CHAPTER 3: ALL BOSSES! (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my my coat my beautiful purple coat silence I don't want to hear another word from you about your precious little [Music] coat wait what what's happening to me it may not be the healthiest meal in the world but you just can't beat a good [Music] PB&J my sandwich catnap what happened you look crazy Justice is what happened to me picky I didn't deserve my colorful coat and so now I've lost it lost it but but how I just don't understand how that's even possible oh but you will though pigy Pig you will wait wait wait no you can't do this to me please [Music] there that's much better now isn't it allow me to formally welcome you to the group picky to the group of the [Music] colorless Yahoo that trick was wicked I can't believe I just landed that who katnap what the hey how's it going kick and chicken how do you feel about my new look it's kind of creepy if I'm being honest um your first so pale and your eyes enough sorry catnap but I have any interest in joining whatever freaky club that you've got going on here time to fly the [Music] coupe now we're talking baby I'm about to leave this guy in the dust who what the what in the world's that sound you've got to be kidding me yes there there's a way out I can make it uh-oh that's not good no come on man that was a brand new board that's better no more running now or skateboarding for that matter from now on you're one of us almost there almost there just a little bit higher now come on go it yes uh-oh woohoo I did it I got the bone I got the bone oh boy I've been trying to reach that thing for ages this is the best day of my [Music] life catnap what happened to you you look a little bit under the weather or something ah no no no wait hold on don't do this I I didn't even get to enjoy my bone yet at least bury it for me okay that's enough we can spare this one catnap for now at least I think maybe I'll use him as an example crafty corn what's going on oh please dog day don't act like you are so innocent you know as well as anyone one that I'm the least favorite smiling Critter and you know what I'm finally sick of it huh where am I what in the not what you're used to is it huh dog day typically when you think of the smiling Critters you see a beautiful rainbow of color but not anymore what are you up to I I don't understand what is the meaning of all this this this is all about Justice do you have any idea how hard it's been being the only colorless smiling gritter all these years do you have any idea how much pain that's caused me it's been like this since the very beginning ever since the smiling Critters were born I've been treated differently than the rest of you almost like I was an afterthought come on guys gather on for the photograph I think we should form a rainbow heck yeah that's a great idea yeah this is going to be awesome okay now let's see you go here you go over there uh cat up where uh where should I go on the end oh crafty corn there you are perfect timing you're the one who's going to take the picture for the rest of us huh but I everybody smile now say cheese you all look great I'm going to make a big framed copy of this and hang it up in home sweet home good idea catnap nice crafty corn don't cry look the only reason I didn't put you in the photo was because I wanted us to form a perfect rainbow you don't really have much color you're just white it wouldn't pop you know what I mean but here I want you to have something it's a rainbow pendant now you have all the color like the rest of us with this you're the most colorful smiling Critter there is Kat not thought the pendant would lift my spirits but it didn't work somehow I felt worse than ever and it was in that moment I got to work on my ultimate Revenge plan I was going to teach you all a lesson make you feel how I feel because if I couldn't be colorful why should the rest of you get to be I can't be colorful why should anyone [Applause] be and that my friend is why all of this is actually happening because not one of you realized how unfair you were treating me and not one of you even cared I wasn't in that photograph but no matter because I'm about to steal that beautiful orange color of yours once and for all no what do you think you're doing sorry crafty corn it's not fair you didn't get to be in our photograph but that doesn't mean I'm about to let you steal my [Music] color wait no what are you doing you don't know how to work that thing don't touch that I wonder what this does help me he's going to get me bubba help Bubba I've got you what the whatever you are let go of my friend do you hear me I got to make sure it doesn't take any of the others crafty corn hold on we need to get out of here now what are you talking about what is that thing I don't know but it took babba and it might take you too you [Music] monster catap save me let go of him right now I'll kill you I won't let him hurt you dog day it'll all be okay catnap please help me [Music] Don't Let Go Dog Day I I can't hold on no no try picking on someone your own size I'm just as strong as [Music] you is that all you've got that's nothing compared to my power you'll never take me watch out what is that thing I don't know but it took the smiling Critters so it's definitely not friendly then we got to get away fast I'll get you I'll get you somehow and you hey more gives I thought I was saving you I was about to take that robot down and avenge my friends you mean there yes Bubba crafty