ULTIMATE Trash Fish…Catch Clean Cook! Giant Bluefish

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good morning everybody Victor here Adam and I just ran out of the inlet and we're looking for these fish known as blue fish so every year Florida gets this really big run of blue fish and they normally average only like 2 to 3 lbs but every once in a while you get this run of these massive like once in a lifetime Blues they're called Gator blues and they're like anywhere from 10 to 15 lbs and they just roam up and down the beach looking for Bait fish you see this just big black nods of them all along the beach so we just ran out of Jupiter Inlet we got this big well it's a nice cold winter day we got all these hard lures we're going to be throwing just like the stick bait right here we got some poppers and basically we're just going to run up and down the beach looking for these giant gator Blues now these fish are not just any fish they are kind of considered like one of the ultimate trash fish especially when they're this big we're going to put that myth to rest later when we cook them you guys are going to see why they're called a trash fish but you know Chef Vic is going to do them Justice in the kitchen so Dennis has the Dr grown up we're just hovering along the beach looking for these schools I already saw a giant bull shark cruising the beach so let's see if we can hook one up here so we're going to try and stay right on the outside of this bar right here can you make that cast you see him right inside you you can make that cat so they're like really hugging the shoreline and there's a big swell oh my go dude it was like as soon as it hit the water Yep they're not big no they're they're little Blues damn they keep coming off huh there big one these are the these are the eating size hold on we got a big swell coming Adam just go this way you're good you're good it's not breaking it's going to be soft you're good you're good you're good don't worry about it so this is what we're watching out for the swell is really close to the beach and the Bluefish are inside the swell so every once in a while we got to put the voting gear and make sure we don't get caught on the inside of that swell cuz we' get very wet if that happens not ideal conditions for catching these Blue Fish because if there wasn't we could just sit on them I think but we're going to have to catch a couple and then move you know because we don't want to get caught in the inside we don't want to go sideways or take a bunch of water over I think there's going to be a couple different schools these things on the beach so maybe these ones are moving like crazy maybe we'll let these ones pass go look for a different school but we're going to make a couple bucks and make a good video for you guys bro feels like a shark I'm not even kidding oh my gosh dude they are going crazy over [Music] it there it is I need the GoPro today yeah have it only 200 more to go Bab this is the recreational Rod I'm going to get the heavy Rod I got to get get did I snag one yo they're jumping like a freaking snuck all right guys this did not take long at all you cast right in the middle of the school and these Bluefish are on it like crazy yeah you did snag them huh I'm surprised you haven't made one Nantucket joke by now with these Blue Fish these are very Nantucket ass oh it smells like blueish dude they moving sou you want the gas with this Rod yeah you can give me the Gap I got you all right guys these blue fish are so big that we're ging because those are that's a hard size Blue Fish to flip the goal is to catch a couple PBS of these Adam said we're sinking the boat today that's the goal singing the boat in blueish it's 130 oh look at right here watch this D those are the big fish right here right here big fish look look woohoo Main this is size we're going for today 12 13B he actually is doing a gator roll dude I don't know if you were able to see that all right these are the sites we're looking for today that's about a 12 lb blue fish really nice size blue fish and uh they're all going to the market today pay about a buck a buck 50 a pound you're good right there Vic so we're going to have to catch a couple thousand lbs to make some money it adds up quick when they're all that tize a lot of arm campage today I'm going to get tired got to stay energized so I really need Vic to feed me stuffff there it is in the middle of the school dude these fish are sick they jump out of the water like a freaking carpet they the best thing about them is Bluefish will literally eat anything any type of hard lure stick bait popper Diamond jig spoon you name it but you don't want to fish your expensive stuff out here you want to fish you know how everyone in their garage has like their lure that they just keep setting aside that they think they're going to fish one day and they don't this is the day you use it on on the blue fish it's a good get rid of your lure day dude these things are strong strong strong fish talk about strong be hooking these things are miserable here give me some slack you guys see that so you guys see how we're fishing like real fast combat style So Adam he's a commercial fisherman so when we're on this boat pretty much everything's got a price tag he's going to take all these fish to Market because he's able to sell them and make some money that's how he makes his livelihood and blue fish this time of year are pretty plentiful in Florida so