Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway and Stanley Tucci on The View (06/30/2006)

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a year's product was coming to life in the big screen and two-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep stars as the meanest head of the world's biggest fashion magazine and Anne Hathaway plays the new assistant who is in for let's face it a hell of a time take a look delicious roll on how we all love that film divorce and that's sweet oh yes your voice never raises her voice I raise my voice this movie the fact that you don't raise your voice makes you much more scary guys oh yeah much scarier I got that from Clint Eastwood oh he never raises his voice on the set and there's no one more sort of intimidating to the rules mark that's good we were talking up and I you know did it as a little bit of a tease and and what you have to give up in order to become a great success hey you have four children the youngest is a 15 year old girl still at home yeah and you've had my neck hurts already you know from the time almost that these kids were brought in how D it balancing had really great um sitters babysitters when I worked but beauty show business is the equivalent of flaking for me you know it's the way all America should work it work a little bit you're off a little bit you work a little bit you know it's great for kids I'm home more than most working women all through my career yeah cuz I was unemployed I mean you take the gamble when so you want time well you were never right apparently you have more Oscar nominations did any human being on the face of it sisty all sorry you should leave now does it help by the way while on this does it help to have a helpful husband yeah he's he's amazing he's and he's got a sort of a relatively even keel you know he did so was his allowed to go kind of the the straight and narrow he's really he's great want we as I said we loved the film listened don't have such a good time when you see this and and we hear that before the movie began you gave an you must have been so intimidated and why'd you tell him do you remember oh yeah I said I don't know I said don't lose weight eh haha but be I said because they were all telling her to yes remember that well in they came from UK in my house and you looked and you that's so beautiful you told me to eat a hamburger cuz they're all saying oh maybe you want to lose little Anne you know did they tell you to lose weight too they wouldn't dare Fermo I mean you always look skinny but she looked you look skinny in the movie I lost seven pounds it killed me a killer it's almost all back so what the hell with good I'm good tell this beautiful girl anything after all she's the princess got the princess and a whole nine yards yeah but you have a lose weight in the film I did I did I wound up well it was a bit complicated because actually initially they asked me to gain weight so and I was a little underweight because of a surgery that I'd had and so I wound up gaining ten pounds from the point that I was and then I went to microprose costume fitting and Couture didn't fit so then I had to lose the ten pounds again and yeah there were tears how did you know when you had when you completed a scene I'm curious how do you know that the take 10 take 20 how do you know when you've done it well certain at certain times you never really know that you did you're kind of just trusting the director but as I've told you a few times whenever I did a scene with Meryl I knew that we were ready to move on and check the gate because I was ready to vomit because she was so good in her character that she literally made me feel sick did you and calling you names reminding you that you were incompetent and just gonna sticking that it's a skewer into the heart just a little bit more there are some scenes boy when she send you in Stanley Tucci's office you're about ready to quit I'm Merrill your character Miranda Priestly in a word is a B mm-hmm I mean she's tough as nails but she'd never met a young girl she didn't like the skewer and barbecue that wasn't fun to play such a ruthless person had to because we loved her yeah it wasn't that much fun because this Stanley and and and and the fabulous Emily Blunt who plays my mother once is number one Emily hilarious she's mine is wonderful and they were all having fun over in the corner and and laughing and scratching and I just sort of that's my favorite part of making a movie usually is the stuff did you have a great day in the leg I didn't stay in the role but I just it didn't help the dynamic if I came over and you know it's like trying to have fun man you kind of you Eli decide I was miserable Emily was I was miserable you were they talking about husbands okay making the film you're miserable in fact I don't I don't know how to divide it up really so it was not a happy time it was not it's not a happy woman uh-huh it's an accomplished woman it's a different thing yeah and what did you ask um well very lonely accomplished but you know yeah there's stuff that's missing speaking of long dress did you get to keep the clothes yeah we auctioned the clothes off to UM benefit breast cancer research for success yeah as we love we love Marilyn her sweet disposition and we love Ann and when we come back we're going to be joined by their co-star Stanley Tucci so stupid we're back with Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway in their new movie The Devil Wears Prada Stanley Tucci stars as Merrill's right-hand man who's almost as good as she is at making people miserable take a look I would have quit welcome Stanley Tucci hey Danny Oh God oh you are harsh on him he's really funny of this film you what what I was what a chain I know yours rate his right-hand man it was like harsh as all come is we can see in this in this clip you got to wear an unbelievable clothes to truthfully how much time did you spend in wardrobe more than I did on the set they were their bigger epic epic they