corn dog day they're all gone because I couldn't save them it might not be too late and even if it is you can still take down the robot before it gets to the others they may be dead but you're right I'll have my revenge and you're coming with me since when I might have other things to do you know since right now uh yeah love saving the SM Critters um you know maybe if we go to the lab we can find some something to take that robot down good plan see this is why I keep you around we should look for blueprints or where are you you know what you do you I'm just going to look for myself oh perfect catnap over here this isn't the right robot it looks nothing like it it's smaller maybe it's some kind of early draft I just have a feeling they're still related somehow I've got a feeling too a bad feeling do you hear something intruder alert enemy spotted hey that's one of the robots from the blueprint any last words help don't hurt me it's Bubba what [Music] Bubba how did this happen it all began when the big robot took me the robot shoved us into his chest cavity and took us somewhere somewhere dark and thankfully he let us out we thought we might be free or that you had come and saved us but that's not what happened where are we I don't like the looks of this what are those things I'm scared where's catnap I hope you enjoyed your ride smiling Critters I tried to make it as comfortable as possible just kidding I didn't try that hard but you better get us to that little chest cavity you were in because that's just a taste of the rest of your future I think I know what it's going to do to us guys try to run while you can buba look out you see I created these small robots to carry out my wishes and attack Intruders but I couldn't find anything with enough energy to get them up and running until now because what's a limitless source of energy something living not close enough to living something like you and enjoy your new home sweet home B I look forward to seeing you in action and that's all I saw before I got stuck in here I thought I'd be in there forever we don't have any control over what the robots do which is why I attacked you guys I'm so sorry if I hurt you I didn't mean to I swear it's okay Bubba we understand so that means crafting corn and dog D are in robots too that would be the most logical conclusion the CEO is trying to make an army of robots if he gets the others it'll be game over real fast in that case we must find and free the others as well before it's too late thank you for your help BBA we'll set our friends free and get our revenge I promise you I'm sure I can pick up on crafted corn sent somewhere around here this is where we saw her last I thought dogs were the ones that had a good sense of smell aha I think I've got something me you look over there that must have been what I smelled but what could it mean we're about to to find out come on let's follow it enemy spotted Exterminating threat crafty corn I know you're in there I'll set you free crafty corn calm down they can't remember here try and open its chest I got you crafty corn we already know what happened you couldn't control your actions it's okay now we can get you home and then all we need to find is stand down or be eliminated player I'm sorry I'm trying to let you go oh good dog day D eror SP shutting down thanks guys I'm I'm sorry for hitting you so hard my little friend are you okay yes catnap I swear oh dog day I failed you I failed all of the smiling Critters I let that horrible robot capture you all you must have been so scared and it's all my fault no sweat what matters is that in the end you found us and set us all free that was no easy task especially having to defeat that giant evil robot oh about that we haven't found it but when we do I'll get my revenge do we have any idea where the robot could be it will be going after the rest of the critters we need to quickly head to home sweet home and stop him looking for more power sources huh well you're not getting any more today I may not have been able to defeat you before but now you're [Music] outnumbered catnap I think I need backup catnip it's not looking good never give up player you should know that better than anyone else I don't think we can take them on just the two of us and now you don't have to we heard you needed help so I rewired the robots so we can take control of them ourselves five against one that Giant's no match for us Let's go Team everyone attack we don't need to do this mommy long legs I don't want to hurt you but you can't keep coming coming here and attacking my friends a girl's got to eat doesn't [Music] she oh you brutish fiend don't you know I'm just trying to look out for my family you have a family not all of us are complet completely alone catnb alone we want she's wrong I'm not alone I'm a smiling Critter too aren't I well I mean you are but you also kind of aren't cuz you're so big I guess that makes sense I never used to feel alone when I was with the smiling Critters but they're just friends not family catnap you're looking pretty blue are you okay Bubba I I want a real family it feels like I'm the only person here who doesn't have someone who looks like me I want a father a mother or or a sister well why didn't you just say so I know just the thing taada the make a friend machine a bunch of the toys here were made with it if you want a sister this will be a good place to start what's this Kitty nap cancelled prototype tested poorly with boys H she's just like me but Gia