Celebrity Apex Eden Review | The BEST Speciality Dining At Sea?

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hi this is Lind from sweet natured and this is our review of the Eden specialty restaurant on board celebrity Apex and whether it was worth $65 per person as long as I'm jum Mary hello hello who put the video together and this is my first time watching so let's see what we can [Music] see as you said Lin today we're taking a look and review at apex's best speciality dining so there's no messing around on it it is its best specialty dining that that we feel Yeah in our opinion obviously but is it worth $65 per person which is what we paid because we booked it in advance online online if you book it on the trip it's a little bit more expensive o so we're saying what we paid and was it worth it for us yeah and I thought I just starts off with just a little tour around the restaurant so people can get an idea of scale M because it's not a huge restaurant no it feels big for some reason I think it feels big because it's in the overall Eden space where you've got the Park Cafe you've got the bar it's where they put on the Eden entertainment so that whole Space feels big but the restaurant you come down to the lower floor of the three floors that it's on yeah and as you can see you've got the sh kitchen but there's not that many tables no I suppose no there isn't no and when you look at the quality of the food which we're going to get on to in a minute it's easier to why they don't have hundreds of tables in there no but before we get on to the dining would you like to invite people to subscribe oh it would be lovely if you could please subscribe and always thank you if you already have done and of course you can follow along on our other social media and visit our website sweet nature.com and if you'd like to support the channel even more then click the join button have a look at the trailer on there and see if that's for you thank you on to the meal oh as you can see it looks a little bit different when you come down here at night yes a lot more romantic and they dim the lights as the night goes on yes they do which i' not remembered properly until I was editing it and I'm like why is it suddenly looking darker at the end of my videos oh yeah I remember the dimm the lights so you from a menu perspective yes you've got two real menus you've got the one where you got the which we're looking at now uh the appetizers and the Entre desserts is separate uh or you got a tasting menu oh this was price which you can add the wine pairing on and I think at the time that we went on it was $120 to do that which but because we had our drinks package and we wanted to try the cocktails anyway yeah we didn't bother with that but what our waitress said is don't worry about the tasting menu we can make one for you yeah so we didn't just pick one starter or one main car she's like right this is good this is good H she talked us through it and we're absolutely fantastic wasn't she I think she was called Bellon yes she was now the velt I had that you did uh and I had one called forbidden oh yes now these weren't covered by our drinks package no well they were mostly but we had to pay the difference mine was a dollar more yours was $3 more I think and need to pay the difference yes some lovely bread it was okay it was okay it it was less it was lower than Veranda on card but above others oh now the amus B amus we were amused by the B it were very tasty yeah um obviously that changes every day the cocktails are very special in there they're not like on the rest of the ship you can't get them anywhere else no um as you see they come specially presented I loved it I really loved it the thing is they are kind of shown that way upstairs in the cocktail bar but they're not serve this way upstairs but they are down here yeah which is a bit strange isn't it yeah we we ordered some of the speciality cocktails upstairs and they came in normal glasses not as presented which I'm a bit disappointed at but down here you get the full experience plus they make them at their own bar down there and that was my forbidden one oh look how cute that is it's meant to be an apple I had a couple of them it was very very tasty and it's well worth paying that little bit extra they're not je cocktails but no no so appetizers she brought us three different appetizers over we talked to them through with her yeah we we started off with the shrimp in the middle for the tee table yes for well all of them were for the table it's like but she did say if you want more of them not problem you can have as many as you want so for me this is the way I do it not the tasting menu unless you're a big fan of the wine pairing um but if you on the drinks package you can get lots of glasses of wine anywhere yeah and save a little bit of money oh my roto you like this Roto don't oh my goodness me oh God is that the best Roto you've ever had oh yes yes I me look at you say that it's amazing just smother me in it honestly you just kept going back to it and this crab cake is the best crab cake I've ever had anywhere it was like 99% crab it was the crust of it on the outside was not crab everything else in it was crab and all of the stars you would have had any one of those starters and said it were fantastic oh the rotto but the rotto was even higher we had heard it were good before yes but we'd go back to this restaurant just to have the risotto I think I'd have a risotto as an appetizer and a and and an extra rotto something a side of rotto or maybe have like the rib and that on the side and put oh yes the lobster casserole oh is we on the main course is yeah yeah were delicious the chicken was massive yeah um we we got the lobster one kind of to share yeah and I had the chicken and you had the um it was kind of their take on a beef wellington but it was a phet and then a short rib Wellington so the short rib was in that sausage roll looking thing do you know what I'd have on that next time what rotto Roto I think that with a side of risotto oh but a side portion size maybe it everything in this restaurant is absolutely fantastic delicious as you will have gathered and we we didn't beat around the bush at the start going is it good is it not it's absolutely amazing and if you're going on Celebrity um any of the Edge class ships obviously Apex in particular then you really do need to go in there if you are remotely interested in food yeah because we like a date night restaurant but this is the perfect date night restaurant we were too into the food the food was the thing I was into you I to I I were looking more at the show kitchen if I'm honest look at what we're making now you can see cuz you had your back to it and I but I I had you to look at darling and the Roto and the windows cuz you got a stunning view out the back over the work yeah your dessert which was your yours was called strawberry dessert mhm uh that was its name mine was the lemon toat which was lovely as well but that were absolutely delicious I can't express how good that sort of mousy ice cream was it was nice it was nice it was good it was good I was I mean but everything was set up from the result St yeah and to be fair we could have gone back there again well we couldn't cuz it were full but I would have gone back there again and we could have had a completely different meal from everything that we had there there is that big a menu that we we were kind of done at this point we were pretty full also the testing menu is seven courses with two courses in each element good grief so it's just huge you can tell the confidence when they give you a survey at the end of it uh yeah Bell and yeah uh and it was our best cruise din experience ever we have talked about it before it is absolutely amazing it is expensive but in our opinion it's well if you're going to do any of the specialities that's the one and we give it a 10 yeah you know there's no beating around the bush B I debated in a semi- jokingly way giving it an 11 oh but then I'm like no don't make a mockery of the system Dar which is why I didn't uh but it really is a 10 plus restaurant and it is a perfect day at night one and if you said we're only going to do that one that's the one yes end of another video l oh my goodness well I totally agree darling thank you for watching Hope we've helped and have a lovely day cheers
Channel: Suite Natured
Views: 4,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Apex Eden Review, Eden Restaurant, Eden Speciality Dining, Edge Class Speciality Dining, Best Dining At Sea, Best Speciality Restaurant, Is Eden Worth It, Is Celebrity's Eden Worth It?, Is Eden Worth $65?, Celebrity Apex Dining, Celebrity Apex Restaurants, Speciality Dining On Celebrity Apex, Celebrity Ascent, Celebrity Beyond, Dining On Celebrity Ascent, Dining On Celebrity Beyond, Dining On Celebrity Edge, Cruise, celebrity cruises, celebrity apex, celebrity edge
Id: zPRcGrLB9Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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