We REVIEW our Celebrity Edge Dining EXPERIENCE

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we took our very first cruise on Celebrity Edge there are a lot of dining options available on this ship and today we're going to show you what options are available on the ship as well as reviewing our own experiences on board so let's start with the venues that are included in your cruise fa shall we do a ranking system I'm up for that shall we do stars no I'm thinking eggs okay eggs is let's start with the Ocean View cafe buffet we thought this is by far one of the best buffets that we've experienced iced not just because of the layout and its decor and the very easy navigation but the food was mindblowing there was so many options there wasn't there there like Panini stations in the morning they have like a poached egg station we get like poached eggs eggs benedict you had the taco station at lunchtime with nachos nachos that you can make yourself so you could add on the right toppings for yourself they had a salad station they had a pasta station as well station pretty much any station you can think the way it was laid out in there was just so fantastic cuz you didn't feel you getting in people's way so spacious between the room between the station it was well laid out so people flowed around quite well buffet was so pretty actually it could have probably got away being like one of the restaurants we utiliz the back of the buffet outside as well which was always very quiet we always got a seat and there was always seat available in the buffet to be fair like we never struggled to find a seat even on a SE day so how many eggs do you want to give it Nathan it's hard to find fault with the Ocean View cafe so we have to give it five eggs AG that's head EGS now cuz we've have done five or is that a collective five I think it's five a collective five a collective five not double five next up we have the Mast Grill which was one of the included restaurants it was by the pool side you got lovely ocean views there only ate there once but we were very impressed with the quality of food that we had I had a tury burger and Amy had a turkey burger you know a turkey burger be Burger I had a be burger with some cheese with some cheese and some caroled onions which he loves as you'll see from Vlogs if you haven't seen it why haven't you the quality of the burger was really nice actually so tasty I think the fact that we only had a burger once on the entire cruise is actually very telling if we've been on a cruise where we eat a lot of burger and chips and hot dogs and stuff from the grills it tends to be because there wasn't as much option in the buffet that we kind of like I don't think I've ever been on a cruise where I've only had one Burger before so that's quite impressive yeah it was really impressive how many eggs do we give the last Grill even though we used it once bear in mind say four I'll give it a good four yeah good four yeah I mean if we' eaten there a bit more maybe ITA could have got more yeah just because we hadn't really tried all of the food but the actual quality of it was good but yeah a strong four a strong four eggs for the M Grill also had the spa Cafe Nathan got a lot of our fruit from here Yum Yum Yum they had a variety of healthy options which was great such as quinoa salads they had like a club sandwich a l of brown breads I Ted to try that club sandwich every day but I never actually got around to trying [Music] it it closed by the time we were going to eat cuz we always eat quite late on a cruise don't we one day I will get you club sandwich sandwich no eggs here because we didn't try it oh oh we could ratee the fruit that was fruit though isn't it I could three stars I guess three stars no not three stars they also had the cafe in Eden the Eden calf is inside Eden really yeah I thought it was in inside the pool who's this the Eden Cafe is inside Eden who to than it I'm am opening hour was there it was normally closed by about 1:00 we don't usually eat lunch that early normally on a cruise saw the menu it had quite a lot of options on there so no eggs here no eggs in Eden y so let's move on to the main dining rooms there were four overall and each main dining room had the same menu however each individual dining room had a theme with a separate menu that was only exclusive to that venue let's go through them the first one is the Cosmopolitan the what sorry the Cosmopolitan is that right Cosmopolitan um restaurant which is the American themed restaurant I really enjoyed it in there the food quality was lovely I really like the cosmos Pon again the day was lovely the think the dining rooms were a little bit dark on this Cruise the main dining rooms it did feel like you were kind of squinting a little bit as you kind of eight yeah yeah yeah what would you rate the cosmop poan I would give it 4 and A2 eggs a chick coming up with this yeah yeah half born chick the second was Tuscan which was the Italian fiend restaurant we love a bit of Italian we went to the tuskan I think on the Thurs night actually didn't we the tus restaurant yeah the food was lovely in there and you L for Italian as do I I'd say 4 and a half again yeah four and a half again the menu was lovely the exclusive menu was lovely next was the Cypress restaurant which was the Mediterranean themed restaurant I enjoyed it it was very good I would say it wasn't as strong as the other dining rooms for me yeah the Cypress one again the menu you couldn't F the menu the food was lovely oh I'd say for me I probably didn't enjoy the food I mean it was still lovely but as much as the other restaurants so for I think just a little bit further down just make it four eggs make this one four eggs it's not quite four and a half eggs final main dining room of the four was the nandy restaurant this as you can guess from my dodgy accent was the French themed restaurant on board we actually ate here twice during our week on board Edge 5,000 eggs Amy you you can't do 5,000 eggs the maximum is five eggs the food was so nice three starter you had alone like that was so good I mean Amy had that both times because she loved it so much I was obsessed and I had the same pudding that twice it so tasty consider how scared she was to try it for the first time and then she actually end up order it again later in the week voluntarily if you watch any of our Vlogs then you can see that I try to attempt to try something I haven't eaten before each time so how many eggs are we going to get I know the answer here 5,000 we've already ascertained you can only have maximum of five eggs five eggs one minor thing we had to wait around 30 minutes each night for our table to be ready no matter which restaurant we were in so we're just going to go over the included venues that we didn't dying at because we're peasants first one was alumini at the retreat included for retreat guests only do you think they let you in because she looks so good I don't think they will cuz we're too poor damn there's also the Blue restaurant which was for aqua class guests only again not for us peasants we did bump into