and pink I think technically that makes her your twin sister you're right Bubba she's the twin sister I've never met well kitty naap it's time to come to life be careful catnap if something goes wrong in the machine she may not come out right how hard could it be thanks for your help Bubba but we'll be fine now run along siblings only if you say so good luck you two okay here we go kitty naap time for a family reunion now come on do your thing work I thought something went wrong for a second [Music] there whoa where am I it worked sister who are you I'm your twin brother catnap and you're Kitty naap we're a family oh family you can't let go now sorry I just got excited I'm alive and I have a brother wow but come on let me show you [Music] around so that right there that's the train that's how you get to the CEO the CEO he's horrible we fight him a lot he sounds like you'd make a great snack oh a good one that's the trash room stay out of there there's a huge compactor that could swallow you home and that's well well well who do we have here I've never seen one like this before she's my twin sister sure she is looks like lonely little catnap took my words to Heart oh but she's not your real family if you had to make her you know you don't know anything she's my family and we're going to take you down together actually catnb can you leave this one to me I was in that bin for a long time I need to stretch my legs a little I don't know she's pretty powerful sis [Music] that was wow did you see that she was no match for me no one is a match for me uh right yeah are you proud of me brother so proud I'm really uh happy to call you my sister even if you seem a little crazy what was that nothing I think we need a break from the action do you want to meet my friends of course any friend of my Bros is a friend of mine guys I want you to meet my sister Kitt up sister so it worked yep Kitty naap this is Bubba and I'm hoppy hoppy hopscotch hello little ones it's so lovely to meet you you too I know you're going to love catnap he's like a big brother to me a big brother to me a big brother to me a big brother to me a big brother to me well he's not your brother now is he I guess not family bonding time everyone hoppy come on over actually I think I would like to bond with Hoppy oh that sounds great let's go on a little Adventure wee F time that's strange wo mine's sliding down Kitty nap where's the fun in that where on Earth is she going so fast Kitt it up wait a sec she's saided to the trash room Kitty naap stop why are you doing this Kitty naap because Miss Hopscotch you say can Up's like a brother to you well he thought I am going to be the only sister in his life I was made for him and you compared to me you are nipping I didn't mean it I want to be friends your important to catnap they're important to me you can't be catnap sister if you're just a bunch of scraps right catnap help me Kap stop right there Kap I'll do anything please just let her go you need to let her go forever I am the only sibling you need in your life Kitty na I can't do that Poppy is a different kind of family the kind you make along the way I can love you both at once just differently liar I don't think you can nice knowing you sis no [Music] no catap help me I know I tried to do a terrible thing but please help me hold on everyone hold on as tight as you can watch out we're not going to make it we will I must save you all hey wait get come back help me no taken chicken no is he going to be okay we have to keep moving but we'll come back for him right I'll do what I can but for now we rock catb slow down I can't hold on much longer you have to try Bobby C this can't happen I can't lose all of them there's got to be somewhere I can there hey dog day come here I can still save you dog day there's still time no let me in it's no use I can't it can't have been for nothing catnap what's going on catnap don't worry I've got you catnap we got to get out of here you can't just hang around I'm trying how did this even happen usually play Tempco sprinklers work pretty well that's it sprinklers there can you reach that pipe I can try huh I've got you up you saved me catap I may have saved you but I lost the others it happened out of nowhere I was taking my daily walk making sure no one came to mess with my dear smiling Critters when suddenly bobby bear hug kicking chicken everyone crafty corn bbba hoppy where are you I couldn't find anyone until I heard cries for help help help I'll save you we have to leave what about the others we we don't even know where they are Kat up get us out of here I had to leave the others behind I had no idea where they were or if they were even still alive huh I saw someone though someone who must have been the culprit cut up we got to get out of here it has to be the CEO right crafty corn did you happen to see the same figure I saw no I was too busy being terrified player I I have a feeling you're right crafty corn return to What's Left of home sweet home see if there are others player and I have unfinished business to attend to oh I knew I shouldn't have bribed the safety inspector I just hope explosions are covered by our insurance you will pay not this again a You Killed The Smiling Critters you blew up Home Street home no before you slice me and dice me look around the place has burnt to a crisp do you think let my precious belongings go up in Flames look at my suits a I still don't believe you yeah this could just be an elaborate ruse player just look at