Chunking GIANT Popper's Offshore To Catch The BADDEST Fish On The Reef! *Amberjack CCC*

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R here [Applause] oh he ain't stopping as soon as you see him come up good morning y'all we just got started here stopping at one of these anchored ships catching some bait got my buddies here Ed we got salty swigs on the boat today and we are going after big fish today so we want some big baits this is uh what you call a blue Runner also known as a hard tail and this is probably the best bait for amberjack oh yeah baby that's what we're going for some big reef donkeys amberjack whatever you want to call them so we're going to try and load up the live well with maybe 15 or 20 of these honestly hopefully we won't need but four yeah that'd be nice amberjack is one per person season just opened up yesterday so we're going to get set up here see if we can get some bait it'll get titled some fish all right so since we know the baits here we just caught one they're not going to be just singular fish most of these Bait fish are traveling in school so easy just to go ahead and set the Troll Motor down we'll kind of get up current of this anchor chain which is generally where they like to hang out at and just kind of we're using siki rigs SG show them what a siki rig is here yeah it's basically a giant chicken rig you can get them in all different sizes um these are pretty small what is this like a number six yeah number six yeah so and they come in different colors red white green all that stuff but you can get little shrimp versions and stuff but they work great for catch and bait yeah you don't really have to use a saiki rig you can use spoons anything shiny for hard tailes anyways if you're trying to catch like Lys or Shad or something or sardines this is what you want right here hard tail watch the chain there we go yeah baby another one my I guess Ed is the only one that's going to be fishing today gone it's gone broke my hoop here take this one cuz you know what you're [Laughter] doing got here hey hey kind of slow real real slow and you might get a CP handed off to him and he hooked up yeah pretty much it's not right yeah sometimes if you reel it in slow you can get a couple of them yeah just one more all right give the got a bird on the boat yall whenever you're handling these fish this is a uh dehooker here you can just kind of grab this line pull and then shake you ain't got to worry about getting a saiki hook in your finger cuz if you fish for bait long enough you will get a siku hook in your finger we won one hook no way yes sir one hook one hook stay on yeah one hook you're about to yeah you're about to get this one back is that on bottom I was just working it back to the boat I'm about ready to give up so we just made another little kit stop here we are dropping some chicken rig setups we didn't quite get enough bait at the ship so we're going to try and catch some Ruby lips Ed just pulled up a nice trigger fish they are still in season so we'll take those as well but just a basic two hook rig with a 6 o Bank Sinker drop it straight to the bottom We're Just Fishing some natural bottom and about 100t of water using small pieces of fresh squid now granted we could go out and try and Target these amberjack all artificial definitely work but you do go through a lot of smaller like undersized fish and we just want all of our bites to be big ones don't we yes sir that's what we want right there yes that's it yep so this is what we call a ruby lip you can see right here if you look at their mouth when it's open opens really wide kind of like a hogfish it's red I think they're also called Tates right yeah yeah good looking fish throw him in a live well we'll see if we can get about 11 or 12 of these we'll see you at the amberjack spot all right we dropped the saiki down same spot we've got a variety of different baits here of course weot to chunk these be liners back my gosh I didn't see the bottom at here's some baby BB's we got a ruby lip and we got two pinfish on 100t of water wow we do this three times and we're good hold that thing up there that awesome we'll see if we can recreate that scenario going all the way to the bottom just hit just going to kind of pop it right up off the bottom we got one and we just going to leave it down there just kind of keep working it usually that kind of attracts the attention of other fish I'll kind of wait till I get some weight yeah we got we got at least one or two fish on there and you want to be real slow at reeling these up cuz these hooks will bend out and you also pull it out of their mouth so we're going to be real easy with it see color got at least two three maybe oh some one just got off dang we got got a red snapper a pinish and a small bee liner on the second drop with the saiki woo all right y'all so we just pulled up to our first amberjack spot I'm going to talk about my setup real quick this is a avot hxw raptor it's a two-speed I think it's got over 40 lb of drag got Mainline as braid that is 80 lb tie with a FG knot with a Top Shot of 80 lb monol leader the purpose of that monol leader is just to give give that that braid some stretch or give like whenever you get a bite give it some kind of stretch and uh we're going to go ahead and use a 10 oz egg Sinker to a crimped 150 lb ler with a 110 Eagle Claw heavyduty circle hook definitely want something pretty thick and strong that way you don't bend it out I'm going to tie this with a uni not mhm [Laughter] and it's like we're using that for bait oh yeah just going to hook that guy through the top of the nose sorry buddy it's for a good cost go through that hard part of his upper lip there we go and you want them as Lively as possible stick them back in the live well we'll get right over top of the spot right so we're fixing a pull up on the spot here we're in 103t of water We're Just Fishing a big uh barge underwater wreck they should start marking up here real quick got a few Marks here we're looking for something with a little more red on those marks though we had a few right after we ran over