Smiling Critters are buying a Tiny House! CATNAP and DOGDAY!

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it's morning time for bed it's morning time to wake up got to brush my [Music] teeth hey you blinded me take that you Sunny show off you nasty Nightmare how can you hurt me with a Sunbeam my brush we can't go on like this any longer go my dog day go be here catnap I'm done sharing a room with you the buildings are so basic puppy we need your help cat make the cutest house to prove day wrong let's see whose house wins the cat versus dog battle is starting now what are you making a smoothie cat stay out of my way keep your muzzle out of it turn it all the way up oh yeah ready a perfectly Rich shade I'm good to paint my house huh what is the nasty cat up to some paint on the drum I'm ready to play my colorful Rhythm 1 2 1 2 3 go ready I got it looks like a Starry Sky let's add bright stars there not [Music] bad and join them into constellations how do you feel about it dog day cares Big Shot astrologer it's nap time sweet dreams what is he dreaming about sheep I'm coming oh no don't enough go away thanks man here are the supplies for my roof quite a nightmare this goes here it wasn't a dream after all oh you tricky dog oh this cloud is Fluffy you're right up my alley I'll use you for my roof double-sided tape will be my partner in [Music] crime at a color print he's up to something again what's burning the sun is my best bud perfectly even shapes the windows and the door already yeah I need your help come now I'm here I want two windows here's the payment no problem coming right up wo awesome can I get a door on top of that please fine I need to focus on second thought a leg will be fine in this case your order is complete thank you Mr [Music] strange now you can see the moon from my Windows I'll add Moon [Music] craters here is the Crescent what now the Moon is even smaller my art requires some adjustments now it looks credible all of the full moon over [Music] here well with this neighbor you can't have a full moon what yeah much better let's design the door what are these wood chips do you mind great the work's going this will be my door I just need to paint it using my Magic Brush which color do I do firstly red now it's orange next one is green then comes blue H let's cut an arch oh how am I supposed to focus here is my brand new cute door fits like a glove neighbor how does that look so outdated my door will be out of this world whoa a rocket big deal all of my own garden fresh [Applause] [Music] soil now I need to water my flower bed and fill it all with the solar energy of Life grow faster flowers oh here is the first harvest hey catnap candy I'm good I'm [Music] sleepy stupid fireflies I'm trying to sleep bam got you bug I'll catch you all what is he doing this looks like a new Tik Tok Trend come on cat there you [Music] go sick moves let's add music everyone loves it do they is the cat asleep whatever okay I'll make a muffler for cat my brand new fence what is this an urgent notice hey wake up breaking news there's a meteor shower coming hide now or find good protection for your heads I warned you all right I have an umbrella for the rain loser kitty cat you have nothing The Shield will work so where is your rain hello the stones what free stones from space so it wasn't a rain oops poor thing my space path to home is ready my mailbox should be yellow more purple cute butterflies nice [Music] bats protect yourself puppy let's joust uh-oh got to hold back this water or else it'll destroy everything let's team up truce easy bear bring it in that's it nice great [Music] job congratulations we're done day night how does that look do you like your sunny house and a rainbow wow it's fantastic there was a meteorite path for you and a rocket and the night sky and I'm sleepy look at those windows I love this one I'm obsessed with poppy playtime hucky Wy and Mommy long legs are my favorite got to take a break look what's lying there baby Huggy wuggy how adorable and mini poppy Huggy check it out coming mommy ouch I'm stuck I'm here you messed up our way home what have you done you little monster what do we do hey there monsters hi Huggy hi Mommy someone showed up who Could That Be hi we're looking for these monsters mommy long legs and Huggy Waggy never seen them before you can't fool us we are Pros move we'll look around here get in the vent hugy that's a cute place what will we be doing here hugy I have an idea let's build our own secret room oh where did you find this get it over here let's start building the bed give me a measuring [Music] tape a clamp fers mommy pass me the hammer hey Mommy too many tools Huggy the bed frame is done Bravo Huggy now we got to paint it the bed is ready nice job we did amazing this is a bench not a bed it's so harsh pH Huggy mommy I'm [Music] coming