the security footage I have I'm innocent see I'm minding my own business when the explosions start do you ever do your job I'm the CEO of an abandoned Factory I don't have a job hey wait there's someone in the Boiler Room see innocent I'm suspicious ious but I'll deal with you after we find this guy and destroy him but catnap what about the other smiling Critters they might still be alive not for long if they're in trouble you're right come on yikes it really is bad in here I wasn't exaggerating someone help me chicken chicken can you pull this off of me I'm so glad you're alive me too I got trapped under this Rubble when the place exploded with some water fell from the ceiling and put out the fires we did that hopefully it worked everywhere then there's definitely a chance I'm just glad I'm not Fried Chicken hey catnap I found a clow maybe they're from the guy who made all the explosions pop Prince this could be well any of the smiling Critters I I guess a smiling Critter would never hurt its Brethren I refuse to believe it you got to follow them what if you can find everyone else it's worth a try let's go I got this Bobby are you okay can't hold on much longer Bobby don't let go thank you katnap I knew you'd come back I managed to save you kicken chicken crafty corn I think that's everyone you lost right I feel like I'm forgetting something dog day there's still [Music] time dog day I have to save him where do you think he went he was just standing there in the explosion I have no idea where he might be now hey more Paw Prints but they look like they lead to nowhere I doubt it this must be where he went player take the others back to home sweet home and make sure they're safe but who's going to make sure you're safe don't worry about me just go whoever you are I know you're down here fight me you'll pay for what you did to my friends you glad to see you're not a total coward show your face or have have to strip that mask right off your huh where am I catnap dog D you just tried to kill some of your best friends why would you do this to us well he would never do that to you he needed a little help that's all I was running low on plans to destroy you all myself so I decided to take on an apprentice of sorts what where am I catnap help me oh your dear catnap isn't coming for you this time at least not yet what is that you're about to find out no h nothing like a little mind control to get things done huh with this suit I able to control dog day and I use that power to attack your precious little home sweet [Music] home I I did that no I didn't mean to I swear it's okay dog day you're free now not quite your thoughts may be free but your actions are still mine stop I don't want to hurt him I don't want to hurt you either you have to you have to stop me before I do something worse I refuse catnap I'm sorry you have to stop me not on my watch hold him still you got it no you idiot I haded with you little rascals treating my factory like your playground we're sorry Miss longlegs you're making Mommy angry you're lucky I didn't spin you up in my web to begin with hey watch where you're going someone could have been HT not exactly who I was trying to catch but I suppose I can take my anger out on you all the same thank you no time for pleasantries player now help me stomp this spider out with pleasure yeah it's locked Bubba do you think you can figure this out maybe let me try and me you win this time but those smiling creat better stay out of my web or I'll be back thanks for the help don't get used to it no get away from that here what's happening to me help I can't control it h no it can't be no I'm I'm I feel different I feel powerful I feel woo W catnap guys we got to help him he's all tiny and toasted guys and why should we I kind of like being the big one for once yeah it's nice being the top dog well just because you're big doesn't mean catnap can't [Music] be I don't think so wo whoo wo whoo wo wo please you don't have to do this we know but it seems like so much fun catnap we got to get out of here oh right knocked out we can't let them Escape get him come on catnap wake up wake up they're all totally jacked now but it's okay catnap could never get to the door in his monster form but I guess there's only one of him I swore I saw him go this way just keep looking stay [Music] quiet did you all hear something no no you have big ears maybe it was something none of us could hear you have big ears too good point well I didn't hear anything okay I heard that uh peekaboo I told you they went this way catnip run Papa you cnip we need to get away from them do you know anywhere we can hide what about the big metal door that never mind yeah tried that I know this orphanage well there's a crawl space right there they'll never fit this is all your fault you just had to scream why'd you do that I was having a nightmare wow now you know what it's like to be on the other side it was horrible no stop you're getting too strong you'll hurt yourself I tried to remind them that I created them that I was the one that took all their pain away and made them happy I was the reason they now have such a loving [Music] family but they continue to show me memories of all the times I heard them all the times they felt wronged and now that they become bigger and stronger Revenge seems to be the only thing on their mind H nice nice try runt we're never giving up our new power watch this try Stopping Us Now wait I can't stop [Applause] growing no and then I woke up based