it initially still getting them super high first things first you want to make sure that d is nice and tight cuzz these fish ain't got very far to go to break you off what I'm going to do drop this down about 30 or 40 ft I'm going heading it off the Ed kind of got the motor in gear as I'm letting this go down it's getting chased right now oh all right you're on wait wait wait wait you're on now hold on to it get them baby hold on to it wait Did you let it go no there he goes is he pulling any yeah he's pulling just a little bit he's old all right we going to pull pull off the structure here and then we going to let them fight it we just really don't want to break off these fish cuz we don't have very many hard Tails all right go ahead and start winching on pull up down motion yes sir see I'm doing this easy for you e most of the time you just drop straight down and then you get your butt whoop bringing them up yeah I don't think that's well I appreciate that mind grabbing that gas one there just in case I don't know he's starting to fight now come on now you can't give them none you got to get him up oh my God don't give no slack keep keep that line tight keep keep reing real pump and real pump and real he com he's com right there yeah he's going to be a little on the small side I believe this a start real close that's close here you go actually he might be oh yeah he's yeah that's what I'm talking about Buddy first amberjack right there he come on wow definitely legal we just had the heat on them is what what it was Ed's so strong you know put him on the board real quick ah no question easy no question easy that's what I'm talking about give me one more on that all right so this is probably about the average schoolie amberjack right here what's wrong school he's probably sitting a little over 20 22 25 lbs or something like that but definitely a good first fish that's Ed's first amberjack first amberjack starting it off starting it off right yes sir we're going to go ahead and put him in the Box we do we do like to brain and bleed these fish makes the meat quality much better if you're going to eat them fresh or even freeze them and then we're going to try and get us another one I think uh you want the next one or you take it all right see y'all this is what you want you want that bait just going absolutely crazy down there all that erratic action just grabs their attention they just can't stand but to hit it I had them all the way over here but I guess they just that look there's one right here right on the boat at the motor he's at the motor I see him oh he's fallowing the hard tail get your popper out throw the popper get on that PO right there that there he is there he is there he is eat it eat it eat it there's more there's two more oh my gosh there's 10 of them right here baby throw it right here throw it over here come on outside let's go throw it right back here that's a good one bro let's better tighten it up beat him up dang it pulled it oh you just pulled it yeah that was crazy oh there they are throw it out throw it out look at they all under the the boat dude so many they're right here let's go yo how sick was that there he is need the G yeah oh right the the boat that was awesome I seen that golly I was not expecting that there's one right behind it y'all trying to tighten his drag cuz I don't know how close we are to the structure he ain't stopping all right hold this oh oh my God sir I've got that drag tight come on swigs just got his in while he was fighting his fish I threw this popper out and the whole school came up a little bit different story on the spinning setup that's for sure that's a big one dud that's a big one this is a uh pin Slammer 6500 with a pin Cartage 7t medium heavy rod and he pulled line for about 15 second straight he's got to be man that was a really big one chasing right your he's foul hooked that's why dang he's right there under your popper TG do I want that one though he is oh I don't want that one check out where we got him that's why he felt so big and he was pulling for so long right there in the almost in the butt that's on the mag popper with uh double treble hooks normally I like to use single hooks feel like those are a better hook hookup ratio as far as keeping them on but y this guy right here who my tail really not even a huge one we going to get a measurement on them and just see double AJ is on the popup come on baby yeah point that over here fun stuff right here all right y'all we just doubled up on poppers next to the boat let's go keep her agj get the old figure eight yeah buddy that is probably the best way to catch any fish is on top water yeah I mean I mean you can't beat it start it off and started it off right with a hard tail but I think he just helped us out y they're right here eat it come on come on we got wide hooked up hey hey grab that other spinner set up up there with the jig it's burer got him that's a good fish though I a complaining they're they're at 40 ft now they chased that get a quick look at the uh screen right here so his bait was down here and you can see that they chased it up and we saw glimpses of them oh yeah they're right there oh he's up he's he up small they're chasing this up look there's another one right behind it right here y that little fish right there ate that big old Ruby lip don't ever think your bait's too big imagine what a 100 pounder could eat just got broke off on our big rig so we're going to try some jig here this is a 200 g just got one pair of assist hooks got this on my Abbot JX very high quality jigging reel here see if we can get tight that's the meat stick we on them come on come on H it he hit it did it yep he big not big not big all right good drag some more they're going to be foll yo these fish are so strong as soon as you see him come up there we go borderline right on J now where is his buddy see if we can eat him one two three yeah get get a look at that screen there y'all I'd say there's a few fish down there it was hooked right about here wo byebye gone the he's trying to get the he got it no he didn't o he chasing