some um people didn't we NRA Jane they were Aqua class guests and they got to D at Blue every night and they said it was lovely yeah they were really really impressed it was really pretty in there actually it was obviously all blue decor for it was absolutely stunning lovely ocean views there as well I would have loved to gone into that one there's also quite a few specialist restaurants available that you could book for an extra charge so let's start with the one we went to for my birthday which if you didn't realize from not watching our Vlogs it was actually my birthday on this Cruise it's my birath day right it's my birthday today okay so you have to do whatever I want cuz it's my bath day we dined for my birthday at the fine cut Steakhouse now we pre-booked this before we got on board I booked on the planner online for a little bit of a discount it cost for two of us £3 and 28 it was quite expensive it was very pricey the food was really tasty quite impressed with quality the quality was the food was gorgeous it was lovely food I do think it was probably overpriced yeah I mean you when you compare it I think to like Surf and Turf on Mel butcher cut on msse we'd love to know what line you think has the best food let us know in the comments I think the stakes on those two lines were better and they were cheaper so paying that kind of money I was expected it to be mind-blowing and it to be oh my God this is the best Ste I've ever had and go home and dream about it lovely meal you couldn't again you couldn't F the food that was great the start of the main was lovely playing that amount of money like almost 115 quid for two people you got these high expectations for it and when it's kind of like doesn't reach quite that high maybe feels like a little bit of a let down compared to other restaurant like we said how many eggs I think you have to get four eggs oh yeah cuz it was good it was slightly over priced we thought for what it was and it's not our favorite steak at Sea no if you're wondering who these two random people on your screen are um I'm Amy and this is Nathan and together we are Nami does cruising we're absolutely crazy about cruising and on this channel we share our cruising Adventures through Vlog and experience videos so if you as crazy about cruising as we are I think you should consider subscribing and press that like button if this is something that you like it's free it won't cost you anything if you do it our children won't be ashamed of us we'll always be ashamed so now we're going to go over a few of the restaurants that we didn't dine at no eggs ranking but just so that you know what is there for an option there's a restaurant called Raw on five which served seafood and Sushi we love our Sushi don't we know we do like sushi it was charged alak cart here yeah so you paid per item again it wasn't the cheapest of menus if it been a little cheaper we might have gone for it but again we're comparing it to like the British line Mel you know we had a lovely several course meal in there and it was like 10 or1 let us know in the comments below what your favorite dining venue on a ship is whether that be on Celebrity or another line included or specialty we'd love to know what you think there was also the Magic Carpet restaurant available for an extra charge obviously I don't think we recall seeing this open as a restaurant for our entire cruise unless we're just oblivious un but it was very pricey when I was checking out the prices and the planner before the cruise it was I'm pretty sure it was about100 per person for this meal there's also the rooftop garden Grill we like the rooftop garden didn't we we love the rooftop garden so it was just behind the rooftop garden there was a little Grill and they did Grill stuff really it's kind of in the title actually it was one that we were really considering quite reasonable this one actually in terms of price I think it was about between 20 and $30 per person which wasn't too bad but the only availability he had was either ridiculously early or ridiculously late but it's a shame cuz I think it was been really nice here cuz it was sitting our Fresco and we loved the rooftop garden we love the vibe in there and we had gorgeous weather all week so it would have been a nice opportunity to go there another one we didn't eat at was the Eden restaurant which was inside Eden yeah but this one it was down down the boss level wasn't it in Eden describes itself as earthy online I'm not sure what that means maybe soil soil bit of mud on your table there you are under quii pleas mate there was also L Grand vro this was only open for lunch we didn't dine here at all did we either again I think it was about between 20 and $30 for a lunch here I imagine it would have been French cuisine this also transforms into Leti Chef for the evening where we did dine in the petty shf there was two menus that you could pick from and it was a five Co meal four Co SM in Le petti shf you have a little person on your plate running around making your food for you and it's all predicted onto your plate notice Little Footsteps in my D are your supervisor please very similar to the fine cut restaurant we did think this is quite expensive it was a really lovely experience I would say that we would do it once but we probably wouldn't do it again I pre-booked it on the planner for £104 and 56p for two of us which just over £50 a person for a full course meal isn't too bad and it was great quality food like we cleared our plates was still really good however I wouldn't I definitely wouldn't do it again yeah so how many eggs would we rank Le petti shf I would give it a three yeah solid three the food was good however I don't feel like it was any better than the buffet I actually preferred the food in Normandy for the extra charge again I wasn't W I think it's again it's overpriced for what it is I think but it's worth a try if you you haven't done it before why not give it a go and see what you think so overall our experience on Celebrity food wise was absolutely brilliant we 100% recommend it E I would say foodwise it's probably one of our best cruises thanks so much for watching today if you enjoyed this video please consider giving it a thumbs up as that really helps us and give us a little cheeky subscribe as well if you want to you know you want to honestly when it comes to food we're not really Foodies we're just two regular people who like good food however where we tend to be a little bit more fussy is the entertainment because that's our background so if you're interested in our experience on the entertainment this video is going to be perfect one to go to [Music] next
Channel: Namy Does Cruising
Views: 4,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LePetitChef, CelebrityCruises, CelebrityEdge, EdgeCruiseShip, 3DDiningExperience, FoodReview, BuffetOnboard, RestaurantGuide, WhereToEat, CruiseShipLife, TravelDiary, CulinaryAdventure, WorldsSmallestChef, LePetitChefReview, NamyDoesCruising
Id: mm0qC6wTFRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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