Catching GIANTS Under A Bridge!! (Catch and Cook)

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in oh yeah that's big things River had some floating around in my little plastic boat and I have no realistic expectations of actually catching a big fish but I'm gonna try anyway and if I catch small ones I'm gonna eat them so let's go well I'm kind of at a little bit of a dilemma to let me know I think I'm gonna fish underneath it I don't know why I just have a feeling like the fish are gonna in deep water and stay in deep water they're gonna roam around within that deep water this time here if they roam around at all depth here [Music] it's a lot colder in the dark weird at least there's no holes in the bridge that I see of so I'm not gonna have like dirt laying on me and crab call that a win judging by the absurd amount of sticks shoved in the dirt first person to do it fished here this giant boulder down there holy cow it's kind of crazy some big rocks Skeeter unloaded I reckon had a bunch of different people ask me about rigging and I don't know I've just figured you guys would be bored with it but it's nothing crazy 10 ought J hook 60 pound mono swivel sink or slide and then I put a sinker on there and that's pretty much it for flatheads Channel Cats it's the same thing just instead of a 10 odd it's a four out and instead of 60 I use 30. that's really all there is to it blue cats different story and I'll talk about that next time I go Blue catfishing but you know the biggest things just finding the fish because I mean the rig really doesn't matter if there's no fish there but that's just me need a sinker got me a sinker bait does not sink well without a sinker oh yeah my baiting that try not to get too fancy but a bait net is pretty dang handy oh there's some Dandy baits in there Gonna Keep do tell you June bait that sucker but he'll work 10 ounce is going to be a little big for him oh no got an escape e H calm down 10 out is going to be a little big for him but I'll lip hook him and he'll probably sit nose down on the bottom and hopefully wiggle his tail maybe call fishing I don't know I'm gonna put him clear down here probably just lay it on the bank they're off in their Ox if there's a spot I don't know real Rocky 21 feet out I might build me a rat holder thinking about a free spool bait collectors you don't need incredibly sturdy rod holder for them if it was in gear it'd be a totally different story but it isn't well hopefully that clicker is loud enough we'll see hopefully gets hit across that bridge when we get to it I'll just keep my ears peeled oh garbage good I'm gonna brought a bag for it a little more garbage though all right need cut bait throw that big sucker comes in handy I hate to kill him cut bait this way it's going to be we'll put this guy out too you're gonna put a dead one and a live one together I think I will oh look more garbage go get him a little more of a line drive than intended but maybe I felt it rolled down something Not a Bad Thing unless it is it's only a bad thing if it's snagged not real sturdy and we'll see how she shakes out okay I feel like we got a decent spread and we're fishing be cool to be catching and then cooking one step at a time though take it there he is that might be dinner I was listening to my podcast oh yeah he pulled off like 10 feet of line he pecked at it forever but I appreciate him I can't believe I stuck him on an ADOT what are you are you cat yeah you are that ain't a dinner cat I don't know what is barely got him but barely's enough dinner's secured I don't think you can get a better eaten size Channel cat than that right there so I guess I have to eat them it looks like he's been eating pretty well too I'm gonna wait a little longer fingers crossed I get one more because I'm really good at eating but if not he'll do alrighty time's up get my boots out of the way they're filleted soaking in Frank's Red Hot awesomeness good things are about to happen just watch this ride get whacked it's gonna come back that was on my bait too hold it like 10 feet what is going on here looks Mighty healthy for a fish that I believe got hit weird definitely gonna throw them back out at least tell the catfish are ate plenty of Gunk down there downfall of low water as it gives that vegetation plenty of time to grow foreign need these for sure hang those up thread in a little lighter no fire no fried fish okay got that fire let me skillet okay yeah some Grease it wouldn't hurt my feelings if to catch another catfish probably one too big to eat and it'll interrupt me while I'm frying fish that'd be all right got sand all over my hands but it's just part of the experience Trying to minimize my breading usage so I can conserve it for later hopefully that's enough if not I do have more to fill it going in other half will fill it going in yep that'll work another Moment of Truth oh yeah they're going in got room for number four skewed on over guys that's like insta crisp that's what we want that flash brine okay