him yeah he's right behind it right behind oh here they are oh some good on oh I want that one all right he's on watch this get him get him my gosh oh my gosh this is a huge one oh that's a snapper oh my go oh my gosh wo H just a 20 lb Snapper oh Lord how Merc I never caught a snapper that big in my life most people that's the beig the one we wanted baby yes sir woo let's go yo this actually [ __ ] is on fire right now let's go I that let's go hey you you should be good we're like like 700 ft from the spot okay woo that was the one I wanted that is probably a 22 lounder man that's a good fish while AJ fishing wow wow oh I hear you brother I need to get the gas on this yeah this is that's for sure Amber jacket that's a killfish right here we that coming up I I I missed the uh the end of it there oh my gosh y'all I got color biggest one of the day own a popper didn't even need to stop and spend 2 hours of catch live bait this morning 40 in that's a big one I only got a back hook good stick that thing yeah buddy the yeah buddy nice yeah buddy good job yeah buddy that's about a 30 something 35 lounder that's what I wanted to see heck yeah on the popper oh he came up on smoked it I saw that yeah buddy well there we go y'all nice 30 maybe maybe 35 maybe 35 it's right there but it's legal and it's going in the Box yep that's the limit I am wore out he got a little blood on your shirt there yeah buddy Wyatt here on the boat has just caught a tagged amberjack and look at it double tagged this is a money fish right here what's it say on I'm pretty sure we have to cut these off and bring them in if I remember yeah look $250 reward yeah baby oh yeah we're going to cut these tags off we're going to let this fish go because we have already got a limit all right we got $250 in our hand right here go ahead and uh throw him back in the water I think we're done that just made the trip all right so we have just made it to the house what an epic day of fishing we had today I mean not very often you can just get out there and just catch probably a dozen amberjack on poppers and we probably could have continued to do that for uh as long as we wanted but conditions just kind of got rough on us but we've already cleaned a few amberjack we as you can see we stopped and got some rilan Snapper on the way we got some trigger fish also in there and what what all right well that's not that's not supposed to be there still hungry I don't know who did that but we are going to go ahead and knock this fish out if I had to guess this is probably like a 22 23 lb fish my honest opinion this is like the absolute best eating size and we did go ahead and bleed and brain this fish as well and of course y'all know going to be using the 9 in sword fet knife here been using these knives for at least two years now and uh just they're great all around sharp durable uh I've had to you know hit it with a wet stone a few times but you know after cleaning a couple hundred fish you're going to have to do that with any knife but let's go ahead and get started here we're just going to clean it just like you would most fish make you an initial cut right here I do like to start at the tail just kind of work down make sure you got your angle right on your blade you can kind of feel it rubbing against the uh the backbone there just peel this peel this lip up right here and just start peeling away nothing special here y'all it's just a a little bit bigger fish same as you would do you know like a a red fish or something like that now it does kind of get a little tricky once you get over this uh this backbone here cuz it does have a pretty good hump good rise so we're going to start right here and get past these uh pin bones get this skin up high enough to where we can angle our Knife Down angle it down just do the same thing just peel away try not to do what I just did try not to uh puncture that what do we call that swigs it well it's the belly that's the bile that's coming out is try try not to do that I went a little too far y'all come on baby I mean that's a slab of meat right there I mean that's that's probably 8 lbs of meat and we're going to get two of those obviously and uh yeah I'll show youall real quick before we hit the other side filet swigs actually has done a video of taking this throat out if y'all want to want to go check his uh video out it'll be down in the link below but I will show you how I do it pretty much the same way we're going to start right here whatever you call this I don't know bone yep most fish have it Snapper grouper we're going to wiggle that knife cut down that way and we will basically release the uh the collar from the fish do have to cut some m brain and some skin and stuff away but once you cut that you can go ahead and flip it to the other side and do the same thing on the other side you can see it right here we're just going to get our knife in there probably would help to have the fle off this side actually never tried it without taking the fle off let's see yeah we going to find something out today but I like it yeah find something out but basically that just releases that from the throat and then you just kind of have to peel away everything else all the G gills and the membrane and stuff like that make it a cut around the belly here oh yeah and you can see it just kind of tore apart right here so what we're going to do now if you have a serrated blade or some clippers you can clip the throat right here but I normally just grab this throat and do a little twist and pull action just like so and there is our amberjack throat SL collar whatever you want to call it we're going to cut down the middle here spread it open and that right there y'all is uh just as good as any chicken thigh or dark meat chicken as you want to get mhm just wash it off we can cut some of this membrane off right here wash it wash it off we're going to wash it off look they make fun of the way I say wash okay do he got anything in his belly the dude was starving I mean they're on top of the water eating poppers so of course they're starving right but we're going to go ahead and