windy top deck what was your first tip ones okay so my first one is the retreat adjacent hot tub so the retreat your dress hopped up yeah it's quieter up here oh you're following me so you can come up here and you can see there's some some lounges and there's the hot tub but it's a bit quieter than the other having said that we're now up here and it's actually quite busy yeah but I mean quieter as in Sun lounges as in people and you Retreat adjacent it's a nice quiet area to come yeah on it especially in an evening they tubs are open till 10:00 on the top deck where we are now the two martini glass ones yeah and 11:00 in the salarium yes and at night we've been up here there's just nobody at all up here is there no but there is Staff in the bar and it's fabulous it is so this is what we would recommend for for the hot tubs on board yes should we see if we can find somewh even more windy no so for your next tipin she brought us up to the Magic Carpet I have why so dinner on the magic carpet is very very expensive however lunch on embarcation day is not no so the magic cap it moves up and down um we're on Deck 15 right now yes but most of the time that we've been on the ship it's been on 13 yes um or 14 even next to we don't have a de 13 oh no we don't know do we no so it's been on De 14 do we have to spin around free ties now yeah something like that that'll be fine okay um but yeah on day 14 which is right next to the mased grill yes so you can go grab some lunch in there yeah then go sit on the Magic Carpet yes where there's a bar yeah and it's completely free well it's included it's included within your fair so you get lunch on the carpet at $129 cheaper per person result so we go on to your next tip yes so for your next tip L you brought us outside the salarium yes why it opens at 7 in the morning yes it is full by 8:00 a.m. yeah I I came up here this morning uh about4 7 and by half 7 most of the beds have gone yes by 8:00 people were walking around going how come there's no beds left so what we did is I sent you up um you just threw some swim shorts on got your dressing gown on and I then put the bag together with the headphones all the Necessities for the day so that's what I would suggest just come up and send a reconnaissance person to get you a beds yeah I mean it applies especially if it's the C there which is what we've had today yeah because the Salan especially if it's a little bit cooler outside yeah that'll be where everyone wants to go yes and they will get a bed and they'll keep that bed for the day a lot to yeah yeah I mean we were in there for what 6 7 hours today yeah but we got you know we were in the pool in the hotel we got cocktails we made the most of it we did but you need to get here early if you want to make the most of it definitely on to the next one so next up then you brought us to the back of the ocean view Buffet I have so when you come up to the Ocean View cafe and you will just keep heading back back back to get a seat yeah it gets very busy as you would expect most Buffet on cruise ships do yeah but at the back of it which is where we are now it's very quiet it's very quiet it's also I don't know what magic the weaved but it's it's very sheltered compared to other parts of the outdoor areas so it's fabulous well it is because anyone who's been watching this will have seen your hair getting blown around on the parts of the ship we're still doing this all in that same period of time yeah and yet back here it's just incredibly sheltered it's a really nice quiet place and the best thing about even though you can't tell just there that's where the pizza is pizza and you'll also notice if you do sit further up you in an evening and you see the crew come up they will just walk straight end back they know it's quiet as well they know it's quiet and it's lovely yeah so on to the next one yes next up you brought us to the Eden restaurant I have why please don't attempt to do Eden restaurant and the Eden shore on the same evening yeah we've spoke to a few people who've tried to do that and Rush the meal yeah and the the Eden restaurants a very special restaurant you pay them quite a bit to come to it anyway the shows are on multiple times they repeated yeah come and do the dining yes split as that as that dining experience Eden sort of everything that goes on down here yeah and then come to Eden which is upstairs here for the show at a different time yeah and make sure you come about I would say an hour earlier than when the show you to start if you want the seat cuz it gets very for see the show yes yeah at least an hour I mean very fortunately there's some really comfy chairs a bar with amazing cocktails and it's a good place to hang out anyway so getting here an hour early is not a problem no not at but if you get here sort of 45 minutes before you're not getting a sort of a front row type seat for seeing the show no and if you get here within half an hour you probably won't even see the show proper no so two tips in one double tips this is why we are here on to the next one and for your next tip then she brought us to the theater I have now let's imagine you're in the cocktail bar there's a show at 9 and it's qu to 9 and you think oops so what you need to do is head up to this is deck six no deck five deck five and you want to sort of quue where we are here yes because this is open for the retreat theater guest yeah they have reserved seating if you're in the retreat like like lots of other sweet Cruise Line things um but 5 minutes before the show they open up all those seats that avilable which is lovely every time we've seen it there's been loads aren yes so if you've left it till the last minute and there's no good seating downstairs or where you'd like to come upstairs join the queue and just wait for that to open yes on to the next it so next up lens you brought us to a toilet yeah now this is a weird one because you were like really you need to put this in and I'm like yes so if you nip this is for predominantly for the ladies if you nip to the L there is no obvious stall occupied sign nope so what happens you'll be just sat there minding your own business and then you'll get somebody trying the door which can be a little disconcerting so i' I figured out a system of what it actually is so this where it's like this point to 12 well is that six o'clock or 12:00 that what what have you done we just locked it from the outside but I was going to show you what was open well that was now closed so that looks like a no entry sign in in the UK it does so that means it's locked that is I'm open and available okay and just to be clear we in our bedroom we in our bedroom we had just got into a random to oh no no no no I said we need to do it and we need to do it in our bedroom but the they're the same locks they're the same everywhere yes yeah so just just just so you're aware there's no obvious um signage there's no red and green or anything like that it's up or have a look at it up or no on to the next one yes and for our final tip we're still in our bedroom well yeah this is a final tip because because normally this we do this at the end of the night when we get into bed yeah cuz we're quite nerdy and we're like our stories and we've got the premium internet package and we found that we can stream we can now the reason that we're showing you this isn't just that you can stream but what you will see on the screen here it says streaming supported for Google chomecast now I don't have a Google phone no we have an Apple phone yes so like h well that's not good yeah however as you will see here and I'll just overlay some little pictures of it um you can use your Apple F exactly the same so it streams perfectly we've streamed Disney M Netflix power Mount YouTube yes everything we've tried to stream has worked perfectly so we I know people say oh why do you watch TV when you you're on holiday or on a cruise but to be fair this is like 11 12:00 at night just put to Wi town and just and watch your stories and it's dead simple to do it tells you how to do it you just go to uh tv. celebrity.com on uh your browser on your phone or or your device your laptop whatever you're using put in a code that's there under step two the screen will change as you will see and where you go yeah enjoy it is and that's your final tip for this particular Cruise wow well if I think of anym I'll stick them in somewhere um we'll put them into another video I well we'll mention it in in when we do cuz we've still got another week left yet we do we do so we may come up with more thank you for watching cheers darling cheers L have a drink and have a lovely day well we got to get cocktail SEC yeah I need to get ready yeah
Channel: Suite Natured
Views: 9,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Apex Ship Tour, Celebrity Apex Southampton, Celebrity Apex Tips, Celebrity Apex Tour, Celebrity Apex UK, Celebrity Cruise Line, Celebrity Cruises 2024, Celebrity Edge Class, Cruise Tips, Cruise Tips For Celebrity Apex, Practical Ship Tips For Celebrity Apex, Suite natured, Tips For Celebrity Cruises, celebrity cruises, celebrity cruises review, celebrity cruises room tour, celebrity cruises tips, celebrity edge, infinite veranda
Id: DBlPUnvEhG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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