here's a mattress look Mommy our soft [Music] bed now we're talking monsters like things cozy too come on hug you can have these pillows thanks mil you are so generous oh look our monster sensor is pointing right at the living room the hunters are coming this way they'll get me go ahead Theo what do I do no way am I getting out Huggy wuggy get down where on Earth is it look around shh Huggy so weird looks like the compass is acting up again let's go Theo oh my back thanks MAA let's see what we've got here oh a rake message no no no no no oh a mysterious Cube it was a designer Cube poppy play time Style mommy I brought a floor lamp for us what do we think blue light more blue I want a pink [Music] light this is what I truly like pink not happening I can make it any color red green blue oh it's a party so much fun let's get an LED strip I'll sort this clutter oh what's that old vide tapes I have an idea all glue the tapes together now we have a square shelf so poppy [Music] pretty what's in this tape pink tape perfect what are you working on mommy you about to see it's a curtain for my cozy bed isn't it the cutest cool deal is it all done hit it Huggy home sweet home guys I made tea for you thanks that's very nice a fun tea party with monsters we are so homesick guys I'll help you out stay here how much cash do I have that should be enough hello I need a new big TV here's the delivery just in time there's your TV sweetheart mommy Huggy I've got a surprise for you a huge TV yay we'll be able to go back home inside our game mommy Huggy bye guys bye-bye ma you'll be missed happy birthday baby make a wish I want my daddy to be back with us I can help here comes your gift [Music] Yi what is it how sick is that it's a golf club it has always been a dream of mine honey I'll get [Music] it it's him again what's the deal I'm here for my daughter's birthday bash with gifts I love gifts hey what hold on H strike a a gift from Daddy sweetie this is horrible what happened to your bed don't cry daddy you'll surely figure something out you're the best oh so cute I already have an idea check it out here I'll build a new bunk bed for you how do you feel about that Dad no I'm too old for this [Music] bed that's what I want look are you sure please please please okay baby dad will make this bed for you A big magnet that's what I need switching to Wood mode here you go nice all boards are ready wow so many [Music] boards well we're about to start sawing [Music] yeah phew good job let's see for real I need to change the construction technology the frame is complete my arm muscles are huge what about the other [Music] arm now let's do the coating the key is to cut everything [Music] right and polish a pickup truck needs Wheels take your [Music] places well now let's paint what color is Mila's favorite this oh that's right pink what about Wheels they are too pale I know the wheels will be yellow or green nah yellow is much better the inside should be soft attach a blanket right [Music] here and on the door and on the floor what a soft truck so cozy but something is missing a steering wheel is what we need and a dashboard it's a pickup truck after all not a living room don't forget a rear view mirror all you can see from behind is the pink Vibe that's not okay how could I forget the other window I know who will help me this is a mission Fit For Dead Pool all right you guys [Music] another musthave item is a yellow [Music] bumper here are the missing pieces a little Pegasus a nice mascot for my princess's pickup truck a back wheel excellent and now let's pull off the softest bed in the history of pickup trucks [Music] what I nearly overslept I'm running out of time go [Music] ahead it's unsafe we need a soft ladder here you go MAA yes daddy is this pickup truck mine here you go princess this is the best bed in the world oh all this Joy made me car sick do you want to drive Let's Go Daddy faster do you like our movie theater in a pickup truck ew this game controller isn't mine I'll wipe the floor with you girls over here what's the deal it's time to find out who we're having a boy or a girl I'm going to have a brother huh it's going to be a girl no it's a boy Mia Susie calm down boy whoops it's okay sorry Mom would you help me with the Cradle absolutely I will no I will oh so that's the Cradle oh my blueprint is better what no my mommy long legs Castle is way cooler thank you Mom we're doing it my way that's it enough is enough I'll clean it all up with one Huggy button my mommy game controller is cooler any [Music] anyway it worked uh nah wo that was easy guys it's chainsaw time woohoo pH well done I'm ready I already painted the wall so your paint is irrelevant all right sis oh a bar it's mine no it's mine mine Let It Go girls fighting again we're not Mom what are you doing just sewing a bar as usual you messed