Celebrity Apex - Is the main dining any good?

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though good evening Navigators this is our new series navigate the plate and on this series we're going to take you around the four restaurants that are included with your cruise Fair on Ming dying so on Celebrity Apex and the edge ships they now break up the main dining into four dining room including Cosmopolitan Tuscan Normandy which where we're going to go tonight and Cypress so tonight like I said we're gonna head to Normandy we're going to show you each of these restaurants has um a menu that's the same so you can get something similar in each restaurant then each restaurant has something unique and we're going to be trying some of those unique dishes as well keep it right there as we navigate the plate around Liberty Apex main dining so as Nate mentioned tonight we're dining in Normandy restaurant it is a French inspired Cuisine and I'm looking forward to it there's uh your New York classic favorite escargos I'm sure we're going to partake there but if you're not as adventurous and a French cuisine isn't up to your likings there's things like salmon and chicken and other other delicious dish options the sommelier of Normandy restaurant stopped on by to ask if we'd like to partake in a glass of wine or a drink so we placed our orders and that's one of the things I really love about Celebrity Cruises so if you are into wines or cocktails there is something for everyone anyways we've just got our drinks looking over the heat menu I'm not quite sure what do I get I think I am definitely going to go with the escargot because I love it but it's not that's not one of the Specialties at Normandy but I might also order the baked Brie just so I can try that um and I don't know kind of torn between the duck breast and the beef tenderloin has this delicious Martini here that our sommelier brought over to us and then he got to listen to a long story about Jerry Lewis and a bottle of Pope but I'll share that for another down oh that's a good Mark Amy finishing up my Martini in the sommelier came back uh and asked me what type of wine I wanted to have with dinner but the nice thing about a sommelier is they're wine experts so what you can do instead of you trying to figure out what type of wine you should get with what boot I simply told the gentleman hey I'm having the Ducks tonight what do you recommend he said oh I'd go with the lighter red I said fantastic just pick whatever you think is the best option to go with the duck and again uh great reason to feel when you actually have the premium beverage package as well it opens up a lot more flexibility there so if you really like a food and wine person why you want to get that premium beverage package just so you'll have a whole variety of different wines and other beverages to this problem how are the escargot oh delicious they're like exactly what you always want like the garlicky butter goodness we've got a little extra bread because I'm gonna have to dip in these little crevices here and pick up some of the garlic butter it's fantastic Nate and I decided to go with a second appetizer course tonight so I'm doing the shrimp cocktail and as you saw Nate is doing the re I think with Apple so obviously a exclusive appetizer with Normandy well I have to say debris first of all I love green and this spray has comes with like a little Walnut little app a little bit of conditioning like a filo dough type of thing it's like I do that but it's just literally a nice melted or baked brie is absolutely delicious Navigators this looks amazed I asked for a medium it's definitely cooked medium perfectly done it is the tenderloin and fruits I believe is how you pronounce it basically a flaky puff pastry surrounding the slice of beef tenderloin nice little gravy and some vegetables looks amazing and I have the duck and it looks perfectly seared so some nice sauces with it and some few vegetables but it looks really really really nice so we're going to dig in here and we'll tell you afterwards how it was my beef tenderloin is fantastic I love that they have like a little medley of root vegetables so like beets and carrots nothing is like overdone not mushy like everything is very fresh the gravy is light sometimes it can be very salty I feel gravies and I tend to like steer away from them but it's fantastic and I got the doctor I have to say the duck from a temperature standpoint is really good this wish the skin was a little bit for a spear and that's kind of a personal preference so I think if you order the duck you may just want to ask to have this skin just extra crispy because I know many people like myself really enjoy that but other than that um agree with Pauline the sauces are great they're not overwhelming again just some nice root vegetables after the carrots and I think some parsnips as well too so overall a great meal so we're gonna enjoy this and then we're gonna do I think we're gonna do dessert tonight we're doing dessert tonight of course we're doing dessert all right we're doing desserts tonight so keep it right there so we are wrapping up our dinner at Normandy tonight with a little opera cake again they copied me we're both getting the same dessert but it looks amazing and it is the Normandy exclusive dessert Sam you do have good taste in desserts and in pots and men so thanks for tuning in Navigators stay tuned for our next restaurant good evening Navigators tonight we're bringing you to Cyprus as you can tell tonight is Chic night so very excited to take you along this is a Mediterranean restaurant and one of the four complimentary restaurants aboard celebrity Apex trees they have Cypress cocktails which is Old World old fashioned and in GNC Breeze and just men as in Mediterranean so I ordered the old-fashioned we will see how that tastes followed by classic Caesar salad for a starter and then for the recommendation of the waiter I think I'm going to try the lamb T-Bone with a lobster tail which is actually a separate entree