were they went on forever but they were that they were crucial to this certainly to this character into the film and and I don't think I could have found this person without them were you surprised at how well you you connected with that game which he fashioned ista because you'd really don't know why I was a little disturbed it's too easy such a department nobody thinks of you know almost tough-guy gangster roses right the big night was not a gangster well but that was y'all yeah one yeah yeah in fact he and Johnny was yeah yeah anyway he's versatile yeah while viola and bottom in a tennis match I know I said I feel like I'm in a tennis match you know we've had a chance not to look at you and how different my god Tamera but your hair is it's white so we what like yeah prematurely who's being charlie why why did you think when your fish tell yourself um well I wanted to look like that that was my choice because I just wanted this person to not look like anybody else and to be the person in the room because when she sits at the fashion shows in the in the room when we sat there everyone in the entire place kind of is looking to see her reaction so I wanted her to be able to be picked out in a crowd you know like I might yeah good choice don't have real and you know these these women that choose a look for themselves and then they don't change it over over time and trend and nothing nothing sort of dislodges that iconic kind of thing yeah yeah yeah what did you we talked about your children you took your daughters to see this film but they think of you well Oh grace leaned over and said mom it's the real you I won't disgrace one to make we don't what Randy what are taking her out you know they're ready there were rumors going around that because this character that you played possibly resembles a famous Vogue editor and a winter doesn't change allo who doesn't who what who does not change very much same Bob same well the rumors were that I know if this is true that you guys all including you Sally will never be featured in Vogue magazine if you were in that movie how do you say would never be featured in vogue Maxim too heavy so um no but um I was the book was definitely based on um her an assistant to Anna Wintour's I view of Anna's day-to-day business thing and but I our script is pretty different from from the book it veers off in two different directions emphasizes different things and I just wanted more it's more fun for me to make up Who I am you know you didn't try to copy the author of the book at all even remotely so yeah because in the book she's come surprises a little more snobbish and a little more edgy she kind of has a sense of entitlement in the book that's been supposed to be there right which I wanna eating's which is why the book is so fun and gossipy but I don't think I would want to see that for two hours on the screen so I think it was important from goods what you came to see the face anyway yes uh uh the first time I met her yeah what she famine what's yourself i I didn't stay for the I've ever seen the end of the movie I hope it's good Oh bolt I'm pretty good in it nothing there's a moment at the end that in my opinion is please the whole thing why don't stay until the end of the movie well because these are screenings has really opened yes sometimes I watch them and with real people in the audience that's more fun that is my family what's your favorite designer in all of this as we talk in fashion like I like Heuer humor boss this stuff Allah and Andries Van Noten is pretty great did this do this make you think about folding dipnetting being in this film well they're working with Pat fields but and I never I'm still exhausted I never I never thought that that Pat was able to take all these sort of disparate elements and put them together into an into an outfit or a costume that was incredible forget the ring didn't you I pick the ring she's amazing I just so you know Trisha feel yeah is the great designer from Sex in the City she put all the look together the question is who's Patricia fields pick out your socks today no I picked those out I might not have done that had I not met her can together head back to that line that's just killed us all which is you got a didn't get that six is the new sexes into tune tell me oh gosh I mean that's a hot row it's cold six is the new 14 oh my god it's awful and it connects with Emily's Emily has that great line as she's walking up the steps I'm on the food diet I don't eat anything she with cheese and then she says the best line Mike sorry but my favorite line in the whole film which is I'm one stomach flu away from my goal weight there's like sitting there discussing you hate this part of the whole fashion and celebrity thing when it comes dollars right you're destructive yeah it's time to semuc of eating disorders okay sick sick say I think the boy will help battle yeah heard eight points it out is obnoxious I hope yeah today well that's what I'm decided well I don't think you know you asked me right before right during the break you know how I felt you know being told to lose weight I don't I was just saying if anybody actually said that to me like me as a person and I'll smack them across the face yeah goodbye for a part it's a collaborative experience to talk about the look of it and all you wanna yeah that's necessary but no I think it's far I think what people the opinions people have how far into our lives and how they can judge us I don't agree with that it's also just something that people say producers or studios or whatever will say to a woman as soon as they're casting apart yeah wait yeah I think that's obnoxious channa think the more people would say no you know what you fire me Kathy doesn't look anxious Kathy basis doesn't lose weight for her parts and she's a big big you do not have to lose weight for a pop I constantly have tried but there are miracles of sort of fashion thing that you can do to manipulate you know the calories of your device there's also