Catching 26 Mice In 1 Night With Rolling Log. My Top 2 Favorite Mouse Trap. Mousetrap Monday.

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today for mousetrap monday we're going to see how many mice we can catch in the barn with one of my all-time favorite mouse traps the rolling log now i posted the original video for this trap over four years ago and since then it grew to my most popular video with over 22 million views but unfortunately youtube recently decided to remove that video based on today's standards and guidelines so i thought i'd do another video where we test it out on the original video i caught 11 mice in one night we'll see if we can beat that record now what got me into trouble on the first video was i put water in the bucket you can't show that i didn't show any my stranding but i did show some floating at the end so this time we're gonna make it a live catch trap you place it on top of a bucket put peanut butter in the middle the mice climb out there try to get the peanut butter it rolls and they drop down it's a very simple trap it's been copied many times there's many different versions but this is the original that started it all so let's try it out again we'll put it on a bucket test it out with our pet mice and then we'll set it up in the barn with motion cameras and see if we can beat our record and get more than 11 mice okay mouse show us how the rolling log works it walks out tries to get the bait it spins and falls down it works with our pet mice after all these years but will it catch the wild mice in the barn let's go set up the motion cameras and see what happens you well we were trying to beat a record of 11 mice in one night and actually we got more than double that last night the mice wanted the bait they walked out on the log it spun and they dropped down i've tested out over 700 mousetraps with motion cameras and this is in my all-time top two along with the flip and slide is so simple and effective there's quite a few different variations on rolling logs some of them don't work as well they spin too freely so when the mouse walks out there they feel it move and they go back but this one right here has the perfect amount of spin they go out in the middle and then drop down if you want to buy it i'll put a link down below along with some of my other favorite variations some of them have donuts in the middle so it's an obstacle they can't climb over but this one worked very well now because we made it a live catch trap without the water i have a bucket full of mice i can't let them go they're non-native invasive mice they've been hanging around a chicken coop eating the feed and they're great to remove so instead i'm going to humanely dispatch it with co2 and we're going to feed them to wild animals so let's go set up the motion cameras and see what wild animals enjoy a mouse feast well it looks like the opossum enjoyed all those mice we caught with the rolling log mousetrap this continues to be one of my all-time favorite mouse traps it's so simple it resets itself it's safe and it works you can catch a lot of mice in one night but like i said be careful there's many variations and some of them don't work as well so if you want the ones i recommend i'll put a link down below thank you so much for watching my videos even when i have to redo them i want to provide a service and give you the best mousetrap recommendations i've posted over 700 videos on youtube and currently i'm posting new videos every monday and friday so if you want to see the best videos on how to catch mice rats squirrels chipmunks moles voles and gophers stay tuned [Music] you
Channel: Shawn Woods
Views: 3,776,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Woods, Mouse Trap, Mousetrap Monday, Pest Control, How to catch a mouse, mousetrap review, mouse trap bucket, mouse trap quicksand, mouse trap commercial, mouse trap bottle, big mouse trap, victor mouse trap, rat trap bucket, antique mouse trap, vintage mouse trap, rare mouse trap
Id: 5Qk8W5uf-Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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