Catholic TV Mass Online March 6, 2022: First Sunday of Lent

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we offer viewers a free subscription to the prayer and worship guide which contains the tv mass prayers the scripture readings as well as special seasonal prayers and reflections on the weekday mass readings for your free copy call toll-free a s 1-855-855-m-a-s-s so that's one eight five five eight five five six two seven seven or write to heart of the nation p o box one four four two eight milwaukee wisconsin five three two one four to order online visit heart of the your privacy is important to us and we will not share your name or contact information with any other organization if you're watching on youtube be sure to subscribe to heart of the nation channel just click below please remember to send in your gift to help support the heart of the nation sunday mass thank you and may god bless you [Music] lead us through the wilderness [Music] in this time of sacred struggle in this time of sacrifice we rejoice for we as you lead us into life [Music] you give your life away [Music] we give our lives [Music] we gather together in prayer in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit amen the lord be with you r and with your spirit happy lent to all of you it sounds a little strange but i think there's some wisdom in saying happy lent technically we should be looking at our lives we should be recognizing our faults and through prayer fasting and almsgiving we become better people so as lent goes on we should be coming we should be becoming better and that should give us a degree of satisfaction and happiness so at this stage of the game we're just beginning so maybe things aren't all that well but as we come we remember our sinfulness and we ask god's forgiveness and healing love [Music] is [Music] [Music] may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring all of us to everlasting life amen and let us pray grant almighty god through the yearly observances of holy lent that we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in christ and by worthy conduct pursue their effects through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one god forever and ever a reading from the book of deuteronomy moses spoke to the people saying the priest shall receive the basket from you and shall set it in front of the altar of the lord your god then you shall declare before the lord your god my father was a wandering aramean who went down to egypt with a small household and lived there as an alien but there he became a nation great strong and numerous when the egyptians maltreated and oppressed us imposing hard labor upon us we cried to the lord the god of our fathers and he heard our cry and saw our affliction our toil and our oppression he brought us out of egypt with his strong hand and outstretched arm with terrifying power with signs and wonders and bringing us into this country he gave us this land flowing with milk and honey therefore i have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you o lord have given me and having set them before the lord your god you shall bow down in his presence the word of the lord [Music] when i am in trouble [Music] i am in trouble you who dwell in the shelter of the most high who abide in the shadow of the almighty say to the lord my refuge and fortress my god in whom i trust [Music] no evil shall befall you nor shall affliction come near your tent for to his angels he has given command about you that they guard you in all your ways [Music] upon their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone you shall tread upon the asp and the viper you shall trample down the lion and the [Music] because he clings to me i will deliver him i will set him on high because he acknowledges my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in distress i will deliver him and glorify him [Music] a reading from the letter of saint paul to the romans brothers and sisters what does scripture say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the word of faith that we preach for if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved for one believes with the heart and so is justified and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved for the scripture says no one who believes in him will be put to shame for there is no distinction between jew and greek the same lord is lord of all enriching all who call upon him for everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved the word of the lord [Music] glory to you word of god lord jesus christ [Music] jesus christ one does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of god [Music] lord jesus [Music] the lord be with you and with your spirit our gospel reading today is taken from the good news recorded for us by luke glory to you filled with the holy spirit jesus returned from the jordan and was led by the spirit into the desert for 40 days to be tempted by the devil he ate nothing during these days and when they were over he was hungry the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become bread and jesus answered him it is written one does not live by bread alone then he took him and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant the devil said to him i shall give you all this power and glory for it has been handed over to me and i may give it to whomever i wish all this will be yours if you worship me jesus said in reply it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him alone shall you serve then he led him to jerusalem made him stand on the parapet of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for it is written he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and with their hands they will support you lest you dash your foot against a stone jesus said in reply it also says you shall not put the lord your god to the test when the devil had finished every temptation he departed from him for a time the gospel of the lord for those of us who live in colder climates we have to make some adaptations to life during winter months and so throughout the years i've done a few little different things i've down downhill skied and it was kind of