that's what we're fishing for and that's why you guys see us being real fast with it that dehooker on the side right there best way to get him off going to leave him in that box for 5 minutes then we're going to ice them when you see somebody catching fish you definitely don't be the guy who drives off to them and stops especially right on top of the school if you want to get in line with someone else's commercial fishing first of all you better know the guy and be bodies with him second of all you're going to give him etiquette and respect as he was here first and found the fish first you know just show up and drive on top of school that dude literally just drove up right on top of our fish and now they're gone he drove in the middle of the school he was in the middle of the school and it's not just commercial fishing any type of fishing you never want to ruin a bite for anyone or for yourself so when we see this school we're always trying to stay like at least 100 ft away cuz you don't want to drive in the middle of them like this dingdong did excuse my language but now we can't find them they probably went down deep and we got to wait for them to pop back up there's another hey Adam maybe you go forward look at this set coming crumble on us I'm back in the day before I started surfing which you guys if you watch recent videos you know that that's like my new found addiction I never cared about a swell now every single day I wake up I look for that wave right there I look for a swell so between fishing and surfing I'm just it's a really bad addiction fishing and surfing just keep you really busy but in a good way no that's got to be rocks hey Adam I think they're way down there you see is it oh yeah you're right oh my gosh got [Laughter] him yo tell me they're not jumping like tarping they are fun to fight dude they still grw I mean if I were a recreational fisherman I'd be having fun Adam you're a recreational as it gets today you're fishing for Bluefish with a popper ever since I started my YouTube career I've always wanted to film stuff like this right something I've always loved is just top water fishing and popper fishing so Dennis is literally sitting there with the long lens and just trying to get these really epic shots for you guys seeing what the fish do when they come up on a popper seeing eight fish come up on this thing going through the water at once just gets your blood pumping you know it's 2024 my man Adam is repping this giant old dad wallet I wanted to gift him with something nice it's a nice little New Year's present which one you want Adam that's your Vibe right there the a little Lowa girl go with this one you want it see poy can aome look at that how does this thing work bab all right I'll show you so check it out I have been rocking this wallet for the past 5 years now I absolutely love this company it's called a ridge wallet it's a minimalist style wallet and I guarantee you we can fit almost everything that is in this giant bulky wallet and Adam's new wallet you guys see how sleek and slender it is benad drill in here quarters receipts from The Fresh Market you don't need this this this is the thing with the old dad wallet you end up it ends up like being your car center console you just throw things in there that you don't need every single card that was in this giant wallet is going to fit right in here h huh look at that look at that not only does Ridge make wallets they make these cool little key cases I got my truck key just my house keys all the Bare Essentials and that's all you need it kind of forces you to change your mindset on what you take and carry with you which I love the rich team is so confident you'll like it that they'll let you test drive it for 99 days you can send it back for a full refund if you don't love it they have so many different styles to choose from go ahead and check them out at ridge.com Landshark and use my code Landshark for 10% off your order I'll also have it Linked In the description box below big thank you to Ridge for sponsoring today's video I got to just take the hook off Dennis and just get you oh my gosh look at I'm not even moving it I'm not even moving it dude I'm literally not working it and they're just it's too much fun Adam that's a big one listen every once in a while you need a good recreational day oh my God look at the size of this fish so this right here this is not the giant ones that we're talking about but this fish is still like six pounds well above the average size we normally get in Florida growing up fishing the pier like you catch them usually in that 2 to 3 lb range in the fall and winter time but this is a respectable size Blue Fish Adam's getting them all the way up to 15 lbs though which I'm sure by the end of the day we'll get a giant one on video for you guys dude this is ridiculous I feel like we're in N Tucket right now just big enough to where you can flip but you don't want to Gap them at the same time you keep saying that but they're not that little look at him trying to eat it out of his mouth look at they're so sick I love seeing them all Chase each other too oh I spit the popper you see them oh they cut me off gosh darn it look at them trying to eat the popper look at them trying to eat the popper my line is cut and they're still trying to the popper on their own dude I'm I can't hook it's all right daddy Vic brought lots of stuff good ready look at him on oh right here oh my God that's a jumbo