on what I just saw I think my nightmare is going to come true so they're just going to get more and more powerful until they can't control it anymore and it kills them we can't let that happen catnap no I may be small but I still have claws hurry this way our only choice is to turn them back before it's too late how' we get reversed in the first place you all electrocuted yourselves with the control panel so electricity is the key it's worth a shot what is that I can hear you I don't think I can make it past this huge dent catnap go on without me I'll figure something out are you sure go save your friends I'll come back for you all right hoppy let's see what you I'm okay no I'm not no I'm not going somewhere you may have caught me but you'll never get catnap we'll see about that wait what are you H sorry hoppy but I got to run you'll never stop us player we'll get you and your little cat [Music] too time to turn things up a [Music] notch wait sir please this company was never made to build toys don't do this you don't know what you're doing it was made to change the world what happened does anyone have a visual on the toy what have you done the experiment worked it really worked it sure did didn't it huh I'll be happy to take over from here doc wait catap what what are you doing here I thought you were destroyed destroyed do I look dest destroyed to you starting today this Factory will no longer be run by foolish corporate entities instead it shall be run by us the elemental [Laughter] toys why can't I just have a nice normal day for once my neck what the hey there player what's wrong can't take the heat dog day what happened to you you're so powerful I know right and it's all thanks to our brave leader catnap catnap sorry I had to roast you like that back there it's just catnap told me not to let anyone in or near the laboratory under any circumstances well that settles it then no no wait if it's catnap who's behind this I've got to investigate sorry Doug [Music] day oh boy it looks like a bomb went off in this place are you sure about this catnap yes quite sure and it sounds like I'm not alone got to hide and now my brother the time has finally they [Music] come I give you the gift of Unthinkable power may you use this gift wisely what what's happening to me catap what have you done oh man that rainbow goo that must be the same stuff that mutated dog day yes the transformation it's working W I can't believe this my whole body is made of water man wait till the rest of the gang gets a loot of this talk about making a splash it appears that your transformation is already getting attention BBA for it seems we have an unwanted [Applause] guest well well if it isn't play get your tail off me catnap I know you're up to something and I'm not about to let you get away away with it I don't think so babba show player here the true depths of your power with pleasure [Music] catnap [Laughter] Oh no I got to stop him he's getting away hey player hope you can swim uh-oh that's not good what am I going to do yes there that's [Music] perfect nice [Music] try sorry about that Bubba better take some time to recharge oh no sorry player Bottoms Up Ken what are you doing you know you really did come close to stopping me player but unfortunately the sun has set on your foolish attempt might night player sweet [Laughter] dreams where am I what's happening well well look who's awake Kap where did you get that strange liquid from and what are you planning to do with it oh please be you know I got it from the same place all monstrosities come from the laboratory is near at playtime Co ever since the smiling Critter started to decline in sales the CEO put extra pressure on his scientists to come up with fancy new upgrades one of them was for dog day to heat up he'd be a warm and toasty hugging buy perfect toy for cuddling but the CEO didn't think it was right radical enough the CEO was desperate he didn't know how any of this Machinery worked all he knew was that he wanted results so he took things into his own hands and now you see why I had to take it from them because the fools who run this place can't be trusted and I won't live under their rule any longer you see that chemical compound I took from the lab well I've rigged it up to the factory sprinkler system and at exactly 9:00 p.m. it's going to give every toy in this Factory their very own unique element of power just think about it player thousands of toys an entire Army of Elemental super Critters all at my command sounds like more than enough to finally rid of some this awful facty don't you think and then we'll take over the entire world that's enough catnap what the what's the meaning of this bubba and I heard what you're really up to and we don't want anything to do with it you're not going to get away with this catnap well what a shame I to think I thought you two were going to be on my side as I took over the world but no matter okay player listen up we'll hold off catnap you turn off that sprinkler system got it I've had enough of your power hungry ways catnap time for you to feel the burn I gave you fools everything and this is how you repay me wo uhoh we aren't the fools catnap you are come on come on why would this thing we're running out of time we could have had everything dog day unlimited [Music] power can't hold them much longer that's it just a little more now now and make sure those knots are tied extra tight no this isn't over I'm going to make you pay for this goodbye [Laughter] catnap what