so we said that we can do a combination of the lobster tail with the lamb T-Bone so excited to see how this tastes I'm going to start with the grilled octopus tonight that's on the special menu also on the special menu to my whole tree if you do the short ribs so yeah and you see how that all comes out Navigators here's our cheers to you the old world old-fashioned I'd highly recommend it in Cypress restaurant can probably get something similar anywhere on the ship but this is very good off the foot um it's not something I would normally order but but I'm ordering for all of you because oh first of all one of the things about octopus is it shouldn't be chewy well if it's t-shirt lady went right through this song I'm ready to Pride best octopus ever yeah exactly it's really nice and soft not chilly at all it's definitely gonna need a fire taste so I would say um maybe order something else another appetizer if not the never had octopus may not like it but um for me someone that likes octopus very good all right so my initial take and granted this could be just a really busy night it is Chic night and folks probably want to get dressed up and go into the dining rooms but it really does feel more like a main dining room that you're used to on like Royal Caribbean where it's just a little bit chaotic folks are running around we really actually had to kind of beg the sommelier to come over which has been very unlike all of our other main dining room experiences tonight or this week so um it's just it's been an interesting experience food's fantastic it just feels a little bit more rushed than normal so I have these short rib very nice Holly ordered a lobster tail and what do you know they're called it is a Tebow lamb like a nice long Bon Appetit Bon Appetit what do you think so far it's very good I'll be honest I wasn't sure I'm not a huge lamb fan sometimes I feel like it's a little bit gamey it's actually very good and the um the chef had recommended medium medium rare so it's nicely cooked so I do have the side of the lobster tail if uh if I want to pass portion of this off the Nate and then the um this is really good it's very tender so what did you think of your overall meal I would probably give it a six out of 10. if I had to give it on a scale of one to ten reading I think the lobster unfortunately was over it was like chewy and basically they ruined the main lobster tail which is very sad as a former New Englander it was like sacrilegious to have it overcook I would say the lamb was good felt like steak um you know the accoutrements that went along with it some of the like roasted vegetables were very nice you know overall it was good yeah I would say the same for mine I mean as you can see I really enjoyed it but tonight was just odd I just feel like everything was like really really really rushed how long were we in here for I feel like 45 minutes which is not how we typically die it just felt very chaotic I don't know what's going on or if this is just normal of Cypress yeah just kind of hunting down the sommelier it was it was an interesting evening well um I guess we'll just wait around and see about getting some dessert well um as you can see we uh on the outside of Cyprus now we skip dessert it's a pass I don't know what was going on there tonight but it was like chaotic just didn't seem to like it needs to be chaotic it wasn't like every table was full like constantly having to hunt down the sommelier it's just beer it's just that so again that's why I mean there's four there's four restaurants here so you can try all four and find your favorite one um but you know again just just I don't want to say it was bad but it was just was an odd experience to see anything so anyways uh we're now gonna head on to our next restaurant so keep it right there good evening Navigator tonight we're dining in Tuscan they're very excited to have a little bit of Italian cuisine um the seating area that they gave Nate and I is perfect we're kind of tucked away minimal weight of technically we have an 8 PM reservation but we arrive around 7 30. they seated us within 30 seconds I would say I would be ordering exclusively off the Tuscan exclusive site I'm going to start off with the green Tuscan rep stew and then I'm gonna do the arbor Nara today so I'm like made I'm actually gonna sell latch off of the classic a little bit let's start with the classic Caesar salad you can't go wrong with the Caesar salad but for my main entree I am going to select off of the exclusive Tuscan menu part of my pronunciation but the arbor Deli I'm excited to try it so wait to see although it's so Pauline what's the verdict will get teaser delicious it feels like homemade dressing tastes amazing very very good fresh crunchy can't go wrong I've got the shrimp soup which is the exclusive to Tuscan fair oh my God it was so good like like an appetizer but something about this just amazes it like I don't even know what I'm going to compare it to it's just fantastic so definitely you have to get the uh the shrimp tool all right what do you think it looks amazing so and kind of weird I don't like olives for some reason so I asked for new olives I received no Olive of the fabernara which is you know pasta it has a nice egg yeah like the egg is usually poached so we're saved only overcut but that's up looking for absolutely amazing so we're gonna enjoy our meals right now and then uh I guess at some point they'll bring us a dessert menu starting to already get oh very full on these wonderful bread that they brought so Navigators were wrapping up with the classic ala mode it looks amazing all right Navigators tonight we are at toss and Paulson again one of the four main diagrams here on Celebrity Apex this is a globally inspired American Cuisine which just sounds like a bit of a oxymorons not quite sure what that means but we're gonna go find out so keep it right there as we head on in to Cosmopolitan all right so one of the funny things about the Cosmopolitan Restaurant is there is no there's no osmo you feel