look at that dude that's a big one bab biggest one today look at that look at that blue man think 15 lb look at that thing this Chopper smoked it can't get the hook out Daddy's going to need a little bit here it's an insta bite as soon as you cast out it doesn't matter what it is I'll show you this funky looking lure that I'm throwing right now that I've wanted to fish for a very long time and I finally put it to good use it's actually a California lure for yellow Tales dude how could you not be excited for this is your first time on hooking a fish Adam dude it went down he went to poop it out look at this thing oh what are these called surface iron all right so in California all the California boys watching you guys love throwing these things for yellow taale we're putting it to good use in Florida rigged kind of wacky we're all fishing giant single hooks today is if you're going to fish a treble hook with Bluefish uh-uh you guys haven't seen their Chompers yet but I'll show you you need something that can unhook real easy and fast so we could as Adam would say sink the boat look Vic stoked right now catching blue dogs dude this is my childhood being a peer guy you love Bluefish that's a good Bluefish the market will like him too so we're going to bring him there all we're doing is just driving up and down and looking for that big black knot of him once again I'm on him unbelievable so that Bluefish school we were on they got really hard hard to see everything looks like Bluefish right now we don't really have a lot of sun it's pretty overcast so the reef looks like blueish and then it got to the point where we were making a cast catch in one or two and then the school would just disappear it would book it like a/4 mile to the North or South so the reason these Bluefish are down here they actually come from New York Connecticut New Jersey or New Jersey um Tucket and they're just migrating down the beach I don't know why these big big ones are not here every year certain years they're here and certain years they make it further south um further south than others like sometimes they get stuck in Sebastian right now they're in Jupiter I've seen them seen them as far as Deerfield Bluefish are cold water fish right now the water is only about 72° up north it is a lot colder they're probably still catching them in the Carolina so these fish have a wide geographical range we're just going to keep going up and down the beach and looking for these things we got about 200 lb of Bluefish Adam says when that kill box is full it's around 300 lb he's aiming for a th000 that's what he wants he wants to see this whole Deck full so we're only able to fish until about 12 1:00 at about30 that wind's going to switch out of the North it's going to start blowing hard it's going to get nasty out here North Wind with the big swell those two that two combination doesn't do very well so we are going to tryy and get out of here around 12:30 like I said it's 9:30 right now got a lot of fish to catch until then so we need to put the Drone back in air and we can find some more all right we finally found our school because we put the Eyes in the sky Dennis put the Drone in the air we were out way too deep the whole time oh my gosh oh my gosh we were out way too deep these fish are like really hugging the shoreline w yeah Bluefish just made me fall Vic I heard you lost your van I was just thinking that so one time I was fishing for Bluefish with my buddy Chris low and a wave came or no a wave didn't come I just fell in his boat and I dropped my van stall in the water you Dr so lethargically you were like oh my van watch that Hook's going to pop right out just like that you know what I like about these fish Denis check it out they got the prettiest eyes see how yellow his eyeball is just these blue chrome fish and get it try to zoom in a little bit on his mouth and his teeth so you guys can't see they don't have crazy big teeth but they got incredible jaw pressure if we can demonstrate yeah put your fingers no no no no it'll take your finger right off Adam take a Lady Fish take I'm not I'm not partaking in this yeah you are I want to show I want to show the people something take the uh lady fish tail and put just put them down you're hilarious I wish we brought a hot dog or something on the boat so you guys could see this we got three of them buddy do we have hot dogs on the boat shut up we're just making a mess long story short incredible jaw pressure oh sure you never you never ever want to get your finger near them cuz they will literally chop your finger off do we have a hot dog on the boat yeah we got three really oh my gosh Vic you are so funny ah D just on the outside of M all right Blue Fish number I don't even know how many we got on we probably got close to 300 lb on or 300 lb in the boat these Bluefish just keep hugging the beach man we 3 ft of water dude really which wouldn't be a problem we could sit here all day but there's a swell so you got to careful careful careful going little what do you think of that once we get all these fish in the Fish Box I'm actually going to throw some salt water in there get a slurp going get the core temperature of those fish down and then drain it once we get in load them in the fish box and we'll bring them to the market but we need to catch a couple more if you guys want to come do some of this beach fishing this time of year it's really good in the winter time when you guys are up north