the dog day bobby bear hug At Your Service we're here to rescue you [Music] uh-oh oh let go of me let go of me well well look how the tables have turned and to think you really were almost rid of me I hate you oh please you don't hate me you hate yourself you made The Smiling Critters and now you can't get rid of us no matter how hard you try are you sure about that [Music] huh no Bobby dog day where are you so long cut up no I won't let you get away with this you should know what happened to your friends just now wasn't personal it was only business now it's time to start the evacuation this this wasn't supposed to happen like this this is all a horrible mistake from the day you were all created each and every one of you brought light into this world you stood by me even when I didn't deserve it you loved me me even at My Darkest Hour you really are the best friends a cat could have and I failed you and for that I will never forgive myself grab that Barrel H be careful this stuff's explosive I almost forgot the CEO is planning an evacuation he asked his goons to clear out the factory he'll be gone by the end of the day but I can't let that happen not before I get my revenge what was that noise I didn't hear anything you fools you really thought you could murder all my friends and I just let you run [Music] off hey man I got no be with you from this day forward my only goal is to inflict pain on every single one of [Music] you CEO if you're watching this just know I'm coming for you and I will let you leave this Factory alive there finally I made it what the heck happened here well with any luck I may be able to search through this mess and piece together what wait a second huh what the [Music] this is unacceptable all these goons and we can't kill one misly cat monster what do I pay you all for don't let him enter this room under any circumstances you understand me if he finds out where we're going we're doed goodbye catnap I hope you enjoy making your last stand IO where are you [Music] huh H looks like the CEO is trying to to take the last train out of here I wonder if they could use some company katnap are you in here well looks like he was here katnap must be going on some sort of Rampage exactly what I was afraid of I've got to find him before it's too late well would you look at this come on now faster I want those barrels loaded post haste he seems intend on leaving with as many barrels as he can oh I don't think [Music] so oh no I'm too late what the thought you could Escape me huh no I always knew it would end something like this you are always my greatest mistake I should have destroyed you years ago no please you you can't do this I created you you can't destroy me you owe your entire existence to me fine then I'll spare you for [Laughter] now well well well look who's finally woken up the CEO of playtime Co or should I say former CEO what what are you doing catnap what's your plan here I demand you let me go free oh please you can save your breath I wouldn't show Mercy to you if you were the last person on Earth and as for my plan it's simple I'm going to do to you the very same thing you did to my family blow you Sky High I have nothing to live for any anyway not after you took them from me no wait can that please I I'll do anything I'll make you more smiling Critters a brand new family twice as big as the last one it's too late for all that now goodbye playtime Co no wait catnap please don't do this you don't know what you're doing oh save player I know exactly what I'm doing and it's too late to turn back now no no no wait please there's something I have to show you it's the smiling Critters they're alive alive but how [Music] wa Bobby beug catnap you're really alive but but how it's actually pretty simple catnap we were saved by the power of love you see just as a CEO was dropping the light I had a flash of inspiration if I could get my arms around the other Critters in enough time I could save us from the blast using my special ability the bobby bear hug signature bear hug Kap the fuse dear God somebody get me out of here get me out of [Music] here I've got an idea we have to use my special ability again to protect us from the blast hurry oh gosh I I don't think it's going to work it'll work we all just need to [Music] focus join us my friend it won't hurt a bit it'll be fun what a fun day I remember how it happened you two are the best and so do I heck yeah me too I remember it like it was yesterday enough cartoons finish your breakfast and get to the bus stop but Dad no butts unless you're talking about getting your butt to school the day started off normal enough we had no idea that it would be our last normal day hey nerd you again hey you two are always fighting to be fair Bubba was a dork and you were a bully that's how it always was Bubba the nerd kicking chicken the self-proclaimed cool kid and me everyone's friend whether they liked it or not I think you're just misunderstood and I think you're a loser it seemed like just another day of school then something strange happened this is weird my grandma's usually here by now so is my mom and my dad we all had a bad feeling something felt wrong and we were right my Grandma had a heart attack out of nowhere my dad got into a car accident and my house it caught on fire with my mother inside they all died the same day practically the same exact time suddenly we had no one but I was lucky my mom happened to work at playtime Co I may not have had a family anymore but at