Meryl Streep & Tom Hanks- Funny Moments

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breakfast he's the boss that is the way it usually works I learned to come to the hardwired in [Music] I've been interested to see that President Trump has a real pulpit you he hasn't had to go at all premium yeah not yet overrated work together before it's I think it's everyone is so surprised to hear that this is the first time working together on the movie the post but you had met before obviously sort of I mean we sort of had but it wasn't really memorable well here's the thing when you know somebody famous yes and you think you we know each other because we're in movies they think maybe I did it was that big it was it was at the Shakespeare in the Park and you were already seated and Reid and I were walking to our seats and I said something like we'd never really mad hey you said Tom yeah and that was it you both sound very Italian all of a sudden what's great about Stephen he is so alive to the possibility of how a scene lives and how it contributes to the narrative of the whole piece when I first came in I knocked over a chair by mistake and Stephen said that's great do that again every time man all suite we don't dare mess around with Merrill's choices I want to do stuff with that right away this year this is your 31st Golden Globe thirty-one is special in its own way I would have guessed 37 it's only 31 you know who's really funny is her trumpet ears the guys had entered the room before she does and below this Wow she has he has a copyrighted fanfare Meryl that is a number of notes on do you know it by any chance the fanfare for Meryl the little drapes it's a MS on it the guys had epaulets and we're trying to break my everybody we were on this is what we would do we would be in this week a couple of times like when we were in the news rooms we work in the morning we know that she was coming in we were all like dogs in the backyard who all of us were all just alright the postman because all of a sudden a word would come out or some would see that Kay Graham has entered into the newsroom and we were at all just straightening yeah because it's a movie about a room newsrooms used to be all-male yes so when you heard that click click click coming down the hall now and if that was the boss that it was that was you straighten up and fly right the boys were all in a little tent and they were not in character I came in to shoot the scene and they're all in there having a fabulous time like a little a sweat lodge sort of nasty and I didn't realize I didn't think they realized the seriousness of what I was going to have to be they were they were hilarious there's a great documentary I saw once about the first the last eight seconds before the Olympic athletes go did anybody see this and that's all it was the whole documentary was just the eight seconds before people would take a dive or get up off the mark and it reminded me of that moment it wasn't just everything concentrated into yes you know that I remembered it when when I was going into this unit and then they were guys who were essentially treating it like a day off because I think where our shorts and flip-flops that sitting in that little blue tent we had no idea that we were providing an audio track for what was going to be one of the most important moments in a motion picture we felt as though we just barely glanced on to greatness there by hanging out in their little Florence - well I might just have to stay you could leave me I know I see why I'm wrong on to the it's very funny what I love about this room would be filled with the sound of people riding TAC TAC did not this little clickety clickety don't go to commercial I'm just going to keep talking all right [Laughter] [Applause] all right I'm just gonna I'm just gonna take this shot okay I'll get out the guest list start working on the seating chart oh by all means move at a glacial pace you know how that thrills that [Laughter] [Applause] isn't taking so long for you guys to be nothing because I can't sing if I could I would have been in Mamma Mia both of you of how was Isis I could not I dare not put myself to write my checks and you are amazing in this film and thank you for that I adore you we kissed on the screen for the first time last night on French television I just wants to you'll see it on Monday set your VCRs make sure you download it it's going to be it extraordinary moment [Applause] you are a toy you aren't the real Buzz Lightyear Europe you're an action figure you are a child plaything that's like asking who are you going to fall in love with you know you don't know that you don't know that until you meet that person until you encounter material that that strikes you in a certain way I don't I don't have a list of I must play Lear you know I don't have that although although you would she could write ball Pein what you think about Trump describing Meryl is overrated well if having having now worked with her I never would have at first I said how dare he now once I've spent some time with a lady I think there were they now this is the real one that's the boy did it help with all due respect sir I have done battle every single day of my life and many men have underestimated me this lot seemed bound to do the same but they [Laughter] all right we have to break guys I have a surprise I keep this when it comes to awards you guys have record breakers so how important are long in the tooth that's all I got an award from the Chevy dealership did I get that I know sorry kid you didn't deserve it [Music] it's amazing that the three of us have received this amazing the you know award from this amazing man what your certificates say on because everybody is like okay so this goes to Ellen DeGeneres Pioneer leader entertainer social engineer advocate yes - Meryl Streep educator artist actress filmmaker social advocate pioneer in the way mine said Tom Hanks actor former bellboy bellboy well I got actor like the fellow that brings into the Pentagon Papers in a shoe box that guy just thought he was going to have a little tiny bit Stephen Stephen make sure that everybody thought you were the main thing in that scene we did yeah in fact all of us got together all the guys we were rehearsing we had our great jar done going down etcetera etcetera so we thought it was all going to be about these crusading men surrounding a desk saying manly things and instead it was about a guy it was about a few blocks in this guy's bad news for everybody growing up and thinking they can be present yeah for half of the population that has been true that's exactly for our entire history notice as the man let me walk back the statement later note I'm so glad that you have enlightened me and I became enlightened simply by listening to what you had to say and I cannot argue with the empirical truth of what you just pointed out there now incredibly you two have never worked together before righting a wrong that has been millions have calling for yes can you tell me what was what was it that surprised you most about working with one another when we first worked together in this we had a major like 7 page secrecy and monster scene and my way of working is just to kind of ease in through a rehearsal or two but Stephen doesn't rehearse Steven Spielberg doesn't rehearse he knew that and he didn't tell me did he first of all we were all expect with respecting behavior of guidelines to come in how to work with mystery number one please do not greet her in the morning Oh number two do not look her in the eyes for the first 40 minutes if were working at number number three never ask her to run the scene she is but she is concentrating too deeply number four ignore her trumpet players and said team of significance that surround him I've done I've done movies and plays by the way when I haven't paid any attention to what the other person is saying it's because I'm too busy thinking like I've really got to turn this thing around in the next scene and I have a line coming up what the hell is this line well I'm sorry this is my charming honesty that is getting around a more difficult subject I was actually paying attention to see you together again often I think the leery is gonna demand it don't you know our basketball hello yes
Channel: EvaSofie
Views: 222,388
Rating: 4.856184 out of 5
Keywords: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, The Post, Funny
Id: eXqozn8rNGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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