and it's cold and it's snowing and you're on the couch watching this video wishing it could be you it can wintertime fishing pompo Bluefish Bone Fish big Jacks any of it on the beach this time of year we usually have a lot of West Winds and the beach fishing is phenomenal Victor will have my stuff link down below you guys can come on the moving weight rig same exact boat that Victor was standing on yes that's right and it's a lot of fun if you've never done it book a trip let's go [Music] fishing I think this is probably the average size fish we caught right around 10 lbs Hefty blue fish great hard fighting fish and I know this one's mine because I took off his little Nubs and I actually bled this one as well um but we're going to FL him up 8 in Dexter Max Flex knife I'm pretty much going to Flame him just like any other fish but I do know that blue fish have very soft soft soft meat that is why a lot of people don't like them and consider them a trash fish because of that soft meat and especially a blue fish of this size smaller blue fish two three Pounders I would say most people won't put their nose up to it but there are people who no matter what you tell blue fish and they're just look at you like you're crazy but these big ones a lot of people avoid and almost exclusively smoke them and you guys can see already they got pretty dark meat get over this rib cage right here look at that so first glance what do you see you see some dark meat not what you're used to when people think of like a good quality fish they think of white meat relatively firm blue fish are very soft fleshed doesn't mean they're bad you just got to approach them differently and this is an 8 in deex Max Flex you guys can find it linked below and you can actually use my code L shark and save 20% off all Dexter knives it's kind of like the argument with uh Kingfish so the smaller the kingfish the be better they make for table Fair the bigger they get they start to get real gy oily bloody and the meat just gets real soft so it doesn't make for nice fillets but it also makes for great fish for fish dip or fish salad or if you wanted to make like a fish chowder oh look at that I don't see anything wrong with that fish right there now skinning it is pretty much like anything else but I'm going to be pretty liberal with how much I leave right above the skin because that is the part of the Bluefish that's going to be the Gest anyway and the oiliest so I don't want that in my final product so I'm going to leave a really small layer of skin Right Above It see just like that you see how thick that bloodline is that is where the trash in the trash fish comes from cuz if you don't take out any of this you're going to have a very fishy not good fishy flavor I'm actually going to remove most of his bloodline so I'm going to go on both sides of this blue fish's bloodline and now I'm going to remove this if I was going to smoke this I would totally leave it in because if you're going to smoke it it doesn't really matter since we're not doing that I'm going to go ahead and take it out and I'm going to continue to remove as much of this bloodline out as possible here so I don't have to do it at home oh look at that see how thick that stuff is that right there is the reason people don't like this fish all right so I'm going to continue to shave this away my gears are turning my head with what I want to do with this thing but it's going to be good I'll see you guys in the kitchen all right let me learn you guys something I have stood by the statement from the beginning of this Channel and that is there's no trash fish just trash Cooks all right now you take a look at this I'm telling you God's honest truth this fish does not smell there's nothing weird about it this is a true gator blue fish probably right around 10 lb the size that most people would only smoke or throw back we're going to cook it tonight if you guys take a look it's not the firmest a fish it does have a lot of bloodline to cut out so it's something I wouldn't recommend freezing or eating 3 4 days later this is really a fish you want to enjoy the first day second day maybe even the third day but you're going to notice the longer you go without cooking this fish it's going to start to get Browner and more red and gy so enjoy it while it's fresh as most Seafood should be eaten right we're going to keep it real simple uh Dennis and I are tired just trying to knock this video out so no fancy meals and we're going to just blacken it you know a nice relatable recipe black and blue fish sandwiches on the way home I was really just Craven you know when you get that flavor of like blackened butter and oil and it mixes with the Mayo on the sandwich and the bread and the lettuce that's the flavor that I've really just had in my head that I want to uh eat and Bluefish is honestly a great fish to use as a sandwich because it's a little bit on the softer side so you're not sitting there chewing it you know you don't want to really firm fish for a sandwich you want something with a little softer of a texture so heavily seasoned and Blacken and this Chef Paul's is not as salty as I'd like it to be so I'm still going to Salt these Bluefish fillets a little bit just on one side now let's go outside to the grill all right so we're out here on the camp shift on the sidekick got the side burner going got my 12in fry pan and I don't know how hot we're at but I'll let you know in a second once I put