least I had somewhere to go my dear I can't imagine how horrible you must feel your mom was a good woman one of playtime CO's finest scientist and because of that we'd like to offer you a place to stay our new child care facility I was hesitant something just seemed off but I had no other choice okay thank [Music] you wait I'm only going if they can come too H it wasn't much but it was better than the streets well good night thanks hoppy whatever we didn't adjust very well [Music] help oh grandma no we couldn't forget what had happened so playtime code tried to help us this should help you sleep now off to bed son help me help Dad I'm trying I'm trying help me what the how did you get here HH my child off the sleep but I don't want to I can't where am I you are sad my friend of course I'm sad my dad is gone I know but I can help you can bring him back no but I can help another way I can promise you'll never feel this pain again look reach through and you'll become just like me what should I because if you transform you'll learn to forget Dad Dad I I'm a toy welcome my friend I feel better I know it's what you deserve and really don't you all deserve it you're right help me save the others kicking chicken a morning everyone morning but no third voice called out huh I don't remember that doll being there come on let's go look for [Music] him do you think he got taken no he is probably just playing somewhere else today you know I thought I heard him talking to someone in the night you're just imagining things we've all had bad dreams since we got here hey what's that chicken toy doing here what don't scream it's a good thing I'll become a toy yes I don't know that seems scary at first Maybe but toys never have to deal with the pain you felt the pain of death now you can never die and neither can your friends really you'll never lose anyone you love ever again okay okay I'll do it good morning guys but no one responded guys guys I have to find them I tried to be brave I set off in search of my friends with no success where are they what if something bad happened to them what if I never find them what if I'm next we're back here help us follow the sound of our voices don't worry I'll save you I'm coming you found us what I knew you could do it what are you what did you do with my friends don't you recognize us we are your friends how I can show you how I can show you the way no need to scream my dear I'm only here to help no [Laughter] join us my friend it won't hurt a bit it'll be fun I don't want to be like you I know you don't understand but you will soon enough wow I feel great welcome to the family it's like we're one big happy family a big happy family Containment Breach Containment Breach Containment Breach what are they trying to contain and how do I turn off these alarms whatever escaped I'll go find [Music] it found it dick dig no oh my grab pack need a [Music] hand let me go what's that cat got your tongue stop what the what are you you don't recognize us wait maybe I have seen you before aren't you the The Smiling Critters yeah that's our name don't wear it out I saw the cartoons of you guys when I was little does that mean that he's yep catb and we're not letting you hurt him no don't bother stepping in you'll get yourselves killed we don't care we don't want you to get hurt oh my little friend friend get out of here before it's too late no you're our best friend catnap and best friends don't leave each other can you see this clearly isn't the catnap you know this is a monster catnaps no monster step aside I'm going to protect us all ow hey how are you so strong look this guy's on a murderous Rampage he'll kill you too t up is a good guy good guys don't cut off other good guys arms to be fair it's not your real arm now let him [Music] go fine seven against one thanks guys uh catnap you really are my best friends catnap look out looks like like you're going to the pound let me go shh someone needs a controlled shock Che up no he'll be okay hoppy because we're going to save him yeah follow them there's kind of a giant electric door in the way I think I know my way around follow me Mommy Long Legs sorry no time to talk what on Earth are these things smiling Critters at your service oh like catnap yeah have you seen him that M you feeline attacked me and I'm not letting you do the same keep running oh get back here you smiling crens [Music] I think we got this leave it to us if we travel through this vent I bet we can find the CEO let's move fast cnap we're coming guys I told you you're going to get hurt a friend in need is a friend indeed oh you came just in time I'm just going to perform a little routine procedure on our feline friend here what is that what are you planning Miss Dreadful sleeping gas it's really getting in my way so time to go you can't take that away that's what makes catnap special yes yes you're all very special and friendship is important now why you little pick on someone your own size sounds good to me no worry we'll cut you loose you really are the best friends a cat could have but the trouble's not over yet yes help everyone breath powers activate ha you really think your sense can get through this gas mask let's try something else wait I guess he's not such a bad guy after all as long as you stay on his good side
Channel: GameToons +
Views: 4,249,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Als0aitN4mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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