up my sketch [Music] I worked so hard fine I'll have a fresh [Music] start wow here it is my wall no it's mine what hang on let's share it it'll show you the right way to do it nothing can replace a drill [Music] a hammer and nails are old school a beast nah it's you again I'll be done with my frame faster does Susie have a fuzzy wall too oh no in that case mine will be smooth ha I can do that with my eyes closed [Music] awesome what Mommy Long Legs window oh hang on my window is a Huggy wuggy eye and I that's unique and I'll secure my window just got to hit it right cutting out [Music] lashes paint and glue over the window 3D eyelash effect Hold On Tight Huggy wuggy eye one more [Music] piece paint cut out and glue on Huggy wuggy has two eyes now what's that all about check out my soft upholstery fabric you don't have this I don't wait a second this is for you my fabric is much softer I'll adjust her castle oh the eye is on tight and the mouth is hard to rip off but I can remove the upholstery jeez he's alive why is everyone scared of me it's okay I will decorate this house my milk teeth good thing I didn't give them to the Tooth Fairy a monster decoration at the entrance I can do that too that will be a mommy long legs mouth lovely lips on top gorgeous what is he doing there hey like my teeth what is she pulling a slide this slide's heavy how do I put it up need a hand there I'll get it done wo thanks where is that from Huggy junor is all covered in paint did you do this no it wasn't me poor little Huggy Junior no biggie we'll find an activity for you Huggy Junior turned out to be a talented artist I'll do better oh I don't even have to paint my wall is already decorated now we need to take care of the floor it has to be super soft good for you Huggy we are crushing it something's missing pipes oh you are so right so how do we pull it off I have a plan a real chimney Watch Mia what's that all about why are you sad Susie I miss my little sister so much Susie come back Huggy I miss her so much Mommy surprise I built a house for my little sister wo hey there what oh no I'm in labor got to go to the hospital take deep breaths it's all right jeez what should I do Huggy it's so hot in here oh hey Mia so it was you all along I missed you so bad she had twins a brother and a sister let's play Mia want to be Huggy and I'll be Mommy okay coming heart rate's okay continue with the surgery holy playtime my toy will she make it through thank you Mommy I'm good on my own hold tight kissy Missy you have to live oops oh no she died it's his fault you did that no you did no it was you welcome to jail blue losers no there has been a mistake who hurt you baby they did creeps I don't like jail so what are we to do now The Wheel of Fortune will settle it let's see makeover rooms here's paint Huggy but I don't know anything about construction paint I mean I'm like living paint myself okay I know what to paint hey kissy long time no see girl kissy Missy that's a wise move how do I one up him I won't need Paint I know about hand paint technique Granny it's been so long so much better am I right kissy why are these pics in my camera I don't even know all these people here now I have decent villains up here decorating them with light my cute little Huggy bombs Cutie Pies oh hey you are my sweet couple [Music] huggy's exhausted I've seen this watch somewhere before what is this a Huggy cuckoo ouch good thing it's just 1 p.m. hey you sho how did I get so lucky with all of you oh that's actually a nice decoration a perfect place for a Huggy clock by the way what time is it oh perfect timing that blue yeti thing is ahead of me I'll do it my way though being like everyone else is not my cup of tea I can paint everything here in no time follow the color my rainbow friends this bright path on the wall will lead my friend orange to me and the rest of the team all there's left to do is paint the wallet hat wow you know my office is so plain compared to blues oh I have an idea hey my rainbow friend want a delicious Burger gotcha give me your fingers lucky shot pleasure doing business with you blue go to bed at last fine good night H you are so yummy baby blue hum Nom Nom don't eat me no Huggy that was a nightmare how come Huggy wuggy is there he's playing with this little train as if he wasn't just about to eat me here comes my slobbery Revenge oops the baby train jumped off the rails now I can sleep aw it got kind of boring in [Music] here Vicki's not having fun either oh no alert is on Huggy blue move
Channel: WHOA GUM
Views: 3,760,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smiling Critters, Tiny House, CATNAP, DOGDAY, poppy Playtime Chapter 3, poppy playtime, amazing digital circus, cartoon, what if, whoa gum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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