the oil in and see if it starts smoking right away Dennis have you ever eaten blue fish nope all right if you're going to eat a blue fish you better eat a big one this is this is the real test to see if you're going to like it last last week we had pompo we're starting the year off strong with a nice big old Bluefish this is going to be the first catch and cook of 2024 that we actually filmed not posted [Music] let's get a little sneak peek oh we got plenty of time left to go with for that crust form so guess what I ran out of propane outside so we had to come inside I always like to cook fish outside if I can so that way the house doesn't stink like fish that didn't happen today and when I blacken fish what I like to do is I start with oil then I like to put butter in the pan towards the end we got some chabata bread from Publix going to pop that in the toaster once blue fish is cooked it's white meat just like any other fish and salting My Pan let all that butter pull to one side and we can also base all that black and butter onto our blue fish as well okay blue fish is served now tell me that doesn't look good keyboard Warriors that don't like Bluefish tell me that doesn't look good we're keeping it simple everyone's just going to make their own sandwich with whatever they want we got red onion we got tomato we got Mayo calabrian peppers if you're into the spicy stuff baby rugula from the other night when we made the salad with pompo and that is it I'm making my own sandwich well I'm going down put some mayo for mine Dukes Mayo if you guys have never had Dukes you got to try it Dukes is the best this stuff these are pretty spicy so if you don't like spice I would not put this on but some calabrian chilies red peppers good slice of tomato some red onion some baby arugula some salad I want you know what be the nice guy I'll take this this is what I mean by Bluefish being mushy it's not the nicest presentation flavor-wise it's great but that's why it's going to be so good on a sandwich cuz in a sandwich you're just going to smush any everything anyway you know scrape up all these good bits that I've been soaking in that butter Final Touch a little fresh lemon juice this is an amazing food sandwich hands down amazing F sandwich I wanted to show you guys what it looks like not in the sandwich if you look at this super flaky white white delicious meat I'll even eat some of the bloodline for you guys that is the bloodline of the Bluefish incredible you want to talk about the perfect bun for a fish sandwich these chabata buns are amazing and I know a lot of people I think Bluefish is like the number one fish that people consider a trash fish but I have like oil dripping on my hands Sor but this is absolutely incredible you can feed this to anybody and tell them that it was I don't know Mahi and they'd probably believe you I would it's not fishy whatsoever no I would say Mahi like texture-wise it's it's not as firm as Mahi but we have a friend named Carl Carl if you're watch him he says Vic you will you can't pay me to eat a blue fish I guarantee you if we had car sit down at this table and he atee this sandwich he would love it I don't like it I actually love it because it's got so much flavor that oiliness that people are afraid of is the richness of the sea man that blue fish I was talking to Dennis in the car I was like Dennis this Bluefish could have very well swam from Cape Cod or an huet and we just caught it in Florida you guys ever think about that like how far fish travel and then they end up on your dinner plate it's pretty cool and it makes you really appreciate it and not just think like oh it's another blue fish this fish traveled thousands of miles to be here and now it's on your dinner plate it gave you entertainment it's giving you sustenance and uh it's nutrient-dense food and there's nothing wrong with it I really like it eat trash fish and I say that in quotes take good care of them ice them eat them the same day and you're going to surprise yourself oh yeah baby we got to try this I'm telling you I will I will go so as far to say that I like this more than the Pomo we ate W yeah are you fully commit when you go in for a sandwich 100% like this more than the PPO yep it's got completely different flavor to it yep it's great and you want to know the funny thing this fish's life is worth an eighth of the pomos I had to go in hard for that sandwich bite cuz you know I don't want it to fall out the back end but it's really good black and seasoning if it's not broke don't fix it good old fish sandwich that's it that's it so verdict is out Bluefish delicious I want to thank you guys so much for watching check out Adam's Channel and if you guys are looking for a charter he does everything I'm telling you this kid is super talented inshore offshore I'm going to have all his pictures and stuff his website linked below and then Ridge wallet if you guys want to save 10% off check him out also Link in the description box below thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 220,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluefish, catch and cook, gator bluefish, giant bluefish, bluefish fishing, florida bluefish, bluefish catch and cook, catch clean cook, catch clean cook bluefish, how to catch bluefish, how to cook bluefish, bluefish recipe, bluefish fishing florida
Id: 0h37h4Awrgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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