This Is Why You NEVER Go Shark Fishing Alone!

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look at this look look big Ray big Ray fantastic I don't want you on the line but you're cool to see using a custom rod this is not quite as long as the surf rods they normally use there we go that'll be fine [Music] all right [Music] well we're about to get uh pretty heavily rained on waiting for a shark so if this uh this portion of the video just cuts to me in a rainstorm you know why here it comes I can't leave these rods though I did that I made that mistake last time I left a rod and a shark stripped it instantly I got it I gotta stay out here with them unless the lightning gets too bad so I'm kind of in the sand dunes just kind of crouched down I want to be the lowest piece of piece of land out here basically so I'm just kind of crouching the sand dunes oh I'm too far away from my car to abandon my gear the roads right behind me oceans over there this is where the dunes are I want points of land higher than myself so I'm just kind of lying down beside them worst case scenario would be one of the rods goes off right now I don't know what I would do in that situation I'm really hoping that the worst of it moves past the lightning seems to have gone behind us now lightning can strike you from miles away but at least we know it's moving away [Music] all right we're on we're on run we're on okay this is the part where I gotta pray don't get hammered by lightning oh geez this feels like a good fish I'm gonna stay as lower the ground as I can the lightning is mostly out there but I mean it's lightning you know doesn't exactly uh oh this is actually a really heavy fish man this might be a stingray damn not what I want at all it's very heavy the ray damn it I do not need a Ray ah for multiple reasons number one not the target species for this number two it means they're gonna be stuck fighting it in the lightning for a lot longer I mean okay there's that feels like a head shake it's hard to tell you notice we're not getting any runs definitely a heavy fish on though real heavy fish this is probably a ray the son of a I can't let him settle that's the thing if it's a ray I don't want him to settle or we'll never get him up pull it mullet running mullet running now this could be a nurse shark big old nurse shark oh there's a bit of a a kick it's gonna be a nurse shark it could be a bull shark hasn't woken up yet definitely on a heavy fish though it hasn't run at all there's lots of bait out there now [Music] let's see what we got come on [Music] lazy fight lazy lazy fight see that there's a kick ah come on now Lori it's not cutting side to side or anything it's not making runs a little bit of sand in the Reel but it's what it is this feels like a heavy Ray come on [Music] okay now I think it's moving to the right slowly slowly moving to the right oh loads of loads of fish [Music] I think we're getting close [Music] board at the very least they'll be interested to see what this is all right I see the mono there's a bit of a kick whatever it is didn't want to come in Over the Bar I see it I see something out there I can't see the fish but I see the shadow it's good size [Music] it's a good sized fish I don't know what it is yet oh was that big big tail broke the water oh it's a big fish he's big what do we have what do we have I mean we can we can eliminate a couple of sharks right off the bat a hammerhead would have blown this up instantly would have stood a chance so I know it's not a hammerhead nurse shark it's very look at that it's right there he's fighting a lot like nurse sharks that I've caught before this is a big fish the very least he's very strong he's right there I see him he's right there come on come in oh I think it's a big nurse big shark oh he's fighting now doesn't want to come in fish doesn't want to come in there it is there's a fish all right we're on the mono 150 pound mono you start to muscle this fish now it's hard in the sand ah there she is what is that oh it's a beauty I don't know what it is yet oh tail on the surface I think it's a big nurse shark oh she's really really putting up a fight now he's an overweight she's all of our weight back so what I have that that fish doesn't have are two feet digging in the ground and uh fight IQ but let's get her in right there big big I think it's the north shark or shark this fish is strong he's bigger than she looks I think I think she's bigger than she looks come on yeah that's a big shark okay yeah see now she's pulling drag on me big nurse shark oh she's a biggie that's a big fish look at her that's a good fish I think we might be in luck here I think we could be in luck here uh all right we're gonna have to use the rope unlike uh unlike a gar this is gonna be on the tail oh my gosh he's still fighting me hang on stronger uh stronger in the last run she does not want to come in I don't blame her she's doing what they do she's being a good shark doing what they do but I think we've got her beat come on come on come on use the waves nope nope all right wave coming in taking line there it goes oh she's massive she's huge look at that look at the size of it look at the size of that shark good Lord that's a big shark come on no no no ah come on ah it's a problem with uh damn it the nurse shark the sawfish in the ray ah they can sit they can son of a they can sit to gain strength unlike other sharks let's make her work for this we are rolling all right yeah okay all right we're just uh look at that making her work for every inch she's right there come on let's try this drag up make you work a little bit harder I really want to land it before the next wave of the storm comes in come on come on oh I wish I had my Landing belt that's the one thing I forgot to pack I always forget one thing you know you know how it is always one thing you're gonna forget the good thing is we're having this fight on the 150 pound mono means I can really put the hurting on her I can bustle her around a bit to Lander there we go come on come on all right I want to run out there and get this as quick as I can this is where it really pays to have a partner when you're shark fishing not advised to do this alone it's just uh so much harder than it needs to be when you're alone it's worth a shark she's massive ah I lost the Rope sort of actually the size of her come on God no all right here we go come on come on come on [ __ ] okay ah God she's muscle on us now it's gonna land her before she gets too tired there's no point to this if we kill the shark no point oh wow I'm so tired I'm so tired no hang on okay God all right I do not have this looped I just have it wrapped around my hand which is probably the dumbest [ __ ] thing I could do all right come on foreign don't do that [ __ ] all right nope sorry [ __ ] in hell I just gotta get her close enough to the camera I gotta unhook her come on come on come on one more big wave come on foreign danger danger danger danger danger danger my feet are Tangled in the [ __ ] leader come on God okay [ __ ] yo yo no no no no no no [ __ ] no foreign hooked out well if nothing else if nothing else that just goes to show how dangerous shark fishing can be when you're alone it's really stupid actually I've never caught a shark quite that large luckily it was a slow moving one like a nurse shark that had been something bigger more aggressive like a a tiger or a black tip you know black tips don't get quite that big but you get my point uh that line wrapped around my ankles multiple times that would have been it for me I think I mean there's just there's no stopping a fish like that I'm unbelievably beaten right now mentally I'm just I'm done I can't
Channel: WILD LIFE
Views: 141,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, shark, sharks, shark fishing, beach fishing, surf fishing, shark at beach, shark attack, florida fishing, big game fishing, fishing with big baits, big bait, fishing for sharks, swimming with sharks, big shark, megalodon
Id: U7W494-Z-uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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