about that that's horror so what are you thinking about um I don't know you can see like nothing's catching my eye but nothing's really catching my eyes thinking maybe the black pod but I'm not a huge fan of like kind of everything else like quinoa I started to feel like it's a mashed potatoes honestly I make it with just the Classic entree of a salmon dish how about yourself so I'm not sure what I want to give either that's the thing I feel like the Cosmopolitan exclusives heart really like jumping out of me so I may try the salmon grab locks for an appetizer just for all um all of you at home but I'm still gonna get the yes part go as well um did everybody try the oxtail way out let's see how that you're a brave individual I know I'm not doing it I'm doing it all for you on my next Apex joining I'm just gonna get whatever I want but for the series I'm gonna get some stuff off the Cosmopolitan exclusives [Music] so I have the salmon um let me see I think it's like a smoked salmon there actually let's quite delightful very light and refreshing I'm hoping it is and Colin you got what do you get I went with cream of broccoli soup and I'll be honest I'm not a huge soup person but I felt like something like that tonight would be good um so this is my first stupid Etsy my name's Colleen my name is Colleen and this is my first soup at Sea so what do you think what does broccoli soup taste like like broccoli is that a good thing like like pureed but it's broccoli um isn't it I actually do like broccoli so wait are we actually are we actually doing any and navigate the play episode of resistant ag-1 advertised it kind of looks like EG one it's good though it's good and it's warm as kind of I was just feeling a little bit chilled today so I think it's good it's hitting a spot this is good um very small so if you're looking for a huge appetizer this is not it but it's a very nice like kind of smoked salmon more like a lox because it's a little bit thicker it's like a little spicy kind of cheese sauce around it and then they have some um salmon bro which is basically like caviar uh on top so very nice overall very refreshing I would actually recommend it but uh my money like we did get a couple appetizers because it is very very small I have the oxtail here we have probably the second and then calling what did you end up throwing away I work for the broiled salmon with the Hollandaise sauce a little mash and some side of vegetables so exactly what I was failing like for this evening it's fantastic I'll be quite honest it's cooked perfectly sometimes salmon can be overcooked and dried out and a little side of the Hollandaise sauce not necessarily poured all over your dish so if you're not a fan of it you can kind of dip in vegetables potatoes spot on yeah obviously pear my uh the octailed very good very rich flavorful it has this nice little puree over here very very yummy very much enjoying all right so for dessert the Cosmopolitan exclusive carrot cake candy Walnut crunch carrot sauce and brown butter caramel sauce I am going to go with a carrot cake carrot cake okay with the exclusive yes the Cosmopolitan exclusive all right what do you think of that carrot cake they're calling I would say it's actually pretty stunning it's a very nice looking it's just just a little bit of like Decor on the top it's beautiful also and I have the classic cheesecake which I've had a lot of cheesecakes in my life so I will have to tell you how this Stacks up against those shinsuke this might be the best carrot cake I've ever eaten in my entire life it's funny because you don't eat many carrot cake I don't but my father was a fan of it so growing up there was always like a special occasion that brought in carrot cake and that nice like cream cheese frosting so good and that's with this resembles very good and the cheesecake is that's fine it's a little better than the light fluffy side I like the kind of thicker more kind of like Tangy cheesecakes but you know if you have this you won't leave this one all right Navigators thanks so much for tuning in to our first ever navigate the plate series we hope you enjoyed on Celebrity Apex now is the big stack ranking of the four dining rooms on Celebrity Apex dining Nate and I will each have our own four and let's see how we uh we compare you have the same four I don't know let's see okay so what's your least favorite site breath start this same for me next in line of favorite well second third place yes third place oh third place um I'm gonna go with um Tuscany yes Tuscan I agree as far as Tuscan Tuscan restaurant I agree all right and then second place I will put Cosmopolitan and I agree and then first place was Normandy by far the best meal uh the best main dining room experience but it was you know it's a culmination of everything so first of all outside of um Cyprus which we had a very weird experience yeah had um the service was great everywhere yeah the food and everywhere except for Cyprus was great too I mean the food was okay and Cyprus is just weird again um but Normandy was the best the best food the best service office Ambience we're all experience I feel like we did not feel rushed and um you know I think it's worthy of number one in maiba yeah so if you're on any of the celebrity Edge ships we encourage you to try out all four restaurants comment down below which is your favorite main dining room uh restaurant here on the celebrity Apex or any other Edge ships so other than that I think that's it for us so we'll see you later Navigators and remember that'll be your world [Music]
Channel: Navigate With Colleen And Nate
Views: 15,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity cruises, celebrity apex, celebrity edge, cruise holiday, cruise vacation, Eden, eating options on celebrity apex, Eden on celebrity apex, accessible vacations, accessible holiday, celbrity apex, main dining room, MDR, is the MDR good on celebrity?
Id: tws0sLzol0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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