time to get a plate ready plate even brought paper towels I know pretty fancy and called Fancy many times by nobody ever oh yeah mildly bird that's all right they're not going to go to waste that's what dinner looks like it's pretty good to me yeah they say this this is gonna be straight lava but I'm really hungry all right mine's really good all right it's officially time for one of them big ugly ones to pop up the only downfall to the overnight catch and cook is that I feel like it really brings in their raccoons but at least I'll like have somebody snuggle up with you know all right hopefully next time I talk to you reeling in a 50 pounder in oh yeah that's big things oh did not expect that when I set the hook stay on it's acting like a channel cat kind of but can't hardly keep up with it no don't tell me it came off no way did he run that fast holy crap this is a big fish too it's like howdy oh nice fly oh that was really weird and he hit it really weird oh what a pleasant surprise holy cow he's a Danny and he just hit it and ran at me a hundred miles an hour like a channel cat weird oh honestly had zero hope that I'd catch you as soon as I came tight I thought that's what you were not ideal to land him come here about pulled me in the water give me your lips I don't wiggle too much because I got that hook on my hand had almost zero hope of catching you and then I caught you and you were freaking slob foreign bait I caught that channel on same exact bait you guys are weird just when you think you got them figured out this is a stud I mean I don't know I've been dreaming about this fish for like months and to see him in person I'm giggity my biceps are birding a little bit holding them up here like this but I will gladly take it so well as soon as I came tight and felt them head shakes he fooled me I'm like that's definitely a big old Flathead and then uh you're in at me 100 mile an hour bud I don't know what the specs are on you and I'm okay with that just as long as you swim away nice and strong yes just like that oh sweet so be asking too much to get another one probably pretty tickled over that one though well the beef man was slapping his tail over there amazes me how they can cue into you even when you're sitting here in total darkness not saying anything it's gonna be a low of 42. and 42 is cold when the sun's out it's really cold when the Sun goes down but I would not be surprised if there's no more action for the evening but I have my extra warm sleeping bag so hopefully that'll keep me warm also hopefully I'll see you when I get a bite if I get a bite yep I think I got it oh here's some weight oh stay on stay on oh dude come on felt the head shake and then sit running at me again I came off and I'm standing here in my sleeping bag that freaking sucks oh there he is it might actually be a flathead too [Music] oh what is going on what is this saying big fly head I mean I thought I knew it could be but it's flying [Music] not a bad one not a giant though oh he is skinny big hit come here yeah he ain't a dick by any means yeah oh come on buddy easy ugh I don't even hardly know what planet I'm on I woke up to my clicker just rolling with this guy on the end and I thought he came off and then he didn't and then he fought hard and then then well he didn't fight hard then he did and then we hit this point but he's gonna go back I'm gonna go back to sleep oh he's a lot better than I thought it was just chilling Calm before the storm [Music] how much of a storm I wonder what time it is [Music] morning that was fun be a lot cooler man some bacon eggs things are pretty cool anyway literally so cool I might even call it cold that's free although it's pretty cold yeah I look tired it's because I am my breath smells really bad in case you're wondering uh I'm gonna get things packed up and slam a monster oh don't fall I actually did remember to bring a monster but I didn't remember to bring toothpaste can't win them all but anyway I hope you enjoyed the video for real and if you did hit the like button if you want to see more like hit the Subscribe button please check out my podcast it's on Spotify Google podcasts all kinds of places called the river certified podcast but regardless I really appreciate you watching hope you catch a giant [Music]
Channel: Spencer - River Certified
Views: 1,554,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lake fishing, bank fishing, camping, best, spot, location, river, lake, stream, iowa, midwest, pig patrol, kayak catfish, catfish dave, flathead, catfish, blue, channel, hook, rod, reel, whiskerseeker, tackle, giant, huge, enormous, monster, survival, primitive, bait, kayak camping, creek, shallow, deiter melhorn, exploration, exploring, ty pigpatrol, missouri, camp out, mud cats, remote, hidden, fishing trip, adventure, bridge, interstate, catch and cook, Catching GIANTS Under A Bridge!! (Catch and Cook)
Id: uruIG5sTy7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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