nice but you get up on the top of the hill even though it's not that tall it's kind of like frightening looking down and i hate to admit it but i did break a rental downhill ski at one particular point i have tried cross-country skiing which i've enjoyed and this season i've done snowshoeing which is incredibly fun uh good exercise and that type of thing so but i think i i like to go back to the the the cross-country scheme the best place to cross-country ski is in a park where they take care of all the trails and they make tracks for the skis to go into so you kind of use your your poles and you're kind of slushing back and forth and doing different things and getting along the trail and i was i remember a couple times but i remember one specific time i was working hard at this whole thing and you know sometimes you get off the trail and i got off the trail which isn't always necessarily bad but i got off the trail heading for a tree and i couldn't get back on the trail that was my problem now i didn't smash into the tree but i had to sit down and throw myself down in order to you know keep from being injured pretty bad but i think lent is a lot like that we are called to be on the trail we're called to be on track with god and occasionally we get off track and when we get off track we have to make sure we get back on track and our time of lent is a time where we look at our lives we look at the trail we look where we're heading and we realize that sometimes we're kind of off track our job is to get back on track the church gives us this time to do that and by prayer fasting and almsgiving those are three of the main components for us to get back on track and if we look to the readings today in the old testament reading the first one we heard we heard about moses being from a family of wandering arabians and when they wandered through the desert they were in touch with what god had to say and even when they got a little bit off track because of reflecting on god's word they got back on track well with us there are temptations all around and i think the temptations of jesus give us some indication of what is tempting us jesus was taken after his desert experience by the devil and offered well turn this rock into a loaf of bread and jesus recognized it's not about feeding myself that's important he takes them to all the powers going to give them all the all the kingdoms of the of the world and jesus recognized the fact it's really not me who's running the show but it's god who is running the show and it's god's kingdom that we're working on and i'll throw your throw yourself down the devil says and everything will be fine well no that isn't really part of what we're all about temptations come in all different forms and at the end of today's scripture reading from the gospel it said he gave them all sorts of different temptations tempted jesus and then he said he left him alone for a time lent is an opportunity for us to look at where we're going and how we're going to get there again prayer fasting and alms giving are ways in which we get back on track and usually for lent we have some things that we want to do and i would encourage all of us to make sure that as we look at lenten resolutions that it's not the same old thing because you know i'm going to give up this i'm going to give up that i'm going to do this extra prayer and whatever else we need to spend a time looking at the track we need to spend some time looking at the goal and maybe it's not so much what we do but it's who we are jesus recognized who he was he was the son of god yes but humility characterized his ministry humility has to characterize what we're all about if we're going to follow in his footsteps and if we're going to stay on track we get off track when we realize it's all about us and not all about god so what are the things we're going to do during this lenten time to keep us on track what are the things we want to do to make sure we're fixed on the goal what's going to help our humility what's going to help our relationship with god what's going to help our relationship with the people around us and with our church communities that's really what it's all about so our job during this lenten season if we're truly going to have a happy lent is to make sure we're on track we know where we're going we know the goal we know the track we know when we get off track this could be a marvelous experience of humility and service but we need to make it special so look at what you want to be and what you want to do could help but me really focus in on what you want to be when lent is over i believe in one god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth and lord jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified to die and was buried he descended into hell on the third day he rose again from the dead he and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen as we gather in prayer we offer to god our prayers and our petitions we recognize the help of god but we also recognize the support that comes from our family our churches our communities of faith we present our prayers for the church that through fasting prayer and almsgiving we may help to satisfy the physical and spiritual hunger of our neighbors around the world we pray to the lord for world leaders and others in positions of authority that they may work for justice for all people especially those who are maltreated or oppressed we pray to the lord for those who suffer from hunger or malnutrition day in and day out that they may know the grace of god through the efforts of those working for an equitable distribution of resources we pray to the lord r lord hear our heart for all of us as we face temptations great and small that we may turn to god for support and strength we pray to the lord lord hear our prayer for the sick especially among our viewers and listeners may they be relieved of their suffering during this lenten season we pray to the lord hear our prayer for those who have gone before us may they be surrounded by the saints in the heavenly kingdom we pray to the lord r lord hear our prayer for the needs and prayers of all our heart of the nation parish