clean the rest of these fish up we'll see y'all at the grill all right y'all we are in the kitchen Ed and W did have to leave but Swig is deciding to stay for dinner we've got the grill heating up it's at about 400° y'all check this out we've got our AJ steaks sitting right here and some beautiful gorgeous looking loins there and the collar we got the collar on Deck yeah he actually started seasoning it already but I told him to stop yeah I jumped right into we got to show the camera real quick so this is our ingredients we're just going to be making a concoction here y'all know if y'all watch the channel we do some weird stuff around here but we make it work everglaze Fish and Chicken we got some garlic salt pepper uh some onion powder and we do have some buns so we're going to make like a fish pooy SL sandwich what is that called you think I don't know I can't think of was called comment down below because Brandon thinks that a fish sandwich is called something in particular I don't know what it is I think it does have a name but we're going to call it a PoBoy for now and the swigs has decided to bring out some barbecue sauce to throw to throw in the collar y'all are tripping if you don't put barbecue sauce or or Chick-fil-A Polynesian sauce on a collar and put it on the grill I mean and then we got some pepper jack cheese throw in there too but we're not going to overload anything we're just going to put a little bit of everything yeah that that's well said so we'll let him do the honors here go ahead and do your deal it's just like a steak you know you you got to Salt you got to Salt beef you got to salt pork you got to Sal chicken all that stuff mhm fish needs love just like every every other piece of meat well that looks and smells pretty fire it really does right there and then so that's seasoned and then we'll just take a little bit of this and we're going to glaze it over the top you can use whatever type of barbecue sauce you really want so this will be a first for me I've never tried barbecue sauce on fish oh it's that like it's just going to like the reason caramelized the reason why I I started doing a little barbecue sauce and Polynesian sauce was because I think that these collars taste so much like um chicken thighs so that whole barbecue aspect to it putting it on the grill and everything just give it a little rubber around finger dab here and boom that's it right there yeah all right well the grill is hot and ready follow me outside let's go throw it on the Bob H let's go ahead slide this collar on here get some of that Sizzle action yeah buddy feel like I'm putting a like a sirlo steak on here you hear that Sizzle action go ahe and get this Grill closed we're at 400° we'll kind of check it here and there every 5 or 10 minutes see how it turns out we're about at 1:45 those are about done by the time we pull them all and let them let them rest'll be be absolutely perfect is smelling delicious and this is going to be hotter just cuz I'm touching bones every now and then but it's right there this is smelling so good so we've got just some buns here toasted we got our amberjack steaks we put a little pepper jack cheese on top we're going to try a little Chick-fil-A sauce here I know so oh that was a little much no no it's not not at all you going put a little bit of that on there and then of course got to got to put some slap your mama a little little bit of Tabasco or hot sauce something on there give it a little bite oo that made it look fany that's a thick fish poble that is phenomenal mhm anybody who says they don't like amberjack is give them to me yeah yeah we'll take them yeah we'll take them throw them back in the water we'll catch them next time M cuz that is fire oh my gosh I mean that is a thick old sandwich white flaky meat close up to that right there get get another bite here it is something else y'all well I'll be the first one to go into this cuz I know this is going to be legit mhm M so good look at that just flakes right off of there oh oh let me get a little bit of this mhm oh Lord so AJ throat with barbecue sauce or collar collar whatever and have you ever had this I know I'm not even kid that right there that's that is so good I know I'm telling y'all if you are not harvesting collars off of big fish like Snap T exactly like a chicken like thigh thigh excuse me y'all I had to take a little break just got some hiccups all of a sudden uh but as I was saying this right here is is some something new that I've never tried before and I mean it is it is fantastic it really is um I mean I don't know if it's just the amberjack throat or you could do Snapper throat kobia throat but the seasons that we put on it and just a little bit of barbecue sauce and just kind of let that cook with the fish on top of it I mean it's fantastic it really is yeah and you can do this like he said with Snapper Cobia any of those big fish like [Music] that that doesn't even taste like fish it really don't that is it's a chicken it is it tastes exactly like a chicken thie y oh my gosh definitely y'all should go give that a shot and if y'all haven't already y'll be sure to go check out salty swig's Channel I'll have it linked down below he makes a lot of really cool content just like I do here along the Alabama GF Coast thanks brother but we are going to going to go and wrap this video up cuz we're going to go ahead and demolish this food right here cuz that's right we are starving so I hope youall enjoy the video if you did please leave us a thumbs up it was an insane day out here get amberjack go I mean anytime you get out there yeah for sure and get on amberjack on top water like we did it's a good time yeah until next time we'll see you back out of the water
Channel: Capt.Collier
Views: 45,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Offshore fishing, saltwater fishing, amberjack, poppers, topwater, red snapper, black jack boats, Gulf of Mexico, penn reels, penn rods, mag popper's, reef donkeys, huge fish
Id: udasSVap-AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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