Celebrities talk about Meryl Streep 5

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who is somebody who can name that you were surprised as a fan they went you really you're a fan look Mel Street gave me a big hug the other night I mean it was we're at a Mike Nichols thing so it was a sad affair but just Meryl Streep knowing who I was was kind of cool I really see that doesn't surprise me that was like yell Street oh yeah a friend of mine introduced us and I was like wow Meryl Streep gave me a hug like wow come on who's better in real street yeah nobody's better most yeah it's pretty funny you know she's something that got funnier she got older she's was raised pretty funny she's like you know all the great actors can are funny too she can be hysterical and sexier as she's gotten older oh it always attractive but like that like oh uh Meryl Streep how do we not bring her Meryl Streep yeah has she been on she's a brand new she hasn't been on our show yet she's a brand new actress she'll get around to it okay she's uh how was she in person she's uh you know she's everything that you want her to be she's obviously you know Meryl Streep and mega-talented yeah the important thing for me is that when we you know we recorded all of our stuff before we went out and then shot it so it was all pre-recorded muscles Rob Marshall's ready to Chicago and he's a doesn't fool around this is not does not mess around no no so I was called in to record my I have two songs that I was were called in to record one and there's Disney executives of Rob and the choreographer the musical director the sound engineer and it's this huge your rhetoric yeah and Merrill's on the you know she's on the little seat and she's drinking her Pinot Grigio and on her blackberry where she could do that yeah that's what you do in your Meryl Streep yeah yeah and I've been Mike outside practicing rehearsing my mom I bet and um and probably sweating and you know and all sorts of fun stuff in heart palpitations and Rob says just hold on one second that we just want to play back what Merrill's done we're just kind of compiling everything and they press play and like within three bars every grown man is sobbing just how kind of off in their own world like wow that's amazing yeah that's gonna do something hardtop anyway was the funniest or most memorable moment on set other than working with this guy day two we were rehearsing in this mock-up bakery the witch's entrance into the bakery and the witch's wrap and and Merrill's doing the same she's got the stretcher this little rehearsal dress on us can't you use like a star like a big walking stick thing and we're just playing around with it and she's doing you know the green screen nothing and she's jumping all over she's like she's she she's leaping on staff and jumping up on things coming up and getting in your place and also there's this and him and she leaps up onto the table day 2 11 a.m. leaps vaults if you will on to this table catches her shoe in the dress and starts to fall back head the tables this high fall back headfirst towards this stone floor and time slowed down and I thought I'm about to watch Meryl Streep die it's happening I wish I could say I didn't consider my own career in this I think this films going to go down Rob Marshall freezes and he's going oh my god Meryl Streep is going to die and the person who stepped in and saved her life that day was the not the two men in the room was the pregnant woman leaps forward catches no streamium robber just like yeah I never I never forgot it really and I would an everyday I would look and think she gonna she gonna really keep going for it at this level and she really did and it's you know it's the first day where we have to kind of shop our wares and sing in front of everybody in and I mean so I was just I was not breathing nervous yeah yeah yeah who are you most nervous about singing Streep on a horse okay piano yeah and but she's such a lovely she's such a lovely person because she understands the her effect on a room she knows that she's Meryl effing straight yeah that she she holds some some weight and so what does she do - well for in this case you know we we all kind of wheat the the read-through started and she was the first one to screw up she yes she's not right she's the work she is yeah veteran acting is it so she's the first one to kind of screw up but what and I remember talking to some of the other cast because once that happened obviously everybody kind of relaxes a breeze and we can do our thing because it's like the Meryl Streep is if she can screw up then we all can yeah I guess not one of kind of allowing the rest of us to know that it's okay to do that you think she did it on purpose I that I mean I think so I think I'd like to believe look at the Meryl Streep for God's she's so amazing it's annoying at this you were like I know one with her in the The Devil Wears they're probably tormenting me in that and now she's tormenting me in this movie she's the witch that has cast his horrible spell on our house right so I just said this is it we couldn't have any other dynamic no no you just have to hate me but you but you saved her life on the setup of me that's why that's why I think it's some point I should play the queen of Versailles and she could be my lowly dress maker as you mentioned mention that to her I did mention it to her I did I actually I know well I think it's a great idea and I mentioned it to her and her response was dream on dream on Meryl Streep so uh but I did save her life yes I was in this this movie the production of this yes we were rehearsing a scene where she's playing the Witch and she's supposed to jump on at the table with a cape and everything and I just saw this thing happen in slow motion you know when you see something awful happens it's like the sound cuts out I was like you know Meryl Streep's foot got caught in her cape and we just started to watch her slowly topple headfirst towards the concrete floor Rob Marshall and James Corden froze didn't move and the pregnant woman caught her you actually caught her eye contact Wow so she owes me she should play my lowly dressmaker she owes me big time no I'm sure it was scary at the time but now in retelling have we enhanced it a bit or was it was it wasn't that close to real danger I mean would she have been injured I could have been injured yet I don't think she would have died cuz that just she's not supposed to ever die no yeah was there any thought on the set I just let her go I could play the witch yeah I did it went through my head I'm watching Meryl Streep because she's the best in the world why is she the best what does she do that others don't do you're great actress I I don't give up my identity ever she knows you're always shade no matter what you're in on some level yeah she has told me she not only gives up her identity but she needs to isn't that a wonderful thing to know about yourself yeah needs to be this other person a couple times a year isn't that what I things all about though Larry I don't know what acting is all about I don't know how to act I don't know how I do it I don't how I what do you mean you just do it yeah that's really so I have no idea I read the script that's it I don't study I don't do research I don't go into all that you don't think about what is this person like when she was 12 years old Oh funny - I just think I can remember what I was like how do I know better but my my my sense of being a dancer I need to know how she sits and how she walks across a room I need to know that and once I figure that out I work I think from the outside you worked with Meryl Streep how about the fact that it's been my dream to work with Meryl Streep were finally in the same movie and we don't have one scene together she's in this she's in this not one scene and she started there were like three days maybe three days once I finished filming that she was then filming and we weren't even in the same state so when I wrapped I left I couldn't even be a fly on the wall to get the you met her I've met her just through various things over the years and in being in the same business but where were you shooting we were shooting in New Mexico and she did her part in Georgia I talked to Shirley MacLaine recently she said Meryl Streep is the only actress she knows that totally becomes the person she plays there's nothing Meryl Streep in each character I would convert every actress puts a little of herself in something except her yeah although I think in hearing interviews of her she said there is a part of her in every character there just I think has to be parts of you make it disappear more well I think that there's there's characteristics in everybody in general that we'll find in each other but yes I mean she definitely I think inhibits them in a way that no other can your daughter Genesis right Genesis four years old yes and she loves Meryl she does because she's seen into the woods 12 times Wow 12 times and she sings in the car she says it's the last midnight oh I love Mel asleep I love her and I said well you don't Genesis Meryl told me to give you a message she says that she's a good witch she really is not a bad witch she said mommy she's not good she's not nice she's just right horrible oh my god no just
Channel: Vanessa Teixeira
Views: 272,077
Rating: 4.8093925 out of 5
Keywords: Meryl Streep, Chris Rock, Shirley MacLaine (Film Actor), Hilary Swank (Celebrity), Emily Blunt (Celebrity), Viola Davis (Film Actor), James Corden (TV Writer), Chris Pine (TV Actor)
Id: z_ntalbs5dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
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