members including those joining us from the state of arizona we pray to the lord r lord hear our prayer lord god we ask you to hear the prayers of your family that gathers before you today help us to grow in faith help us to stay on track and through our lives of prayer and fasting and almsgiving may we come closer to you and our goal of eternal life hear our prayers all of them through christ our lord [Music] gracious [Music] is [Music] refuge [Music] [Music] in the shadow of your race [Music] this [Music] [Music] him gracious [Music] oh my god [Music] lord is [Music] pray my friends that my sacrifice and yours may be found acceptable to god our loving church father us the right dispositions o lord we pray to make these offerings for with them we celebrate the beginning of this venerable and sacred time through christ our lord amen the lord be with you lift up your hearts to the lord and let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god through your son our lord jesus christ by abstaining 40 long days from earthly food he consecrated through his fast the pattern of our lenten observance and by overturning all the snares of the ancient serpent taught us to cast out the leaven of malice so that celebrating worthily the paschal mystery we might pass over at last to the eternal paschal feast of heaven and so with the company of angels and saints we sing the hymn of your praise as without end we now acclaim [Music] [Applause] [Music] as it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are indeed holy lord the fount of all holiness make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall so that they may become for us the body and blood of our lord jesus christ at the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion he took bread and giving thanks he broke it he gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and once more giving thanks gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and resurrection we offer you lord the bread of life and the chalice of salvation giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and ministered to you humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of christ we may be gathered into one by the holy spirit remember lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity together with francis our pope a jerome or archbishop and all the clergy remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection and all who have died in your mercy welcome them into the light of your face have mercy on us all we pray that with the blessed virgin mary the mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with the blessed apostles and all the saints who have pleased you throughout the ages grant that we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son our lord jesus christ through him and with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of those important lenten tenants that's going to keep us on track of course is our lives of prayer jesus knew that so at the savior's commandment and formed a divine teaching we now dare to pray our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but to deliver us lord from every evil graciously grant peace in our days by the help of your mercy keep us always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ for the kingdom and the glory are yours now and forever and lord jesus you said to your apostles i leave you peace my peace i give you look not in our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign for ever and ever amen may the peace of the lord be with each of you always and with your spirit as we wish one another a sign of peace right here in this church we extend that peace to you and we ask you to pray for all of us and to pray for those people you may be praying with today let's offer one another a sign of peace [Music] on tuesday queen holy smack me some peace on you stay [Music] behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of our world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb lord i and my am shall be healed [Music] with us [Music] [Applause] with us [Music] of mercy fill us with your grace [Music] is [Music] please [Music] and let us pray may bountiful blessing o lord we pray come down upon your people renewed by heavenly bread by which faith is nourished hope increased and charity strengthened we pray o lord that we may learn to hunger for christ the true and living bread and strive to live by every word that proceeds from your mouth through christ our lord amen the lord be with you r amen may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen i truly wish you have a happy lent stay on track prayer fasting almsgiving whatever you do to keep your eye fixed on the goals go in peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] with christ into the wilderness turn back your lights to me god whose race [Music] [Applause] [Music] we offer viewers a free subscription to the prayer and worship guide which contains the tv mass prayers the scripture readings as well as special seasonal prayers and reflections on the weekday mass readings for your free copy call toll free one eight five five eight five five m a s s that's one eight five five eight five five seven or write to heart of the nation p.o box 14428 milwaukee wisconsin 53214 to order online visit heart of the nation dot org your privacy is important to us and we will not share your name or contact information with any other organization if you're watching on youtube be sure to subscribe to heart of the nation channel just click below please remember to send in your gift to help support the heart of the nation sunday mass thank you and may god bless you
Channel: HeartoftheNation
Views: 17,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heart of the nation, my sunday mass, sunday tv mass, sunday mass, tv mass, catholic mass, catholic, jesus christ, online mass, catholic mass online, online catholic mass, catholic tv mass, catholic mass video, catholic church mass, television mass, catholic television, sunday catholic mass, sunday mass online, tv mass online
Id: lilBZCRuru0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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