great talented ends up with 13 Oscar nominations so you can say by 11 next 13 nomination nobody else going on it we obviously could sit here and talk to you all afternoon morning so we're going to go around the stars of The Devil Wears Prada are staying right here with us and we will be right back with more with Meryl Streep Anne Hathaway and Stanley Tucci Sally you actually deliver one of the lines that makes our hearts go whoa it's a little bit deeper than fashion you actually say to Anne's character you'll know your career is going somewhere when her personal life falls apart do you really think that that's the truth I think sometimes that's the truth sometimes sometimes also the opposite is true okay sometime it at the same time so yeah it's nice when they happen simultaneously very rarely uh yeah I mean we I think we've all been you know at that point where we invest so much in our careers that we forget about really the kind of important things like you know the people we love her whatever but other things are I don't know what but I think also I know but I also think the opposite is true a lot of times when it's a gift sometimes when you have those lulls and you're able to kind of sit and reflect on you know why you'd write did this in the first place and really what those little moments in life that are I sound like a Kodak commercial okay yeah I mean that are really really important thank you the real things the girls are going wild for you by the way I'm saying look Stanley Tucci's such a sexy guy oh that's nice how do you feel about being a sex toy I could talk to you later I couldn't be happier if that's what people want to think at least this year life is delighted to hear my wife yes he's thrilled she got again my on Time magazine recently I won't talked about you and they had a list of like seven myths about you I want to pick a couple of them and see if they're true or not here they're a few out of the seven you can join star Oh star do you think your star this is a star blazer but you know what this star yeah I know what they mean I know what they mean I've always thought of myself as a character as a character actor yeah how about drawing derby stop I know I haven't really ever been able to fit into that that whatever that thing is okay now this is time this is not me you're difficult modest yeah definitely I am well I'm opinionated and that's different like I feel like you know I have a lot of ideas and nobody has to listen to them did you listen to them yes absolutely I was recording everything I was taking notes I know you weren't difficult for one second uh I I think I don't know is that is that my reputation now this is what Time magazine says this is these days a Miss and whatever that is I'm sure you can do anything I think we agree yeah she's a magician that yes yeah I've always said yourself we do actor the different one eggs your father the only white actors on know who could play a black person or not go that's right Mary flame in Italian and The Bridges of Madison County tear it off me man the Italian woman in Bridges of Madison County I bought out Italian Joe chief I mean I didn't see the access would you get two over there charades partners at this famous Christmas party we go to yes yes yes well that was actually I had I not known you're playing charades I would have been very nervous walking on the side look at it was to get on the other team you know my mom but it happens through best players yes our Meryl Stevens song time and and Mia and Mia Farrow mera really got who's the worst me I can say it say it Robert De Niro yeah why oh my god yeah we want you to she's our shot do to read you sure a to me yeah I love where it's a big game house I'm not invited to that party I don't have the same there okay you can deny that you're a star but she just told a story about playing charades with Robert De Niro I mean it doesn't get much better than you speak of parties okay maybe this one you're not invited to but you do you stay under the radar me most girls your age 23 years old young woman out of it could be out could be in the tabloids you're not what's your strategy what's wrong again just boyfriend and he's pretty simple of him um I have everyone on the payroll um no honestly I just people don't care I'm not gonna do I went to like the top la hot spot the other day and I was wearing a cute outfit and it was like drama because we were all in this big car and I was sitting in the backseat and there were paparazzi outside so everyone we all freaked out in the car and I moved and we'd like you know we're playing musical chairs so I could get in the front so I could be the first one in and I got out of the car and you know made a covered my face and made a beeline for it they didn't take one picture if they didn't even yes then I thought okay so when I leave what I leave of course it'll be pandemonium I have to pay for valet and it'll be hi I'm waiting and they still don't recognize me you know I was responding piece of gum off of one of them and they sell didn't know me so I'm wearing skirts up to here tops come together for the baby on your lap yeah baby that's how I'm gonna be famous you know what stick with these guys be the act or don't worry about being the celebrity you know just to let you got it going on and I'm a big aunt Hathaway phantasm The Devil Wears Prada is in theaters everywhere and if you guys are in New York City in August be sure to catch Meryl Streep in Mother Courage she's gonna be a part of the Shakespeare in the Park series and then when we come back did you guys ever wonder what a million dollar wardrobe actually looks like where you're gonna find out because we've got the hot fashions from The Devil Wears Prada right here on this
Channel: kyssavsolen
Views: 730,932
Rating: 4.8315673 out of 5
Keywords: meryl streep, anne hathaway, stanley tucci, the devil wears prada
Id: y97DptjjpOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2013
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